Death of Democracy – and a New Year rocket

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by morton_h, the blogger

Democracy, as we believe we know it, has failed. We still talk about it as if it exists. It no longer exists. There is something else. This something resembles that which existed without being that, which was.

There has been a devaluation of democratic thought and democratic institutions, so this thought no longer have the people in mind, and these institutions no longer protect the people.

There has emerged a new speak variation of the concept democracy through a slowly transformation, a global coup d’etat in slow motion, so that the concept no longer means ‘the people governs’, but ‘the governing of people’.

There is a collective mental illness in which people in a state of apathy approves incompetent, ignorant, narrow-minded and in some way corrupt leaders make decisions that are in destructive conflict with people’s fundamental interests.

There has been built up a state of neo-feudalism post-democracy, corpotokrati, oligarchy, plutocracy, bureaucracy, technocracy. This ‘cracy’ presents itself as being demo-cracy, while essential decisions are made at a level that evades democratic control.

Democracy has come to be to a sinister game, a tragedy, a farce, a travesty. It calls itself ‘representative’, but does not say who and what it represents. Either it does not know who and what it represents, or has given up trying to represent anything other than the representatives themselves.

To the extent that democracy still exists, it is in the sense of ‘tyranny of the majority’. But the tyrant, who previously was a visible figure or a visible regime, has now embedded itself in the individual and the group, which then tyrannizes itselves and each other through through various measures of guilt, fear, shame called political correctness.

Picture taken with the camera in Christiansborg basement a few seconds before the camera was zapped.

In the historical dungeons of Danish parliament, Christiansborg, this fellow was filmet by CCTV seconds before the camera was zapped. [picture: morton_h]

[scroll ned for at læse blogposten på dansk]


While this decline has taken place something else is starting to occur. We can not call it democracy as the word is devalued and polluted. This somethingis in the process of realizing what the democratic idea apparently was about, but forgot about over time.

Apparently, the democratic thought / idea was not initially so well forged as it has been claimed. The idea originated in the ancient city-state at the same time as the oligarchy, the control by the capable of the incapable – or simply: dictatorship. Democracy and oligarchy is from the beginning one yard out of the same piece, and together form a bi-polar synthesis. It was very early demo-garchy and oli-cracy. After a vaste time with Empire / Monarchy and feudalism the idea of democracy resurrected, but this could no longer escape a half millennium of cultural habit formation. People had too long been the shepherd’s sheep. Self governance had been forgotten and a sovereign person could only be a nobleman – the term ‘noble’ not referring to human moral quality but to wealth, power and ability to deprive others of the same.

Representative democracy only works fairly decently, if people keep a close eye on what the representatives do with their powers – and then do not hesitate to hold them accountable. This does not happen. There is hesitation, people politily and well educated wait until the next release of powers, and the damage is done. Then a new team of representatives promises to repair the damage done by treating the symptoms, after which a number of side effects = new and worse damage occurs.

The process has over a couple of hundred years created a complex, opaque and dysfunctional society. Democracy is one long chain of regrets, one repetitive swinging back-and-forth between the one and the other state of imbalance. Citizens – also called ‘voters’ – have slowly but surely sunk into a state of apathy, a frustrated giving up. Without understanding what has happened, they have allowed all basic and traditional well-proven values to transform into nihilism = worthlessness.

There are two ways to commit atrocities on the mind: rape and seduction. Oligarchy today is resident in all democratic institutions and brought into being by a mixture of these two assaults. Democarchy / olicracy can not exist without mentally raped or seduced citizens who are caught in a fight for survival or a state of material enjoyment, where they are fairly equipped, fairly entertained and fairly distracted. Only fairly so-and-so, never really fulfilled. Either pain or Valium.

Demogachy is a state of controlled imbalance like when the pharmaceutical industry and its partners mass produce physical and mental imbalance to keep their machine going. Like when banking mass produce economic imbalances, which are all tied up in an eternal debt – to keep their machine going. They call it many things, Psychology of Scarcity, Strategy of Tension, ..

Demogarchy is parasitic on its own citizens and just like with a sick human body it takes the cells to supply the fuel, so the parasite can survive. As cells we have adapted to the imbalance and now crying out loud, if the imbalance is imbalanced. We are the cells that maintain the parasite / the fungal infection / the inflammation.

Cultural healing and attention
Al healing starts with that one begins to listen to your body / human society signals and give it attention. This alert may in some cases be sufficient to initiate a cure.

Within a particular school of healing happens outbreak of disease synonymous with the launch of healing. According to German New Medicine (Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer) a cancer is the stage of the disease where the body’s own cure long since have started. In other words, conventional medicine actually begin to fight cure. This explains the very low degree of cure of cancer, in spite of the staggering amounts applied on scientific research. It should be mentioned that the equally staggering amount earned on the extent of cancer among the people especially in the West seem to a main reason, why this research has never been scant interested in investigating the possibility, that its very basic paragraph could be wrong. It is a disease industry, and the scientific paradigm supports this industry.

Democracy bears a strong similarity to these kinds of industries.

We could talk far more about the healing of human culture. We should not be slow to admit that, having written extensively on the sicknesses of the same overall culture. For it is a sick culture, we try to diagnose. To use a term from medical diagnostics, then there a high degree of co-morbiditycan be observed, meaning not just one disease condition, but many at once, shaping an interwoven and interconnected jumble of diseases. Diseases in the sense of states of imbalance, forced, unnecessary and unnatural conditions. What about the following diagnosis: Cultural multi-auto-immune-deficiency syndrome. Such a ‘diagnosis’ – please understand the analogy – includes the breeding ground for imbalance / disease, which is our own weakened and often total lack of defense against socio-cultural and mental-ideological attacks.

[picture: morton_h]

Let us dwell a little longer in analogies food and health.

  • Humanity, it seems, needs to undergo a cultural cleansing program, a cultural diet and strengthening the cultural immune system.

    It has to be done on both collective and personal level.
    We must clean out the unhealthy ways to think, react and act.

  • We have the choice, it seems, whether we want to invest energy in really thinking of the implications this has for our lives and actions – OR simply reacting like children and hunted animals (with all due respect to children and animals).

    Reactionary behaviour (non-thinking) has profound implications in the wrong direction for future opportunities to live a dignified human life.

    We must teach ourselves to be critical and selective in relation to the information and influences that we absorb into the mental digestive system.

  • We have the choice, it seems, to eat the crap being served – OR come up with a better menu based on quality material and honest information.

    We must build a defense against the mental-polluting agendas and manipulative mind-control systems currently crashing over us.

    We have the choice, it seems, to be a ball helplessly kicked around by booted feet on nameless bodies without face – OR even to take the shoes on and start kicking. It is better to be left back than being a stupid leather ball with mud.
  • We have the choice, it seems, to hear series of odd sentence constructions coming out of our mouths that we never have formulated ourselves, whose origins we have no clue on, and whose main message can be abbreviated to ‘I think it’s okay to destroy my own life and the lives of others” (..did I say that? – yes, that you actually have!) – OR take responsibility for their own opinions by doing some homework before we give our opinion.

It all starts with the attention. Only when we become aware that something is completely wrong, we can move on. I would argue that this is about to happen. I have often argued that Scandinavia is the last place, a change is going to happen as it is targetted to be a laboratory for a new variation of soft totalitarianism based on political correctness, a Culture Marxist incubator. Sweden is currently the most advanced in this bizarre process.

Scandinavians, particularly Danes see themselves as liberal, we have the welfare state, we have social security, we have social-democratism. We also have our own form of misery and new-poverty. It just looks nicer on paper and in the picture, when in turn, is the quite boring and unattractive. We meet it at the social offices, in the suburbs, on the benches in the parks, in front of supermarkets, at train stations. It hides in the fringe Denmark in dilapidated country houses. It is riddled with abuse of children, women and men – and various kinds of dope. One could argue that it is a byproduct of the welfare state, and its interference in everything as a nanny. Impoverishment is not clear as elsewhere in the world, for it is painted over with lots of good will. But it is there, and it goes hand-in-hand with a special Danish form of mental-spiritual impoverishment. It is no coincidence that it is a Dane who has invented flap hat.

The Dane that invented the flap hat. [image: morton_h]

The contrasts are smoothed in this liver paste, grey, flat country. It’s not from here, we should expect the light in the global darkness, for welfare people are really good at exercising self-censorship. It is the couch voter country. If you thought safe on the concept couch voting, you might think twice. What if this type of voting creates citizens, who believe that democracy consists in putting his greasy cross on a piece of paper every four years and then sink into the couch, turn on the television – the main source of disinformation – and stare at how the politician class in the country manages the greasy cross on the paper? Here the couch voter may also see and hear why the politicians class believe, that tax dollars should be used to engage in aggressive acts of war in areas of the world where there is no welfare systems, flap hats and other high cultural products.

Lack of education
Which brings us to another democratic problem: stupidity. Or rather lack of education. Democracy is supposed to mean equal influence to every person. But how can the influence be equal when most people don’t have the faintest idea of why they are voting, who they are voting for, what they can expect of those that are elected in terms of representing them? When people cannot grasp neither the complexity or even worse: the scary simplicity hiding behind artificial complexity – and even worse stil: when their representatives can’t explain the simplicity for them because they themselves are caught up in the spiderweb of not-understood complexity, how can we even begin to talk about equality in influenze? 



When you realize this, it makes you really suspicious of schooling systems and institution AND the product of those. No school that sucks can produce growing up people that will fulfill a democracy. It is probably among the main reasons, why democracy has been killed. Someone did it, but we let it happen! It didn’t just happen by nature or by itself.

Democracy has become a voyeur-democracy. We should not overall demonize politicians as people, for some of them are annoyed indeed, that the people are so apathetic and indifferent. What they do not see is that they take part in a theatre play, where they stand on stage and people sitting in the hall – or fail to appear at the show. They play the role night after night, they feed into it, they even feel for it. But there is a screenwriter who has devised the lines, and there is an instructor who has taught them to recite them. They may think of the show in the now as theirs, but it is never they who own it.

The show is called representative democracy, but the players no longer know who they represent. It is no longer their constituents. If they have time and want to know who they are genuinely represent, they should walk over to the other side of the street, where there is a bank and a local headquarters for a multinational cartel.

This ‘something else’ is under the radar, elsewhere in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It happens across countries and outside the institutions. It is done in groups, movements, networks, and in individuals. Producing transnational networks right now outside Europe and the US. It may remind us of something we already know, but the difference is that they play against the West and its democracies. They know that we in the West have long since developed post-democratic methods, where politician can avoid having to ask the people whether, for example is a good idea:

  • decomposing bomb x-number of countries outside the West, because management has listened to a great power that calls them ‘naughty’
  • that international cartels now can sue a country to make them stand in the way if its governemt should make demands on the environment, payment of taxes, submission of accounts and compliance with national rules
  • to pay out billions taxpayers money to banks that have played illegal derivative casino games with their customer money
  • to change the Information Act so that citizens no longer have access to the basis of politicians’ decisions
  • to the prior state-owned energy company sold in bits to one of the world’s largest financial criminal cartels
  • that it is appropriate for the EU to take control of the country’s regulatory system and dictate tons of new absurd regulations at will
  • screwing further up the taxation and now implementing austerity measures so that the multinational cartels can continually evade paying taxes in the country

Should anyone find it reasonalble to protest over one or more of the above grotesque entirety, they will either get the message that they have two possibilities: put their greasy cross on the paper, next time it is handed out, or go into politics and be corrupted themselves, since they dare complain – it’s called democracy. Or you will meet a wronged flapping of eye lids and a bimbo-face, ‘Oh, you must of course understand that it is for your own sake !?’ It could also be the following variant, which was heard during the sale of Danish DONG Energy (former national Danish company) to the financial mafia cartel Goldman Sachs:‘There is no need to answer the question on such difficult, since people have no insight in those matters anyway’ (excuse me, that’s why you are being asked!).

Goldman sucks too! [billede: Avoe]

  • In Western pseudo-democracies the people are being ‘parked’ while management makes decisions about … not to make decisions but to sign a confidential memo.
  • In the West relate the Media is no longer making an honest living by revealing the bad game in the corridors of power and pursuing an action with tirelessly homework. They are advertising agencies and entertainment factories.
  • In the West most citizens think of the media the infallible institutions. If something has been on television, it is real. Otherwise, it is actually non-existing. In The Soviet everyone knew that Pravda and other state propaganda media was lying to their teeth. Their downtrodden citizens in other words were more enlightened about reality than the West’s citizens today. But we have democracy and so called free press!
  • In the West, almost all written and electronic media are purchased by a very small group of men who anytime can drop a consistent flood of dis-information against certain initiatives outside the West deemed contesting. Should any of these media still call themselves state controlled, it will not make much difference, since the State also is bought, and the very few but very large news agencies supplying all media with newsworthy are all owned by the small group of men.
  • In the West, we suggest that there is freedom of research, but if a researcher were to find to make research results that was not on the order-and-pay list, they may have to look for a job as … taxi driver.
  • In the West talks all the time about ‘free trade’ and ‘free movement’ for those who commit this ‘free’ trade. In effect, this newspeak means freedom for the cartels to set the one set of rules for others and another for themselves. Standard is good, but …
  • In the West we like to sign international conventions to which we then do not have to abide by. Some countries in the West no longer believe, that they have to abide by their own constitutions.
  • In the West a lot is spoken about terror, terrorism and terrorists. Outside the West people in some decades have been wondering, how Western citizens can be so stupid that they have not discovered that a couple of Western governments together a few corrupt regimes in the Middle East finances, organizes, trains and hires terrorists with one hand – then for a while benefiting from the consequences of terror acts – while with the other hand gesturing in assumed wild panic about these horrible types and whines that it must indeed do something, and launch of another ‘humanitarian intervention’. It is also called ‘security policy’.
  • In the West we see, however, prefer to democracies outside the West do not take it with democracy too solemnly. Should these democracies – we will mention Iran in 1953 – find it is their right to make decisions on a fully democratic manner, the West can well consider that it is time to overthrow democracy and insert a despot with operating handle in the back. This is called ‘protecting our interests’.
  • In the West we very much talk about democracy, but as we know, is a difficult thing to ask of the people, technocrats have found ways to circumvent it in order to alleviate the pain of the poor people – and for themselves. It is a pass-by-democracy. On the other hand we are so confident of democracy’s superiority, that we are willing to mass murder people elsewhere in the world for them to introduce it this wonderful concept.
  • In the West you like to watch television. In particular, wars, accidents, scandals, disasters and more wars are much in demand in prime time. In return, television media and its viewers quite quickly lose interest in a country where this ‘democratization’ did not quite go after the alleged intention. There is not much entertainment in the report from the bombed desert area of civil war, shattered economy and infrastructure, unnecessary poverty and a population suffering from the after effects of strategic nuclear weapons and chemical weapons of mass destruction used by US Army and NATO.

All this and much more is read and understood outside the West – they have already had it in smack their face and without soft wrapping! – and, may we add, increasingly among a growing number of people in the West. Something is being matured. The child, the democratized individual, is beginning to understand that mom and dad are not telling the truth about what they’re up to when the kids are in bed (‘Daddy, who was the strange man, you had to visit the other day?’). There is globally growing pains. The democracies have evolved to Aunt States, now interfering in everything, controlling everything, destroying all initiatives and redefining all human values to fit a narrow purpose.

En kommende borger i et demokratisk samfund

To stay for a while in the child-parent-adult analogy, now happens a global rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. In the collective and the individual sphere. There is fractal, scalable, which is in small as in large. The spell is lifting. Sleep medicine is running out – even if it overturns up with new products. There may be an emergence of a growing immunity.

I know. Pessimists and apocalyptics will immediately enumerate them from the large Catalogue de Misère. The list is really, really long, and list items are really, really worrying. And they are for a large part not plucked out of thin air. They will take the binoculars to the eye and say that EVERYTHING goes to Hell and NOTHING suggest otherwise. For miseries are so well known and well-communicated even in mainstream media, that they simply drowns out the ‘other’, the ‘something’ that often fly under the radar. And if with the binoculars for the other eye something can be interpreted in non-destructive direction, so they change gears and start a ‘third narrative’ that everything is planned as a huge dialectical chess game.

In addition, one could just lift their own hat and introduce a ‘fourth narrative’ by asking quite cosmological: What if the third narrative (about the great together drove conspiracy) turns out to be anticipated, so it just is a global event that must form the basis for the global transition from child to adult? Certainly, the global mother and father are worried that their children would grow up as they moved out of the home, and then they got lonely in their old age. Certainly, the global mother and father have a whole arsenal of sanctions and bait in stock, and more will be made every day that passes – both in the categories ‘house arrest’ and ‘free candy Saturday night’.

But I’m just asking: What if this is already contained in the cards that children leave home, so it can hang out with their friends of the bad company from the other side of the street (who also have moved out of home) without asking permission. It’s seen before. Certainly trying the global mother and father will try EVERYTHING they can to keep their breed in an artificial infantilization and immaturity. It also seems likely that it will succeed long way, we only need to study the behavior of so-called adults. Coca-Cola culture is extensive on this globe, for loading yourself with shit is extremely addictive.

So I ask – and it will not be the last time: Is not to discern that the World has had enough of empty calories, empty talk and empty values? And it’s not as if it is moving around down there, over there, out there, in there? Keep an eye on when it moves. Maybe you want to move with it.

[billede, text: morton_h]

Fly him to the moon
Let him stay among the stars
Let him breathe the athmosphere
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, and all that jazz
In other words, blow his ass

Fill his heart with gold
and let him choke forever more
That is all he longs for
All he worships and adores

In other words, this will stop
In other words, blow him up.

Happy trails, mr. Rocket-Feller

Demokratiets død – nu med nytårsraket

Demokratiet, som vi mener at kende det, har fejlet. Vi taler om det, som om det findes. Det findes ikke længere. Der findes noget andet. Dette andet ligner det, der fandtes uden at være det.

Der er sket en devaluering af den demokratiske tanke og de demokratiske institutioner, så denne tanke ikke længere tænker for folkene, og disse institutioner ikke længere beskytter folkene.

Der er opstået en ny-sproglig-gørelse af begrebet demokrati, et langsomt skred, et globalt kup i slow-motion, så begrebet ikke længere betyder ‘folkene styrer’, men ‘styring af folkene’.

Der har indfundet sig en kollektiv mental sygdom, hvor folkene i en tilstand af apati godkender, at inkompetente, uvidende, snævertsynede og korrupte ledere træffer beslutninger, der er i destruktiv modstrid med folkenes grundlæggende interesser.

Der har opbygget sig en tilstand af neo-feudalt post-demokrati, korpokrati, oligarki, plutokrati, bureaukrati, teknokrati. Dette ‘krati’ fremstiller sig selv som værende demo-krati, alt imens essentielle beslutninger træffes på et niveau, der er udenfor demokratisk indflydelse.

Demokratiet er blevet til et teaterstykke, en tragedie, en farce, en parodi. Det kalder sig ‘repræsentativt’, men siger ikke, hvem og hvad det repræsenterer. Enten ved det ikke, hvem og hvad det repræsenterer, eller også har det opgivet at repræsentere andet end repræsentanterne selv.

I det omfang, at demokratiet stadig findes, er det i betydningen ‘flertalstyranni’. Men ‘tyrannen’, der før har været en synlig skikkelse eller et synligt regime, har nu indlejret sig i individet og gruppen, som herefter tyrannerer sig selv og hinanden via politisk korrekthed.

Billede taget med overvågningskamera i Christiansborgs kælder et par sekunder før, kameraet blev zappet.
[billede: morton_h]

Mens dette forfald har fundet sted, er noget andet i gang med at opstå. Vi kan ikke kalde det demokrati, da ordet er devalueret og forurenet. Dette noget er i færd med at realisere det, som den demokratiske tanke tilsyneladendehandlede om.

Tilsyneladende, for den demokratiske tanke/ide var ikke fra starten så helstøbt, som den selv hævdede. Ideen opstod i bystaten på samme tid som oligarkiet, de bedst-egnedes styre over de u-egnede – eller slet og ret: diktatur. Demokrati og oligarki er fra begyndelsen én alen ud af samme stykke, og danner tilsammen en bi-polær syntese. Det var allerede fra starten demo-garki / oli-krati. Efter en rum tid med Imperium / monarki og feudalisme genopstod tanken om demokratiet, men denne kunne ikke længere undslippe halvandet årtusinds kulturel vanedannelse. Mennesker havde alt for længe været hyrdernes får.

Det repræsentative demokrati fungerer kun nogenlunde hæderligt, hvis folk holder nøje øje med de repræsentanter, de afgiver deres beføjelser til – og herefter ikke tøver med at stille dem til ansvar. Det sker ikke. Der tøves, der ventes til næste afgivelse af beføjelser, og skaderne er sket. Herefter forsøger et nyt hold repræsentanter at reparere på skaderne ved at symptombehandle, hvorefter en række bivirkninger = nye og værre skader opstår.

Processen har i et par hundrede år skabt et komplekst, uigennemskueligt og dysfunktionelt samfund. Demokratiet er én lang kæde af fortrydelser, en repetetiv svingen frem-og-tilbage mellem den ene og den anden tilstand af ubalance. Borgerne – også kaldet ‘vælgerne’ – er langsomt men sikkert sunket ned i en tilstand af apati, en frustreret opgiven-ævret. Uden at forstå, hvad der er sket, har de tilladt, at alle værdier har transformeret sig til nihilisme = værdiløshed.

Der er to måder at begå overgreb på: voldtægt og forførelse. At oligarkiet i dag har fast bopæl i alle demokratiske institutioner er bragt i stand ved en blanding af disse to overgreb. Demogarkiet/olikratiet kan ikke eksistere uden mentalt voldtagne eller forførte borgere, der enten er fanget i en kamp for overlevelse eller en tilstand af materiel nydelse, hvor de er tilpas forsynet, tilpas underholdt og tilpas distraheret. Kun tilpas, aldrig fuldbyrdet. Enten smerte eller valium.

Demogarkiet er en tilstand af kontrolleret ubalance, som når medicinalindustrien og dens samarbejdspartnere massefabrikerer fysisk og mental ubalance for at holde sig selv i gang. Som når bankvæsenet massefabrikerer økonomisk ubalance, hvor alle er bundet op i en evig gæld – for at væsenet kan holde sig selv i gang.

Demogarkiet parasitterer på sine egne borgere, og som i en syg menneskekrop kræver dens celler tilførsel af brændsel, så parasitten kan overleve. Vi har tilpasset os ubalancen og skriger højt, hvis ubalancen kommer i ubalance. Vi er blevet til de celler, der vedligeholder parasitten / svampeinfektionen / betændelsestilstanden.

Kulturel helbredelse og opmærksomhed
Al healing starter med, at man begynder at lytte til kroppens / det menneskelige samfunds signaler og giver den opmærksomhed. Denne opmærksomhed kan i visse tilfælde være tilstrækkelig til at starte en helbredelse.

Indenfor en bestemt skole af healing sker udbruddet af sygdom synonymt med igangsættelse af helbredelse. Ifølge Ny Tysk Medicin (dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer) er en kræftsvulst det stadium af sygdommen, hvor helbredelse for længst er startet. Det vil med andre ord sige, at den konventionelle medicin faktisk går i gang med at bekæmpe helbredelse. Det forklarer i så fald en del af den meget lave grad af helbredelse for kræft på trods af de svimlende beløb, der er tilført forskning. Det bør lige nævnes, at de lige så svimlende beløb, der tjenes på omfanget af kræft blandt befolkningerne især i Vesten, forklarer, hvorfor denne forskning aldrig har været synderlig interesseret i at undersøge den mulighed, at selve dens grundpræmis kunne være forkert. Det er en sygdomsindustri.

Vi kunne tale langt mere om helbredelse af menneskelig kultur. Det bør jeg ikke være sen til at indrømme. Det er en syg kultur, vi forsøger at diagnostisere. For at bruge et udtryk fra medicinsk diagnostik, så er der tale om en høj grad af co-morbiditet, altså ikke bare én sygdomstilstand, men mange på én gang, et sammenvævet og indbyrdes forbundet virvar af sygdomme. Med sygdomme menes her tilstande af ubalance, forcerede, unødvendige og unaturlige tilstande. Hvad med følgende diagnose: Kulturel multi-auto-immun-defekt-syndrom. En sådan ‘diagnose’ – forstå venligst analogien – inkluderer selve grobunden for ubalance/sygdom, som er vores eget svækkede og ofte totalt manglende forsvar mod angreb.

[billede: morton_h]
Lad os opholde os lidt længere i analogierne føde og sundhed.

Menneskeheden er nødt til at gennemgå en kulturel udrensningskur, en kulturel kostomlægning og en styrkelse af det kulturelle immunforsvar.
Det er nødt til at foregå på både det kollektive og det personlige plan.

  1. Vi må rense ud i usunde måder at tænke, reagere og handle på.

    Vi har valget, om vi ønsker at investere energi på egentlig tænkning med de konsekvenser, dette har for vores liv og handlinger – ELLER blot at reagere som små børn og jagede dyr (med al respekt for børn og dyr).
    Reaktionsbestemte handlinger har dybe konsekvenser i negativ retning for eftertidens muligheder for at leve et værdigt menneskeliv.

  2. Vi må lære os selv at være kritiske og selektive i forhold til de informationer og påvirkninger, som vi optager i det mentale fordøjelsessystem.

    Vi har valget mellem at æde det lort, der bliver serveret – ELLER komme op med en bedre menu baseret på ordentlige råvarer og hæderlige informationer.

  3. Vi må opbygge et forsvar mod de mental-forurenende agendaer og manipulerende sinds-kontrolsystemer, der for tiden vælter ind over os.

    Vi har valget mellem at være en bold, der viljesløst sparkes rundt af bestøvlede fødder på navnløse kroppe uden ansigt – ELLER selv at tage skoene på og begynde at sparke. Det er bedre at være venstre back end at være en dum læderkugle med mudder på.

    Vi har valget mellem at høre underlige sætningsdannelser komme ud af vore munde, som vi aldrig selv har formuleret, hvis oprindelse, vi ingen anelse har om, og hvis budskab kan forkortes til: ‘Jeg synes, det er i orden at ødelægge mit eget og andres liv’ (har jeg sagt det? – ja, det har du rent faktisk!) – ELLER tage ansvaret for egne udtalelser ved at gøre et stykke hjemmearbejde, før vi udtaler os.

Det hele starter altså med opmærksomhed. Først i det øjeblik, vi bliver klar over, at der er noget, der er rivende galt, kan vi komme videre. Jeg vil påstå, at dette er ved at ske. Jeg har ofte argumenteret for, at Skandinavien bliver det sidste sted, en forandring kommer til at ske, da det er udset til at være et laboratorium for en ny klam form for blød totalitarisme baseret på politisk korrekthed, en kulturmarxistisk rugekasse. Sverige er for tiden længst i denne bizarre proces.

Skandinaverne, især danskerne, ser sig selv som frisindede, vi har velfærdstat, vi har social sikkerhed, vi har social-demokratisme. Vi har også vores egen form for forarmelse og ny-fattigdom. Den ser bare pænere ud på papiret og på billedet, til gengæld er den røvkedelig og ucharmerende. Vi møder den på socialkontorerne, i forstæderne, på bænkene i parkerne, foran supermarkederne, på togstationerne. Den gemmer sig i udkants-Danmark i faldefærdige landejendomme. Den er befængt med misbrug af børn, mænd og kvinder – og stoffer. Man kunne hævde, at den er et biprodukt af velfærdsstaten, hvor staten har blandet sig i alt som en barnepige. Forarmelsen er ikke tydelig som andre steder i verden, for den er sminket med masser af god vilje. Men den er der, og den går hånd-i-hånd med en særlig dansk form for mental-åndelig forarmelse. Det er ikke tilfældigt, at det er en dansker, der har opfundet klaphatten.

En glad dansker – ikke selvportræt! [billede: morton_h]

Kontrasterne er udjævnet i dette leverpostej-grå land. Det er ikke herfra, vi skal forvente lyset i det globale mørke, for velfærdsmenneskene er rigtig gode til at udøve selvcensur. Det er sofavælgernes land. Hvis du troede dig sikker på begrebet, tog du måske fejl. Hvad nu hvis en sofavælger i virkeligheden er en borger, der tror, at demokrati består i at sætte sit fedtede kryds på en lap papir hvert fjerde år og derefter synke ned i sofaen, tænde for fjernsynet – hovedkilden til disinformation – og beglo, hvordan politiker-klassen i landet forvalter det fedtede kryds på papirlappen? Her kan sofavælgeren også se og høre, hvorfor politiker-klassen mener, at skattekroner skal bruges til at deltage i aggressive krigshandlinger i områder af verden, hvor der ikke findes velfærdssystemer, klaphatte og andre højkulturelle produkter.

Men måske sofavælgeren har ret. Er det er ikke netop sådan, at demokratiet har udviklet sig? Det er blevet til et voyeur-demokrati. Vi er med på en kigger. Vi behøver egentlig ikke dæmonisere politikere som mennesker over en kam, for en del af dem ærgrer sig faktisk over, at befolkningen er så apatisk og udeltagende. Hvad de ikke ser er, at de deltager i et skuespil, hvor de står på scenen, og folk sidder i salen – eller udebliver fra forestillingen. De spiller rollen aften efter aften, de lever sig ind i den, de føler måske endda for den. Men der er en manuskriptforfatter, der har udtænkt replikkerne, og der er en instruktør, der har lært dem at fremsige dem. De kan i nuet tænke på forestillingen som deres, men det er ikke dem, der ejer den.

Forestillingen hedder det repræsentative demokrati, men aktørerne ved ikke længere, hvem de repræsenterer. Det er ikke længere deres vælgere. Hvis de skulle få tid og lyst til at vide, hvem de er reeltrepræsenterer, bør de gå over på den anden side af gaden, hvor der ligger en bank og et lokalt hovedkontor for et multinationalt kartel.

Dette ‘noget andet’ sker under radaren, andre steder i Europa og andre steder i verden. Det sker på tværs af landene og udenfor institutionerne. Det sker i grupper, bevægelser, netværk og hos individer. Der dannes store transnationale netværk lige nu udenfor Europa og USA. De minder om noget, vi kender i forvejen, men forskellen er, at de spiller op imod Vestens forfaldne demokratier. De ved, at man i Vesten for længst har udviklet post-demokratiske metoder, hvor man kan undlade at spørge befolkningerne om, hvorvidt det for eksempler er en god ide:

  • at sønderbombe x-antal lande udenfor Vesten, fordi ledelsen har lyttet til en stormagt, der kalder dem for ‘uartige’
  • at internationale karteller nu kan sagsøge et land for at stille dem hindringer i vejen, hvis dens ledelse stiller krav om miljø, betaling af skat, aflevering af regnskaber og overholdelse af landets regler
  • at betale et større milliardbeløb til banker, der har spillet ulovlig derivat-kasino med kundernes penge
  • at offentlighedsloven laves om, så borgerne ikke længere har indsigt i grundlaget for politikernes beslutninger
  • at det før statsejede energiselskab bliver solgt i stumper til et af verdens største finansielle forbryderkarteller
  • at det er i orden, at EU overtager styringen af landets love og kan diktere nye efter forgodtbefindende
  • at der skrues yderligere op for brandbeskatningen og nu foreslås hestekure, så de multinationale fortfarende kan unddrage sig at betale skat i landet
Hvis nogen skulle finde på at protestere over en eller flere af ovenstående groteskheder, så få de enten besked om at de bare kan sætte deres fedtede kryds på papirlappen, hvis de er utilfredse – det kaldes demokrati – eller også bliver det møde en forurettet plirren med øjnene og et bimbo-fjæs: ‘Jamen, du må jo forstå, at det er for din egen skyld!?’ Det kunne også være følgende variant, der blev hørt under salget af DONG Energy til Goldman Sachs: ‘Der er ingen grund til at svare på det spørgsmål, for den slags svære ting har folk ingen indsigt i alligevel’

Goldman sucks! [billede: Avoe]
  • I Vestens pseudo-demokratier bliver befolkningerne parkeret, mens ledelsen træffer beslutninger om … ikke at træffe beslutninger, men at skrive under på et fortroligt notat.
  • I Vesten forholder medierne sig ikke længere som den instans, der afslører det slette spil i magtens korridorer og forfølger en sag med utrætteligt hjemmearbejde. De er reklamebureauer og underholdningsfabrikker.
  • I Vesten tror de fleste borgere på mediernes ufejlbarligheder og fuldtræffeligheder. Hvis noget har været i fjernsynet, så findes det. Ellers findes det rent faktisk ikke. I Sovjet vidste alle, at Pravda og de andre stats-propagandamedier var løgn fra ende til anden. Deres underkuede borgere var med andre ord mere oplyste om virkeligheden end Vestens borgere i dag. Vi har jo demokrati og fri presse!
  • I Vesten er samtlige skrevne og elektroniske medier blevet opkøbt af en ganske lille gruppe mænd, der til enhver tid kan slippe en samstemmende flodbølge af dis-information løs imod tiltag udenfor Vesten, der skønnes anfægtende. Skulle nogle af disse medier stadig finde på at kalde sig statskontrollerede, vil det ikke gøre den store forskel, da staten også er opkøbt, og de ganske få nyhedsbureauer, der forsyner samtlige medier med nyhedsstof alle er ejet af den ganske lille gruppe af mænd.
  • I Vesten påstår vi, at der er fri forskning, men hvis en forsker skulle finde på at fremkomme med forskningsresultater, der ikke stod på bestillingslisten, kan vedkommende godt regne med at se sig om efter et job som … taxachauffør.
  • I Vesten tales der hele tiden om ‘fri handel’ og ‘fri bevægelighed’ for dem, der bedriver denne ‘frie’ handel. I realiteten betyder dette stykke nysprog frihed til karteldannelse.
  • I Vesten kan man godt lide at skrive under på internationale konventioner, som man herefter ikke behøver at rette sig efter. Visse lande i Vesten mener heller ikke længere, at de behøver at rette sig efter deres egen forfatning.
  • I Vesten tales der vældig meget om terror, terrorisme og terrorister. Udenfor Vesten har man i et par årtier undret sig over, at Vestens borgere er så dumme, at de ikke har opdaget, at et par af Vestens regeringer sammen et par korrupte regimer i Mellemøsten finansierer, organiserer, træner og hyrer terroristerne med den ene hånd, hvorefter de for en stund nyder godt af terrorens konsekvenser – mens de med den anden hånd gestikulerer i påtaget vild i panik over disse forfærdelige typer og hyler op om, at det må de så sandelig gøre noget ved, og nu må deres iværksættes en ‘humanitær intervention’. Det kaldes også ‘sikkerhedspolitik’.
  • I Vesten ser man dog helst, at demokratier udenfor Vesten ikke tager det med demokrati alt for højtidligt. Skulle disse demokratier – vi nævner i flæng Iran 1953 – finde på at træffe beslutninger på fuldt demokratisk vis, kan Vesten godt skønne, at det er på tide at omstyrte demokratiet og indsætte en despot med operative håndtag i ryggen. Det kaldes at ‘beskytte vore interesser’
  • I Vesten taler man vældig meget om demokrati, men da det som bekendt er en svær ting at spørge befolkningen, har man fundet måder at omgås det på for at lette besværet for de arme stakler – og for sig selv. Til gengæld er man så overbeviste om demokratiets fortræffelighed, at man er villige til at massemyrde folk andre steder i verden for at de skal indføre det.
  • I Vesten kan man godt lide at se fjernsyn. Især er krig, ulykke, skandaler, katastrofer og mere krig meget efterspurgt i prime time. Til gengæld mister man ret hurtigt interessen for et land, hvor denne ‘demokratisering’ ikke gik helt efter den påståede intention. Der er ikke så meget underholdning i at rapportere fra et sønderbombet ørkenområde med borgerkrig, smadret økonomi og infrastruktur, unødvendig fattigdom og en befolkning, der lider af eftervirkningerne af strategiske atomvåben.

Alt dette og meget mere er læst og forstået udenfor Vesten – de har jo fået den lige i fjæset og uden indpakning! – og efterhånden også blandt et stigende antal mennesker i Vesten. Der er noget, der har modnet sig. Barnet, det demokratiserede individ, er begyndt at forstå, at mor og far ikke fortæller sandheden om, hvad de har gang i, når børnene er lagt i seng (‘far, hvem var den mærkelige mand, du havde besøg af forleden?’). Der er globalt vokseværk. Demokratierne har udviklet sig til tante-stater, hvor staten blander sig i alt, kontrollerer alt, ødelægger alt initiativ og omdefinerer alle menneskelige værdier.

En kommende borger i et demokratisk samfund

For at blive en stund i barn-forældre-voksen analogien, så sker der nu en global overgangsrite fra barn til voksen. Det sker samtidig i den kollektive og den individuelle sfære. Der sker fraktalt, skalerbart, som i det små så i det store. Forhekselsen er ved at lette på sig. Sovemedicinen er ved at slippe op – selvom det vælter op med ny præparater. Der er måske ved at opstå en resistens.

Jeg ved det. Pessimister og apokalyptikere vil straks remse op fra det store misère-katalog. Listen er rigtig lang, og liste-punkterne er særdeles bekymrende. Og de er ikke alle grebet ud af den blå luft. De vil tage den kikkert for øjet og sige, at ALT går ad helvedet til og INTET tyder på andet. For misérerne er så velkendte og så vel-kommunikerede, at de ganske overdøver det ‘andet’, det ‘noget’, der ofte flyver under radaren. Og hvis det med kikkerten for det andet øje kan tydes i ikke-destruktiv retning, så skifter de gear og starter et ‘tredje narrativ’ om, at det hele er planlagt som et kæmpestort dialektisk skakspil.

Hertil kunne man bare løfte deres egen hat og indføre et ‘fjerde narrativ’ ved at spørge helt kosmologisk: Hvad nu, hvis det tredje narrativ (om den store sammenkørte konspiration) viser sig at være forudset, så det blot er en globale event, der skal danne afsæt for den globale overgang fra barn til voksen? Javist har mor og far været bekymret for, at deres børn skulle blive voksne, for så flyttede de jo hjemmefra, og så blev de ensomme på deres gamle dage. Javist har mor og far et helt arsenal af sanktioner og lokkemad på lager, og flere kommer til for hver dag, der går – både i kategorien ‘husarrest’ og ‘fri slik lørdag aften’.

Men jeg spørger bare: Hvad nu hvis det allerede står i kortene, at ungen flytter hjemmefra, så den kan hænge ud med kammeraterne ovre fra den anden side uden at spørge om lov. Det er jo set før. Javist forsøger mor og far ALT, hvad de kan for at fastholde ungen i en kunstig infantilisering og umodenhed. Noget kunne tyde på, at det lykkes langt hen ad vejen, vi behøver blot at studere adfærden hos såkaldt voksne mennesker. Coca-Cola-kulturen er omfattende på denne klode, for omgang med lort er ekstremt vanedannende.

Så jeg spørger – og det bliver ikke sidste gang: Er det ikke til at få øje på, at Verden har fået nok af tomme kalorier, tom snak og tomme værdier? Og er det ikke som om, det er ved at rykke på sig dernede, derude, derovre, derinde? Hold øje med, når det rykker. Måske du har lyst til at rykke med.

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }[billede, text: morton_h]

Fly him to the moon
Let him stay among the stars
Let him breathe the athmosphere
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, and all that jazz
In other words, blow his ass

Fill his heart with gold
and let him choke forever more
That is all he longs for
All he worships and adores

In other words, this will stop
In other words, blow him up.

Happy trails, mr. Rocket-Feller

Death of Democracy – and a New Year rocket

Revolutionary Flux – Cutting Edge VII

 by ‘ChaosNavigator’

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Skip the intro if you want and go straight to the headlines below. Probably again (again) one of the most concentrated summary of surreal headlines/links you have ever seen in one post  – some so shocking as to defy belief – a surreal snapshot of the moment as a periodic portal bulletin. Mostly diligently selected intel under the mainstream radar (the real picture).

Intel crowdsourcing, intuition, analysis, logic, and evidence  – be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative. It’s overwhelming in terms of the nature of changes but knowledge-mapping of under-the-radar events is paramount. Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are just as important to get a feel of the mind-boggling beyond-insanity changes.  There is a hidden order in what appears to be random links and that is basically correspondence of truth, breaking the trance, self-empowerment and protection, cutting edge developments, self-education, discovery, and reformation

It’s all happening: Revision, reformation, revolution, renaissance….in the midst of breakdowns and breakthroughs. In all fields of knowledge there are revisions leading up to a paradigm shift. Cutting edge – be there or be square!

It only takes a few moments to share an article, but the person on the other end who reads it might have his life changed forever
– Investment Watch

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett
at TED Talks
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

The Internet Reformation – The Revealer of Truth and Lies
It’s a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press
of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now
most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of
information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are
showing the Major Mass Media’s narratives and stories to be largely
false.. The Internet is now producing incredibly astute researchers that
are sharing facts gained through their individual efforts, but the group
sharing is producing a whole new Internet related Worldwide sport of
“crack the criminal conspiracy”.

Internet 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

But there is a reason why such a large ‘industry’ has developed on the web with people writing articles that don’t say what the mass media say. That reason for is, obviously, first and foremost that not everybody believes whatever they are told. The problem is equally obvious: not nearly enough people are being reached to make a true difference, and to question the official narratives.

There are many people in the blogosphere who are many times smarter than the people who write for the mass media, and that’s a very simple and hardly disputable fact that needs to be recognized.

Secret Negotiations For Big Brother To Go Global

At least until now, that is. Thanks to a leaked document jointly published by the Associated Whistleblowing Press and Filtrala, the potential ramifications of the treaty being hashed out behind hermetically sealed doors in Geneva are finally seeping out into the public arena.

Will The Internet Reformation Lead To A Global Political Reformation?

A dark cloud of fear and death hangs over the journalism profession in the West. But that’s not the whole story. Most journalists just flat out don’t care about the common good, freedom, truth, or justice.  And so it is to the Internet – “to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance

US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet
The Future of the Internet: Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale – The full video can be found here. Lawrence Lessig claims that the US government has prepared a type of Patriot Act that is in place should a major security event occur, a 9-11 type event. And just like the Patriot Act contains all sorts of new restrictions there is the fear that this I-Patriot Act will have many restrictions and laws that will limit the way the Internet is used:

Google ‘Forgets’ 228,000 URLs – Many More Coming
It turns out, lots of people want to erase their past from the world’s leading search engine. Ever since a European court began allowing individuals to petition Google to remove links about them, requests have flooded in. Indeed, according to data released this week, the internet giant has received over 200,000 requests from business owners, wanna-be politicians, former criminals and everyday citizens who want previous disgraces or sensitive information to be erased from the Web.

“The Interview” –  False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

The Interview was made with the direct and open involvement of CIA and Rand Corporation operatives for the express purpose of destabilizing North Korea. Star and co-director Seth Rogen has admitted that he worked “directly with people who work in the government as consultants, who I’m convinced are in the CIA”.

Sony hack exploited to distract from Police State, while promoting desperately unfunny ‘The Interview’

World War III – The Calm Before the Storm
by the formidable StormCloudsGathering
In historical terms these are the final seconds of the 11th hour, and the clock is ticking.

NATO in Ukraine Means Asking for War with Russia

Russia at WAR on ALL Fronts! Fighting West in Economic and Political Warfare!

U.S. War Against Russia Is Now Against Hungary Too
Hungary has decided to align itself with Russia against the United States.  The Western Alliance is starting to fray, over the insistence by Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress to go to war against Russia.  This is called a ‘new cold war,’ but it’s actually already a hot war within Ukraine, immediately next door to Russia.

60 Prominent Germans Appeal Against Another War In Europe: “It Is Not About Putin. What Is At Stake Is Europe”
Zero Hedge | “War in Europe Again? Not in Our Names!”

Putin signs new military doctrine that names NATO expansion as greatest threat to Russia

NDCC war room. Computer simulation. Image by Defence Ministy

Russia launches ‘wartime government’ HQ in major military upgrade – Preparations for War?

Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of the entire country in case of war.

‘Noah’s Ark’: Russia to build world first DNA databank of all living things
Russia’s largest-ever scientific grant to collect the DNA of every living and extinct creature for the world’s first database of its kind.

New York Times: Enemy of Truth

Yes to bitcoin! Russian ministry says quasi-money ban may endanger banks, retailers

Gorbachev: Putin saved Russia from disintegration

China’s leader is telling the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for war
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent statements have been alarming
China’s neighbors. What’s behind them?

The Washington Morons Have Managed To Create A Chinese-Russian Alliance

Russia-US relations ‘poisoned’ for decades to come – Medvedev

Mikhail Gorbachev to RT: America wanted to rule the world but lost its way

Insanity: Ukraine ascension to NATO would end Russia-NATO ties – Moscow
If Ukraine were accepted as a NATO member, it would end any relations
between the alliance and Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry warned.

Forget ‘Evil’ Putin – We Are the Bloodthirsty Warmongers
by Peter Hitchens, brother of the late Christopher Hitchens

US Media Propagandizes Against Vladimir Putin, for “Regime Change” in Russia

Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?
The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are
talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media
suggests that they are.

The Ultimate Guide to Mainstream Media: American TV Networks (P1)
Disinfo CIA Presstitutes in American mainstream media exposed by RT

Why You Should Never Watch RT — Ever!
Plurality of views must be prevented in order to stop the war against war

How Canada’s Media Deceives the Public on Ukraine

Putin Decides to Donate 50,000 Tons of Russia’s Coal Daily to Ukraine for Heat

The Bear Squeezes Back: Russian Ruble Rises against the Dollar

Russia’s launches its own SWIFT system response to banking sanctions

Putin’s annual marathon press conference: What he isn’t telling us

Russia, China mock divide and rule
At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glazyev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the US ambassador is in charge.

Ruble Crash: China Pledges to Support Russia

Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West
Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the Russians
are going to unleash what he called the “ultimate black swan” against
the West. Dr. Roberts also discussed how a terrifying series of events
would then bring the Western financial system to it knees as the banking
system completely collapses.

Paul Craig Roberts Stunning 2015 Predictions – At Any Time The West Can Collapse
Eric King:  “Dr. Roberts, what are your predictions for 2015?  Dr. Roberts:  “At any time the Western house of cards could collapse.  It (the financial system) is a house of cards.  There are no economic fundamentals that support stock prices — the Dow Jones.  There are no economic fundamentals that support the strong dollar…. “

Celente – The Terrifying Reality Of Western Aggression Against Russia
Following up on the extraordinary interview with Dr. Roberts, today the man former U.S. Treasury official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes for spoke with King World News about the truly terrifying reality of Western aggression against Russia.  This powerful interview takes a hard look at what a catastrophic situation this is for the world.
Hope Despair - Public Domain

There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming
If you were about to take a final exam, would you have more hope or more
fear if you didn’t understand any of the questions and you had not
prepared for the test at all?  Some people assume that I must be filled
with worry, bitterness and fear because I am constantly dealing with
such deeply disturbing issues. But that is not the case at all .Do you
want to know who is going to respond to the years ahead with fear, panic
and depression? The millions of people that have absolutely no idea what
is coming and have made absolutely no preparations are going to be
absolutely blindsided by the coming economic collapse.

How oil’s become the world’s most potent weapon: Forget nuclear arms.

The U.S. and Saudis are behind an oil price crash

Britain has surpassed France as the world’s 5th largest economy because of prostitutes and illegal drugs

Financial Times:  Russia is a Creditor to the World – Default Risk Non-existent

Russia is solvent and fully able to pay its debts.  The threat of default – sovereign, public, and private – does not exist.

Witness account of Ukraine MH17 takedown confirmed by lie detector – investigators
Russia’s Investigative Committee has confirmed the claims by a Ukrainian,
who said he witnessed the deployment of a Ukrainian warplane armed with
air-to-air missiles on the day the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down.

Shock: Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17
– Vladislav Voloshin: “The Plane Was In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time”

Ukrainians name Donbass deaths ‘event of the year’  – poll
Over 4,000 dead, almost 10,000 injured in E. Ukraine fighting since April – UN

The West’s Ignorance of Ukraine Atrocities is an OUTRAGE!
Gang rapes of minor girls aged 12, 13 and 14 years old” by Ukrainian
thugs. mass graves, numerous cases of civilians pulled out of their cars
and summarily shot, mass graves of people shot with their hands tied in
their back and tortures, tortures and more tortures: systematic
beatings, branding with swastikas, knife wounds, broken bones, heard
trauma, damaged kidneys are all apparently what any detained person
(regardless of the reason for their detention) should expect from the
Junta’s “liberators”.Furthermore, it is now becoming apparent that about
50% of the Novorussian “prisoners of war” which are being exchanged for
Ukrainian POWs under the terms of the recent ceasefire agreement are not
combatants at all but civilians seized for the sole purpose of
exchanging them.

Most Heartbreaking Ukraine Civilian Bombing Video We’ve Seen
After seeing this, no sane person could still believe Kiev is right in attacking East Ukraine.

Understanding the Aggressive US Stance towards Russia

Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives
The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of
geopolitical warfare against Russia. The result could be trillions of dollars

Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA’, Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’

Washington was behind Ukraine Coup d’Etat, In Response to Russia’s Stance on Syria: Stratfor

US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia?

Leaked CIA docs teach operatives how to infiltrate EU

NEO – Engdahl – Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine

Former Airline CEO Claims US Military Shot Down MH370 Near Diego Garcia
A second senior airline industry source has revealed his belief that
there is some sort of conspiracy behind the disappearance of Malaysia
Airlines flight MH370.

The Militarization of Police in America: “Active Shooter Training” Now Massively Federalized
Alongside the militarization of police which provides high powered
weaponry and armored vehicles to state and local law enforcement,
officers are receiving military-style training funded and supervised by
the DOJ.

 US Families Prepare For ‘Modern Day Apocalypse’
Thousands of families are hoarding food and weapons in anticipation of
an impending catastrophe

The Doom Boom: US Families Increasingly Prepared For “Modern Day

Japan’s Answer to Radiation: Massive Natural Indoor Farms
Can earthquakes and tsunamis put the Japanese food producer down? Apparently not. Sanriku Fukko National Park now hosts the world’s largest indoor farm. It was built inside an old, 25,000-square-foot semiconductor factory and uses 100 times less water than an outdoor farm. What’s more, they claim that their produce contains 8 to 10 times more beta-carotene and twice the vitamin C, calcium and magnesium as its outdoor-grown counterparts.


When the grocery store shelves are empty, this amazing Food Rising invention will keep you well fed and nourished

Seven Reasons Why the “Bad Guys” Keep Winning

People are wired to believe our leaders’ big statements, even if they are ridiculous

UK ‘Establishment’: Unmasking psychopathic faces – Pedophilia and murder in VERY high places

Could 2015 be the year of domestic robots and 3D printed food? Futurologist claims technology has reached a ‘tipping point’

Cutting costs: 3D printing is a technology moving further into the mainstream The Micro 3D, pictured, costs $249 (£150), weighs just 2.2lbs (1.2kg) and prints objects up 4.6-inches (116mm) tall. Its designers launched the product on Kickstarter earlier this year

Global Systemic Financial Crisis 2015: Geopolitics, Oil and Currency Markets

By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB)

United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Goes Into Effect Christmas Eve, Gun Advocates In U.S. Worried

US Power Centers Splinter as Chaos Rises
The US is splitting apart: Some 60 years of expanding authoritarianism
has created political and economic facilities that are now beginning to
face off against each other. There are dozens of intel agencies,
hundreds of military specializations, vast bureaucracies at local, state
and federal levels – all supported by a worldwide dollar economy that
virtually forces other nations to hold dollars in order to buy
oil.Increasingly, as the struggle for resources grows more pronounced,
each of these entities will involve themselves in growing “turf wars.”
It is not, of course, just a Western problem. Europe has similar woes
and its fringe parties are becoming more extreme.

Obama Increases Allowable Levels of Radiation in Drinking Water “Dramatically”

7 Things You Must Know to Be a Free-Thinker

15 Toxic Beliefs You Should Give Up to Be Happy

Working toward a warp drive: In his garage lab an inventor bends fabric of space
You might not believe any of this stuff. But suspend your disbelief for
a moment and make space for something incredible.
Let’s start this past summer, when a NASA scientist named Harold “Sonny”
White unveiled an artist’s rendering of a spacecraft capable of shooting
across the galaxy.

Is Human DNA Reprogrammable With Light, Sound, Frequency and Vibration?

DNA Junk

Major Flaws in Mobile Communications
German researchers have discovered security flaws that could let
hackers, spies and criminals listen to private phone calls and intercept
text messages on a potentially massive scale – even when cellular
networks are using the most advanced encryption now available.

Cell phones cause cancer. The research is conclusive

7 Ways To Reduce Electrical Pollution In Your Home or Office

Plastic Products and Bottles Linked to IQ Reductions

Press TV – a Loss for the Good Guys
Iran’s Press TV is still a force to be reckoned with, from a broadcast
standpoint.  They are still blocked from most satellites, from most
service providers and from many entire nations.  Their staff, the
producers and presenters are world class.  The problem is with the Press
TV website.  It has almost “gone dead,” a big win for the controlled
mainstream media.

Rallies staged in over 30 Spanish cities against tough new anti-protest law (PHOTOS)

Summary, November 2014: Fireballs, Extreme Weather, High Strangeness and Earth Changes
The eleventh installment in our monthly series, the following video compiles footage of ‘signs of the times’ from around the world during November 2014 – ‘earth changes’, extreme weather, meteor fireballs, high strangeness and planetary upheaval.

FEMA document admits solar flare could collapse U.S. power grid for years

Government Reports Conclude Most of Us Will Die if the Power Goes Out
The report to the right is the single scariest government document I
have ever read. It details what would happen to America if the lights
went out in a technical language so precise there is no shying away from
its conclusion. It is a rigorous and punctilious vision of the apocalypse.

Researchers develop underwater ”thinking” robots to surveil and engineer the ocean

Scientists from Harvard University conducted an experiment recently which they say proves the theory of mental telepathy.

Beijings airpocalypse- city on the verge of being uninhabitable
 Buildings and spaces are being reconfigured and daily routines modified
 to allow normal life to go on beneath the toxic shroud.
Paper face masks have been common here for a long time, but now the
heavy-duty kind with purifying canister filters – of the sort you might
wear for a day of asbestos removal – are frequently seen on the streets.
On bad days, bike lanes are completely deserted, as people stay at home
or retreat to the conditioned environments of hermetically-sealed malls.
It’s as if the 21-million-strong population of the Chinese capital is
engaged in a mass city-wide rehearsal for life on an inhospitable
planet. Only it’s not a rehearsal: the poisonous atmosphere is already

Despite ban Monsanto & Bayer’s GMO plants contaminate Europe

Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’
Two films expose in no uncertain terms the core issue of our time: how
the financial system has come to dominate the globe by centralizing
wealth and power through Usury, the manipulation of the volume of money,
and centralized control of credit allocation.

9/11 False Flag – American Traitors and Mossad – Where are the Oath Keepers? – Ken O’Keefe

Shameless health authorities keep pushing flu vaccines even after openly admitting they don’t work

Vaccine Vortex: Devouring innocent children, naive parents, gullible physicians

It’s WAR On The Streets Of America
If you are not convinced that this is a war, perhaps you should heed the
words of the NYPD’s union.  The following is an excerpt from an alert
that was just released…”The mayor’s hands are literally dripping with
our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the
first time in a number of years, become a ‘wartime’ police department.
We will act accordingly.”

Mainstream Media Ignores Massive Open Carry Protest
Thousands came together on the front lawn of the capital building, armed
with a myriad of weapons. They broke the law in full view of the police;
some by passing their guns to fellow protesters, while others offered
their firearms for sale.
What’s even more interesting, though not surprising, is the nearly
complete lack of response from the mainstream media.

U.S. Government: Rap Music Means Covert War in Cuba (and around the World)
“The sad truth is that so many female ‘artists’ — almost all of them rabid feminists and sexual exhibitionists — have nothing to sell but vaginas”

Very, Very Bad Things

Intel Cowboys all over the World are getting clued in to how they have
been used… to be later disposed of by the Organized Crime Cabal — and
are now taking action to reverse this

RT Report: Israel Supports Jihadists, ISIS in Syria
The U.S., Israel and other states will support terrorists, even brutal
terrorists who behead children and use women as sex slaves, if it
advances their objectives.

The Problem with Obama’s Cuba Speech

DARPA’s Autonomous Microdrones Designed to Patrol Inside Houses
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really
matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.”

Scientists successfully create artificial sperm and eggs from skin cells

Saving Cities with Urban Gardening and MakerSpaces

Rise of far-right: Thousands rally at anti-Islam protest in Germany
At least 17,500 people took part in a protest against Islamization in
Germany’s eastern city of Dresden, according to police. The Monday rally
comes as the latest round of demonstrations organized by the rising
far-right PEGIDA movement.

Unacceptable Levels: The Chemicals In Our Bodies; How They Got There and What To Do About It

Top 25 Ways to Detox from Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Enviro-Toxins

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
Flickr - Heart - WITCH'S

Mainstream media panics over Dr. Oz teaching disease prevention and nutritional self-care
The pro-pharma, anti-nutrition mainstream media is engaged in an all-out
panic over the success of Dr. Oz in teaching nutrition and disease
prevention to the American public. Not surprisingly, all the usual
suspects — media outlets funded by Big Pharma advertising money — have
unleashed a wave of hit pieces against Dr. Oz, claiming his advice is
“unproven.” This is rather hilarious from the outset, considering the
irrefutable fact that nearly all the most popular drugs don’t work on
most people.

I’m Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

I was deeply saddened by the dozens of people who think having their
rights violated is a wonderful thing.
They simply can’t wrap their heads
around how very wrong this is, what a slippery slope that we are
stepping onto, and how this is an entry into the police state in all its

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

Chemtrails: The Secret War –  SHOCKING Documentary
The Italian website Tanker Enemy have produced an outstanding
documentary entitled: “ Chemtrails: the secret war ”. This film analyses
 and provides scientific evidence pertaining to the chemtrails
phenomenon. Weather manipulation is only one (collateral) aspect of this
phenomenon. What is at stake is a covert military agenda.

“Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented
From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control

Google just unveiled the first functional prototype of its self-driving car

We Need to Talk About the Health Risks of Wearable Technology

Transhumanist Wet Dreams: Scientists inject human brain cells into mice, making them ‘significantly smarter’

$300,000 in gold missing from Ukraine Central Bank after swapped for lead bricks
Cunning fraudsters have conned the Ukraine Central Bank branch in Odessa
into buying $300,000 worth of gold which turned out to be lead daubed
with gold paint

We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Produces False Confessions

New York Times calls for Cheney, Bush officials to be investigated and prosecuted for torture


Federal Court Gives Bush Regime Officials Immunity From Law

“Troubles in ‘the Bush’”,  “Germany [Human Rights Group] Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials”

Jon Stewart: Dick Cheney is a psychopath

China – Ghost Cities
“Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year,
but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns.There are
around 64 million empty apartments in China”, claims analyst Gillem

Mainstream Media being sued over Sandy Hook Fraud for 1 Trillion $
“After exhaustive research, the good news is that overwhelming evidence reveals that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook two years ago. For relief, I have filed lawsuits against the media in US District Court in New Haven for Fraud and Terrorism. Here is an example of our abundant evidence, Exhibit D: The Connecticut State Police dash cams record no evacuation of children from school at critical moments: — Smoking Gun evidence no children died at Sandy Hook.”

The Sandy Hook Hoax: How we know it didn’t happen
The absence of evidence that should be present and the presence of
evidence that should be absent are keys to unraveling Sandy Hook. And
the suppression of the new documentary, “We need to talk about Sandy
Hook”, appears to be backfiring

Must-see: ‘We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook’- Full Video HD

Biopsies “seed” cancer and help it to spread.

Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago! Half of all children will be autistic by 2025, warns senior research scientist at MIT

Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals
Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to
a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been
the predominant force in medicine over the past half century, where most
conditions including cancer were believed predestined ‘in the genes,’
and therefore impossible to reverse.

500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

More ridiculous ‘Diseases’ big pharma is trying to make you believe you suffer from

The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis

110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods are Essential for Longevity

Top 12 Herbs and Spices to Get You Through the Flu Season

GMOs: the “natural foods” industry is not your friend

Dr. Matthew Buckley – How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains and Health of Everyone

The secret GMO war: double agents, betrayal, greed

A taste of the future: Double amputee controls two bionic arms at the same time

Scientists discover just IMAGINING exercising can make you stronger, tone your muscles, and delay or stop muscle atrophy

MMS ON TRIAL : A Message from Jim Humble – Crucial Moment in History for MMS – Fight For Your Freedom!

Here’s What’s Behind Some Of The Most Common Sexual Anxieties

Free Mind Films Releases Trailer for ‘ShadowRing’, an Expose on the Council on Foreign Relations

Solutions to the Global Conspiracy

Israeli Report admits they are Descendants of Khazars

‘Everything Is In Place And Nobody Can Stop Us Now’ – Dr Day 1969 Lecture

Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900′s
A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900′s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

Lost Ancient American History Documentary – Full
Most Americans have no idea that ancient cities with advanced architectures once dotted the ancient North American landscape. It is estimated that there once existed over 200,000 cities, structures and mounds across the continent.

USA: Discovery Of 9th Century Quranic Manuscripts Predate Columbus Travels By Five Centuries
For centuries it was believed that Christopher Columbus was the first man from the Old continent to cross the Atlantic to the New World, but new evidence from a research team from the University of Rhode Island suggests Muslim seafarers might just be the first people to have settled on the shores of America, a possibility that could rewrite history as we know it. – See more at:

60 Seconds of Crop Circles 2014

9 Lunar Waves (Hologram?)

Comment: A camera artifact would move with the camera/sensor, not to
mention a rolling shutter would always go in the same direction across
the CMOS, this occurs at different angles and from different directions.
If it was a camera artifact it would also occur regularly under the same
circumstances, he can film for dozens of hours without it happening and
all of a sudden it does it. What they have filmed is inexplicable

Lunar Wave (Hologram?) Confirmed By Two Additional Videos!

Revolutionary Flux – Cutting Edge VII

2015 in the Crystal Ball

by morton_h, the blogger
Let me start by stating my actual incompetence when it comes to divination. I have no crystal ball, I’m not clairvoyant, I don’t channel supreme entities from the past, the future or higher dimensions.

Instead, I have scanned the area of pundits, whose credibility has proven durable. And how do you know, I hear from down the hall? If anything it is flair, combination of intuition, experience and skepticism. Then I have synthesized and added a deciliter high-octane speculation, shaken the bottle and poured it on the appropriate size tube. I hope that will work.

[Scroll ned for at læse på dansk] 

The mainstreaming of conspiracy thinking
We are going to see a flow of ideas developed underground now ascending into the mainstream. Here I gain a cheap score, for it has been a pattern throughout human history.

The concept of ‘False Flag’ has now gone mainstream. From being in stock at so-called conspiracy theorists, it is now being used and understood in the mainstream. We saw it in connection with Syria campaign in which the American and British people no longer bought stereotype ‘evil dictator gases his poor subjects’ combined with next stereotype ‘evil dictator’s evil regime deserves torn bombing paid for with your tax dollars’. People had reached bullshit threshold.

And just about time, that people learned the word: false flag. It’s not like it is uncommon practice, on the contrary. It is more like standard tactics to fool the enemy. Machiavelly wrote about it, it is hundreds or even thousands years old. And when we today have a situation, where the real enimy for the state is not another state, but the state’s own citizens, the flag is waved in the face of the citizens.

NB! Since I am writing this blog from my Danish stronghold, I can say for sure, that this shift in understanding has not yet reached the snoring and wellfare well-fed Danish population. My prediction (I use just the P-Word, if that is ok with you) is that we are going to see much more of this abroad, yet the Danes will still be sleeping – so far.

According to Danish folk lore, Holger Danske, is sleeping – here in the vaults of Elsinore Castle – 
to awake in times of dire straits for the people. Question is, whether he actually turned into stone, never to awake again?

 Should the unexpected happen that too many Danes begin to ask stupid questions, my prediction, however, is that Denmark is hit by a terrorist act. One would have thought that the Muhammad crisis (the cartoons, you know) would have led to a terrorist act against Denmark, but that’s because we have not yet understood the deeper motives for terrorism and who orders the goods. Denmark (and Fogh Rasmussen, former Danish prime minister and former GS of NATO) did the terrorist-loving globalists a huge service by boosting the Clash of Civilizations. And so there was no reason to punish / mind-game the Danish population. He was simply rewarded for it. 

The Norwegians, on the other hand, later happened to express too much support for the Palestinians thus offending the zionist part of the globalist elite. But then Norwegians were ‘send a Breivik’, so they could learn their primary school lesson! Subsequently, their Prime Minister, Stoltenberg, moreover was bribed (thanks for NOT digging into the deeper layers of Breivik case but act according to the script) to become the new Fogh Rasmussen / GS of NATO, that is the exhibition doll for the Pentagon project. Just look how European the global aggression-pact is!

The Swedes, the poor creature stooped with their education through political correctness, recently got something stuck in their throat. Their government expressed support for a Palestinian state. They believed that it was politically correct, but IT WAS NOT! Myprediction is therefore that Sweden will receive ‘a Breivik’ from the zionist-globalists if they persist. So they can learn the same lesson as the Norwegian.
 Remember that amateur predictions are based on the same principle that has created the genre Science Fiction: if we draw a straight line from the past over the present into the future, ———–> there will be the following… Drawing of straight lines, of course, requires absense of unpredictable events. That these arrive, however and of course, is a historical fact.

We pretend as nothing and move on unabashedly  for more straight lines.

The Empire Strikes Back
There will be attempts to remove the Danish opt-outs in the EU. This is not even a prophecy, it’s just the reading of concrete statements from EU-supporting politicians. These reservations have actually helped to prevent the full implementation of the very EU-State, that recently showed itself for what it really is: a bloodsucking Empire/Vampire using financial terrorist attacks against the population Southern Europe.

Isn’t that The Emperor in the old vaults of Danish Parliament, Christiansborg?
Or is it just a hologram?

 My prediction is the following: if the Danes allow themselves to say NO once again, they will experience a financial terrorist attack from the ECB, the IMF and the whole gang of CB-globalists. Denmark may be the new Iceland – less the Icelanders’ resolute rejection of the global financial mafia. Danes are too welfare clogged and mass emigration infected to even comprehend, that they are exposed to a financial terrorist attack. We will only heads low and obedient wag our tails as when we were lured into five wars of aggression on the heels of the US / NATO attacking countries outside Europe, we hardly knew existed. Danish politicians have no hair on their balls as the Icelanders. The Swedes nor. See how they were financially damaged by George Soros in the 90s, and just look what has happened since with them. They didnt’ get it, we won’t get it, but just follow aimlessly along!

Countries that are already compromised, will be further compromised in 2015. The pattern is the same as 20th Century juntafication of Southern Europe – and South America – followed by finance terrorist decades later. Back then it was facilitated by a corrupt elite making it possible to subjugate the population with an old-school military state. They and this was repulsed but took cover and prepared the next step: the corruption of EU apparatus as backing for the corruption of Nation States (the EU is only the Provisional precursor of Global-State). One of the goal of EU is the dissolve of the Nation States of Europe.

NATO target of the 90’ties

 We saw in the 90s the destruction of now former Yugoslavia, the attack on Serbia, the use of Muslims as politically-correct weapons of mass destruction in the Balkan campaign and – what be unknown to most people – the introduction of strategic nuclear weapons as ‘legitimate’ tool of war – later repeated in Iraq, Libya and Syria. The television spectators eager for irresponsible sensations had no idea then that they were witnessing a transmission of the atomic bombing of Serbian facilities. Today, people are dying of cancer and ‘funny kids’ are born in the region like in Felluja Province in Iraq and in the Libyan desert.

The destruction of Yugoslavia with Serbia as a scapegoat was part of the destruction of the Soviet state and its alliances after the fall. The Soviet concept was initially a Western-elitist concept, a social experiment designed to weaken the Russian empire – it leads to far to go into that – but like all enforced concepts, these constructions will be destroyed when they reach a certain level of autonomy and turn against the Empire’s overall agenda. We see it time and time again on a smaller scale, when the CIA organizes the overthrow of yet another dictatorial puppet inserted by the CIA itself in the first place. Divination: we will see the same with ISIS. Once they have served their purpose of de-stabilization and balkanization, the travelling task force will be sent on. Right now United States are pretending to be at loggerheads with Turkey, that openly supports terrorists, but in reality, the Turks are just doing the dirty work, they were originally commissioned to do. Bilatteral hypocricy.

 I am still running a free ride of ‘divination’ – I hope you get my self irony here – because I really just predicted what has always be the pattern. The coercion- and tamper-machine has its stereotypes, its methods. As long as the templates work – and they seem to work a lot – there is no reason to change them. Officially, analysts from the governments speak of ‘mistakes’ and ‘blow-back’ and ‘had-we-known-then’ every single time a new terrorist group goes berserk, but since the same governments constantly have supported, financed, trained and hired them, and since the same governments constantly profit profits from the results of the berserkery, it leaves us with only one plausible explanation: it’s all on purpose. Governments are very good at playing dumb. Blow-back, my ass!

The stereotypes of history

Problem: the stereoptype methods do not work so well anymore.
We will therefore see the following:
  • The continuation of the stereotype (it has its own inertia) with the result that people eventually settle on the thigh of laughter at the stupidity and transparent predictability that the global elite offers them.
  • Overt pretend-like-nothing while performing various menaces: We have seen you, you have seen us, you can’t stop it, and we don’t give a damn what you see, say or do. We laugh at you, you are pathetic, we are the untouchables. They do not even bother to make an effort or sweep up after themselves anymore.
  • An imitation, a meme of people’s reaction, a new layer of illusion, similar to a counter movement, but that just is an engineered pseudo counter movement for people fall for it again: Yes this is really appauling that the CIA has carried out systematic torture all the time, we can not have that, we must jolly well do something about it, we certainly did not realize until recently … Dick Cheney was for once right when he said in the good old Iraq War days: the president knew it from the start.
Nothing new under the sun here either. I guess prediction is just seing the pattern and do an update. But how will it happen?

People are on a large scale discovering that they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings. Imperial tactic is isolation – you are always alone, this is you, and that over there is the others. People will begin to discover that when they express their thoughts about the world, its events and causes of these, that they are not alone. It is due to conversation and flow of information alone. The sheep will find that they are not so sheepish, as someone said. And conspiranoics will find that the sheep are not so sheepish, as they said they were and that they may have to change attitude and actually remember how sheepish they once were.

We will see that people in certain areas are getting closer to the 10% limit. Meaning, it is not necessary that half the population must awake from the hundred year sleep, a far smaller group can actually turn the large boat. In Germany a former journalist in a book recently described, how he and many of his colleagues  constantly were bribed and corrupted by the CIA. It was more common than uncommon. Result: the sale of newspapers plunged. The Germans knew it, and this information by a well known and respected journalist confirmed what they knew. They simultaneously learned about NSA intercepts of everything and everyone, including the Kanslerin. Many Germans are up in arms over their countrys support for the United States aggression in the Ukraine affair.

A cautious prediction – I still run a free ride, for it is already happening – is that the same will happen in France. England due to the corrupt government culture and imperial goods at the Establishment, will still be America’s faith squire (is it squire or armor monster who decides?). We are talking about the British government, the British as population do not have much sympathy for the kind. Therefore, they will be forced further to their knees with austerity measures. Divination: Denmark continues to suffer from ‘the English disease’ and now we hear voices advocating, that we must do something similar. We will see a further impoverishment of the Danish population in the coming year(s). Poor people will not rebell.

2015 will also be the year when the policy of sanctions against Russia backfires. Here we can talk about a blow-back from a blow-job. Europe has automatically followed the US policy of rape, but it has only been to the United States erotic gratification. And when sanctions paralyzes Europe – Russians just need two years to emerge stronger from the crisis – it will in a strange backwards way further benefit the American Deep State, since it looks very much like the Europeans are ruining themselves. 


Perhaps it is more a wish than a prophecy, but anyway: we will see further meltdown of stereotypes with right and left ideologies. Right parties in Europe have long since taken over the forme agenda of the Left: dissidence, anti-globalism, anti-EU, anti-corporatism. Nationalism is no longer synonymous with chauvinism. The nations and hence their populations have been under intense pressure in recent years. Finance Terror and mass-immigration eats of their life energy.

Recently  a remarkable statement came from Marine le Pen of the French right party Front National, which has had gained significant success and support. The opinion clearly demonstrates the paradox of the Left compared to what they think of themselves. She demanded that the French National Bank should be audited and account for all its operations. It was to clarify its gold reserves and relations with the Federal Reserve. Holy cow, right in the closet! The faint no-balls Left should have done this long ago, but its name now is Hollande, who is just as reactionary and establishment-hit as Obama (not to mention Cameron). He isEstablishment in pink gowns, meaning he isthe central banking system, the corrupt EU-Empire and the global war machine.

There is plenty of things under the table, that the public knows nothing about. Diplomacy for example. Just recently, the Russian President took a stop at the airport in Paris, where he held a quick meeting with monsieur Hollande. We can guess about the subject for the rendezvous. For example. trade agreements allowing the resumption of large orders with aircraft and military ships, perhaps? Oil and development of facilities in Russia. Not so much about a fatal skidding for an oil executive on a runway in Moscow, although it may have been in the back catalog. Anyway, sanctions can also be felt in France and the french are not always in sheepish aggrement with the US. Hollande may find it difficult to completely ignore Marine le Pens requirements. Like the Germans – a careful prediction here – they will demand their gold reserves extradited from FR (or wherever they are located). The Dutch did so, and the Austrians are soon to follow. Who else? It envisions some basement in the Midwest of the United States, a kind of neo-Nazi tax-bunker, where all the artifacts stolen by American special forces from the National Museum in Baghdad are piled up with the Libyan and Ukrainian gold reserves that also just ‘disappeared’ in a tumult.

Which reminds us, that the British Empire basically is build upon in the early years: Piracy! 
Have anything changed? 

 Energy and physics

And what is more in the bunker? There will be all the inventions that they have stolen from the strip of geniuses since Tesla starting with those of the man himself. One prediction is that 2015 will be the year when the first re-inventions of Tesla technologies will hit the market and be mass produced. The military has had it all the time without any question. There can be no doubt that the military industry and the oil industry have done all they could to prevent the technologies becoming available. It would be in 100% opposition to their Policy of Scarcity and devestating for their ‘oiling’ of the World. But it will not be possible ad infinitum, because there is a throng of experiments beneath the surface, which are now ripe for finish. The first large investors and manufacturers have already started the process.

Certainly the establishment will try to strangle all initiatives possible. Some inventors will, at least in the United States, get a so-called ‘gag order’. Your invention is now confiscated and classified, as it poses a risk to the state. Spoken by the mouth of those who actually pose a risk to life on Earth! Meaning that the breakthrough may not happen in the stranglers territory even if the country is teeming with garage geniuses. They may move to Brazil or Turkey. Perhaps India and China broach the abscess and thus they get the lead out there. Be that well earned. Russia could also easily match, but the Russian oil industry will probably be, shall we say, quite uninterested. Russian science, however fails nothing and it would be easier for their scientists to understand the updated physics behind, than for most scientists in the West.

For we are dealing with a multi-pronged technology that breaks with the usual models in physics. Scientists will have to revisit the school bench to revise their view of the world, for both Tesla-tech and what has been called cold fusion (for lack of better term) can not be substantiated by either relativity theory, thermodynamics or quantum physics as it exists today. Practical realists and experimentators are right now taking over the stronhold of the theorists by actually running machinery in the 1000s of garages and basement labs, and doing things that the inventors themselves can not even explain fully and than mainstream theorists do not recognize the least. We are going to see a meeting between practice and theory in the coming year, between underground and slow mainstream, garage / laboratory and factory. And it’s going to be fast and furious when it rolls out, but it is not in State of Denmark to occour from the start, since there is apparently no underground / understanding here. Or am I wrong? 

Something wrong in The State …

 The new alliances

It is rather in India or China or somewhere else where you are not totally dependent on selling oil. And while talking about China and India, both Yuan and Rupee increasingly will burn through as international currencies. The dollar on the other hand become a reserve currency – pun intended! It will still be very important, but the dollar-despotism will fade away and eventually stabilize. In return, we, unfortunately, wil see a period of skizma between the West and the East, a kind of mega-block formation, where the West will again do their agressive protectionism and finance terrorist attacks. The East will have to do their defensive protectionism, Russia foremost. The dumping of the oil prices right now is such an act of finance war directed against Russia. The elites especially in the United States primarily and secondarily in Europe are so obdurate and out of step with the upcoming global reality – and they call themselves globalists! – and trapped by their former dominance patterns to a degree that it seems almost hopeless. Especially the American political climate is so through-sick that it is currently inconceivable that something good can come out of the military state with its military economy.

Meanwhile changes and initiatives are builing in the rest of the World. And it’s not because of lack of talent in the West. Nor potential. There just is a devestating lack of a sound management and trading culture where it is not only central bankers need, or rather
desiresthat will be accommodated. There is a lack of understanding for and even fear for that, which the Chinese are doing right now: building infrastructure everywhere they go, fosting trade, cooperating. The Anglo-Saxon culture is about telling people how they should behave, an then you mightwant to trade with them. Chinese apparantly just knock on the door and say: can I sell you something? No moral hypocrisy, straight to the point, are you into business or what? While of course pondering on what will be the next place, the Americans are going to invade and tear appart?

Will we see confrontations between Chinese and Americans in the South China Sea? Maybe, maybe not. There is no doubt that some American military personnel have felt that the area was becoming a little too peaceful, and this fact was simply a horrific thought in their upside-down-heads, as they would lose their excuse for actually being there with all their military bases! Could a post WW2 / Cold War pretext be reinvented? This is the entire driving force in the infamous military-financial-industrial-complex: to maintain itself with a pretext. The same with the Ukraine: could a Cold War scenario be reinvented? This is the reason for the constant conflicts and wars, and a sickening need for eternal presence of fear and terror, therefore!

In 2015, this dying culture will generate more opponents. Not on the conditions of the sickness itself fighting the usual wars on its terms, but in human terms. We will se a segregation from the culture-darwinist mindset where every aspect of human life must turn into a state of war. We now see strings of relations forming between countries outside the Core West. Russia included billion-dollar deal with Turkey on oil. Russia included multi-billion-deal on oil with China. It was the difference between the G20 summit and ASEA. At the G20 not a damn thing seemed to happen, at ASEA everythingapparently happened! The World Outside refuses to swallow the demands, that Western leadership pretend themselves to be entitled to impose on the rest. In 2015, we may (will?) see the booming with support for projects such as Shanghai Initiative and BRICS. Smaller countries will consolidate and expand the networks they already have, and new networks will form. They will stand in line even applying for membership or just a closer connection. India may join the Shanghai Coorporation Organisation. China and Japan may lay aside old calamities (uhuh, scary for the Amaricans!). The Countries of the World have 150 years of experience with the imperialism that now sings on its last verse of its last tune, and want to try something else. And more important: they now see an actual possibility for trying the something else, they have wanted for decades.

The Empire should have died off more than a hundred years ago, but managed to prolong its existence. The Emperor pretended to have New Clothes. We call it The Twentieth Century.

However, we must unfortunately, modify the statement that nothing happened at the G20 meeting. A leading EU banker and representative for the global banking cartel revealed with almost child-like earger in a sort-of freudian slip back then, what was to become the new norm after bail-in-the pillage of Cyprus: that WE (the central banks) have now taken a new useful tool into use!Cyprus was an exercise, and with recent G20-meeting it is now confirmed as the norm. The monster’s executive arm called the Financial Stability Board, which few people have heard of, is the guarantee for that. Trite said, banks are now allowed to steal people’s money if they want to. A gloomy prediction for 2015 is, that we will see Cyprus multiplied elsewhere. It may be on national scale as a restricted area, like Cyprus, or simply customers of a particular bank operating across national borders being targetted. Depending on how directly arrogant and criminal, they do it, it will also be seen and people will really start to turn against their banks and will now have to come up with other solutions.

I would nonetheless argue, that a new school of finance and business is forming in the West consisting of people who want a new style. The school is not A School as such and it doesn’t have a name. It is just a rising number of people in business that have recognized the stupidity of predator-casino-speculative capitalism eventually destroying opportunities rather than creating them. They have recognized the fundamental joylessness in the Empires obsolete basic attitude, and they see that, for example, the Chinese have much more fun. They have recognized that trade need not be a war-commerce / act of war, but that to trade for both trading partners benefit is far preferable. Any local peasant or small time grosery owner could have told them that, but in the higher circles logic happens to be completely alienated from common sense.

I would argue that the whole stupid-dualistic right-left, black and white, good-evil, progressive-reactionary, correct-incorrect, civilized development hit, North-South, democratic-undemocratic disaggregation paradigm is falling away. These are false and programmed contradictions that have nothing with the basic human reality to do. The future is syncretic. The political-ideological wings will discover that they are not themselves owning all the pieces of the puzzle but have to learn from each other and actually talk with – not at – each other. 

The two rivers that run

2015 will be the year in which the contradiction between the Big Noise generated in the monstrous echo-chamber, and the new tones in the air becomes clearer and more contrasted. It will be a year of the worst and the best. As 2014, but more acute.

We will on the one hand see new atrocities, new wars, new attacks, new lies and deceptions, new false flags and new government-sponsored terrorism. The financial world is likely to have a new financial crisis in the making. We will see new attempts by the US Deep State to start WW3. We want to see actions to paralyze civil rights, and attempts of increasing censorship – and especially self-censorship – will become the menu of the day in the West. The West is intended to be the new Soviet.

We, on the other hand, see a counter of enough-is-enough.

  • Genetically modified anti-food will increasingly be questioned. And it will happen at the international level (outside the US).
  • The non-western currencies will prepare for finance and trade abuses and form their own closed circuit. They will not be permanently closed but merely self-sufficient.
  • Commonwealth alliance will crack when the US is no longer a credible big brother. Australia and New Zealand (and Canada) have just copied the American neo-totalitarian model and it is not their true style. Their present corrupt governments will come under pressure from below.
  • Africa will experience a boost because of the improved infrastructure. This continent is the most impoverished and abused throughout the imperialist era, but will now begin to free themselves from this slavitude.
  • Central Asia will experience regional and national boosts. Via the new alliances they are confirming their identity and learning to manage their resource wealth. Right now the Silk Route, not the Cold War is revived here.
The West has its internal counter-flow.
  • EU opposition will get a partial return. We already see it in some of the new right nationalist movements. Others will try to use the EU against their actual main opponent: their own governments.
  • The Left will just resort to stereotypes and try to demonize and exclude the opposition, since they are now the sitting Establishment of stagnation. EU has become their power base. They have not yet grasped that their opponents are not the ad-hominem caricature they have created. Or to put it another way: They are annoyed that their opponents no longer behave according to the proscibed stereotype. Neither the right or left is what they have been. Left has been unrepentant reactionary and right – or certain parts of the right – has been amazingly progressive.
  • The non-European initiatives will create more cracks in the EU set and in the relationship between the United States and eventually the rest of the world. Europe will have to distance themselves from the desperate despot further to the West, if they will not suffer further from it. We pretend that it will happen … did that sound convincing? 😉
The global counter-trend is by no means unproblematic as grand scale and ongoing forces are working on reading, calculating and controlling it. One of the left-wing pieces of the puzzle actually holds water: Pressure begets counter-pressure. Of course this is also Hegelian dialectics and a chance for manipulation in the shape of controlled counter-pressure. But it is also a law of human society in an imperial grip. You can only hold people down until a certain point and then comes the reaction. This mechanism is well undstood by the ‘shepheards’ of civilisation, and so far the Empire succeeded running crowd-management on the counter flow. It will not continue.

Need I say, that 2015 is not the year in which the process is fullfilled, because it is a long process. However, it will be the year in which it is becomes obvious that a process is in progress, and that it has a direction.

A trip into space
We will get to see more signs that the great powers of the time are working on the militarization and industrialization of Outer Space. The United States has for decades had an unofficial program with highly advanced space technology. There is also no doubt that the Russians are well advanced, but they have been, if possible, even more discreet about it. We saw them eg paralyzing a US warship in the Black Sea in the beginning of Ukraine conflict. All equipment on board went dead for hours as an old clattering Tupolev bomber flew several times over the ship as if it would throw the bombs. Typical Russian downplaying its hi-tech as unsexy, outdated gear.

But by raping international treaties preventing militarization of space – and the US has broken every one of them over the years – here we go with a new era in which starwars-tech will be used. Deja vu. If not war technology is for the purpose of being used, why prepare it?

It is also in this context one has to see the stranglehold that has been on the before-mentioned Pure Energy Systems, of some misleading called ‘free energy’. For those not deep into the cutting-edge portion of the military industry.

Isn’t it strange, how 9/10 computer games mimick American deep state black ops?
They are playing A Game, and now all young boys in the West are playing a simulation of The Game.

If we even want to give it all an angle and a twist, so could – and here I am much more hesitant as the topic is a little outside my scope – so we could speculate with high-octane on whether 2015 will be the year where the presence on the planet of beings other than humans – or other types of human beings, however you may see it – are introduced in the mainstream? My hesitation is especially, that the majority of the UFO phenomenon seems to be this non-official space program, and that the religiosity that characterizes New Age Ufology is directly spit out of the script of mind-control and disinformation. How convenient is it not, if freak compagny of neo hippies are fuzzing around screaming UFO and Alien, if it’s all American Deep State Black Projects?

These kind of projects are extremely costly. There seems to be a concatenation of phenomena in global finance and the black projects. So where does all the money go and why are all countries indebted? Maybe look no further?

Even when you shave the entire post-Nazi technology away, for it is among other the advanced experiments that escaped Germany after WW2, we are talking about, even then there is a pocket that simply smells: Alien. Even a sceptic like me must admit it. While talking about ‘escaping’ (Operation Paperclip), the Vatican then instrumental in that infamous operation recently came up with some strange statements about aliens. We can from that institution suspect opportunism striving for a ‘breath of fresh air’ to the once glorious, now ailing religion. Surely they consider themselves a player in the New World Order, where they see themselves as deliverer of a New World Religion? Since they walked around in women’s clothing for 2000 years, a space helmet with fairy lights and incense is probably no more far-out?

My guess is, that if there were to be a disclosure of that kind, then we are at least in the decade when this will take place. At the same time we have to take into account, that it unfortunately could be in the form of yet another false flag, as Werner von Braun have described it. After the Nazis and the Soviets, after Islam after the environment has been abused as The Great Boogieman to scare the shit out of you, then they may release the movie: Alien Invasion. It may look like a B-Movie, but mind you, it has the hugest budget. Why not? Orson Welles has already demonstrated that people will jump as flies onto the bate.

Darwin on retirement
One of the reasons that I never really have gone on the alien-track is that humanity’s own story is ‘alien’ enough already. The meme about alien invasion and the presence of funny types with reptilian genes in the back room of some governments, I think, is still 95% myth. Note that I leave a door open for the last 5%. What is not a meme, however, is the extensive cover-up the so-called forbidden archeology. Smithsonian Institute just recently got a Supreme Court verdict for their destruction of 10.000s of skeletons derived from mounds and burrial barrows across the North American continent. Giant mounds here get more than one meaning, these skeletons is between 1.80 meters and up to – keep straight solid: 3.60 meters (6-12 feet)!

We are going to see more of this kind in 2015 and beyond. It is also worth noting that the skeletons are not Mongoloids but Caucasians. It rips up the whole political-correctness debate on American Indians as ‘First Nation’ (first born), the original immigrants to a deserted continent. It was very much an inhabited continent. The verdict demands the Smithsonian in 2015 to publish secret stamped reports of their crime (my word, not yet called a crime) yet it could mean – for their extensive destruction of super important archaeological material is a huge crime against humanity! – an identity lift and mental renewal for the Americans. They are no longer so history-less, and thus manipulable with Hollywood and media shallowness, as they have been for a century. They are now suddenly white people with a profound ancestral history, a people that has returned to a continent where they once were displaced. They do not need to be stooped with the shame and guilt, that the culture Marxist abusing of the Indian population as leverage for their cultural destruction project like to force upon them. There could be a renewed interest in real history and real archeology and dogmatization and the politicization of this science will really meet some opposition.

It may further spread like ripples in the water. Who knows, maybe even the sleeping Danes will begin to take an interest in their past. I do my own tribe a slight injust here, there is actually some interest and pride here, but it might really boom. Danish history is more that just a bunch of Viking boats in Roskilde. An what museums in the World have not some weird stuff lying in their basements that do not fit on table of the culture-Darwinists? My guess is that there will soon be a whole army ready to address similar issures – in addition to the underground army, which for decades has done part of the immense body of work and study, that mainstream archaeologists and historians long ago should have done. It was in fact an organization called AIAA (American Istitution of Alternative Archeology), who sued the Smithsonian – and won the first round of the battle. And they did, among other things benefit from whistleblowers who had witnessed or even participated in what seems to be a huge crime, and was ashamed of it. They had been threatened and terrorized to shut up, but a an old distiquished scholar had stolen a femur at the institute and saved it in his basement, and on his deathbed he eases his conscience, telling in details about the scam and giving away his illegal piece of evidence.

Even the Christians and even Jews should in reality be able to applaude the project, for the Old Testament tells about the struggle that went on Earth in ancient times. All cultures tell of these tall beings, but according to mainstream archeology and history all defunct cultures have just been full of rubbish. The Vatican has intensively contributed to the overall knowledge-turbidity. They have long time realized, that a shift towards radical revision of early human history would be a landslide also for their design, as it is too much based on historical falsifications, where condemnation of the pagan-heathen world was part of the method.

And here the alien idea and the past of mankind connect in strange and yet obvious ways. For the historical layers – and we are talking about all human culture that reaches beyond the 5,000 years, that both mainstream historians and Christianity have paradoxically agreed to maintain as the limit for actual civilization – this layer also shows a by no means primitive culture but a totally advanced culture. At that stage mainstream suddently finds itself drawing the alien-card – for in the same breath to laugh at itself – simply due to the dogma, that an advanced culture, according to culture-Darwinists, is not possible. The forefathers were the prosimians and club bashers, you know! That the Vatican is now beginning to talk about aliens is highly embarrassing. That they are ready to recognize the green Martian men, while they put a lid on earthly humans past is the height of hypocrisy and can only be seen as an attempt at an update of their cryptic code of not-knowing, that they call faith. Thou shallst not know. For whence thou knowest, thou willst not fear thy Master, thy God.

Summa-short: the Supreme Court verdict of the Smithsonian Institute can not be underestimated, and we will see some consequenses of this revelation already in 2015.

Why do not we just claim without shame and fear and with a big smile, that 2015 will be the year where knowledge blossoms in earnest and gives the un-knowledge of religion, ideology and science much interaction. Out with the skeletons and down in the basement with Darwin!

Also Sprach – Thus Spake …
Disclaimer: The soothsayer reserves the right at any time to change any of the above statement, if unpredictable and unpredicted events would interfere with the predicted. That this will happen, is the only safe prediction.

Happy wishes for prosperity in yet another cross road year of crucial importance for the future of the inhabintants of Planet Earth.


2015 i krystalkuglen

Lad mig starte med at erklære min reelle inkompetence udi spådomskunst og sandsigeri. Jeg har faktisk ingen krystalkugle, jeg er ikke clairvoyant, og jeg er ikke fremtidsforsker. Sidstnævnte er i øvrigt ligeså inkompetent end jeg, men har bare slået sig op som kompetent.

I stedet har jeg scannet feltet af kloge hoveder, hvis troværdighed har vist sig holdbar. Og hvordan ved du det, hører jeg nede fra salen? Det kaldes ‘tæft’, kombination af intuition, erfaring og skepsis. Herefter har jeg syntetiseret og tilføjet en deciliter høj-oktan-spekulation, rystet dunken og hældt den på glas af passende størrelse.

Mainstreaming af konspirationstænkning
Vi kommer til at se et flow af koncepter udviklet i undergrunden stige op i mainstream. Her scorer jeg et billigt point, for det har været et mønster i hele menneskehedens historie. Så jeg fremskriver blot det, vi har set i det forløbne år.

Begrebet ‘Falske Flag’ er nu gået mainstream. Fra at være lagervare hos såkaldte konspirationsteoretikere optræder det nu i mainstream. Vi så det i forbindelse med Syrienkampagnen, hvor den amerikanske og engelske befolkning ikke længere købte stereotypen ‘ond diktator gasser sine stakkels undersåtter’ kombineret med næste stereotyp ‘ond diktators onde regime fortjener sønderbombning betalt med dine skattekroner’. Folk havde nået bullshit-grænsen.

NB! Dette forståelsesskift er endnu ikke nået til den snorksovende, velfærdsforspiste danske befolkning. Min spådom (jeg bruger bare S-ordet og er stor i slaw’et) er, at vi kommer til at se meget mere til den slags visse steder i udlandet, men at danskerne snorker videre – indtil videre.

Skulle det uventede ske, at for mange danskere begynder at stille dumme spørgsmål, vil min spådom til gengæld være, at Danmark bliver ramt af en terrorhandling. Man skulle have troet, at Muhammed-krisen ville have affødt en terrorhandling mod Danmark, men det er fordi vi endnu ikke har forstået de dybere motiver for terror og hvem, der bestiller varen. Danmark (og Fogh Rasmussen) gjorde globalisterne en kæmpe-tjeneste ved at booste the Clash of Civilisations, så der var jo ingen grund til at straffe / mind-game den danske befolkning. Han blev simpelthen belønnet for det. Nordmændene, derimod, var ved at forløbe sig ved at udtrykke for meget støtte til palæstinenserne. Men så fik de sateme en Breivik, og så ku’ de lære det! Herefter blev deres statsminister i øvrigt bestukket (som tak for ikke at grave i de dybere lag af Breivik-sagen og medvirke i skuespillet) til at blive den nye Fogh Rasmussen, udstillingsdukken for Pentagon-projektet, NATO. Se blot hvor europæisk den globale angrebspagt er!

Svenskerne, de arme duknakkede kræ med deres opflaskning via politisk korrekthed, fik for nylig noget galt i halsen. Deres regering udtrykte støtte til en palæstinensisk stat. De troede, at det også var politisk korrekt, men DET VAR DET SÅ IKKE! Min spådom bliver derfor, at Sverige får en Breivik, hvis de fremturer. Nu gik det jo lige så godt med kulturmarxist-Sverige, og så skal de ikke komme her!

Husk at amatør-spådomme bygger på det samme princip, der har skabt genren science fiction: hvis vi trækker en lige linje fra fortid hen over nutid ind i fremtiden, ———–> så vil der ske følgende. Men trækning af lige linier forudsætter, at der ikke ankommer uforudsigelige hændelser fra hverken højre eller venstre. At disse ankommer, er der til gengæld historisk belæg for.

Vi lader foreløbig som ingenting og trækker ufortrødent flere linier.

The Empire Strikes Back
Der vil blive gjort forsøg på at fjerne de danske EU-forbehold. Dette er ikke engang en spådom, det er bare aflæsning af konkrete udmeldinger fra politikere. Disse forbehold har rent faktisk været med til at forhindre den eurokratisering, som bla. har medfødt finansielle terrorangreb mod den sydeuropæiske befolkning.

Min spådom bliver følgende: hvis danskerne tillader sig at sige nej endnu en gang, så vil de opleve et finansielt terrorangreb fra ECB, IMF og hele slænget af centralbank-globalister. Danmark kan blive det nye Island – fratrukket islændingenes resolutte afvisning af den globale finansmafia. For Danskerne er for velfærds-forstoppede og massindvandrings-inficerede til overhovedet at fatte, at vi bliver udsat for et finansielt terrorangreb. Vi vil blot dukke nakken og logre lydigt med halen, som da vi blev luret ind i fem angrebskrige i hælene på USA/NATO mod lande udenfor Europa, vi dårligt anede eksisterede. Danske politikere har ingen hår på bollerne som islændingene. Svenskerne ejheller. Se hvordan de blev finansielt angrebet af George Soros i 90’erne, og se blot, hvad der siden er sket med dem. De fatter intet, vi fatter intet og følger bare hovedløst trop!

Lande, der i forvejen er kompromitteret, vil blive yderligere kompromitteret i 2015. Mønstret er det samme som juntaficeringen af Sydeuropa – og Sydamerika – efterfulgt af finansterror 30-40 år efter. Der blev dengang skabt en korrupt elite, hvormed det var muligt at underkue befolkningen med en militærstat. De og denne blev slået tilbage men gik i dækning og forberedte næste skridt: korrumpering med EU-appararet som rygdækning (EU er er blot den provisoriske forløber for Global-Staten).

Vi så i 90’erne ødelæggelsen af Yugoslavien, angrebet på Serbien, brugen af muslimer som politisk-korrekt masseødelæggelsesvåben i Balkan-kampagnen, introduktion af strategiske atomvåben som ‘legitimt’ redskab i krig – senere gentaget i Irak, Libyen og Syrien. TV-kiggerne anede ikke dengang, at de var vidne til en transmission af atom-bombninger af serbiske faciliteter. I dag dør folk af kræft og føder ‘sjove børn’ i området ligesom i Felluja-provinsen i Irak og i den libyske ørken.

Ødelæggelsen af Yugoslavien med Serbien som syndebuk var et efterspil i ødelæggelsen af Sovjetstaten og dens alliancer efter murens fald. Sovjet-konceptet var fra starten et vestligt-elitært koncept, et socialt eksperiment beregnet på at svække det russiske rige – det fører for vidt at gøre rede for det her – men ligesom alle påtvungne koncepter, bliver disse destrueret, når de når et vist niveau af autonomi og vender sig imod Imperiets overordnede agenda. Vi ser det hele tiden i mindre skala, når CIA arrangerer omstyrtelsen af endnu en diktatorisk nikkedukke indsat af CIA selv. Spådom: vi vil se det samme med ISIS. Når de har tjent deres formål, bliver rejseholdet sendt videre. Lige nu lader USA som om, at de er på kant med Tyrkiet, som understøtter terroristerne, men i virkeligheden gør tyrkerne blot nøjagtig det beskidte arbejde, de oprindelig blev bestilt til.

Jeg kører stadigvæk på frihjul, for jeg forudsiger egentlig blot, hvad der hele tiden har være i kog. Omstyrtelses- og manipulations-maskinen har sine stereotype mønstre, sine metoder. Så længe de virker – og det gør de stort set hver gang – ser man ingen grund til at lave dem om. Officielt taler man om ‘fejltagelser’ og ‘blow-back’, hver gang en ny terrorgruppe går bersærk, men eftersom man hele tiden har oprettet, støttet, finansieret, trænet og hyret dem, og eftersom man hele tiden profiterer på resultatet af deres bersærkeri, så er der kun én plausibel forklaring: at det hele er meningen. Regeringer er vældig gode til at spille dumme. Blow-back, my ass!

Historiens stereotypi
De stereoptype metoder virker ikke så godt længere.
Vi vil derfor se følgende:
  • Fortsættelsen af stereotypien (den har sin egen inerti) med det resultat, at folk efterhånden slår sig på låret af grin over den stupiditet og gennemskuelige forudsigelighed, som den globale elite byder dem.
  • Åbenlys laden-som-ingenting under udførelse af diverse udåde: vi har set jer, I har set os, I kan ikke stoppe det, vi er fucking ligeglade. De gider ikke engang at gøre sig umage eller feje op efter sig længere.
  • En efterligning, et meme af folks reaktion, et nyt lag af illusion, der ligner en modbevægelse, men som blot er en manipuleret medbevægelse i håb om, at folk falder for det igen: Ja det er sørme for galt, at CIA har udført systematisk tortur hele tiden, det kan vi ikke have, det må vi gøre noget ved, for det var vi sørme ikke klar over før for nylig … Dick Cheney havde for en gangs skyld ret, da han sagde: præsidenten vidste det fra starten.
Intet nyt under solen her heller. Men hvordan vil det ske?

Folk vil i større stil og antal at opdage, at de ikke er alene om deres tanker og følelser. Imperiets taktik er isolation – du er altid alene, der er dig, og så er der de andre. Folk vil begynde at opdage, at når de udtrykker deres tanker om verden, dens begivenheder og årsagerne til disse, at de ikke er alene. Fårene vil opdage, at de ikke er så fårede, som nogen sagde. Og konspiranoikerne vil opdage, at fårene ikke er så fårede, som de sagde, de var, og at de selv skulle tage sig lidt sammen og huske, hvor fårede de selv var engang.

Vi vil se, at vi visse steder er ved at nærme os 10%-grænsen. Altså det er ikke nødvendigt, at over halvdelen af en befolkning vågner af 100-års-søvnen. I Tyskland skete der for nylig det, at en tidligere journalist i en bog beskrev, hvordan han og mange af hans kolleger konstant blev bestukket og korrumperet af CIA. Resultat: salget af aviser faldt drastisk. Tyskerne vidste det i bund og grund godt. De hørte samtidigt om NSA’s aflytninger af alt og alle, inklusive kanslerinnen. Mange tyskere er oprørte over landets støtte til USA i Ukraine-affæren.

En forsigtig spådom – jeg kører stadig på frihjul, for det sker allerede – er, at det samme vil ske i Frankrig. England grundet den korrupte regeringskultur og det imperiale gods hos the Establishment, vil stadig være USA’s tro væbner (er det væbneren eller rustningen, der bestemmer?). Vi taler om den britiske regeringen, for briterne har ikke meget sympati for den slags. De vil derfor blive tvunget yderligere i knæ med hestekure. Spådom: Danmark lider fortsat af ‘den engelske syge’ og vil forsøge noget lignende. Vi vil se en yderligere fattiggørelse af den danske befolkning i det kommende år.

2015 vil også være året, hvor sanktionspolitikken mod Rusland giver bagslag. Her kan man tale om et blow-back efter et blow-job. Europa har automatisk fulgt USA aggressionspolitik, men det har udelukkende været til USA tilfredsstillelse. Og når sanktionerne lammer Europa – russerne skal bare bruge 2 år til at kommer styrket ud af krisen – vil det yderligere være til fordel for American Deep State, for den ser vældig gerne, at Europa ruinerer sig selv.

Måske er det mere et ønske end en spådom, men alligevel: vi vil se yderligere nedsmeltning af stereotyperne med højre- og venstre-ideologier. Højrepartierne i Europa har for længst overtaget den agenda, som venstrefløjen havde: systemkritik, anti-globalisme, anti-EU, anti-korporatisme. Nationalisme vil få en ny drejning bort fra chauvinisme. Nationerne og dermed deres befolkninger er under voldsomt pres i disse år. Finansterror og masse-indvandring æder af deres livsenergi.

For nylig kom der en bemærkelsesværdig udtalelse fra Marine le Pen fra det franske højrenationale parti, der har haft stor fremgang og opbakning. Udtalelsen viser tydeligt det paradoksale i venstrefløjens forfald til det reaktionære. Hun krævede, at den franske nationalbank skulle auditeres og gøre rede for alle dens transaktioner. Den skulle bla. klarlægge sine guldreserver og relationer til Federal Reserve. Hold da ferie, den sad lige i skabet! Det skulle venstrefløjen have gjort for længst, men den hedder jo Hollande, som er ligeså bagstræberisk og establishment-ramt som Obama og Cameron.

Der foregår masser af ting under bordet, som offentligheden intet aner om. Diplomati fx. For nylig gjorde den russiske præsident et stop i lufthavnen i Paris, hvor han holdt et hurtigt møde med franskbrødet, monsieur Hollande. Vi kan gætte på, hvad der blev talt om. Fx. handelsaftaler, mulighed for genoptagelse af store ordrer med fly og militærskibe, måske? Olie og udvikling af faciliteter. Ikke så meget om en dødelig glidetur for en oliedirektør på en landingsbane i Moskva, det var nok med i bagkataloget. Men altså: sanktionerne kan også mærkes i Frankrig. Og Hollande får svært ved helt at sidde Marie le Pens krav overhørig. Ligesom tyskerne, kan man forsigtigt spå, vil de forlange deres guldreserver udleveret fra FR (eller hvor de nu befinder sig, for her er de sørme også forsvundet …). Man ser for sig en eller anden kælder i Midtvesten af USA, en slags neo-nazistisk skatte-bunker med alle de kunstgenstande, de stjal fra museet i Bagdad sammen med de libyske og ukrainske guldreserver, der også lige forsvandt i tumulten.

Energi og fysik
Og hvad ligger der mere i kælderen? Alle de opfindelser, som de har stjålet fra striben af genier siden Tesla. En spådom er, at 2015 bliver året, hvor de første gen-opfindelser af Tesla-teknologier rammer markedet og bliver masseproduceret. Jeg siger gen-opfindelser, for militæret har haft dem hele tiden, det kan der ikke være tvivl om. Der kan heller ikke være tvivl om, at militærindustrien og olieindustrien har gjort alt, de kunne for at forhindre, at teknologierne blev tilgængelige. Men det vil ikke længere være muligt, for der er et mylder under overfladen af eksperimenter, som efterhånden er modne til finish. De første store investorer og producenter er allerede gået i gang.

Helt sikkert er det, at etablissementet vil forsøge at kvæle gennembruddet. Nogle opfindere vil, i hvert fald i USA, få en såkaldt ‘gag ordre’. Jeres opfindelse er nu konfiskeret og hemmeligstemplet, da den udgør en risiko for staten. Risiko, yeah right! Men det betyder måske blot, at det ikke er i kvælerslangens territorium, at gennembruddet vil ske, selvom netop USA myldrer med garage-genier. De flytter måske blot til Brasilien eller Tyrkiet. Nogle af dem vil indse det kloge i at gå Open Source, for så patent-kvælerne ikke så let ramme dem. Måske vil Indien og Kina tage hul på bylden og dermed tage føringen. Det være dem vel undt. Rusland kunne også sagtens matche, men den russiske olieindustri vil nok være, skal vi sige: ret uinteresseret. Russisk videnskab fejler dog ikke noget, og det ville sandsynligvis være lettere for deres videnskabsmænd at fatte fysikken bag, end det vil være for mange i Vesten.

For vi taler om en multistrenget teknologi, der bryder med de gængse modeller i fysikken. Videnskaben skal en tur på skolebænken for at revidere deres verdensbillede, for både Tesla-tech og hvad man har kaldt for kold fusion (af mangel på bedre term), kan ikke underbygges af hverken relativitetsteori, termodynamik eller kvantefysik, som den findes i dag. Praktikerne er lige nu ved at overhale teoretikerne, og der kører maskineri i 1000’er af garager, som opfinderne ikke engang selv kan forklare fuldt ud. Vi kommer til at se et møde mellem praksis og teori i det kommende år, mellem undergrund og mainstream, laboratorie og fabrikshal. Og det kommer til at går stærkt, når det først ruller, men det bliver ikke i Danmark, hvor det sker først, for der findes tilsyneladende ingen undergrund her. Tager jeg fejl? I så fald gemmer den sig godt.

De nye alliancer
Det bliver snarere Indien eller Kina, eller et andet sted, hvor man ikke er totalt afhængig af at sælge olie. Og mens vi taler om Kina og Indien, så vil både Yuan og Rupee i stigende grad brænde igennem som internationale valutaer. Til gengæld vil vi, desværre, se en splittelse mellem Vest og Øst, en slags mega-blokdannelse, hvor Vesten igen vil forsøge sig med deres protektionisme og finans-terrorangreb. Den siddende elite især i primært USA og sekundært i Europa er så forstokkede og ude af trit med den globale virkelighed – og de kalder sig for ‘globalister’! – og fanget af deres hidtidige dominans-mønstre i en grad, at det nærmest synes håbløst. Især det amerikanske politiske klima er så gennem-sygt, at det lige nu er utænkeligt, at noget godt kan komme fra militærstaten.

Til gengæld er der totalt gang i resten af Verden. Og det er ikke, fordi der mangler talenter i Vesten. Ej heller potentiale. Der mangler en sund ledelses- og handelskultur, hvor det ikke kun er central-bankfolks behov/begær, der tilgodeses. Der mangler forståelse for det, som fx kineserne gør lige nu: bygger infrastrukturer overalt, de kommer frem, skaber mulighed for handel, samarbejder. Den angelsaksiske kultur består i at fortælle folk, hvordan de skal opføre sig, hvorefter man måskevil handle med dem. Kineserne banker bare på døren og siger: kan jeg sælge dig noget? Ikke noget moralsk hykleri, lige til sagen, skal vi handle eller hvad? Mens de i øvrigt tænker: hvad bliver mon det næste sted, som amerikanerne har tænkt sig at smadre?

Kommer vi til at se konfrontationer mellem kinesere og amerikanere i det Sydkinesiske Hav? Måske, måske ikke. Der er ingen tvivl om, at der findes nogle amerikanske militærfolk, der har syntes, at området var ved at blive lidt for fredeligt, og det var rædselsvækkende, for så mistede de jo deres påskud for at være der med alle deres militærbaser! Kunne man ikke skaffe sig et påskud? Dette er hele drivkraften i det infame militær-finansielle-industrielle-komplex: at vedligeholde sig selv med påskud. Derfor skal der konstant være konflikter og krige, derfor skal der konstant være frygt og terror, derfor!

I 2015 vil hele denne syge kultur få yderligere modspil. Ikke på sygdommens betingelser, men på menneskers betingelser. Vi ser modspillet tage form i relationer mellem lande udenfor Vesten. Rusland indgår milliard-deal med Tyrkiet om olie. Rusland indgår multi-milliard-deal om olie med Kina. Det var forskellen mellem G20-topmødet og ASEA. På G20 skete der ikke en skid, på ASEA skete … alt! Verden gider ikke længere det pis, som Vestens lederskab bilder sig selv ind at have ret til at pådutte alle andre. I 2015 vil det boome med opbakning til projekter som Shanghai-initiativet og BRICS. Mindre lande vil befæste og udvide de netværk, de allerede har, og nye netværk vil opstå. De vil stå i kø for at søge om medlemskab eller nærmere tilknytning. De har 150 års erfaring med den imperialisme, der nu synger på sit sidste vers, og de er sick-and-tired af den.

Vi må dog desværre modificere udsagnet om, at der intet skete på G20-mødet. Det globale bankvæsen gjorde alvor af det, som en fortalende bankmand røbede, ville blive den nye norm efter bail-in-udplyndringen af Cypern: at vi (bankerne) nu har taget et nyt redskab i anvendelse. Cypern var en øvelse, på G20 blev det nu normen, og monstrets udførende arm hedder Financial Stability Board, hvilket de færreste har hørt om. Banalt sagt har banker nu lov til at stjæle folks penge, hvis de har lyst. En dyster forudsigelse for 2015 er, at vi vil se Cypern multipliceret andre steder. Det kan være nationalt som et afgrænset område, Cypern, eller blot kunderne i en bestemt bank, der opererer på tværs af landegrænser. Afhængig af, hvor direkte arrogant og forbryderisk, de gør det, vil det også blive set, og folk vil for alvor begynde at vende sig mod deres banker og komme op med andre løsninger.

Men jeg vil alligevel påstå, at vi kan ane konturerne af en ny skole og en ny generation af finans- og businessfolk i Vesten, der ønsker og arbejder for en ny stil. De har erkendt, at rovdyrs-casino-spekulations-kapitalisme i sidste ende ødelægger muligheder frem for at skabe det, de i bund og grund vil. De har erkendt det grundlæggende glædesløse i Imperiets forældede grundattitude og ser, at fx kineserne har det langt sjovere. De har erkendt, at handel ikke behøver være en krigs-handel / krigshandling, men at handel til begge handelsparters fordel er langt at foretrække. Vesten har i alt for lang tid tænkt i win-lose. Den nye generation begynder at tænke win-win – for ellers bliver det lose-win. Rendyrket spekulativ finanstænkning er ikke livsfremmende, den er destruktiv og ødelægger handel og udvikling.

Jeg vil påstå, at hele det stupid-dualistiske højre-venstre, sort-hvide, gode-onde, progressive-reaktionære, korrekte-ukorrekte, civiliserede-udviklingsramte, Nord-Syd, demokratiske-udemokratiske opdelings-paradigme er ved at falde væk. Det er falske og programmerede modsætninger, der ikke har noget med den grundlæggende menneskelige virkelighed at gøre. Fremtiden bliver synkretisk. De politisk-ideologiske fløje vil opdage, at de ikke hver for sig sidder med alle brikkerne til puslespillet men er nødt til at lære af hinanden og tale sammen.

De to strømme
2015 bliver året, hvor modsætningen mellem den støj, der er genereret i det monstrøse ekko-kammer, og de nye toner i æteren bliver tydeligere og mere kontrasteret. Det vil blive et år med både det værste og det bedste.

Vi vil på den ene side se nye grusomheder, nye krigshandlinger, nye overgreb, nye løgne og bedrag, nye falske flag, nye regerings-sponsorerede terrorhandlinger. Finansverdenen har sandsynligvis en ny finanskrise i støbeskeen. Vi vil se nye forsøg fra US Deep State og israelerne på at starte WW3. Vi vil se tiltag for at lamme civile rettigheder, og forsøg på øget censur vil blive daglig kost i Vesten. 

Det er den totalitære strøm, for Vesten er tiltænkt at blive det nye Sovjet. Vestens medier er allerede en ensrettet blok, der er i stand til at udsende flodbølger af lodret løgn. Hvad der især er slående er, at sovjettidens læsere var fuldstændig klar over, at Pravda var ren propaganda-bogus, mens vestens læsere for størstedelens vedkommende ikke aner, hvad de labber i sig.

Vi vil på den anden side se en global modstrøm af enough-is-enough.

  • Genetisk modificeret anti-føde vil i højere grad blive betvivlet. Og det vil ske på internationalt niveau (udenom USA). 
  • De ikke-vestlige valutaer vil ruste sig mod finans- og handelsovergreb og danne deres egne lukkede kredsløb. De vil ikke være permanent lukkede men blot selvforsynende.
  • Commonwealth-alliancen vil slå revner, da USA ikke længere er en troværdig storebror. Australien og New Zealand (og Canada) har i for høj grad kopieret den amerikanske neo-totalitære model og den er ikke deres stil. Deres for tiden korrupte regeringer vil komme under pres nedefra.  
  • Afrika vil opleve et løft på grund af den forbedrede infrastruktur. Dette kontinent er det mest udpinte og misbrugte i hele den imperialistiske æra, men vil nu begynde at frigøre sig fra dette slavebånd. 
  • Centralasien vil opleve en stribe nationale løft. Via de nye alliancer vil de bekræfte deres identitet og lære at håndtere deres ressourcerigdom.  
Vesten har sine egne  modstrømme. 

  • EU-modstanden vil få en delvis tilbagekomst. Vi vil se det hos en del af de nye højrenationale bevægelser. Andre vil forsøge at bruge EU mod deres egentlige hovedmodstander: deres egne regeringer.
  • Venstrefløjen vil blot gribe til stereotyperne og forsøge at dæmonisere og ekskludere. De har endnu ikke fattet, at deres opponenter ikke er den ad-hominem-karikatur, de har skabt. Eller sagt på en anden måde: De er irriterede over, at deres opponenter ikke længere opfører sig ifølge stereotypen. Hverken højre eller venstre er, hvad de har været. Venstre er blevet forstokkede reaktionære og højre – eller visse dele af højre – er blevet forbløffende progressive. Hvis vi overhovedet skal bruge disse udtryk, der afspejler det forlorne skisme fra forrige århundrede.
  • De ikke-europæiske initiativer vil skabe flere revner i EU-apparatet og i forholdet mellem USA og efterhånden resten af Verden. Europa bliver nødt til at lægge afstand til den desperate despot i Vest, hvis ikke de skal lide yderligere under det. Vi lader som om, at det vil ske … lød det overbevisende? 😉

Modstrømmen er på ingen måde uproblematisk, da den bliver læst, beregnet og bekæmpet. En af venstrefløjens brikker i puslespillet holder for så vidt vand: tryk avler modtryk. Det kan selvfølgelig være hegeliansk dialektik og et skema for manipulation. Men det er også en lovmæssighed for menneskelige samfund i et imperialt greb. Man kan kun holde mennesker nede indtil et vist punkt, og så kommer reaktionen. Indtil videre er det det lykkedes Imperiet at køre crowd-management på modstrømmen. Det vil ikke blive ved.

2015 er ikke året, hvor processen fuldbyrdes, for det er en lang proces. Men det bliver året, hvor det er tydeligt, at processen er i gang, og at den har en retning. 

En tur i rummet
Vi vil komme til at se flere tegn på, stormagterne for tiden forsøger en militarisering og industrialisering af rummet. USA har i årtier haft et ikke-officielt program med meget avanceret teknologi. Der er heller ingen tvivl om, at russerne er langt fremme, men de har om muligt været endnu mere diskrete med det. Vi se dem fx lamme et amerikansk krigsskib i begyndelsen af Ukraine-konflikten, så al teknologi gik død i timer. En gammel skramlet bomberfly fløj adskillige gange nedover skibet, som om det ville smide bomben. Typisk russisk i øvrigt at underspille hi-tech som usexet, forældet gear. 

Men ved at voldtage internationale konventioner om ikke at militarisere rummet – og USA har brudt samlige af slagsen gennem årene – er der for længst taget hul på en ny æra, hvor starwars-tech vil blive brugt. Hvis ikke krigsteknologi skal bruges, hvorfor fremstiller man den så?

Det er også i denne sammenhæng man er nødt til at se det kvælertag, der har været på før-omtalte Pure Energy Systems, af nogle misvisende kaldt for ‘fri energi’. For de stikker for dybt ind i cutting-edge-delen af militærindustrien.

Hvis vi oven i købet skal give det hele en vinkel og en skrue til, så kunne – og her er jeg langt mere tøvende, da emnet ligger lidt udenfor mit scope – så kunne man spekulere med høj-oktan på, om 2015 bliver året, hvor tilstedeværelsen af andre væsener end mennesker – eller andre former for mennesker – bliver introduceret i mainstream? Min tøven går især på, at størstedelen af UFO-fænomenet netop synes at være dette ikke-officielle rumprogram, og at den religiøsitet, der karakteriserer new-age-ufologien er direkte ud af scriptet for mind-control og disinformation. Hvor belejligt er det ikke, hvis flipcompagniet stæser rundt og råber ufo og alien, hvis det hele er et American Deep State Black Project?

Den slags projekter er ekstremt bekostelige. Der synes at være en sammenkædning af fænomener i den globale finansverden og de sorte projekter. Altså hvor forsvinder alle pengene hen, og hvorfor er alle lande forgældede? Maybe look no further?

Selv når man barberer hele post-nazi-teknologien væk, for det er bla. de fremskredne eksperimenter, der slap ud af Tyskland efter WW2, vi taler om, så er der en lomme tilbage, der slet og ret virker: alien. Mens vi taler om ‘at slippe ud’ (Operation Paperclip), så er Vatikanet for nylig kommet med besynderlige udtalelser om aliens. Vi kan fra den kant vente os opportunisme for et ‘frisk pust’ til den før så gloriøse, nu skrantende religion. Mon ikke de regner sig selv for en spiller i New World Order, hvor de mener at kunne levere en New World Religion? Nu har de rendt rundt i dametøj i 2000 år, så en rumhjelm med kulørte lamper og røgelse er vel ikke mere ‘far-out’?

Mit bud er, at hvis der sker en ‘disclosure’, så er vi som minimum i det årti, hvor en sådan vil finde sted. Samtidig er vi nødt til at tage i betragtning, at det desværre kunne være i form af endnu et falsk flag, som Werner von Braun beskrev det. Efter at nazisterne og russerne, efter at Islam og efter at miljøet er misbrugt som The Great Boogieman to scare the shit out of you, så kunne man køre filmen: Alien Invasion. Hvorfor ikke? Orson Welles har allerede demonstreret, at folk vil hoppe på den.

Darwin på pension
En af årsagerne til, at jeg aldrig for alvor har kørt ud af alien-sporet er, at menneskehedens egen historie er ‘alien’ nok i forvejen. Memet om invasion fra rummet og tilstedeværelsen af sjove typer med reptil-gener i baglokalet hos regeringerne, mener jeg, er stadigvæk 95% meme. Hvad der ikke er et meme, derimod, er det omfattende cover-up af såkaldt forbudt arkæologi. Smithsonian Institute har lige for nylig fået en højesteretsdom for deres destruktion af 10.000’er af skeletter stammende fra ‘mounds’, kæmpehøje overalt på kontinentet. Kæmpehøje får her mere end en betydning, for disse skeletter er mellem 1.80 meter og helt op til – hold lige fast: 3.60 meter! 

Vi kommer til at se mere til den slags i 2015 og fremover. Det er også værd at bemærke sig, at skeletterne ikke er mongoloider, men kaukasere. Det river op i hele politisk-korrektheds-debatten om indianere som ‘first nation’, de oprindelige indvandrere til et mennesketomt kontinent. Det var i allerhøjeste grad et beboet kontinent. Dommen medfører at Smithsonian i 2015 skal offentliggøre hemmeligstemplede rapporter om deres forbrydelse – for deres omfattende destruktion af supervigtigt arkæologisk materiale er en kæmpe forbrydelse mod menneskeheden! – betyde et identitetsløft og -skift hos amerikanerne. De er ikke længere så historieløse, og dermed overfladisk manipulerbare, som de har været. De er nu pludselig hvide mennesker med en dyb fortid, der er vendt tilbage til et kontinent, hvor de var blevet fortrængt. De behøver ikke at være duknakkede og skyldbefængte over kulturmarxisternes misbrug af den indianske befolkning som løftestang for deres kultur-destruktionsprojekt. Der vil komme en fornyet interesse for rigtig historie og rigtig arkæologi og dogmatiseringen og politiseringen af denne videnskab vil for alvor få modspil.

Det vil yderligere sprede sig som ringe i vandet. Hvem ved, måske vil selv danskerne begynde at interessere sig for deres fortid. Hvilke museer har i øvrigt ikke ting og sager liggende, der ikke passer ind i kultur-darwinisternes skema? Mit bud er, at der snart vil stå en hel hær klar til at tage fat – udover den undergrundshær, der i årtier har gjort et benarbejde, som arkæologer og historikere for længst skulle have gjort. Det var fx en organisation kaldet AIAA (American Istitution of Alternative Archeology), der lagde sag an mod Smithsonian – og vandt. Og det gjorde de blandt andet vha whistleblowere, der havde været vidner eller endog medvirkende, og som skammede sig over det. De har været truet og terroriseret til at holde kæft, men en destingveret kurator havde stjålet et lårben og gemt det, og på sit dødsleje letter han sin samvittighed og fortæller i detaljer om svindelnummeret. 

Selv de kristne, ja selv jøderne burde bifalde projektet, for det Gamle Testamente fortæller om kæmper, der gik på jorden i fordums tid. Alle kulturer beretter om dem, men ifølge mainstream-arkæologi og historieskrivning har samtlige hedengangne kulturer været fulde af vrøvl. Vatikanet har i stor stil medvirket til den generelle videns-forplumring. De har vidst, at et skred i retning af radikal revision af menneskets tidlige historie ville være et skred for deres konstruktion, da den i for høj grad bygger på historiske forfalskninger, hvor fordømmelse af al hedensk / hedengangent var en del af metoden.

Og her forbinder alien-tanken og menneskehedens fortid sig på sær og dog indlysende måde. For det historiske lag – og vi taler om alt, der rækker udover de 5.000 år, som i både mainstream-historikere og kristendom har været enige om at hævde som grænse for egentlig civilisation – dette lag viser også en på ingen måde primitiv kultur men en totalt avanceret kultur. At man i for høj grad har trukket alien-kortet – for dernæst at grine af sig selv – skyldes blot, at en avanceret kultur af den alder ifølge kultur-darwinisterne ikke er mulig. For forfædrene var jo halvaber og køllesvingere! Og at Vatikanet nu er begyndt at snakke om aliens er næsten pinligt. De er rede til at anerkende grønne marsmænd, mens de lægger låg på jordmenneskenes fortid er topmålet af hykleri og kan kun opfattes som et forsøg på en opdatering af deres kryptiserings-kode.

Summa-summarum: Højesteretskendelsen over Smithsonian kan ikke undervurderes, og det vil vi se allerede i 2015.

Skal vi ikke bare vedtage, at 2015 bliver året, hvor viden for alvor speeder op med at give religionernes, ideologiernes og videnskabens uvidengørelse langt mere modspil. Tænk lige over dette: selv for religion og videnskab kunne det betyde fornyet livskraft. Der kunne ske en re-spiritualiseret and åndløs religion. Der kunne ske en afdogmatisering genopstandelse af ægte nysgerrig pionerånd i videnskaben.

Ud med skeletterne i skabet og ned i kælderen med Darwin!

Also Sprach …

Disclaimer: spåmanden forbeholder sig ret til på ethvert givet tidspunkt at ændre ethvert udsagn, hvis uforudsigelige og uforudsagte hændelser skulle forstyrre det forudsagte. At dette vil ske, er den eneste sikre spådom.
2015 in the Crystal Ball

The Climate Fraud

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by morton_h, the blogger

Due to a huge interest on this blog, a translation process from Danish to English began some time ago. This is one of the blogs. We choose to relaunch it rather than just adding to the old blog. You will find quite a few translated by now. 

This subject is, unfortunately, still very relevant.

A story of politicized science
In 1988 the message the message for the World was: Now would we definitively have solved the puzzle of climate change. This was before the forming of IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel). Natural climate change was and is and will always be essential for human living conditions, so apparently this was an important step. But when the first reports came out on the Agenda, it was already derailed announcing that it was to be about
man-made climate change, and thus the exclusion of all factors of natural climate change.

It surprised many researchers, since the research world was becoming highly aware that in Earth’s history a number of crucial and sometimes violent climate changes had taking place. Studies in ice cores, seabed sediments and dendro-chronology was beginning to talk and confirm each other or play against each other. There was a lively, productive and constructive debate. In the 80s, however, entered a completely different and not very scientific agenda and began to mingle: politics. This agenda behaved in such an aggressive way, that in the course of a decade it completely took over the arena.

It was reported in the decade before and around the turn of the millennium the politicians of the discussion was over, that everything was now settled, and that the science now completely agreed that there was: consensus. But the problem then and today is a very significant problem: the debate is just beginning, that nothing has been resolved, and that science deeply disagree with itself. Science had 30 years ago and today has only just embarked on the study and understanding of the complex. Scientists did not reject that people had some kind of influence on the climate, but the forced and totalitarian consensus that suddenly arose, was never on their menu.

Consensus is an alien word for scientists. Science is never about negotiating or enforcing an aggreement. It is all about questioning, experimenting, testing, proving right or wrong. Until no more stones can be turned and no more questions can be made, there is no consensus, which would be utterly counter-productive. Theories and hypotheses are only intermediary steps and not the final. And the science, real science that is, does not talk about consensus but always about proven facts.

The topic of climate change is pretty unmanageable for people who have not obtained a minimal understanding of what creates such a huge phenomenon as climate. We understand that people who are in a small room with smoker in one corner, a person with a bad stomach that constantly escalated in the second, a brow that burns on in the third and windows that can not be opened in the fourth, can create inconveniences. We may need to understand the extent of smog and pollution in urban environments because they are in a kind of confined space, where we can feel the problem directly. But when it comes to something as gigantic as a global climate where the players are oceans, vast tundras, vast rainforests and incredible volcanoes, then we lose the overview. And totally, TOTALLY wrong it goes when you have to consider the earth’s climate in a solar or cosmic context.

The money men
Amidst this tangled box of understanding arrived there people with quite a lot of money in their back pocket, and they were certainly not afraid to use them. The major investments were made. Science was basically bought to produce results and statements that could support an already planned conclusion: that it was more or less human beings that controlled the cosmos and the climate! A completely unbelievable statement, if you think about it – and we often do not think but tend to refer to people that claim to have thought! The solar system was parked in a cryptisized and thus irrelevant field. The UN Convention on Climate Change, which preceded the IPCC, presented their plan: to reduce the research committee for the purpose of the study of
anthropogenic climate. Exit Cosmos, exit Nature, intro politics.

This shift of ‘debate-climate’ was a very smart and very inflamed move. People who allowed themselves to advance the now non-politically correct view that human primary responsibility for global climate perhaps could and even should be questioned, were exposed as wasteful. These statements suddenly and strangely enough came out of the mouths of people who before had condemned all talk about environment and pollution. There arose a weird kind of confusion where the public discourse flipped 180 degrees. Simultaneously, environment and pollution in general was washed out of the debate now almost exclusively to be about: climate. While talking about climate, there was to be a constant emotional and moral taste and smell of guilt, shame, debt and correctness in opinion. The alert listener and reader might here note a pattern that has been seen quite a few times in history. An ‘operating system’ materializes. Science with a magical artificial trick had turned into religion. Knowledge was washed out of the tub, and faith was poured in, faith in the sense of lack of knowledge forming a vacuum now filled up with a prefab system of belief.

The content of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.3% of the Earth’s atmosphere. In man’s industrialization period, we have increased concentration of 80-90 ppm. There are so researchers who have allowed themselves to ask if this is significant or as claimed even disastrously, but their cautious question was run over with buldozer strenth by IPCC, which also claimed that the C02 in the atmosphere before industrialization had been stable over 100,000s of years. 

Consensus – what a glorious word!
Now it just so happens that science not at all about consensus. We may repeat ourselves here, but this is so important. Science is not democratic, it is not about servicing the majority and certainly not about wiping out differences and nuances. True science is only about full respect of doubt, differences unresolved issues and nuances. Science is about curiosity. The more, the better. It is politics and religion, which is about consensus. Science is about critical thinking, and the word consensus is totally meaningless in this context.

IPCC, and we must give them that, had summoned a huge panel of scientists who worked on a huge range of issues on climate. But when you read their reports, there is immensely little consensus. Consensus itself, in contrast, suddenly appears in the summaries organized by bureaucrats and presented to politicians and decision makers. Here they were told what should be read by this, what should be concluded and extracted by this and most importantly: what should be decided based upon this! Here comes the inflamation. That was the first report. In the next report the summary was even published beforethe real report, meaning that they had written their politician-synopsis months before the report came out, and then demanded that the report should be aligned with the summary!

This kind of prefabricated consensus is a genuine Agenda 21 concept. It is advisable to study Agenda 21 and political correctness. Without a basic piece of homework it is actually hard to comprehend what is going on. NGOs also play an important role in this mega-spin. Agenda 21 is a very comprehensive and very well prepared piece of social-mental-ideological engineering and crowd-management.

Human industries each year send 5.5 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. It sounds like a lot, but it must be related to the soil surface in itself delivers 1,500 gigatons of CO2 every year, the atmosphere itself is 750 gigatons of CO2, the plant world produces 610 gigatons of CO2 the oceans store 38,000 gigatons of CO2, and that sea sediments save about 100,000,000 gigatons of CO2. How has so much carbon dioxide ended there? The reason is that our age is abnormally cold compared to previous periods in Earth’s history. The content of CO2 in the air has been 10 times as high in periods (Zenosoic, Mesosoic) and vegetation then was overwhelmingly fertile, which the study of plants and their segmented debris clearly has shown.

There are extremely detailed data on the composition of the atmosphere for the last 200 years. These data are documented in solid pier-reviewed literature that is fully accessible. When Al Gore as a representative of the ‘agenda’ did his show ‘Inconvenient Truth’, ALL these data were excluded. This led to a comprehensive protest and a document signed by 31,000 scientists calling the show for abuse and falsification of scientific data – this in itself being one ‘inconvenient truth’ that returned like a boomerang. But no one discovered it, the media aspirated and choked the story. The media were complicit through their ownership. The same who ‘owns’ science also owns the media.

But ownership of the media of the Western World is a huge story in itself deserving its own blogpost. 

An inconvenient thruth is, that fraud probably will not be sufficient
for surviving a new Ice Age in bare ass.

Then came the weird affair, the big leak in two rounds consisting of 1000s of emails circulating in a group of researchers from East Anglia University in England, which confirmed that the data were distorted and scientists and research were manipulated. The statement that the temperature in the course of 10 years had increased in a manner that was unique in the 1000s of years revealed a highly selective use of data which are not adequate with real science.

Temperature measurements are based on three factors:

  • ground-based measurements, meteorological stations, airports
  • weather balloons
  • satelites

The ground-based measurements show an increasing temperature in a 30 years span. The satellite measurements, which is considered the most accurate, show no increase. On the other hand they show a slight cooling in the last 10 years. The American continent, for example. had unusually harsh winters the last few years.

IPCC climate panel based their statements on pre-industrial measurements exclusively on ice cores and very little on dendrochronology and seabed sediments. They build their conclusions mostly on ground-based measurements in the age of industrialization. These measurements are the main problem is that they are composed of many forms of pollution, especially from urban sites.

The inconvenient truth of leaked emails from East Anglia University shows a deliberate effort to hide the fact that the recent climate did not cooperate with the predictions, namely that the curve would rise disastrously and that Doomsday was in sight. The landscape did not behaved according to the map. All the predictions well into the 21st century were based on the fact that this curve was waterproof. But water went through the hull.

However, heavy political decisions were already taken, taxes were implemented, lots of jobs and careers were created in this new ‘industry’. The train was running and it had its own inertia. It would now be a big loss of prestige to align theories and statements with the realities and match the map with the landscape. And even worse than that, it would be a disclosure of lying and manipulating science, which by written law in all Western countries is considered a criminal offense. In the emails, the group discussions of certain researchers from East Anglia reveals – and lets just bluntly use the c-word – a conspiracy of how they through statistics could hide their miscalculations. Or their pre-defined results, because it is difficult to say exactly whether it was the chicken or the egg, that arrived here first.

Especially one scientist, Phil Jones, shines through. He was one of the leading climate scientists at East Anglia and provided the IPCC with most of their material. Independent researchers who were not under Phil Jones’ supervision and control, had for years called for the raw data, upon which he and his circle based their conclusions. But in vain, for the data were never put forth. In the University’s internal mail was revealed the discussion on how to directly avoid The Freedom of Information Act, so that other researchers would not have access to see the raw data. Phil Jones said directly in an interview: ‘Why should I give my data to someone who is just out to disprove that I am right?’ Well this is not what the whole concept of ‘pier review’ and scientific integrity criterion is all about?

The whole story is embarrassing for Science as a whole. It is embarrassing when people, who at first are anxious to get as many papers out for pier reviewing in order to promote their career and prestige and to get them funded later are whimping and whining as they turn out to be shit scared of actually being pier reviewed. And now comes the really embarrassing part: as Phil Jones and co. finally had to drop their data, these data had … disappeared!

We could procede with stories of all the threatened scientists, and all the heads of university departments for climate research, that were fired for just expressing doubts about the inflammatory mechanisms in academia, but it’s just too sad, and we shall not go there.

What happened to substance?
However, there is a strange phenomenon in the whole debate that we have to observe. When someone who cares seriously about the matter tries to produce something that has substance, something that has to do with actual knowledge and facts, then another strange something happens. The propagandists for anthropogenic climate completely avoid discussions with substance. They run all sorts of spurious arguments that critics are ‘paid by the oil industry’ that ‘a conspiracy’ that they are ‘mental disturbed dreamers’. Al Gore called critique ‘a form of racists’ drawing the typical neo-trotsyist (= neo-con), culture marxist political-correctness card.

The propagandists will use all the classic logical fallacies ad Hominem as their favorite. Dagbladet Information, the Danish former critical and independant newspaper (now just an organ for political correctness), and their climate propagandist, Jørgen Steen Nielsen, said when the second major leak (these people do not get it, do they?) from East Anglia got out that ‘the opponents are very well organized in their propaganda’. He called them ‘climate deniers’ and other politically correct epithets meant to belittle them, and very important: by never getting into substantive facts. One logical fallacy after another will be flying through the air.

As statistician Bjørn Lomborg published his careful and extensive calculations, his opponents never spoke of substance. Especially the political-correctness-infected left neither dared nor were capable of that. They demonized and ridiculed him – typical of culture marxist manipulation tactics – while at the same time avoiding substance. It ended up in the most vicious form of populism and manage back-slapping, and you bewitness the Danish intelligentsia spitting out their sarcasms over a glass of red wine by the dinner parties. Lomborg became a scapegoat and was even accused formally of ‘scientific unreliability’. When his accusors had to withdraw the accusation, which in itself was disingenuous, it was swept under the carpet and he was never given a proper redress so that the doubt would hang onto him and not onto them.

It is argued that there are $ 200 million a year donated by the oil industry as support for climate research. Fair enough, it gives reason to look more closely at whether the research sticks to the subject. That does not prove anything, but it says that you have to keep an eye on a possible bias. What apparently does not count for bias is the arrival each year of 30 billions from governments for climate research (American figures, globally it is much larger), and it is apparently not considered a reason to look for an agenda. And politicians have otherwise plenty of those agendas. When made socalled intelligent people stop thinking? 

Wonderful Copenhagen
16,000 delegates flew to the beautiful city in the small state where according to Shakespeare something is rotten. They arrived on first class and in private jets, emptied the entire capitol for limousines, caviar and expensive call girls. And as part of the standard concept the asphalt was cooking, and the parliament of the street including completely random passersby were run in armed vans to the local Guantanamo, an intermediary detention camp in Valby, Cph. NSA tapped into all that they could get close to, we now know. The whole matter was and is so deeply politicized that it makes you vommit wishing for a political detox, an ideological cold turkey in order to get back to real science. Global warming today is a hijacked science.

CO2-commerce is now a derivative industry. It is deeply linked with the ‘sub-prime interest rate-industry’. Global warming is the financial industry undertaking an yet another investment. They spit part of their endless billions into trade and reap the ten fold. Did we forget to say that they have themselves pressed their billions (quantized easing)? The day they are revealed – which is happening right now – they vanish from the Earth’s surface and in the process of fabricating a new piece of scam. Lack of water, for example, and it is already on the way. They know that they will not be held accountable, for they are ‘too big to be prosecuted’, just as banks are ‘too big to fail’. The CO2 predators have positioned themselves as a gigantic intermediary who pulls ‘green taxes’ out of this artificially applied trade field.

Al Gore and co. like the sub-prime interest credit industry created a milking machine, that according to this industry does not produce anything other than a trained magician produces on stage: illusion and amazement. The concept is parasitic. Financial Industry produces nothing but feed on all other producing something. It’s a crafty industrial cancer, a parasite, a vampire. These people are incredibly rich, but the climate change that a branch of their finance industy on, will not take place – and this is one of the never-discussed facts – by CO2 creating climate change. Climate change and rising temperature creates as a side effectmore CO2 content in the atmosphere. Al Gore deliberately swapped around the curves for the sake for establishing the guilt complex. 

The ‘stable’ climate
Let’s walk-the-talk and get into more facts about global climate. The statement that the climate has been resistant, but then suddenly have changed can very easily be rejected, and quite categorically! If you want to see an example of natural global warming, then study the abrupt shift that happened at end of the last ice age. Here you can, my foot, talk about global warming! In the early Middle Ages, there was even so hot in Europe that you could grow wine close to the Scottish border. A few hundred years later, we see echoes of the Ice Age called ‘Little Ice Age’, where people could walk across the English Channel. The CO2 fart that was spewed out of Hekla a few years ago and stopped air traffic across northern Europe, delivered more CO2 than the entire planet’s total industry makes in 10 years! In light of these tough facts, it must be noted that the term ‘climate denial’ which the propagandists heap upon, gets quite a self-target-like significance. They in fact are denying essential facts about climate and the causes for its constant change.

The end of the ice age shows severe fluctuations in temperature. It would rise by as much as 15 degrees in just three years, then fall again, and rise again and so on. And it was hardly because there were a bunch a stack of cave men down in Central Italy frying wild boar over an open fire, while they farted and belched. Nature is immense and often violent. The arrival of the ice ages have been equally abrupt. Ice core drilling in Greenland show that all ice ages in the past 250,000 years has arrived over at least 20 years and sometimes over three years! There are even examples of large animals like. mammoth has been snap frozen. Their bodies are caught in motion, they are not just fallen on old age. Some of them still stand up with food in their mouths! If you freeze slowly cell changes and spoilage will occour, but these bodies are so fresh that even the dogs eat them if they are fed. They were simply surprised by a sudden icing combined with intense volcanic activity. * 2 Heat and cold have a close relationship. Science paleo-climatology shows again-and-again that the earth’s climate has been extremely dynamic. In the past 2.5 million years the earth has shifted from an almost full-icing to a habitable climate around 40 times. We repeat right again: 40 times!

Volcanic activity on Earth is recognized by science to its full extent. There are a number of, approximately 20, so-called ‘super-volcanoes’ scattered over the ground. If just one of these went by, there would be a great ice age in the course of a few months. So volcanism, dust, lava, warming would cover the sun, and an ice age would occur immediately. Yet another reason to shake your head listening to these commercial ravings about CO2 and global warming. The situation is 100% completely opposite!

The activity of sunspots is today very low, althougt recently some rising activity has been observed. Talking about the sun as having no importance for the Earth’s climate is absolutely frivolous and junk scientific, so we will simply ignore that. There is a close link between the Sun and what is happening on the Earth. A glacial scenario is much more likely than a heating period. And none of these have anything to do with human activity. Exept for the sum of geo-ingeneering and weather modification projects, that the same cabal that has trumpeted the climate fraud is up to, and that draw strange streaks across the sky these days filled with barium, strontium and aluminum. The organizers of this particular form of deliberate anthropogenic climate are very reluctant to tell us about it.

There are many misconceptions about what an ice age is, and what creates the kind. Most people think that it is something that it is just the weather being goddamn shit cold. Not so. It takes only about five degrees colder than average, before the spring grows longer and the autumn shorter and there will be a gradual buildup of ice. There will be more precipitation in the winter and will gradually be lying. The disastrous will not consist in human beings freezing to death in the streets, but more in the fact that we can not get seeds in the soil in the spring, and the cold sets in, before they can reap. We would starve rather than freeze.

Set back in the history of civilization, the mini-ice ages would last about 125 years, been synonymous with civilization’s downfall. The Roman Empire fell at such a mini-ice age. Genghis Khan moved free in such a time. Sumer coincided in such a time. What would be the Empire bound to fall this time?

What happened to the environment?
Simultaneously with this curious fraudulent smokescreen the World is floating with serious environmental problems: rivers flowing with poison and shit, the air is crowded with irrelevant stuff, wars in the Middle East resulting in large areas of land flowing with depleted uranium (and no, you do not hear about it on TV …). The food we eat contains tons of irrelevant products from the petrochemical industry. Fracking destroying underground and fresh water, and endless list of sad, sad calamities. And what is being debated? Climate, CO2-poisoning (as if CO2 actually was a poison), global warming, guilt, shame, debt, taxes, ‘carbon-trade’. The politicized junk-science has delivered a huge distraction – on purpose? You don’t organize a huge spinn project without it being a multi-pronged maneuver. The environmental movement never saw what hit them, and their naive acolytes did not notice that they were deceived. The immediately adopted climate change adapting to the priorities of the concept. How smart was it not? How convenient un-truthful was it not? Environmental movements allowed themselves willingly to be corrupt and disarmed. Exit environmental debate.

What is very sad is, that the subject of natural climate change meaning EVERYTHING in all of human history for the lives as humans on Earth now is disappearing from our view due to some greedy and petty political agenda, so that we are rendered totally helpless when and if it occurs. Or rather: not if, but when. When the trend goes in the opposite direction, and a new ice age starts, the industrialists will begin to waffle on this being ‘due to global warming’, and we would be witnessing the sickest of pseudo logics. In fact, they have already started this logic, so take a deep breath.

If you have to describe the living conditions of people in Northern Europe, North America and most of northern Asia 13,000 years ago, the nearest comparison: Antarctica around the South Pole. So take the soil surface, you see today with cities, trees, streams, forests and fields covered with a layer of ice two miles! In approximately 1000 years, which is equal to nothing in the geological history, this ice in the Northern Hemisphere completely disappeared. Speaking about global warming!

Real science is not in any way that stupid and arrogant politicians demand us to agree on. Challenge: if you or someone belonging from the group that has manipulated the minds of millions of people seducing or threatening them to confess to climate religion, then spend 2-3 months out of your life to seriously and unprejudiced studying what science has in fact learned in the last 30 years about the Earth’s climate. And then let us hear how confident and dogma-sure you or they will be. It will prove that the problem is far more complex than the mainstream media has presented it.

The above blogpost is based on an interview with Stephen Thomas from and Randall Carlson * 1: 


* 1
The blogger is a student of Randall Carlson.
I have carefully chosen him because of his huge and incorruptible knowledge of what he is commenting. Another good bet would be to listen to Robert Felix. Both ‘renegate’-researchers happen to be architects. The undersigned blogger has strangely enough worked for architectural firms doing CAD drawing. Keeping in mind not to fall into the ditch of religion on the other side of the road. Follow the clues, follow the links, cross-check, verify, think-think-think! You will find lots of references here to the big boys in serious climate research.

* 2
The blogger has as Flash designer had a two-year professional collaboration with the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, where I programmed and visualized the extensive knowledge-site (Danish text only) working in particular with a younger researcher and center coordinator at the department and a geographer from former Danish Polar Center. As the agenda of global warming arrived, I asked one day what the Niels Bohr Institute’s position was, and they said, ‘We do not want to comment. We are doing research, not politics, and we do not want our opinions to be twisted and abused by journalists and politicians’.

I got the point in this subtle understatement.

The Climate Fraud

Ignorant Unfreedom – Contented Slaves

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { }
By ChaosNavigator

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { }
   Prometheus- the rebellious Titan stole the fire from the
   Gods and gave it for freedom to man
. Will he use it?

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { }

          The fear of being free makes us proud to be slaves.
          – unknown 

The prisoner returns to the cave, to inform the other prisoners of his findings, namely that they are in a prison. They do not believe him and threaten to kill him if he tries to set them free.
– on Plato’s Cave and Socrates

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, 1961

Liberty for Milton is not something that starts with man: it starts with God. It is not something that man naturally wants for himself, but something that God is determined he shall have; man cannot want it unless he is in a regenerate state, prepared to accept the inner discipline and responsibility that go with it. Hence, as Milton says, none can love freedom but good men; the rest want not freedom but licence. When a “licentious” man says he wants liberty, what he really wants is mastery, or lust. If he cannot get mastery, he will give the name liberty to greed, to the querulous desire to be left alone with his pleasanter vices. If he cannot achieve that, he will identify liberty with its demonic parody, a glad acceptance of slavery, proceeding from the influence of Moloch and Belial to that of Mammon.
– Northrop Frye. “The Return of Eden.” 1965. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. Pg. 85-86.

NB! I prefer the word ‘unfreedom’ rather than ‘bondage’ as it is a more clear direct negation and antonym to ‘freedom’. There is also extensive use of quotes in the text.

Ignorant Unfreedom 

The world is in an incredible mind-boggling flux and these overviews provide crucial ‘satellite perspectives’ circumventing the tremendous censorship and manipulation by the official narratives and mainstream media: Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7.

There are many historical key events, out of which many are “common syllabus” across the awakened spectrum in what one overall could call the revisionist/directed history/truth/justice/freedom/deep politics-movements, which constitute a parallel syllabus, a corpus of really significant events, causations, etc. but are not at all on the “syllabus”/radar on the part of the so-called progressive critically oriented “educationally damaged” intellectuals, mainstream media, etc. Mainstream Media is seen as the biggest threat to information and truth.

This ‘parallel-syllabus’ in deep politics, directed history, etc. is radically different, the same in regard to significant key events, concepts, history, causality og epistemology, etc.

Also, many critically acclaimed intellectuals, even visionary philosophers, are just as unacquainted with the depth of the rabbit hole as the average citizen in regard to deep politics, false flag state terror, etc. This means that a specialized Habermas, Derrida, Chomsky or Bauman, can be just as non-cognizant about certain causations as the average Joe. This was made possible due to the systematic efforts of states to conceal the actions by the state, perception management, the failures and manipulation of mainstream media, distortions and omissions in syllabus and education, classification, compartmentalization and stratification of knowledge, group think, belief in authority, etc.  

It’s been possible to hide many significant key events for decades as documented in this brilliant article fx:

DanielEllsberg: “Secrets … Can Be Kept Reliably … For Decades …Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders

Many concrete causations are thus not on the map of many mainstream critically-minded intellectuals, whose claimed official causations and narratives are either superficial. partial, omissive, or directly untrue. Our radar is in many respects defect – our comprehension and historical consciousness, partial or erroneous.
Denial of knowledge about this implies that these mainstream intellectuals in worst case remain useful idiots, gatekeepers, which is insane.

However, to see through concepts, factors and causations, not part of the official syllabus in political science, medicine, physics, sociology and so forth, demands a proactive independent defiance, observation, logic, a formative deprogramming self-education. The problem is that many things which have been revealed by the internet reformation, are simply too radically history revisionistic  and thus going against the grain of many things assumed to be ‘undisputed’ knowledge among the mentality one could call the ‘Lemming- or Parrot-mentality‛ –  whose education, formation, socialization, have been largely conditioned by the selective absorption through an Anglo-American eurocentric syllabus, in college and especially prominent universities in what is considered ‘undisputed’ knowledge (scientifically, politically, historically, economically, etc.). But which historically can turn out to be false, and often is falsity,  censorship, omissions, errors, ‛education damage‛,  history fraud,  perception management, control,  indoctrination,  power interests, etc.

Only if we recognize that many normalized practices and ‘sanctioned’ knowledge in society are pathological, suppressive, harmful, can we protect ourselves and others.

Governments and mainstream media are trying to frame the freedom/justice/truth-movements as ‘extreme’,i.e. that there is a polarization between left and right in terms of the fight against the terror state – and that such fight against the state is only something that belongs to ‘extreme right-wing’ or ‘radical left’ – something which in fact is a divide and conquer strategy by the terror state and a lie! Why?

Because the peace movements, conservatives, socialists, anarchists, libertarians, etc. are in agreement with ‘right-winged ‘nuts’ cause there is a huge consensus among them, a huge underbelly of consensus across. but the state tries to run a guilt by association campaign, i.e. “extreme right” or “radical left”, cause they don’t wan’t people to realize that it’s a freedom movement across the entire political spectrum against the tyranny/corporatocracy/oligarchy/plutocracy/power elite, etc. A vertical paradigm. 

And even though the consensus among the peace movements, conservatives, socialists,anarchists, libertarians, etc.(the great awakened underbelly across the political spectrum) do not have the same orientations in political solutions, they are nonetheless remarkably uniform in their diagnosis of very specific developments of causes and effects of the terror state.

A few developments since 9/11:

• Warrantless domestic surveillance.

• NDAA (Obama signing NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law; removing Habeas Corpus; detainment of american citizens without due proces, the militarization of law enforcement, the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act.

30.000 drones are planned for domestic use flying over US territory, and the conditioning of people to accept these, and in time weaponized (has happened on initial test grounds)

• Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordered a total of + 1.6 billion bullets for domestic use, of which + 450 million are hollow point bullets (banned in war by various conventions, designed for maximum damage with one shot: Killshot, bought for use inside the USA. This continues. 

Snowden documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse – inject all sorts of  false material onto the internet using social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. Plausible that Operation Mockingbird never ended

•  Government Spies On Innocent People Via Webcams, Laptops, Xbox – The Guardian

• The ability to search telephone calls, emails, financial matters especially involving foreign individuals, and medical records for people who are “suspected” of endangering the country.

• Color coded risk levels designed to keep citizens fearful of non-existent terrorists.

• Pre-emptive invasion of foreign countries.

• Committing U.S. forces to war without a declaration of war by Congress as mandated in the U.S. Constitution.

• Assassination of people on presidential kill lists.

• Extermination of “suspected” enemies by predator drones.

• Torture of detainees in camps outside of the United States.

• The authority to indefinitely detain America citizens without trial.

• Executive orders giving the President the ability to unilaterally disregard the  U.S.Constitution and take control of private industries.

• Use of drones to monitor the activities of American citizens.

• Allowing the very bankers that destroyed the worldwide economic system to blackmail the American taxpayers into handing them $700 billion.

• Not prosecuting one Wall Street criminal after the largest Ponzi control fraud in the history of the world.

• Cameras and listening devices on public transit and other public locations.

• Military exercises conducted in U.S. cities in order to condition the masses.

• Very serious attempts to control and censor the internet through SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, CISPA, TPP, etc.

• The use of tragic mass murders by mentally defective young men on psychotropic drugs to disregard the 2nd Amendment and disarm American citizens.

• TSA (responsible for security in American airports and other areas) thugs molesting little old ladies and young children to desensitize citizens to gestapo like tactics and treat them like criminals.

• Government partnering with Facebook, Apple, Google and other corporate entities to monitor, censor, and report the activities of citizens to the authorities.

• The use of public schools to teach children what to think rather than how to think. Thought control is vital to an agenda of keeping the masses fearful and pliable.

• Government agencies (FBI, ATF) creating terrorist plots, luring young dupes into the plots, providing fake explosives, and then announcing with great fanfare they have foiled a terrorist plot – New York Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. – April 28, 2012 –– Update: The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in most high-profile US terror plots’ 21 july 2014 

• “See something, Say something” government media campaign designed to make citizens paranoid and fearful.

• DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Purchased 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks
•  Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.
WashingtonExaminer  (FEMA camps can be misused to imprison dissidents)

The list above is partially copied from this brilliant artcicle but I have heavily expanded it, even though in its current form it is very short, almost a sugarcoated version compared to what has happened and the dire consequences for the future of us all  – the fuller picture is much much worse.

Protesting, blogging, demonstrations, the birth of freedom/justice/truth-movements themselves are the results of being vigilant about these developments , and one of the reasons they are called ‘conspiracy theorists’! They are not! They are vigilant and aware of what’s going on about de facto degeneration and conspiracy facts and have been vindicated constantly big time with their diagnosis – and such diagnosis is a threat against the tyranny/corporotocracy/oligarchy,/plutocracy/power elite, because it constitutes a very broad consensus among the vigilant and aware underbelly among the common core across the political spectrum

Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.’
Newstudies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy,hostile

The road ahead and out of this mess is to ‘deprogram’ oneself from the formative ‘education damage’ through observations, logic and self-studies, which many academicshave done already. But since this provokes anxiety on the part of the prisoners in Plato’s Cave, the reaction is most often disbelief, ridicule, anxiety, aggression and irrational criticism– a criticism which can turn out to be fatal in favor of Stockholmsyndrom and the executioners ongoing scientific, economical, political, and media monopolization.

 But all this is demanding, so let us remain in blissful ignorance. Life is short, ‘what can I do?’’

The alternative is to remain in darkness in ignorant bliss as a human being who lived and died, ignorant and unfree in the 21st Century, at the mercy of forces one didn’t comprehend because of cognitive dissonance and perception management, what, who, where, why, etc..

One of the only premises preventing people from waking up is disbelief based on an erroneous belief that governments and mainstream media wouldn’t lie and deceive to such a murderous extent as they have.

Such disbelief becomes the inadvertent ally of evil (for a lack of a better word).

You better wake up!

If you cannot speak, you cannot think.
If you cannot think, you cannot figure things out.
If you cannot figure things out, you will never see that you are a slave.
If you cannot see that you are a slave, you can never rebel.
If you cannot rebel, you will never be free.
If you cannot be free, you can never fulfill your purpose on earth to be your highest and best self.

Man as Golem

 “To make a contented slave,’ [Frederick] Bailey later wrote, ‘it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason.’ This is why the slaveholders must control what slaves hear and see and think. This is why reading and critical thinking are dangerous, indeed subversive, in an unjust society.”
― Carl Sagan,

It occurred to me the other day as an an ongoing progressive deepening of understanding, that the world view of many people can be equated with Frankenstein’s mental bastard offspring – that we are in many regards a type of mental Golem, a kind of animated robot (robotnik is the generic name for a ‘worker’ in the Polish and Czech language) – in itself a dreadful thought.

A Golem is a mytic creature, often seen as having a human-like statue and given life and animation by its owner, a magician. Golems is believed to have jewish origin, and the lifeforce of the Golem is derived from the sacred words, which are inscribed on its forehead or placed as papyrus inside its head.
Golem- Wikipedia

Horrible that the indoctrination impregnates and imprisons man mentally – a being designed for freedom – that it lives in unfreedom and degradation, not even aware of this condition, not knowing it, not knowing that it carries the inscriptions and names of power factions on its mental slate, its soul in bondage, ignorant that they are mental cripples in regard to truth, knowledge, worldview, etc. – and living dead in the designed lies in unfreedom. Contented slaves, unaware of unfreedom.

The result of indoctrination, think tanks, governments, the politically ‘correct’ books and syllabus, etc..

Morton_h aka the_blogger wrote in his recent post

We like to believe that the highly educated in society are those best able to distinguish lies from truth, and thus will be most the difficult to control because they will opposite injustice. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The higher the education, the less likely that you will be a burden to the control system. The higher the status, the heavier the peer pressure. The more gross knowledge, the less resistance to knowledge uniformity and the indoctrination, that you are willing to subject yourself to. The more copy-paste-knowledge, the less likely you want to challenge the premise of this knowledge by asking: is this really true, or is it a structure with a purpose. The system has provided your education. The system is maintained by peers who, like you, have everything to lose and nothing to gain by being genuinely creative and performing actual thinking. The system makes you compromised, and a compromised person will have something to hide and protect, living a life in low boiling fear.

A further division arises. There is the intellectual robotnik who knows absolutely nothing about system duplicity and firmly indulges its rules praising its excellences. But there are also those who have come to open a door to the basement or attic and know that there is a hiding agenda. Question is: how do you react? Some immediately close the door again and swallows the blue pill. Others, by contrast, elated at the idea will gain further ambitions to get a key to all floors. How compromised should you be? How great a career hooker will you be? Can you get an invitation in the gallery? Others will on the contrary start to develop scruples.

The system generally does not fear the class of intellectual fools. Academia is a great club that is held in place by guilt, shame and fear. Guilt to the system for giving them a place in the sun – although only rationed sunlight is offered – and fear of losing the career that they had to sit lifelong debt to get by playing the game of the system, losing their economic foundation and the opportunity to live in a certain degree of luxury – even if only offered rationed luxury. You would have to obtain two academic / upper middle class salaries to get what one salary could provide half a century ago, and you will constantly live with the fear of being expelled from from the academic community … and end up as a taxi driver, forever!
          -The War of the Worlds 

Education is a system of imposed ignorance
 – Noam Chomsky

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education
 – Einstein

Strange as it seems, one meets independent thinking today only in the few people who have not been to school much
-Rudolf Steiner

The well-known phrase »The pen is mightier than the sword« is well understood by the elite. They know this for several reasons. If an elite can control mind and consciousness of the common people, and deceive them into believing that they live in a “free society” without them detecting that it is a masked slavery, an obvious dictatorship can be avoided – and the illusion of freedom is preserved..

That is why Chomsky said (even though he is a gatekeeper perhaps, he is right about this one) that propaganda is to ‘democracy’ what violence is to dictatorship. In addition, people will die for freedom, therefore the elite is aware of that the obvious dictatorship doesn’t work – the reason why they have made a Truman Show/Brave New World in the first place, so that the illusion of freedom is bought by the masses.

This is done by perception management, disinfo through mainstream media, institutions – and throughout the Centuries via massive educational cognitive damage. Not even the speed of light is a constant (see Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘The Science Delusion’ among the banned TED-talks, which TED Talk attempted to censor).

 “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
– Oscar Wilde

But we believe that it’s our own, our ‘own knowledge’, our ‘own freedom’…while the real freedom is feared in the deep unconscious.

Control knowledge, thought and the mind, so that man deems himself to be free, ignorant of his own unfreedom, ignorant of his own ignorance. Contented slaves. Mind Control.

Let even the fear of discovering the truth about the lie be an internal policeman installed in the heads of people, so that they fear cognitive dissonance and defend falsehoods, so they can be prison guards of each other, keeping each other in line without knowing that they are prison guards of each other in unfreedom, in the trance of double-think – without knowing that they are slaves of unknown designers inscriptions – unknown engravers whose true names they don’t know, meanwhile carrying their inscriptions on the foreheads, the body, and the trance of the a Golem unknowingly carries the magician’s insignia on its forehead.

The insignia of the magician is made by the power of thought, and the trance spell is broken by identifying the magician, calling him by his proper name, and seeing through his tools and objective.

Let Golem become Man!

Warned Gurdjieff: “Humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration…. There is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one’s own…. Contemporary culture requires automatons. And people are undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines…. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.
TheLast Esoteric Message – Gurdjieff Legacy

Tavistocks + 3000 Think Tanks RAND Corporation – Mind Control
The thought that we are a type of animated Golems, Frankenstein’s mental offspring, reoccurred to me when I recollected an old article (2010) – just one example of a very influential political think tank, one out thousands; Rand Corporation, one mental engraver out of many – think tanks and programming, engravings and inscriptions on the unwitting foreheads of millions of people (inscribed on their foreheads or placed as papyrus inside their heads) –  painful psychological and physical markings without knowing the origin of these. Ramifications of mental control (and therefore also physical control) :

Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered …’

We’re all the bastard children of RAND and we don’t even know it,”remarks Abella, as he charts how RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. RAND’s decision in the 50′s to re-model the globe towards a new world order changed everything, with the development of “rational choice theory,” which turned people from being citizens into consumers, as rights and responsibilities were replaced with choices and people’s lives slowly came to be dominated not by integrity or what they stood for, but by what they spent their money on.”..

“Abella notes how RAND saw the United Nations as a template for one world government but that a new organization controlled by the U.S. would eventually supersede the UN ..”..

…”Speaking on the topic of false flag attacks, Abella notes that the staged Gulf of Tonkin attack and the planned Operation Northwoods false flag were both initially proposed in RAND documents, highlighting the total immorality with which RAND war games its scenarios, many of which are ethically repugnant in that they nonchalantly promote the genocide of entire populations with little regard for the consequences. Abella explains how RAND truly is a shadow government because it serves as a revolving door between the two, and how RAND is the cradle of the military-industrial complex and the birthplace of the technocratic elite that we are now fighting against.”

When we do not want to know, the implication is willful ignorance!

This is worse than Stockholm syndrome, since hostages at least are aware that there is a hostage taker,
who serve his own interests at the expense of others.  We are in a situation where the unwitting victims (chickens in the Matrix) – through the perception management of the war lords and the elite – have internalized the worldview that has been molded for us. Inpolitics, medicine, economy, law, psychology, etc., elite think tanks promote world views that are designed to protect the elites and their true aims, which the victims/hostages don’t think exists, even though they are attacked by the very same elite – all the while the hostages simultaneously attack the awakened people who are attemting to set them free, because the hostages(chickens in the Centre for Unconscious Farming), the victims, prefer to remain desensitizedto the unpleasant reality of their existence…

The Tavistock Institute has a 6 billion dollar fund and 400 subsidiary organisations are under its control along with 3,000 think tanks, mostly in the USA. The Stanford Research Institute, the Hoover Institute, the Aspen Institute of Colorado, and many others, devoted to manipulation of US as well as global public opinion, are Tavistock offshoots. This helps explain why the US public, by and large, is so mesmerised as to be unable to see things clearly and to react.”
-Global Research 

You can have disbelief, derision and scorn about these power factions, but the perverse epic irony of destiny is that they will influence your life, and haveinfluenced your life negatively, the lives of your family, your upbringing, socialization, your education, your thoughts, etc. whether you know it or not. You can have all the disbelief, derision and scorn you want and be ignorant, but you can be sure of that these above-mentioned entities that you are ignorant of, nonetheless have influenced you tremendously.Thought-provoking.

“Brzezinski’s call of warning to the “global political awakening” has only intensified in recent years. Last year during a speech in Poland, Brzezinski noted that it has become “increasingly difficult to suppress” and control the “persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples.” Brzezinski also blamed the accessibility of “radio, television and the Internet” for the “universal awakening of mass political consciousness.”
Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening‘ Making Syrian War Difficult

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A backtracking glimpse of the past and not much different than than the vision of Brzezinskitoday, Obama’s mentor,except for the fact that people are now waking up, which demands more control and surveillance:

‘Another figure worth consulting is major British philosopher Bertrand Russell. Russell, as a “scientific” philosopher as well as a Fabian, believed in the desirability of the same kind of future Wells had articulated. In The Scientific Outlook (1931) his technocratic superelitism focused on education:

“Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless and contented. Of these qualities contentment will be considered the most important. – ‘Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated .. This is, of course, the superelite Utopia: a world into which the unthinking masses are seamlessly eased and entirely controlled, possibly without even realizing it —like cattle.

If we compare the last quote with Chris Hedges’ observations of contemporary society – commenting on Orwell and Huxley – we can see a correlation (even though Hedges does not believe in directed history):

    “Attitudes and temperament have been cleverly engineered by the corporate state, as with Huxley’s pliant characters in “Brave New World.” The book’s protagonist, Bernard Marx, turns in frustration to his girlfriend Lenina:

“Don’t you wish you were free, Lenina?” he asks.

“I don’t know that you mean. I am free, free to have the most
wonderful time. Everybody’s happy nowadays.”

He laughed, “Yes, ‘Everybody’s happy nowadays.’ We have been
giving the children that at five. But wouldn’t you like to be free to be happy in some other way, Lenina? In your own way, for example; not in everybody else’s way.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she repeated.

The façade is crumbling. And as more and more people realize that they have been used and robbed, we will move swiftly from Huxley’s “Brave New World” to Orwell’s “1984.”
  – Chris Hedges, extract from ‘Brave New Dystopia’

Compare this with Russell:

It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished… Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so
‘- Bertrand Russell

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.”
– Patrick Henry

The Double-Think Trance
The conditioning, belief in authority, the trance, often mean that any contradiction which ought to be recognized as a contradiction, often is not.
This is double-think and the reason why cognitive dissonance is avoided.

Double-think is the opposite of cognitive dissonance:

“Somewhat related but almost the opposite is cognitive dissonance, where contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one’s mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance — thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.”
Doublethink- Wikipedia

If you challenge the double-think trance through Socratic metodical questioning by presenting opposite relations between mutually logically conflicting irreconcilable explanations of a phenomenon,you are attempting to nullify double-think, and cognitive dissonance will usually be the result. The person in question must choose; either persevere in rationalizing the old double-think (in worst case useful idiocy, Stockholm Syndrome, Comical Ali, etc.) or – challenged by the cognitive dissonance of the moment – end up in a new position if the old one doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. But this often results in further uncertainty and insecurity because the realization of contradiction only begets more questions which can’t be answered by the person on the spot (i.e. why Big Pharma, governments, mainstream media have manipulated data and events to such a murderous extent as they have!?).

As a thumb rule (or in general) one acknowledges that which is in accordance with the indoctrination, schooling, conditioning, the map, and filters away – consciously of subconsciously – that which is not on the map. And more radically: You mistake the map for the territory (what the epistemologist, Gregory Bateson, named ”error in logical typing” which amounts to ”eating the menu card instead of the dinner.”)

Most often people will desperately hold on to their old double-think in order to rid themselves of uncertainty and anxiousness. In the words of Mark Passio: willfull ig-norance. In other words: Agent Smith and Cypher – YouTube

The most grotesque implication though is that goodhearted people can treat other people cruelly without conceiving that what they do iscruel, on the contrary; in their self-image it is ‘decent’ or ‘normal’!

To be executioner of yourself and others without knowing that you are an executioner is the most absurd and grotesque diabolical implication. They are per definition – through the consequence of action and behavior – often dangerous to others, whether one thinks this is emotional judging or not; the truth remains. ‘Useful idiot’ is not only a derogatory expression but a neutral and descriptive truth when it is in accordance with facts. and truth.

Is Eckhart Tolle emotionally judging or mentally ascertaining when he says the following?:

“By far the greater part of violence that humans have inflicted on each
other is not the work of criminals or the mentally deranged, but of
normal, respectable citizens in the service of the collective ego. One
can go far as to say that on this planet “normal” equals insane.”

             – Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Perception management, control, imitation, important collective psychological barriers, comfort zones, group think and hive mind – that man, collectively and indidually is at the mercy of conditioning and perception management to a creepy degree, and that it obediently, irrationally imitates and reproduces the surroundings is indisputably documented by Solomon Aschs experimentsin the 50’s, Stanley Milgram in the 60’s (and repeated many times up to the present), the Stanford Prison experimentin the 70′s, and more recently not the least by Adam Curtis awarded series of BBC-dokumentary films, especially The Century of the Self and The Power of Nightmares, Scott Noble’s documentaries, especially Psywar, and not the least; Howard Bloom’s masterful arcticle ‛Reality is a Shared Hallucination’, just to name a few.

There is something very eerie and creepy about this quality; that you not only think and do as you are told, but also; that what you are told and what to expect – through conditioning, learned conceptions and concepts –  self-fulfillingly shape your perceptions (see Howard Bloom’s superb article ”Reality is a Shared Hallucination”) and phenomena like ‘change blindness’ is just one example being a significant cause of the power of perception management and mind control of entire populations.

See this shocking experiment about change blindness fx (youtube). 

We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented
– The Truman Show

Trance Breakers or Busybody I-Know-Better-Than-Thou
Isn’t the people who are breaking the spell, their own and others, who are doing their moral duty? Can truth seekers liberate other human beings from their trance and falsity, from unfreedom?

According to Da Vinci there is a group who can see with their own eyes when shown.

Are those who are showing other people the truth, busybodies and I-know-better-than-thou’? Or are they heroic people? Or something else?

Often at great risk to themselves they enter Plato’s Cave, The Matrix, The Truman Show, to break the trance of their fellow human beings – man, a sacred being, designed for freedom…or is this grandiose? Is the human being then not a sacred being, designed for freedom? Because it is hijacked by the power of negative emotions and in a state of stupor? Because it needs to be herded as the elite claim?
The truth/justice/freedom-movements lament the fact that their words fall on deaf ears, sometimes words in tone resort to ironic mockery that comes from perplexed indignation as they point out the absurdity and the contradictions which the prisoners cannot see, while they blindly follow the path to unwitting destruction, not knowing that they are controlled by the normalization of unacknowledged collective pathology, not to mention masters of perception management (deep politics and directed history) defining much of their reality.

At the expense of truth, the people must of course feel ‘good’ in blissful ignorance. One would do well to think about who is benefiting from this ignorance and who is harmed! Such blissful ignorance would be equal to = I-pod, I-pad, pop, playstation, Super Bowl, Blood Sports, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, porn, drugs, booze, American Idol, Dancing with The Stars, etc. In other words; egocentrism, narcissism, mindless hedonism, ignorance, dumbing down, apathy, degeneration, brutalisation and callousness, etc. 

We now seem to be in a situation where many people are unaware that we are already living in a tyranny, much of the suppression is immanent and internalized – the suppression is not recognized as suppression.

“True rebels hate their own rebellion. They know by experience that it is not a cool and glamorous lifestyle; it takes a courageous fool to say things that have not been said and to do things that have not been done.”
― Criss Jami

Are those attempting to break the trance of other people busybodies and I-know-better-than-thou’s? 

Or pioneers and ‘trance breakers’?

“On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?” And Vanity comes along and asks the question, “Is it popular?” But Conscience asks the question “Is it right?” And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.”
          — Martin Luther King Jr.

‘In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’
           — Martin Luther King Jr.

“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
           — Martin Luther King Jr.

Considering the scenario that the survival and future of humanity is contingent upon a sudden awakeing in the present, an awakening being catalyzed through the existence of goodhearted people who are changed internally and awakened, those who see’ and communicating their message to other people; ‘those who see when they are shown’.

From Everything You Know Is Wrong:

 While rational criticism and whistleblowing can change people’s deeply conditioned worldviews, in most cases it does not (as Max Planck and many others claim: ‘Truth never triumphs — its opponents just die out’.), and progress happens mostly in stages – and until a breaking point of awareness has been reached for a quantum leap of change, there is a lot of inertia in the hive mind. [But the inertia is somewhat shaken in the present time and people are changing by the millions today due to the crisis, in spite of other groups remaining in a state of zombiefication]

Nonetheless, notto try to convince other people of the dangers of the Zeitgeist implies non-communication and stagnation as the future of the collective depends on the individual awakening in the present, i.e. the ones whose minds are receptive to change by cognition – and the awakening of the individual depends on the communication by fellow human beings who are aware of the dangers. If not for altruistic reasons, the  ‘selfish’ reasons in the end result amount to the same; whether I am my brother’s keeper or not, one’s silence will minimize the amount of awakened individuals in the present and  thus; the probablity of lesser numbers of awakened people in the future! Therefore the stakes are such that it is the responsibility of the awakened individual to break the trance of others who are ready for an awakening

If a human being realizes its unfreedom, its bondage and untruth, or shown its unfreedom and prison, it will either demolish the prison and the lie – or do everything in its power to preserve the prison and the lie. Transcend or regress. Both things do happen.

This quote comes to mind:

Your ignorance is not because the truth is not available to you. There have been ‘radicals’ preaching it for thousands of years. No. You are ignorant because you shun the truth with all your heart and soul. You close your eyes and run away when a hint of reality lands in front of you. You condemn as ‘extremists’ and ‘fringe kooks’ those who try to show you the chains you are wearing. You don’t want to be free. Responsibility and reality scare the hell out of you so you cling tightly to your own enslavement and lash out at any who seek to free you from it. When someone opens the door to your cage, you cower back in the corner and yell, ‘Close it!”
  – Larken Rose, The Iron Web

Continuing in somewhat the same line:

You are the product of your conditioning, you are the
product of your society, the product of propaganda,
religious and otherwise. You repeat what others have said.
All your education is that. You are conditioned
, you are
not free, happy, vital, passionate. You are frightened human
beings, full of the authority of others or of your own
particular little authority, of your own knowledge. You are
second-hand human beings, intellectually, emotionally.
 – Jiddu Krishnamurti, Talk in San Diego, 7 April 1970


“The mass psychology of accepting information indiscriminately, of giving prompt mass obedience to imposed limitations of personal liberty, without due understanding of the underlying reasons, and the consequent blind following of leaders, will only come to an end through the intelligent fostering of individual recognition of selfhood and the assertions of the individual as he seeks to express his own ideas.”– Alice Bailey

In regard to potential pitfalls:

“Any group “out to save the world” is potentially problematic, because it rests on an archaically narcissistic base that looks “altruistic” or “idealistic” but in fact is very egocentric, very primitive, and very capable of coming to primitive ends by primitive means.”–Ken Wilber, Eye to Eye, (1983)

“The history of Communism,originally inspired by noble ideals, clearly illustrates what happens when people attempt to change external reality – create a new earth – without any prior change in their inner reality, their state of consciousness. They make plans without taking into account the blueprint for dysfunction that every human being carries within: the ego.”

– Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

The first pitfall that Wilber is addressing is the motivation; it is simply misguided, false, wrong, double-faced, not directed from an inner-guided true call of empathy and motivation. 

A philosopher once wrote that the peace movements are just as polemical and bellicose on the flip side as the war movements they fight and protest against.

The second quote by Tolle is addressing the internal change in consciousness, a inner purification, without which thought and external change is insufficient, and a dangerous trojan horse (notwithstanding the error of communism – it could be libertarianism, but that is not the point, the point is the principle of the ‘ego’s shadow’ and reactivity being a trojan horse). 

But also; the internal spiritual change is not a substitute for thought either – knowledge about GMO, vaccines, state-sponsored false flag terror, the horrid censorship by mainstream media, perception management, etc. This footnote [1]  can also be a reply to the following quote by Gurdjieff, not only Tolle’s point:

‘Gurdjieff said that the world harmony of which he spoke could not be achieved by politics, philosophy, religion or any other organized movement that treated “man in the mass.” It could only be accomplished through the individual development of man. In doing so, an individual’s unknown potentialities would become strong so that he might influence many more people. If enough individuals could develop themselves—even partially—into genuine, natural men, each such individual would then be able to convince and win over as many as a hundred other men, who would, each in his turn, be able to influence another hundred, and so on. ‘
– –
The Last Esoteric Message – Gurdjieff Legacy

But many ‘conspiranauts’ (the modern day heretics AKA awakened logicians and analysts whose vindication by now is indisputable) are empathic and changed internally, and therefore they naturally act like trance breakers. Empathy isn’t sufficient to spread the truth about the huge manipulations of our time – empathy is a prerequisite but not sufficient. True knowledge is required. Knowledge isn’t enough either, empathy is a prerequisite.

Those who have both empathy and true knowledge act like the spell breakers of other people’s trance –  either through catalyzing spiritual inspiration and awakening through self-transformation or through political awakening, and then there are those who do both –  although Gurdjieff addresses the internal transformation as a prerequisite for true external change, not hidden agendas and knowledge about these, which the ‘conspiranauts’ (politically enlightened people) do.
So we have 3 types of trance breakers; one is vertical, the other horizontal, and the third unifies them both. This is a schematic perspective while reality operates fluidly.

What’s the alternative to be in the know? Ignorance? Individual vertical spiritual development and non-dual consciousness cannot replace individual horizontal discursive cognition and knowledge of ‘what is’ (it). Both are needed.

 That’s why spiritual parents who meditate 6 hours a day can still approve of deadly vaccines being injected into their loving kids fx. How can you protect yourself, your kids, etc?

The Internet Reformation isreal, it sends ripples through the ocean of consciousness, and constitutes great change through communication and subsequent action. What’s the alternative to tell the truth about lies and manipulations which determine the lives of billions? Silence?

Spiritual awakening is one thing, knowledge through sense perception and the mind is another. All three domains are different but necessary. Both the opening of the heart’s empathy and use of thought are necessary imperatives.

Moreover, the point is not self-aggrandizing self-righteousness, but a a matter-of-factly ascertaining perspective; if fluoride, vaccines, controlled mainstream media, etc. are destructive, hostile to life, deception and whitewash, while simultaneously perceived by the majority as true, good, healthy, then it is – from a perspective of purely mental discernment –a result of indoctrination.

Mental cripples is a lamentation, not a condemnation, but it’s provocative, and especially indignation for those who wish to warn others about the dangers of the Zeitgeist. We are sleeping!

Freedom Anxiety

Fear of freedom is in reality an anxiety. Fear is fear of the known, the familiar, whereas anxiety relates to the unknown. Even though man is designed for freedom he is full of anxiety of freedom as he does not know true freedom, he only knows the prison whose name and interior he identifies as (false) freedom, a prison constructed far and large by others, and he identifies the prison with ‘reponsibility’ but it is the opposite, the essence of irreponsibility.

The claim made by the existentialists; that man hides himself (and his own inauthenticity and unfreedom) in the anonymous collective mass – by thinking, knowing, feeling, acting, being, like ‘all the others’ – is a point that always struck me as profound and true.

About Fromm’s book, ‘Escape from Freedom’ (Fromm was the last off-shoot from the Frankfurter school, but doesn’t seem to be part of its dark side):

‘Fromm distinguishes between ‘freedom from’ (negativefreedom) and ‘freedom to’ (positivefreedom). The former refers to emancipation from restrictions such as social conventions placed on individuals by other people or institutions. This is the kind of freedom typified by the Existentialism of Sartre, and has often been fought for historically, but according to Fromm, on its own it can be a destructive force unless accompanied by a creative element, ‘freedom to’ the use of freedom to employ spontaneously the total integrated personality in creative acts. This, he argues, necessarily implies a true connectedness with others that goes beyond the superficial bonds of conventional social intercourse: “…in the spontaneous realization of the self, man unites himself anew with the world…”

In the process of becoming freed from authority, we are often left with feelings of hopelessness (he likens this process to the individuation of infants in the normal course of child development) that will not abate until we use our ‘freedom to’ and develop some form of replacement of the old order. However, a common substitute for exercising “freedom to” or authenticity is to submit to an authoritarian system that replaces the old order with another of different external appearance but identical function for the individual: to eliminate uncertainty by prescribing what to think and how to act.– Wikipedia

And finally this quote by psychologist, Barry Schwarz:

The question then is: are people actually liberated by all this freedom? A study came out more than ten years ago, that actually showed that when you give people too much choice, instead of being liberated, they get paralyzed….It just turns out that when you give people this kind of unconstrained opportunity to reinvent themselves, they don’t know what to do.– Barry Schwarz

Similar thoughts in the present moment; a new documentary ‘Freedom From Choice’is being broadcasted on RT as I write this. The cast: Jeff Berwick, Gerald Celente, G. Edward Griffin, Peter Schiff, Jon Rappoport,Mike Maloney, and many more. Freedom From Choice Official Trailer -Youtube. 

 NB!Due to copyright restrictions, this video can only be viewed on RT’slive feed. Time of broadcast is available on RT’sschedule page

The quotes below are all profound and relevant to ignorant bondage, coercion, perception management, and fear of freedom:

 Happy slaves are the bitterest enemies of freedom
– Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach

I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves
– Harriet Tubman

“The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.”
– Barbara Marciniak, ‘Bringers of the Dawn’

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
– Goethe

It is easier to mislead many men than one.
– Herodotus.

You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it “
– Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), The Matrix

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers…. The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening”
– George Orwell, 1984

“Historically, the most terrible things – war, genocide, and slavery – have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.”
  — Howard Zinn

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves…(and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
    ― Howard Zinn

We are accustomed to use our eyes only with the memory of what other people before us have thought about the object we are looking at.
— Guy de Maupassan

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
– Krishnamurti

‘The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness.These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.’
– Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited

“So few want to be rebels anymore. And out of those few, most, like myself, scare easily.”
 ― Ray Bradbury

“In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
— George Orwell

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
― Henry David Thoreau

“If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law”
― Henry David Thoreau

“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
— Plato

If we don’t rebel, if we’re not physically in an active rebellion, then it’s spiritual death”
― Chris Hedges

‘A man must first of all understand certain things. He has thousands of false ideas and false conceptions, chiefly about himself, and he must get rid of some of them before beginning to acquire anything new.Otherwise the new will be built on a wrong foundation and the result will be worse than before. To speak the truth is the most difficult thing in the world; one must study a great deal and for a long time in order to speak the truth. The wish alone is not enough. To speak the truth one must know what the truth is and what a lie is, and first of all in oneself. And this nobody wants to know.”
~ G.I. Gurdjieff


[1]  If the awakening of many people depends upon the already informed (and the discernment and empaty of the individual) is silence then not the highest form of irresponsibility, a failure to the commons? Busybody I-know-better-than-thou intervention or moral imperative?

What is characteristic of many of the politically awakened is that they belong to a new third segment, what we could call ‘conspiritual’ ( ‘conspiracy aware’ + spiritual).

Whereas the two groups – the activists and the spiritual – don’t seem to be complementing each other, the third group unifies them both.

The spiritually inclined often believe in the official narratives; global warming, overpopulation, peak oil,  vaccines, etc. and other fabricated elite memes, and thus can also be useful idiots. But vertical internal spiritual development does not in itself give birth to horizontal knowledge about concrete and often hidden causations in the external world. So this means that even advanced meditators can become useful idiots. Why would Eckhart Tolle somewhat recommend Obama who by now has revealed himself to be worse than Bush!

Non-dual consciousness does not provide knowledge and insight into fluoride, vaccines, aspartame, GMO, Monsanto, false flag terror, the deliberate dumbing down of entire populations,  deep politics and directed history,  global warming and CO2 swindle, etc. – unless you have a quite specific form of ‘always-ready clairvoyance’ which can substitute knowledge, discursive thought, logic and analysis.  

Both a vertical awakening (transformation and transcendence of negative emotions) + a horizontal knowledge (of ‘what is’ (it) will be necessary.

On the other hand you have the other camp; the activists, dissidents, etc. – and they are very aware of fabricated elite memes and hoaxes, that mindfuck manipulation en masse of the populations is taking place. 

What many of the actvists/dissidents/’conspiranauts’ seem to be unaware of is the necessity of inner work; transformation of negative emotions, spirituality, mindfulness meditation (perfect for the truth/justice/freedom-movements as they are hit hard by the chaos, being excessively aware of it), integration of the shadow, etc.

 There is a huge amount of emotional reactivity going on, especially because this group have seen into the abyss. 

Any prisoner in The Matrix is shocked in the moment of awakening, therefore mindfulness as calmness in the ongoing storm, not mindfulness as sedating adjustment to a pathological system (which it is being used for), but mindfulness as reaction to the grim truth, the realization that there is a very destructive stealth-pathological systen, a storm,which is an unpleasant awakening, which is why equilibrium of the mind is especially necessary. 
Two very different applications of mindfulness meditation. The first applies mindfulness as adjustment to an undetected prison. The second is the shock and realization that we live in a prison, and searches for the exit while applying mindfulness as a necessary tool for awakened calmness in chaos, not mindfulness as misapplied lullaby.

We should practice mindfulness always anyway, but not adjust to a sick society, not use mindfulness as misapplied adjustment to undetected slavery in Brave New World/the Truman Show.

Even if the causality to these external problems ultimately lies on the inside of humanity, it does not mean that one should be unaware, not act and warn others about the dangers of deception and degeneration of the state, the corporatocracy, plutocracy, etc. The future is at stake and evil prevails when good people do nothing. How can they if they are unaware?

The following is an example of disbelief and scepticism by very progressive and goodhearted people ( Deepak Chopra, Duane Elgin, Amy Goodman, Paul Hawken, Edgar Mitchell, John Perkins, John Robbins, Elisabet Sahtouris, Vandana Shiva, and Adam Trombly ) whose disbelief is ending up in a rationalized stockholm-syndrome in regard to the more extreme claims in the documentary film Thrive, and they will historically become known as inadvertent gatekeepers if the claims put forth in ‘Thrive’ is correct.  Historians would write something like ‘these progressive and goodhearted pioneers with a huge following went very far, but ultimately not far enough, thus leading many people astray from the unpleasant but necessary truth due to their own disbelief and ignorance’

“…theories at the heart of Thrive are based on an ultimate division between “us” and “them.”  “We” are many and well-meaning but victimized.

[Are farmers in India not victimized by Monsanto? – just one example – then why cannot it apply to other powerful entities wreaking havoc and destruction? Just because you don’t know

“They,” on the other hand, are a tiny, greedy and inconceivably powerful few who are masterfully organized, who are purposefully causing massive disasters in order to cull the population, and who are deliberately destroying the world economy in order to achieve total world domination.  

This way of thinking has an allure, for it distracts and absolves us from the troubling truth that the real source of the problem is in all of us..

[I ask; how are the farmers´lives in India absolved by pointing fingers at Monsanto as the concrete cause?]

.., and in the economic systems we have collectively produced.  If the ills of the world are the deliberate intentions of malevolent beings, then we don’t have to take responsibility for our problems..

[logical fallacy, non sequiteur – how does the destruction of the farmers lives´ by Monsanto suddenly relinquish the farmers from continuing self-responsibility for their own lives? It doesn’t!] 

..because they are being done to us. Thinking this way may provide the momentary comfort of feeling exonerated, but it is ultimately disempowering, because it undermines our desire to be accountable for the way our own thoughts and actions help to create the environmental degradation and vast social inequity of the world in which we live. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote, “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart.”
– from
John Robbins’ Critique of THRIVE

If the thinking above was true in regard to Monsanto fx. (read: deliberate destructive malevolent technology at the expense of billions of people). then nothing would be accomplished  – regardless of whether we ourselves are compassionate, have integrated our shadows and opened our hearts, worked on ourselves internally, etc. The inner journey does not exclude the awareness of the external landscape, however grim and unfamilar.  We could establish the best perfect decentralized spiritual community with highly individuated people, high interpersonal social intelligence, integrated shadows (in the Jungian sense), etc. and still be unaware of Monsanto’s terminator GMO technologies and Geo-engineering polluting the beatiful crops and gardens of such eco-villages –  pollen and particles blowing silently in the wind.

It has nothing to do with being ‘absolved’ or ‘us vs them’ cause Monsanto’s destructive technologies or chemtrails will still be operational whether we meditate or not, whether we say ‘All is One’ or ‘Us VS them’ (fallacy of irrelevance). Being aware of their agenda is the prerequisite for overthrowing/stopping them. And this has nothing to do with ‘us VS them’ in terms of emotional judgment (albeit understandable, given their disregard for farmers, life, etc.) or lack of own responsibility but with knowledge, mental discernment first, stripped of any emotional aversive component.

The paramount need for concrete knowledge in order to change the situation is pivotal. Otherwise we risk being in denial, ignorant and/or useful idiots in regard to many things. We have to work internally and externally with the right action and discernment hand in hand.

  ‘The truth is most people will not believe what’s happening today on the political horizon. The forces that are at work behind the scenes are as old as the battle between good and evil themselves….The problem with covert control and secret brotherhoods is you cannot rebel against something you don’t know exists.’      – Secret Brotherhoods – Rudolf Steiner”

In regard to the internal pitfalls and mind-poisons of man:

 There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus—which Native Americans have called “wetiko”—covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests. Drawing on insights from Jungian psychology, shamanism, alchemy, spiritual wisdom traditions, and personal experience, author Paul Levy shows us that hidden within the venom of wetiko is its own antidote, which once recognized can help us wake up and bring sanity back to our society.

See also Paul Levy’s articles:
Let’s Spread the Word: Wetiko – 3 parts

Paul Levy is addressing ‘Wetiko’ in the context of conspiracies here (go to 25:38)


Deep politics, Bilderberg, CFR, TLC, Skull and Bones, False flags, etc. would then be the structured external manifestations of internal Wetiko..

Even if these entities ultimately are the external manifestations of internal Wetiko, and even though the subjective hatred against the above-mentioned groups constitute a Wetiko in itself , the unawareness of these stealthy shadow groups is also a part of a Cognitive Wetiko Blindspot in itself  – namely a denial/ignorance/inability to throw light (consciousness, knowledge) on these external stealth-manifestations of darkness (unconsciousness, ignorance), very likely because of cognitive dissonance, disbelief, etc. But you can’t disable a silent stealth-virus by claiming it has no influence!

Meditation will not make primary psychpathy, Bilderberg, CFR, TLC, Skull and Bones, False flags, vanish into thin air. This would imply that meditators, morphic resonance, or directed positive intention could somehow transform other human beings, and especially psychopaths in power, into noble persons, nullifying their free will in the process, exalting their low emotional state to a sudden empathic level – which is wishful irrational thinking. Not going to happen with psychopaths, sorry. And many spiritually inclined people are not even aware of the destructive influence of these stealth organizations in the first place.

Ahriman guides certain forces in evolution in such a way that they may be of the greatest possible advantage to him. And evil would result were people to live on in a state of drowsy unawareness’
– Rudolf Steiner

We can only remove these entities if sufficient numbers of people are becoming aware of their destructive influence in the first place, apply thought and analysis, and then action. A vertical spiritual awakening (transformation, and transcendence of negative emotions and exclusive identification with thought) in the individual is necessary but it cannot remove these entities  – the domain of thought and analysis and subsequent skillful action is needed here.

“The first is to open our minds, start taking responsibility back, and remove this edifice of control and suppression of information which will allow the full flow of knowledge of who we are to flood into the public arena. Once people start to realize who they really are and the nature of life, then we can go into stage two which is the incredible consciousness shift that is going to happen, and is happening for many people already, but can happen for everybody if we open up to the knowledge of what’s going on and to do that the edifice of suppression has to go. And what I see so often in … what we call New Age movement is that they’re focusing on the second bit and they’re in denial about about the first. And the second is not going to happen for many people unless we remove the edifice of suppression cause most people are going to think what the heck’s going on and they’re going to go through this great change in a complete fog of what’s happening. Two things to do here. One is to start focusing on how the world’s controlled, identify it and remove it. Secondly, then we can concentrate unhindered on the transformation spiritually.”
  – David Icke

“As we’ve seen, cultivating presence through meditation or yoga is not by itself an adequate way to address the complex global challenges we face. The “raising of consciousness,” as it’s popularly phrased in today’s yoga and meditation communities, doesn’t raise political consciousness. It doesn’t make people more aware of what is violent and what is not, nor does it make them resist violence. An increase in presence in the world does not increase justice…..How would meditation or the experience of awakening change the politics of these various groups? The Black Panther Party, radical feminists, the tea party, the KKK, Goldman Sachs bankers or anti-abortion activists. Would it somehow make them all the same?”
Why the Dalai Lama is wrong to think meditation will eliminate violence

Also; It could be argued that it’s a subordinate point whether there is shadow projection involved in the exposure of Big Pharma fx.  if the enormous crimes commited by the pharmaceutical cartels came out to light for all to see through such activist efforts (which is happening big time through the internet reformation).

Should one refrain from pointing out crimes against humanity as long as one’s own shadow and emotional reactivity are involved in the assessments when pointing out treason against humanity? I can’t protest against mandatory vaccines if I am emotional, thus being disqualified to protect my kids? Surely that can’t be the case as it would be absurd in the extreme.

I share the view that shadow projections and repressions probably are stored as collective trash in the collective unconscious, but my point is that everything destructive which is internalized as ‘normal’ and not on the radar of the collective consciousness (the abovementioned groups fx),  therefore is neither disposed for projection or indignation on the part of the greater public (or the spiritual avantgarde) , since such structures are mostly invisible due to ignorance and secrecy. See
‘Cognitive Boddhisatvic Bypass Syndrome’


The third category– ‘the conspiritual’ (etymologically incorrect and a slang-neologism but anyway..) seems to be intertwining both the vertical and the horizontal in this respect, or many are at least cognizant of the necessity of both perspectives. This group is growing and being a unifying catalyst for bringing the 2 former categories – previously more irreconcilable groups – together. A more versatile and truly informed spearhead for both horizontal and vertical enlightenment.

On a more metaphysical note: Rudolf Steiner claimed that Ahriman (imbalance, evil, for a lack of a better word)  will do everything in his power to advance this moment as much as he can. It will depend on all of mankind together whether evil will succeed in this or not…. Whether it will succeed in this will depend on the question whether there will be enough people who see through its designs

Ignorant Unfreedom – Contented Slaves

Uvidende Ufrihed – Tilfredse Slaver

By ChaosNavigator

Stærkt forbedret og udvidet engelsk version her.

           Prometheus- den rebelske titan stjal ilden fra guderne,
           og gav den til frihed til mennesket. Vil det bruge den?


        Frygten for frihed gør os stolte af at være slaver.
       – unkendt

Fangen vender tilbage til hulen for at informere fangerne om, at de er fanger. De tror ikke på ham. og truer med at slå ham ihjel, hvis han forsøger at sætte dem fri..
– om Platons Hule og Sokrates

[De vil] få folk til at elske deres trældom og producere diktatur uden tårer, en form for smertefri koncentrationslejr for hele samfund, så at folk vil få frataget deres frihedsrettigheder, men de vil snarere nyde dette fordi de vil være distraherede fra ethvert ønske om oprør gennem propaganda og hjernevask, eller hjernevask forstærket af farmakologiske metoder. Og dette synes at være den endelige sidste revolution
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, 1961

Frihed for Milton er ikke noget som starter med mennesket; det starter med Gud. Det er ikke noget som mennesket naturligt selv ønsker, men noget som Gud er belsluttet på, at mennesket skal have; mennesket kan ikke få det medmindre det er i en regenerativ tilstand, rede til at acceptere den indre disciplin og ansvar der følger med det. Derfor, siger Milton, at ingen kan elske frihed andre end gode mennesker: resten ønsker ikke frihed men licens til at være udsvævende. Når et ‘udsvævende’ menneske siger, at det ønsker frihed, så siger det i virkeligheden, at det ønsker mestring, eller begær. Hvis det ikke kan opnå mestring, vil det give navnet ‘frihed’ til grådighed, til det klagende begær om at blive overladt alene til dets behageligere synder. Hvis det ikke kan opnå dette, vil det identificere frihed med dets dæmoniske parodi; den glade accept af slaveri
– Northrop Frye. “The Return of Eden.” 1965. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. Pg. 85-86.

Uvidende Ufrihed
Der er mange mange historiske nøglebegivenheder, hvoraf mange af disse er ‘alment pensum’ på tværs af det årvågne spektrum  i det, der overordnet samlet kan kaldes the revisionist/directed history/truth/justice/deep politics-movement, som konstituerer et parallelt pensum af det, som anses for at være virkeligt signifikante begivenheder, årsager, etc., men som slet ikke er ‘pensum’/på radaren hos de såkaldt progressive mainstream kritiske uddannelses-skadede intellektuelle. massemedierne, m.fl.!

Parallel-pensum i deep politics og directed history er radikalt anderledes, ligeså er signifikante nøglebegivenheder, begreber, historie, kausalitet og epistemologi, m.m.

Også mange kritiske intellektuelle, endda visionære intellektuelle filosoffer, m.fl. kender ligeså lidt til hvor dybt the rabbit hole går, som almindelige borgere ang. deep politics, falsk flag statsterrorisme, m.m., hvilket betyder, at en specialiseret Habermas, Derrida, eller Bauman, kan have ligeså lidt bevidsthed om disse årsagssammenhænge, som menigmand Jensen. Dette er lykkedes pga. statens hemmeligholdelse, massemediernes manipulation og svigt, udeladelser i pensum, compartmentalization og stratificering af viden, flokdyrsmentalitet, autoritetstro, etc. 

Det har været muligt at skjule mange signifikante nøglebegivender i mange årtier, som f.eks. påpeget i denne eminente artikel:

Daniel Ellsberg: “Secrets … Can Be Kept Reliably … For Decades … Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders

Mange konkrete årsagssammenhænge er således ikke sat på landkortet/den kollektive bevidsthed hos mange mainstream kritiske intellektuelle, hvis postulerede årsagssammenhænge  i disse henseender,  enten er overfladiske, delvise, udeladende, eller direkte usande. Vores radar er i mange henseender defekt – vores forståelse og historiebevidsthed delvis eller fejlagtig. Og fornægtelse af viden om dette  implicerer, at disse mainstream kritiske intellektuelle i værste fald forbliver nyttige idioter, gatekeepers, hvilket er vanvittigt.

NEVER forget: Governments ADMIT the use of false flag state-sponsored terror operations to manipulate populations and subvert countries 

 The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in MOST high-profile US terror plots’ – 2014

New York Times: Most Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT USA


Et kort oversigtsbillede over Skynet USA og tidsåndens fascisme 2.0  – coming to a town near you..

• Warrantless domestic surveillance.

• NDAA (Obama signing NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law; removing Habeas Corpus; detainment of american citizens without due proces, the militarization of law enforcement, the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act.

30.000 drones are planned for domestic use flying over US territory, and the conditioning of people to accept these, and in time weaponized (has happened on initial test grounds)

• Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordered a total of + 1.6 billion bullets for domestic use, of which + 450 million are hollow point bullets (banned in war by various conventions, designed for maximum damage with one shot: Killshot, bought for use inside the USA. This continues. 
Snowden documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse – inject all sorts of  false material onto the internet using social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. Plausible that Operation Mockingbird never ended

•  Government Spies On Innocent People Via Webcams, Laptops, Xbox – The Guardian

• The ability to search telephone calls, emails, financial matters especially involving foreign individuals, and medical records for people who are “suspected” of endangering the country.

• Color coded risk levels designed to keep citizens fearful of non-existent terrorists.

• Pre-emptive invasion of foreign countries.

• Committing U.S. forces to war without a declaration of war by Congress as mandated in the U.S. Constitution.

• Assassination of people on presidential kill lists.

• Extermination of “suspected” enemies by predator drones.

• Torture of detainees in camps outside of the United States.

• The authority to indefinitely detain America citizens without trial.

• Executive orders giving the President the ability to unilaterally disregard the  U.S.Constitution and take control of private industries.

• Use of drones to monitor the activities of American citizens.

• Allowing the very bankers that destroyed the worldwide economic system to blackmail the American taxpayers into handing them $700 billion.

• Not prosecuting one Wall Street criminal after the largest Ponzi control fraud in the history of the world.

• Cameras and listening devices on public transit and other public locations.

• Military exercises conducted in U.S. cities in order to condition the masses.

• Very serious attempts to control and censor the internet through SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, CISPA, TPP, etc.

• The use of tragic mass murders by mentally defective young men on psychotropic drugs to disregard the 2nd Amendment and disarm American citizens.

• TSA (responsible for security in American airports and other areas) thugs molesting little old ladies and young children to desensitize citizens to gestapo like tactics and treat them like criminals.

• Government partnering with Facebook, Apple, Google and other corporate entities to monitor, censor, and report the activities of citizens to the authorities.

• The use of public schools to teach children what to think rather than how to think. Thought control is vital to an agenda of keeping the masses fearful and pliable.

• Government agencies (FBI, ATF) creating terrorist plots, luring young dupes into the plots, providing fake explosives, and then announcing with great fanfare they have foiled a terrorist plot – New York Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. – April 28, 2012 –– Update: The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in most high-profile US terror plots’ 21 july 2014 
• “See something, Say something” government media campaign designed to make citizens paranoid and fearful.

• DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Purchased 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks

•  Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II. WashingtonExaminer  (FEMA camps can be misused to imprison dissidents)

The list above is partially copied from this brilliant artcicle but I have heavily expanded it, even though in its current form it is very short, almost a sugarcoated version compared to what has happened and the dire consequences for the future of us all  – the fuller picture is much much worse.
Men at gennemskue begreber, faktorer og årsagssammenhænge, som ikke står i pensum på statskundskab, medicin, fysik, m.m. kræver en proaktiv selvstændig trods, observation og logik, dannelse og selvuddannelse.  Problemet er,  at mange ting som internet renæssancen har afsløret, simpelthen er for voldsomt historie-revisionistiske og provokerende i forhold til det “alment accepterede” verdensbillede, og går derfor imod mange ting som regnes for ‘sikker’ uantastet viden iblandt den mentalitet man (nedsættende eller ej) kan kalde ‛pensumpapegøje-mentaliteten‛ –  hvis uddannelse, dannelse og socialisation er blevet prægede af et anglo-amerikansk eurocentrisk universitetspensums selektive optagelse af det, som formenes at være sikker viden (videnskabeligt, politisk, historisk, økonomisk, etc.). Men som historisk kan vise sig, og ofte har vist sig at være censur, udeladelser, fejl, ‛uddannelsesskade‛, historieforfalskning, perception management, kontrol, indoktrinering, magtinteresser, m.m.

Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.’
New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile

Vejen frem er at ‘deprogrammere’ sine dannelses- og uddannelsesskader ved observationer, logik og selvstudier, som mange akademikere f.eks. allerede har gjort. Men da dette er angstprovokerende for fangerne i Platons Hule at høre, er reaktionen oftest vantro, latterliggørelse, angst, aggression og irrationel kritik – en kritik der kan vise sig at være fatal i favør for Stockholmsyndrom og bødlernes fortsatte videnskabelige, økonomiske, politiske, og mediemæssige monopolisering. Men alt dette er krævende, så lad os hellere forblive i lykkelig uvidenhed, livet er kort, ‘hvad kan jeg gøre?’

Alternativet er at forblive i mørket som et menneske, der levede og døde i det 21. århundrede, men ikke fattede dybere baggrunde pga. kognitiv dissonans, hvad, hvem, hvor, hvorfor, etc.

Mennesket som Golem
Det slog mig den anden dag endnu dybere, at mange menneskers verdensbilleder er Frankenstein’s mentale bastard-afkom, at vi er en art mentale Golem‘er, en art animerede robotter (robotnik er det almene udtryk for ‘arbejder’ på polsk/tjekkisk) – i sig selv en rædselsfuld tanke.
“En Golem er en mytisk skikkelse, der oftest ses som en menneskelignende statue, der er givet liv og bevægelighed. Golemmer menes at have jødisk oprindelse, hvilket især ses af at enhver golem traditionelt menes at få sin livskraft fra de hellige ord, der ridses i dens pande eller placeres på pergament inde i dens hoved. Figuren er blevet adapteret af fantasygenren og optræder f.eks. i mange moderne bøger, rollespil,film “
– Wikipedia
Frygteligt at indoktrineringen indprenter og fængsler mennesket mentalt – et væsen designet til frihed –  at det lever i ufrihed og degradering, endda uden at vide det, uden at vide, at de bærer magtfaktioners navne og inskriberinger på deres mentale tavle, deres sjæl i fangenskab, uden at vide, at de er mentale krøblinge mht. sandhed, viden, verdensbillede – og levende døde i de designede løgne i ufriheden. Tilfredse slaver, ubevidste om ufriheden.

Resultatet af indoktrinering, tænketanke, regeringer, de ‘rigtige’ lærebøger, etc.

Morton_h aka the_blogger skrev i sin seneste blogpost på
“Vi holder af at tro, at de højtuddannede i samfundet er de, der bedst er i stand til at skelne løgn fra sandhed, og dermed også er de, der vil være sværest at kontrollere, fordi de vil sige fra overfor uretfærdighed. Er det sådan?
Intet kan være fjernere fra sandheden. Jo højere uddannelse, jo mindre sandsynligt er det, at du er til besvær for kontrolsystemet. Jo højere status, jo tungere gruppepres. Jo mere bruttoviden, jo mindre modstand mod denne videns ensrettehed og den inddoktrinering, du udsætter dig for. Jo mere copy-paste-viden, jo mindre er sandsynligheden for, at du vil anfægte præmissen for denne viden ved at spørge: Er dette egentlig sandt, eller er det en konstruktion med et formål. Det er systemet, der har betalt for din uddannelse. Systemet vedligeholdes af ligesindede, der ligesom du har alt at tabe og intet at vinde ved at gøre sig ud-til-bens. Systemet gør dig kompromitteret, og en kompromitteret person har altid noget at skjule og noget at være bange for at miste.”
          – The War of the Worlds 

Education is a system of imposed ignorance
 – Noam Chomsky

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education
 – Einstein

Strange as it seems, one meets independent thinking today only in the few people who have not been to school much
-Rudolf Steiner

“The pen is mightier than the sword”  –  hvilket eliten ved, for hvis man kan kontrollere menneskers bevidsthed, og bilde dem ind, at de lever i ‘et frit samfund’ uden at de gennemskuer, at det er et maskeret slaveri, behøves man ikke et åbenlyst dikatur. Sindelagskontrol, kalder man det.

Derfor, at Noam Chomsky siger, at propaganda er for ‘demokratiet’, hvad vold er for diktaturet.  Og folk vil dø for frihed, og derfor er man bevidst om, at det åbenlyse slaveri ikke virker, hvilket er grunden til at man har lavet et Truman Show/Brave New World in the first place, så illusionen om frihed købes af masserne.

Det gøres ved at mindfucke dem via pressen, institutionerne – og gennem et helt århundrede, hvis ikke mange hundrede af år ved massive uddannelses-skader. Ikke engang lysets hastighed er en konstant (se Rupert Sheldrakes ‘The Science Delusion’ blandt de bandlyste TED-talks, som TEDtalk forsøgte at censurere)

 “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
– Oscar Wilde

Men vi tror, at det er vores eget, vores ‘egen viden’. vores ‘egen frihed’…mens den virkelige frihed frygtes i den dybe ubevidsthed.

Kontroller viden, tanken og sindet, så at mennesket tror sig frit, uvidende om sin egen ufrihed, uvidende om sin egen uvidenhed. Tilfredse slaver. Mind Control.

Lad endda frygten for at opdage sandheden om løgnen være en intern politimand installeret i folks hoveder, så at de frygter kognitiv dissonans og forsvarer falskheden, så at de kan være fangevogtere af hinanden, holde hinanden i skak uden at vide, at de er hinandens fangevogtere i ufrihed, i doublethink trancen –  uden at vide, at de er uvidende slaver af ukendte designerers inskribering – ukendte gravører, hvis sande navne de ikke kender, alt imens de bærer deres inskriberinger på panden, på kroppen, og i sindets trance…som en Golem uafvidende bærer magikerens insignier på panden.

Magikerens insignier er konstrueret af tankens magt og trancen brydes ved at identificere magikeren, kalde ham ved det rette navn, og gennemskue magikerens redskaber og mål.

 Lad Golem blive menneske! 
Warned Gurdjieff: “Humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration…. There is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one’s own…. Contemporary culture requires automatons. And people are undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines…. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.
Tavistocks + 3000 Tænketanke i Tankekontrol RAND Corporation
Tanken om, at vi (specielt amerikanere måske) er en art animerede Golem’er, Frankensteins mentale afkom, kom også, da jeg generindrede mig en gammel skrivelse – et eksempel på blot én meget indflydelsesrig politisk tænketank ud af tusinder, Rand Corporation, én mental gravør ud af mange – tænketanke og programmeringer, indgraveringer og inskriberinger, på millioner af menneskers mentale uafvidende pander (der ridses i dens [Golem] pande eller placeres på pergament inde i dens hoved.), –  smertefulde psykiske og fysiske mærker uden at kende til oprindelsen af disse. Følgevirkninger af mental kontrol (og derfor også fysisk kontrol) :
“We’re all the bastard children of RAND and we don’t even know it,” Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered …’
Fra linken ovenfor:
“We’re all the bastard children of RAND and we don’t even know it,” remarks Abella, as he charts how RAND started off as an organization centered around building new weapons for the military but ultimately expanded into politics, science, history and economics and was closely allied with the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. RAND’s decision in the 50′s to re-model the globe towards a new world order changed everything, with the development of “rational choice theory,” which turned people from being citizens into consumers, as rights and responsibilities were replaced with choices and people’s lives slowly came to be dominated not by integrity or what they stood for, but by what they spent their money on.”..

“Abella notes how RAND saw the United Nations as a template for one world government but that a new organization controlled by the U.S. would eventually supersede the UN ..”..

…”Speaking on the topic of false flag attacks, Abella notes that the staged Gulf of Tonkin attack and the planned Operation Northwoods false flag were both initially proposed in RAND documents, highlighting the total immorality with which RAND war games its scenarios, many of which are ethically repugnant in that they nonchalantly promote the genocide of entire populations with little regard for the consequences. Abella explains how RAND truly is a shadow government because it serves as a revolving door between the two, and how RAND is the cradle of the military-industrial complex and the birthplace of the technocratic elite that we are now fighting against.”
Og implikationen (fra ildspor), når vi ikke vil vide det, wilfull ignorance:
“Det er værre end Stockholmsyndrom, for dér ved gidslerne i det mindste, at der er en gidseltager. Vi er i en situation, hvor de uafvidende ofre (kyllinger) – for krigsherrernes og elitens perception management – har internaliseret elitens verdensbilleder, i vidt omfang – indenfor politik, medicin, økonomi, jura, psykologi, m.m. – skabt af elitære tænketanke, hvis verdensbilleder er designet til at beskytte eliterne, som ofrene/gidslerne ikke tror eksisterer –  alt imens gidslerne samtidigt angriber de vågne mennesker som forsøger at befri dem fra de selvsamme eliter, der dræber gidslerne, og som af gidslerne anses for at være ikke-eksisterende, fordi gidslerne (kyllingerne), pensum papegøjerne, ofrene, foretrækker at forblive desensitiverede for eksponeringen af den ubehagelige virkelighed.’
…….“The Tavistock Institute has a 6 billion dollar fund and 400 subsidiary organisations are under its control along with 3,000 think tanks, mostly in the USA. The Stanford Research Institute, the Hoover Institute, the Aspen Institute of Colorado, and many others, devoted to manipulation of US as well as global public opinion, are Tavistock offshoots. This helps explain why the US public, by and large, is so mesmerised as to be unable to see things clearly and to react.– Global Research 
Man kan lade hånt om alle disse ovenstående magtffaktioner, men det ironiske er, at de vil påvirke dit liv,(og har påvirket dit liv), din families liv, din socialisation, din uddannelse, dine tanker, etc., hvad enten du ved det eller ej. Du kan lade hånt om det, være uvidende, men du kan være sikker på, at disse ovenstående entiteter, som du er uvidende om, ikke desto mindre har påvirket dig. Tankevækkende.

Et tilbageblik og ikke forskelligt fra Brzesinskis visoner idag, Obamas mentor, bortset fra, at folk nu vågner op, hvilket kræver mere kontrol og  overvågning:

‘Another figure worth consulting is major British philosopher Bertrand Russell. Russell, as a “scientific” philosopher as well as a Fabian, believed in the desirability of the same kind of future Wells had articulated. In The Scientific Outlook (1931) his technocratic superelitism focused on education:

“Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless and contented. Of these qualities contentment will be considered the most important. – ‘Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated .. This is, of course, the superelite Utopia: a world into which the unthinking masses are seamlessly eased and entirely controlled, possibly without even realizing it —like cattle.

Double-Think Trancen

Konditioneringen, autoritetstroen, trancen, betyder oftest, at ethvert modsætningforhold, som mentalt burde gennemskues som modsætning, ikke bliver gennemskuet, hvilket er double-think, og som er grunden til, at kognitiv dissonans ikke opstår .

Double-think er det modsatte af kognitiv dissonans:

“Somewhat related but almost the opposite is cognitive dissonance, where contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one’s mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance — thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.”

-Doublethink- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hvis man udfordrer double-think trancen på sokratisk metodisk vis, ved at præsentere modsætningsforhold mellem indbyrdes modstridende, logisk uforenelige forklaringer på et fænomen, forsøger man at ophæve double-think, og kognitiv dissonans hos tilhørerne vil oftest opstå. Personen der udfordres på verdensbilledet, må så vælge en position; enten fortsat rationalisere deres gamle double-think position (hvilket i værste fald er lig med nyttig idioti, stockholmsyndrom, komiske ali, etc.) eller – foranlediget af den momentane kognitive dissonans – ende op i en ny position, hvis den gamle ikke holder i retten, men dette resulterer i yderligere uvished og utryghed, da erkendelsen af modsigelsen kun avler flere spørgsmål, som man ikke umiddelbart kan besvare (eksempel: hvorfor har Big Pharma, regeringer, massemedier manipuleret i så morderisk grad som de har?).

Som oftest foranlediger dette folk til på desperat vis at fastholde double-think for at slippe for uvisheden og ængsteligheden. Med Mark Passio’s ord: willing ig-norance eller med andre ord; Agent Smith and Cypher – YouTube

Som tendens (eller generelt) godtager man det som er i overenstemmelse med massemediernes fortælling, med skolingen, uddannelsen/uddannelsesskaden, konditioneringen, landkortet, og frafiltrerer – bevidst elle ubevidst – det som ikke findes på kortet. Man forveksler landkortet med landskabet – det som erkendelsesteoretikeren Gregory Bateson kaldte error in logical typing. Dette er også forklaringen på, at de fleste reagerer med vantro og ubehag, når de bliver konfronteret med ny information, som er uforeneligt med det de ‘ved’ (kognitiv dissonans) via  massemedier.

Kognitiv dissonans er ubehaget ved at blive konfronteret med viden som er i modstrid med det man ‘kender’. Vi kan sikre kognitiv konsonans (undgå kognitiv dissonans der kan være angstprovokerende) ved at undgå informationer, der strider mod den viden ‘vi har’ i forvejen.Kognitiv dissonans er resultatet af selve konditioneringen. Konditioneringen, autoritetstroen (overfor staten) trancen, betyder oftest, at ethvert modsætningforhold, som mentalt burde gennemskues som modsætning, ikke bliver gennemskuet, hvilket er double-think, og som er grunden til, at kognitiv dissonans ikke opstår eller ikke er vedvarende (fordi man falder tilbage i double-think)..

Konfronteret med påstande om, at staten og medierne manipulerer, er årsag til de emotionelt reaktive negative reaktioner, når den kognitive dissonans melder sig, og derfor oftest øjeblikkelig kontra-forsøg på invalidering (‘det passer ikke’) af den nye information gennem rationalisering , forsvar af ugyldigt verdensbillede – og derfor fejl i logisk typologi; forveksling af landkortet (det man ‘ved’) med landskabet.

Stockholmsyndrom melder sig, og til sidst – i den sidste fase før verdensbilledet kollapser – vil Komiske Ali-argumenter komme på banen (man benægter det åbenlyse). Vi benægtede at, Irak ikke havde WMD, fordi vi fik fortalt at de havde det – det kostede millioner af Irakere livet.

Et illustrerende citat i denne sammenhæng, kan kaste lys over årsagen til skepsis, samt trygheden ved det familiære: 

“Hvis et menneske præsenteres for et faktum, som går imod dets  instinkter, vil det undersøge det grundigt, og nægte at tro på det medmindre bevisbyrden er overvældende. Hvis det på den anden side præsenteres for noget der tillader en grund til at handle i overensstemmelse med dets instinkter, vil det acceptere det uden det mindste bevis’
– Bertrand Russell

Russels udsagn er ligeså gyldigt, hvis man erstatter ordet “instinkter” med følgende ord i denne omformulering:

‘Hvis et menneske præsenteres for et faktum, som går imod 
massemedierne, autoriteten, lægen, regeringen, det ‘almene’ verdensbillede, etc., vil det i bedste fald undersøge det grundigt, og medmindre bevisbyrden er overvældende, vil det nægte at tro på det. Hvis det på den anden side præsenteres for noget der er i overensstemmelse med uddannelsen,  massemedierne, autoriteterne,  regeringen, det almene verdensbillede, vil det acceptere det uden den mindste bevisførelse.’

Vores forståelseshorisont i Vesten, specielt i Skandinavien, er langt langt væk fra denne mørke manipulerende og grusomme ulovlige statsterrorisme via efterretningstjenester, black ops, etc. – alt imens disse realiteter betragtes (ved en tragisk skæbnens ironi) som totalt uvirkelige.

Derfor er de fleste nærmest konditionerede til udifferentieret, og over en kam at fejlbedømme disse realiteter som fiktive (kognitiv dissonans). Og at opstille ”stråmandsargumenter” som tjener som psykologisk forsvarsmekanisme mod en underliggende angst for at blive trukket ud af den ”matrix” (”virkelighed man ”kender”)

Følgelig grunden til,  at  prædikaterne ”konspiranoia”, ”vås”, etc.  helt autonomt slynges ud (og mange akademikere er ingen undtagelse, rværtimod er uddannelsesskaden hos dem størst). Det er rationalisering som følge af kognitiv dissonans.

Kognitiv dissonans gælder ikke den anden vej i samme grad, hvis overhovedet, for ‘konspirationsteoretikere’ (vågne deprogrammerede mennesker), da det påståes   – via den traditionelle psykologiske og antropologiske forklaring –  at ‘konspirationsteoretikere’ har ønsketænkning, som årsag  – men dette er i sig selv et produkt af ulogisk rationalisering:

De fleste seriøse mennesker som accepterede den alternative forklaring efter lang tids research, havde til at starte med accepteret den langt mere emotionelt trygge officielle forklaring. Mange mennesker som er blevet ‘omvendt’ var initialt skeptiske overfor disse såkaldte konspirationsteorier. Hvis det var ønsketænkning for disse, kan man spørge sig selv, hvorfor en sådan pludselig kovending i overbevisning, en sådan horribel overbevisning, ikke er kontrabalanceret af den ønsketænking som siger, at regeringen ikke skjuler noget? At ønsketænking skulle være bestemmende for disse overbevisninger om statsterror, massemanipulation (Irak, Snowden, wink wink),  etc. betyder jo, at langt flere mennesker føler ubehag ved dette (kan være emotionelt destabiliserende ad H til) – overbevisningen om, at staten og medier er manipulerede i morderisk grad –  end den langt mere behagelige overbevisning (ignorant bliss)  om, at den officielle forklaring er sand.

Man kunne fremsætte den påstand, at frygten for ‘Stasi-Nazistaten’ kun hører til i den udannede, uvidende, ‘konspiranoide’, og forskrækkede del af befolkningen – med dertil hørende naive halvskolede røverer – men det er evident, at dette slet ikke er tilfældet, snarere tværtimod, og derfor ligger naiviteten og fordommene snarere hos de uinformerede, de følgagtige og autoritetstro.

Det er en dyd at være skeptisk og rationelt anlagt, men selv i de tilfælde, hvor intelligente mennesker er blevet præsenteret for exceptionelt kompetente og overbevisende analyser, er der mange, som afviser sandheden. Et af verdens største ugentlige nyhedsmagasiner, Newsweek, publicerede i august 2009 en meget signifikant artikel, der på baggrund af sociologiske grundige undersøgelser forklarer, hvorfor mennesker i stor skala vedbliver med at tro på løgn som sandhed, selvom de er blevet præsenteret for bevisbyrde om det modsatte.

Det er altså nødvendigvis ikke manglende intelligens eller rationalitet, som er årsagen til den manglende erkendelse, revision, indrømmelse, etc., men snarere, at den manglende åbenhed overfor nye opdagelser — uanset hvor rationelle og indlysende – udgør den refleksmæssige hindring for det mentale kvantespring, som for langt de fleste er svært at foretage. Dette er historisk attesteret til fulde indenfor alle områder af viden.

Det er ofte attesteret, at den psykologiske barriere i form af kulturel hypnose, vantro, følgagtighed, og identifikation med det vante, udgør skyklapper der hindrer udsynet til nye sandheder. I denne kontekst er det sandsynligvis også den største hindring for de fleste menneskers modtagelighed overfor potentielt høj sandhedsværdi, idet konditionering og rigid identifikation med institutionernes og massemediers socialisation, ideologier, m.m. er faktorer som blokerer for ny information, der kunne revidere den hidtidige status quo.

Det som er det mest groteske er, at godhjertede mennesker kan handle mod andre
grusomt, uden at opfatte, at det de gør er grusomt, tværtimod; i selvopfattelse er
det ‘anstændigt’ eller normalt!

At være bøddel på sig selv og andre, uden at vide at man er bøddel – det er det mest absurde. De er per definition i deres handlings og adfærds konsekvens ofte farlige for andre – uanset om man mener det emotionelt fordømmende eller ej, så er sandheden tilbage! Nyttig idiot er ikke kun  et nedsættende udtryk, men deskriptivt og neutralt sandt, når det er i overnesstemmelse med sandheden.

Er Eckhart Tolle emotionelt fordømmende eller mentalt konstaterende, når han
siger dette?:

“By far the greater part of violence that humans have inflicted on each
other is not the work of criminals or the mentally deranged, but of
normal, respectable citizens in the service of the collective ego. One
can go far as to say that on this planet “normal” equals insane.”

             – Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Perceptionsstyring, imitation, vigtige kollektive psykologiske barrierer, comfort zones, flokdyrsmentalitet – at mennesket, kollektivt og individuelt, er prisgivet konditionering og perception management i en uhyggelig grad, og at det slavisk irrationelt imiterer/reproducerer omgivelserne, er uigendriveligt attesteret ved Solomon Aschs eksperimenter allerede i 50erne, Stanley Milgram i 60erne (og gentaget mange gange i vor tid), Stanford fængselseksperimentet i 70′erne, og i nyere tid ikke mindst af Adam Curtis prisbelønnede serie af BBC-dokumentarer, specielt The Century of the Self og The Power of Nightmares, Scott Nobles serie af dokumentarfilm, specielt Psywar, og ikke mindst Howard Blooms ypperligst mesterlige artikel ‛Reality is a Shared Hallucination’, for blot at nævne nogle få.
“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” 

– Patrick Henry

Trance Breakers eller Busybody Beserwissen
Er det ikke de som bryder andres trance, der gør deres moralske pligt?  Kan sandhedssøgere befri andre mennesker fra trancen (‘those who see when they are shown’– Da Vinci), fra løgnene, fra ufriheden?

Iflg. Da Vinci kan en gruppe se med egne øjne, når de bliver vist.

Er de som viser andre, ‘busybody besserwissens’? Eller er de heroiske mennesker? Eller noget andet?

Ofte med stor fare for sig selv, går de ind i Platons Hule, The Matrix, The Truman Show, for at bryde trancen og befri deres medmennesker –  mennesket; et helligt væsen, designet til frihed….eller er det for storladent? Er mennesket så ikke et helligt væsen, designet til frihed? Fordi det er fanget af de negative emotioners magt?

Og er de som forsøger at bryde andres trance, ‘busybody besserwissens’ og intervenerende?

Eller pionerere og ‘trance breakers’?
“On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?” And Vanity comes along and asks the question, “Is it popular?” But Conscience asks the question “Is it right?” And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.”
          — Martin Luther King Jr.
‘In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’
           — Martin Luther King Jr.

“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
           — Martin Luther King Jr.
Specielt når menneskedens fremtid og overlevelse, er betinget af en brat opvågnen i nutiden, en opvågnen som sker ved, at der findes gode mennesker, som er forandrede indefra, ‘som ser af sig selv’, og som meddeler det til andre mennesker; til ‘de som ser, når de bliver vist.

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { }Nonetheless, not to try to convince other people of the dangers of the Zeitgeist implies  non-communication and stagnation as the future of the collective depends on the individual awakening in the present, i.e. the ones whose minds are receptive to change by cognition – and the awakening of the individual depends on the communication by fellow human beings who are aware of the dangers. If not for altruistic reasons, the  ‘selfish’ reasons in the end result amount to the same; whether I am my brother’s keeper or not, one’s silence will minimize the amount of awakened individuals in the present and  thus; the probablity of lesser numbers of awakened people in the future!
Therefore the stakes are such that it is the responsibility of the awakened individual to break the trance of others who are ready for an awakening
Hvis et menneske erkender ufriheden og usandhed eller bliver vist dets ufrihed og usandhed, vil det enten smadre fængslet og usandhed eller gøre alt for at bevare fængslet og løgnen. Transcend or regress. Begge dele sker.

Dette Larken Rose-citat kom jeg mig ihu (mine markeringer):
‘Your ignorance is not because the truth is not available to you. There have been ‘radicals’ preaching it for thousands of years. No. You are ignorant because you shun the truth with all your heart and soul. You close your eyes and run away when a hint of reality lands in front of you. You condemn as ‘extremists’ and ‘fringe kooks’ those who try to show you the chains you are wearing. You don’t want to be free. Responsibility and reality scare the hell out of you so you cling tightly to your own enslavement and lash out at any who seek to free you from it. When someone opens the door to your cage, you cower back in the corner and yell, ‘Close it!”
– Larken Rose, The Iron Web
Og følg Krishnamurti i forlængelse:
You are the product of your conditioning, you are the
product of your society, the product of propaganda,
religious and otherwise. You repeat what others have said.
All your education is that. You are conditioned, you are not
free, happy, vital, passionate. You are frightened human
beings, full of the authority of others or of your own
particular little authority, of your own knowledge. You are
second-hand human beings, intellectually, emotionally.

– Jiddu Krishnamurti, Talk in San Diego, 7 April 1970
Og dette citat:
“The mass psychology of accepting information indiscriminately, of giving prompt mass obedience to imposed limitations of personal liberty, without due understanding of the underlying reasons, and the consequent blind following of leaders, will only come to an end through the intelligent fostering of individual recognition of selfhood and the assertions of the individual as he seeks to express his own ideas.”
– Alice Bailey
Ang. blindgyder som disse 2 citater adresserer:
“Any group “out to save the world” is potentially problematic, because it rests on an archaically narcissistic base that looks “altruistic” or “idealistic” but in fact is very egocentric, very primitive, and very capable of coming to primitive ends by primitive means.”
–Ken Wilber, Eye to Eye, (1983)

“The history of Communism,originally inspired by noble ideals, clearly illustrates what happens when people attempt to change external reality – create a new earth – without any prior change in their inner reality, their state of consciousness. They make plans without taking into account the blueprint for dysfunction that every human being carries within: the ego.”
 – Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Den første blindgyde som Wilber adresserer er motivationen, den er simpelthen forkert, falsk, ikke sandt indrestyret men dobbelthed, etc. Jes Bertelsen skrev i 80’erne, at fredsbevægelsen er ligeså polemisk krigeriske med omvendt fortegn, som den krigsbevægelse de protesterer og kæmper imod.

Det andet citat af Tolle adresserer en indre bevidsthedsforandring, en indre bevidstheds-lutring foruden hvilken, at tænkning og en ydre forandring – uden spirituel indre forvandling – er utilstrækkelig.

Men også den indre spirituelle forvandling er ikke substitut for tanken heller, viden om GMO, vacciner, statslig false flag terrorisme, massemediers uhyrlige censur og manipulation, perception management, etc. Denne fodnote [1]  kan også være svar på Gurdjieffs citat i det følgende
‘Gurdjieff said that the world harmony of which he spoke could not be achieved by politics, philosophy, religion or any other organized movement that treated “man in the mass.” It could only be accomplished through the individual development of man. In doing so, an individual’s unknown potentialities would become strong so that he might influence many more people. If enough individuals could develop themselves—even partially—into genuine, natural men, each such individual would then be able to convince and win over as many as a hundred other men, who would, each in his turn, be able to influence another hundred, and so on. ‘
Mit bud er, at mange ‘konspiranauter’ (de moderne tids kættere, hvis genoprejsning er indiskutabel) netop er empatiske og ændrede i det indre, hvilket ikke er nok for at sprede sandheden om vor tids tore manipulationer – empati er en forudsætning men ikke tilstrækkelig. Sand viden kræves. Viden er heller ikke nok – empati er forudsætning.

De som både har empati og sand viden handler som breakers of other people’s trance –  enten i form af spiritual opvågnen og inspirativ selv-transformation eller gennem politisk opvågnen, og så er der de som gør begge dele – de succesfulde eksempler findes, omend Gurdjieff adresserer den indre forvandling som betingelse for sand ydre forandring, ikke skjulte agendaer og viden om disse, som ‘konspiranauterne’ (
politisk oplyste mennesker) er bevidste om.

Så vi har 3 typer af trance breakers; en er vertikal, den anden horisontal, og en tredje forener dem begge. Dette er dog en skematisk statisk betragtning mens virkeligheden fungererer flydende.

Internet Reformationen er virkelig, og skaber bevidsthed og heftig forandring. Hvad er alternativet til at fortælle om sandheden om løgne og manipulationer der bestemmer milliarders liv via internalisering? Tavshed?

Spirituel udvikling er én ting, viden via sanserne og tanken er en anden. Alle 3 er væsensforskellige domæner men nødvendige. Både åbningen af hjertets empati og brugen af tankens analyse er nødvendig.

Pointen er ikke selv-hellig self-righteousness, men en konstaterende betragtning; hvis fluor, vacciner, kontrollerede massemedier, m.m.m. er destruktive, livsskadelige, bedrag og hvidvaskning, samtidigt som disse ses af flertallet som sande, gode og sunde, så er det – rent mentalt skelnende – et resultat af indoktrinering. Udtrykket ‘mentale krøblinge’ er en begrædelse, ikke en fordømmelse, men det er provokativt, og specielt indignerende for de som ønsker at meddele farerne i tidsånden.
Tanker om angsten for friheden:
Frygten for friheden, er i virkeligheden en angst, da frygt kan defineres som frygt for det kendte, hvorimod angst relaterer sig til det ukendte. Og selvom mennesket er designet til frihed, er det i virkeligheden angst for det, da det ikke kender sand frihed, det kender kun fængslet, hvis navn og indretning det identificerer som (falsk) frihed, et fængsel som i mangt og meget er skabt af andre.

Eksistentialisternes påstand, at mennesket skjuler sig selv (og sin egen inautenticitet og ufrihed) i den anonyme kollektivistiske masse – ved at tænke, vide, føle, handle, være, som ‘alle de andre’ –  har altid forekommet mig en dyb og sand pointe.

Om Fromms bog, ‘Flugten fra Friheden’ ( Fromm var det sidste skud på Franfurterskolen, men syntes ikke at være del af dens mørke side):

‘Fromm distinguishes between ‘freedom from’ (negative freedom) and ‘freedom to’ (positive freedom). The former refers to emancipation from restrictions such as social conventions placed on individuals by other people or institutions. This is the kind of freedom typified by the Existentialism of Sartre, and has often been fought for historically, but according to Fromm, on its own it can be a destructive force unless accompanied by a creative element, ‘freedom to’ the use of freedom to employ spontaneously the total integrated personality in creative acts. This, he argues, necessarily implies a true connectedness with others that goes beyond the superficial bonds of conventional social intercourse: “…in the spontaneous realization of the self, man unites himself anew with the world…”

In the process of becoming freed from authority, we are often left with feelings of hopelessness (he likens this process to the individuation of infants in the normal course of child development) that will not abate until we use our ‘freedom to’ and develop some form of replacement of the old order. However, a common substitute for exercising “freedom to” or authenticity is to submit to an authoritarian system that replaces the old order with another of different external appearance but identical function for the individual: to eliminate uncertainty by prescribing what to think and how to act.
– Wikipedia
Og videre citat af en psykolog:

The question then is: are people actually liberated by all this freedom? A study came out more than ten years ago, that actually showed that when you give people too much choice, instead of being liberated, they get paralyzed….It just turns out that when you give people this kind of unconstrained opportunity to reinvent themselves, they don’t know what to do.
– Barry Schwarz

Lignende tanker er oppe i tidsånden; ny dokumentar, ‘Freedom From Choice’, kan ses live på RT i disse dage med en stjernecast: Jeff Berwick, Gerald Celente, G. Edward Griffin, Peter Schiff, Jon Rappoport, Mike Maloney, and many more. Freedom From Choice Official Trailer -Youtube. 

 NB! Due to copyright restrictions, this video can only be viewed on RT’s live feed. Time of broadcast is available on RT’s schedule page

Citaterne forekommer mig i denne sammenhæng igen yderst relevante:
 Happy slaves are the bitterest enemies of freedom
 – Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach

I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves
– Harriet Tubman

“The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.”
– ‘Bringers of the Dawn’

It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished… Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so
‘- Bertrand Russell

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
– Goethe

It is easier to mislead many men than one.
– Herodotus.

We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented
– The Truman Show

You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it “
– Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), The Matrix

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers…. The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening”
– George Orwell, 1984

“Historically, the most terrible things – war, genocide, and slavery – have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.”
  — Howard Zinn

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves…(and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
    ― Howard Zinn

We are accustomed to use our eyes only with the memory of what other people before us have thought about the object we are looking at.
— Guy de Maupassan

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
– Krishnamurti

‘The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a
measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted

– Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited

‘A man must first of all understand certain things. He has thousands of
false ideas and false conceptions, chiefly about himself, and he must
get rid of some of them before beginning to acquire anything new.
Otherwise the new will be built on a wrong foundation and the result
will be worse than before. To speak the truth is the most difficult
thing in the world; one must study a great deal and for a long time in
order to speak the truth. The wish alone is not enough. To speak the
truth one must know what the truth is and what a lie is, and first of
all in oneself. And this nobody wants to know.”
~ G.I. Gurdjieff

[1] Hvis andres opvågnen afhænger af de allerede informerede (og den enkeltes egen skelnevne, empati, m.m.), er tavshed så ikke lig med svigt af almenvellet? Busybody Besserwissen eller intervention?

Det der virker kendetegnende for mange af de opvågnede er, at de tilhører et nyt tredje segment, nemlig de ‘conspirituelle’, hvor de første 2 grupper – aktivisterne og de spirituelle – mangler at  komplementere hinanden. De spirituelle hos Jes Bertelsen f.eks. falder formentlig i (på trods af clairvoyance og meditation) mht. global warming, overpopulation, peak oil, vacciner, m.m. som  alle er fabrikerede elite-memer, og kan på den måde blive nyttige idioter.

Vertikal indre individuel udvikling giver ikke af sig selv horisontal viden om konkrete årsag-virkning forhold i den ydre verden. Så den åndsaristokratiske meditations-elite kan altså også falde i som nyttige idioter (hvorfor skulle Eckhart Tolle f.eks.i sin tid ellers anbefale præsident Obama?)

 Non-dual bevidsthed giver ikke konkret viden om og indsigt i fluor,vacciner, aspartam, GMO, false flag terror, den forsætlige dumbing down af befolkningerne, deep politics og directed history,  global warming svindel, m.m.m. (medmindre man altså har en ret specifik form for always-ready clairvoyance oveni, som kan erstatte viden via den diskursive logiske analyse via tanken).
Mange aktivister og dissidenter er derimod ofte bevidste om, at disse er memer er elite-scams, at der er  mindfuck manipulation en masse af befolkningerne, mens de til gengæld mangler den indre dimension a la meditation, spiritualitet,  mindfulness, arbejdet med de negative emotioners magt, skyggeside, m.m. som ‘Jes Bertelsen-folk’,  m.fl. arbejder med.
Den tredje kategori – ‘the conspiritual’ (etymologisk ukorrekt og slang-neologisme men alligevel…)  gør begge dele eller er bevidste om begge dele. Denne gruppe er også voksende og altså afgørende for at den gamle slaveorden brydes ned.     

  ‘The truth is most people will not believe what’s happening today on the political horizon. The forces that are at work behind the scenes are as old as the battle between good and evil themselves….The problem with covert control and secret brotherhoods is you cannot rebel against something you don’t know exists.’

      – Secret Brotherhoods – Rudolf Steiner”

Uvidende Ufrihed – Tilfredse Slaver

The War of the Worlds

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by morton_h, the blogger
H. G. Wells and the promiscuous
What is the relationship between a culture that gleefully indulge tits, cock and porn, pop stars, bling, hookers and ridiculousness? A culture of adultery, divorce, broken families, gender war between men and women and abusing children as hostages for the same purpose is the order? A pornofied culture where children buy likes on Facebook by selling selfies of themselves without clothes? A culture of chemically-psychologically efeminised men and masculinised women? A culture where people masturbate with smartphones every minute of their so-called waking life and sleep with their mobile dildoen under the pillow … AND the man that some call the father of science fiction, HG Wells and his time machine? It sounds like a pensive enigma – What is the similarity between a cucumber and a penguin?

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]

On the contrary, there is a directcorrelation. Wells had such a culture on the wish list. A promiscuous culture of sensuously anesthetized, amoral and weak individuals. A culture in which the family is devastated and where selfishness has divided the community right down to the atom, the isolated individual – the ultimative divide-and-conquer. Has his wet dream come true? In deed it has! An event in England recently show the style of isolated, narcissistic immorality and dehumanization: A man was shot in the neck in the street, where there were lots of people. None of them responded, no one raised their eyes from their smartphones. All corresponded to the description of the species of the New World according to H. G. Wells.

Like his associatives in the Fabian Society, Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell, he was never read correctly.Their readers thought these people warned against the dehumanized society of control with zombies at the bottom and technocrats at the top. Nothing could be more wrong, for they all described the very future society, which the elite, that they were an intimate and understanding part of, had on the drawing board. Science was already science faction.

Wells War of the Worlds is none other than the two world wars, which he described as necessary to ensure that people would be able to give up their sovereignty. When he saw that WWI in all its contemporaries of incomprehensible cruelty had not completed this piece of work, he advocated WWII as necessary. The two world wars were deeply planned, and Wells knew it. He was not anything near to a prophet, he was just a man who indulged in his drunkenness of being a part of the elitist ilk who created the 20th century and its War of the Worlds. An NWO lackey, who among other peculiarities praised Stalin to the skies. A prophet is a beholder of intuitive visions from his higher self. Wells had just browsed the storyboard in the back room of the gallery, and then he made a writing career out of it.

Wells wet dream of a New World Order is most alive is today in all its morbidity.
H.G.Wells: Prophet of the NWO 

Bertrand Russell and The Educated
We like to believe that the highly educated in society are those best able to distinguish lies from truth, and thus will be most the difficult to control because they will opposite injustice. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The higher the education, the less likely that you will be a burden to the control system. The higher the status, the heavier the peer pressure. The more gross knowledge, the less resistance to knowledge uniformity and the indoctrination, that you are willing to subject yourself to. The more copy-paste-knowledge, the less likely you want to challenge the premise of this knowledge by asking: is this really true, or is it a structure with a purpose. The system has provided your education. The system is maintained by peers who, like you, have everything to lose and nothing to gain by being genuinely creative and performing actual thinking. The system makes you compromised, and a compromised person will have something to hide and protect, living a life in low boiling fear.

A further division arises. There is the intellectual robotnik who knows absolutely nothing about system duplicity and firmly indulges its rules praising its excellences. But there are also those who have come to open a door to the basement or attic and know that there is a hiding agenda. Quiestion is: how do you react? Some immediately close the door again and swallows the blue pill. Others, by contrast, elated at the idea will gain further ambitions to get a key to all floors. How compromised should you be? How great a career hooker will you be? Can you get an invitation in the gallery? Others will on the contrary start to develop scruples.

The system generally does not fear the class of intellectual fools. Academia is a great club that is held in place by guilt, shame and fear. Guilt to the system for giving them a place in the sun – although only rationed sunlight is offered – and fear of losing the career that they had to sit lifelong debt to get by playing the game of the system, losing their economic foundation and the opportunity to live in a certain degree of luxury – even if only offered rationed luxury. You would have to obtain two academic / upper middle class salaries to get what one salary could provide half a century ago, and you will constantly live with the fear of being expelled from from the academic community … and end up as a taxi driver, forever!

What the System fears is one of the intellectual fools begining to acquire a taste for morality and empathy. It can happen, but it is not likely. The moral disappeared already on the way up through the System. Empathy could be suffocated in cynical career greed – welcome to the club of sociopaths! – but more probably it was redirected by someone waving the intellectual fool on the nose with opportunities to atone for his bad conscience: Give a goat, adopter a brown child, pay for a tsunami, help the world’s poor people by supporting a war against their government – the latter really makes sense … so it seems to the intellectual fool with the bad conscience. Even the most cynical atrocities can now be sold as humanitarian aid.

When does it happen, and for whom is it happening? H.G. Well’s colleague in the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, said it straight out – just as he said a whole lot straight out arrogantly exposing The Agenda. Strangely enough, he slid down in history – that is, mind you, the Empire, its own history – as peace-loving tribunal-inventor. That this was a scam we see in statements like:

We take the brightest school children from an early age and test them. They will be taken away from their background, so they forget it and become one of us and do our bidding. We then make sure that they have lost touch with where they come from.

If there is such a child with such opportunities, it could become a spokesperson for us in the future.

If this child as an adult on the other hand exceed these powers and begin to think for itself, then it at all costs must be eliminated! (paraphrased)

The British elite stood in a certain antagonism to the Jesuits. But nonetheless diligently studying the Jesuits method:

Give me the four-year-old child, and I will give you the adult.

The Master Project of Immorality
There is a remarkable similarity in the methods. In the 70s, the Frankfurt School copied both Jesuits methods and The Fabian Society’s program. If people did not fall into one of the trenches, then there was the second, the third (Zionism), the fourth (Venetian faux diplomacy), the fifth (New Age), the sixth (drug culture), the seventh … The common denominator is corruption and demoralization of man.

When H. G. Wells talks about promoting promiscuity, it is on the basis of the ‘Roaring Twenties’, the unrestrained sociopatic trip after World War, when jitterbug was the escapists dance with death.

When Zionists practice promiscuity, it is based in the interwar Berlin. The Germans / National Socialists tried to stop it, but because the Zionists ‘good friends’ won the war and because they managed to über-demonize all Germans and stage the victim role-playing game called Holocaust, the promiscuous project had another boost through Hollywood (Holly-caust, Holo-wood).

When Jesuits cultivate corruption, it is based on an ancient Roman tactics, where the black adder, the confessor, the Prince’s counselor, the ever present Grima Wormtounge adheres to the prince, the prince will soon sit like a pale, helpless zombie brain dead abolishing his own power.

When Fabians grow promiscuity, it is the basis of Trotskyism, Bolshevism, Stalinism, Communism, Socialism. They saw just how Stalin and the Bolsheviks ultra-violence, their promiscuous mass rapes during WWII and their bloody ‘Mongol’ revolutionary practice was too transparent. Therefore, their long-term-oriented insidious poison which people would learn to love their own corruption and slavehood. People would do it all to themselves, so that their masters would never have to get dirty fingers.

When the Frankfurt school Culture Marxists exercise promiscuity, thay call it ‘subversive perversion. You find it in feminism, the LGTB-agenda, multiculturalism and mass immigration. And every time you meet political correctness, it has the imprint of Culture Marxism. They even spell it out themselves! The goal is the destruction of Western Civilisation.

When Drug-culture cultivate promiscuity, it is based on ALL of the above. CIA funded, promoted, organized, transported and distributed it. There goes the anti-war-movement getting stoned.

When New Age religion fucks with your mind, it is based on the bad-old religion in a new, exotic container. Anger is now a forbidden sentiment, a New Age sin – think positively, mind-over-matter, spiritual dope. AND all the genuine spirituality and insights will be corrupted. It smells like the real stuff, but it is often a worthless surrogate.

When Trotskyists cultivate corruption, so … and who are they? They are really no one other than the neo-cons, the parasitic dwellers of Deep State who took over the US government with an invisible coup following the assassination of JFK and has run this country and its warfare ever since. By what means? By the character JFK himself, who was a deeply corrupt and promiscuous person, a womanizer and cocaine addict. In fact, Richard Nixon was in spite of his bad reputation in several ways a much more integrated moral person than JFK. But the lesson had then been learned in the Deep State, so when Nixon stepped out of line and out of the script for the American selected, not elected precidency, he was ‘gamed’. We know the game as Watergate.

Trotskyism today is represented by the mulatto doll with the many names and fake citizenship: Sortero / Obama. Corruption is the middle name of the teleprompter dummy, that facilitated what seems to be the final stages of the Murder on Democracy and utmost perversion of the human society.

Wells, Russell og War of the Worlds

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H.G. Wells og de promiskuøse
Hvad er sammenhængen mellem en kultur, der lystigt hengiver sig til patter, pik og porno, popstars, lir, ludere og latterlighed? En kultur, hvor utroskab, skilsmisse, kønskrig mellem mænd og kvinder og gidseltagning af børn til samme formål er dagens orden? En pornoficeret kultur, hvor børn køber likes på Facebook ved at sælge selfies uden tøj? En kultur af kemisk-psykologisk efeminiserede mænd og maskuliniserede kvinder? En kultur, hvor folk onanerer med smartphones hvert minut i deres såkaldt vågne liv og sover med mobildildoen under hovedpuden … OG the father of science fiction, H.G. Wells og hans tidsmaskine? Det lyder som en fortænkt gåde – hvad er ligheden mellem en agurk og en pingvin?
Der er en direktesammenhæng. Wells havde en sådan kultur på ønskelisten. En promiskuøs kultur af individer, der er sanseligt bedøvede, amoralske og svage individer. En kultur, hvor familien er ødelagt og hvor egoisme har splittet samfundet helt ned til atomet, det isolerede individ. Er hans ønske gået i opfyldelse? Det må man sige! En hændelse i England for nylig er billedet af isoleret, narcissistisk amoral og umenneskeliggørelse: En mand blev skudt i nakken på åben gade, hvor der var masser af mennesker. Ingen af dem reagerede, ingen løftede øjnene fra deres smartphones. Alle svarede til beskrivelsen af Verden iflg. H.G. Wells.

Ligesom hans associatives i The Fabian Society, Aldous Huxley og Bertrand Russell blev han ikke læst rigtigt. Forstå dette ret: deres læsere troede, at de advarede mod det umenneskeliggjorte kontrolsamfund med zombier forneden og teknokrater foroven. Intet kan være mere forkert, for de beskrev alle et kommende samfund, som den elite, de var en intim og indforstået del af, havde på tegnebrættet. Science fiktion blev til science faction.

Wells War of the Worldser i virkeligheden de to verdenskrige, som han beskrev som nødvendige for, at folk vil blive i stand til at opgive deres suverænitet. Da han så, at WWI i al dens for samtiden uforståelige grusomhed ikke havde fuldført arbejdet, advokerede han for WWII som nødvendig. De to verdenskrige var dybt planlagte, og Wells vidste det. Han var ikke en skid profet, han var bare en mand, der talte over sig i sin beruselse over at være en del af det elitære slæng, der skabte det 20. århundrede og dets War of the Worlds. En NWO-lakaj, der roste Stalin til skyerne. En profet får intuitive visioner fra sit højere selv. Wells havde bare bladret i storyboardet i baglokalet i logen, hvorefter han lavede en forfatterkarriere på det.

Wells våde drøm om en Ny Verdensorden er i dag lyslevende i al sin morbiditet.

Bertrand Russell og de uddannede
Vi holder af at tro, at de højtuddannede i samfundet er de, der bedst er i stand til at skelne løgn fra sandhed, og dermed også er de, der vil være sværest at kontrollere, fordi de vil sige fra overfor uretfærdighed. Er det sådan?

Inter kan være fjernere fra sandheden. Jo højere uddannelse, jo mindre sandsynligt er det, at du er til besvær for kontrolsystemet. Jo højere status, jo tungere gruppepres. Jo mere bruttoviden, jo mindre modstand mod denne videns ensrettehed og den inddoktrinering, du udsætter dig for. Jo mere copy-paste-viden, jo mindre er sandsynligheden for, at du vil anfægte præmissen for denne viden ved at spørge: Er dette egentlig sandt, eller er det en konstruktion med et formål. Det er systemet, der har betalt for din uddannelse. Systemet vedligeholdes af ligesindede, der ligesom du har alt at tabe og intet at vinde ved at gøre sig ud til bens. Systemet gør dig kompromitteret, og en kompromitteret person har noget at skjule.

Måske skal der gradbøjes. Der er den intellektuelle robotnik, der absolut intet aner om systemets dobbeltbundethed og fuldt og fast hengiver sig til dets spilleregler og tilsyneladende fortræffeligheder. Men der er også de, der er kommet til at åbne døren til kælderetagen eller loftet og ved, at der gemmer sig noget. Her skiller vandene sig først, for hvordan forholder man sig til det? Nogle lukker straks døren igen og æder en blå pille. Andre bliver derimod opstemt ved tanken og får yderligere ambitioner om selv at få en nøgle til alle etager. Hvor kompromitteret skal man være? Hvor stor en karriereluder skal man blive? Kan man få en invitation til i logen? Andre vil begynde at udvikle skrupler.

Systemet frygte generelt ikke klassen af intellektuelle fjolser. Akademia er en stor klub, der holdes på plads af skyld, skam og frygt. Skyld til systemet for at give dem en plads i solen – selvom der kun tilbydes rationeret sollys – og frygt for at miste den karriere, som de var nødt til at sætte sig livslangt i gæld for at få, knokle sig til ved at spille i systemet, miste deres økonomiske fundament og mulighed for at leve i en vis grad af luksus – selvom der kun tilbydes rationeret luksus. Man skal være to akademikerlønninger til at skaffe det, som én løn kunne skaffe for et halvt århundrede siden, og du vil konstant leve med frygten for og skammen i at ryge ud af det akademiske selskab … hvorefter du ender som taxachauffør, forever!

Hvad systemet frygter er, hvis en af de intellektuelle fjolser begynder at tilegne sig noget, der ligner moral og empati. Det kan ske, men det er ikke sandsynligt. Moralen forsvandt allerede på vej op gennem systemet. Empatien blev i visse tilfælde kvalt i kynisk karriereliderlighed – velkommen i klubben af sociopater! – men nok snarere omdirigeret ved at vifte det intellektuelle fjols om næsen med muligheder for at sone sin dårlige samvittighed: giv en ged, adopter et brunt barn, betal for en tsunami, hjælp verdens stakler ved at støtte en krig mod deres regering. Især det sidste giver rigtig god mening … synes det intellektuelle fjols med den dårlige samvittighed. Selv de mest kyniske grusomheder kan sælges som humanitær bistand.

Hvornår sker det, og for hvem sker det? Well’s kollega i The Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, sagde det lige ud – lige som han sagde en hel masse lige ud, der eksponerede agendaen. Underligt nok er han gledet over i historien, altså vel at mærke Imperiet, egen historieskrivning, som fredselskende tribunal-opfinder. At dette var ren svindel ser vi i udsagn som:
Vi tager de mest opvakte skolebørn ud fra en tidlig alder og tester dem. De må tages bort fra deres baggrund, så de glemmer den og bliver en af os og lyder vores bud. Vi sørger for, at de ikke længere har kontakt med, hvor de kommer fra.
Hvis der findes sådan et barn med sådanne muligheder, vil det kunne blive en talsmand for os i fremtiden.
Hvis dette barn som voksen derimod overskrider disse beføjelser og begynder at tænke selv, da skal det for enhver pris elimineres! (parafraseret)
Den britiske elite stod i et vist modsætningsforhold til jesuitterne. Men samtidig studerede de jesuitternes metode:
Giv mig det fire-års barn, og jeg skal give dig den voksne.
Det store demoraliserings-projekt
Der er en bemærkelsesværdig lighed i metoder. I 70’erne har Frankfurterskolen kopieret både jesuitternes metoder og The Fabians Society’s program. Hvis folk ikke faldt i den ene grøft, så var der den anden, den tredje (zionisme), den fjerde (venetiansk fake-diplomati), den femte (new-age), den sjette (drugkultur), den syvende … Fællesnævneren er korrumpering og demoralisering af mennesket.

Når H.G. Wells taler om at fremme promiskuøsitet, så er det med baggrund i de ‘brølende 20’ere’, det løsslupne sociopattrip efter 1. Verdenskrig, hvor jitterbug blev dansen med døden.

Når zionisterne dyrker promiskuøsitet, er det med udgangspunkt i mellemkrigstidens Berlin. Tyskerne / nationalsocialisterne forsøgte at stoppe det, men fordi zionisternes ‘gode venner’ vandt krigen og fordi det lykkedes dem at über-dæmonisere alle tyskere og iscenesætte offer-rollespillet Holocaust, fik promiskuøsiteten endnu et boost via Hollywood (Holly-caust, Holo-wood).

Når jesuitterne dyrker korrumpering, er det med udgangspunkt en ældgammel romersk taktik, hvor hofsnogen, skriftefaderen, fyrstens rådgiver, Grima Wormtounge klæber sig til fyrsten til han sidder som en bleg, viljeløs zombie, der hjernedødt afskaffer sin egen magt.

Når fabianerne dyrker promiskuøsitet, er det med udgangspunkt i trotskismen, bolsjevismen, stalinismen, kommunismen, socialismen. De så blot, hvorledes Stalins og bolsjevikkernes ultra-vold, deres promiskuøse massevoldtægter under WWII og deres blodige ‘mongolske’ revolutionære praksis var for gennemskuelig. Derfor deres langtids-orienterede snigende gift, hvor mennesker skulle lære at elske deres egen korrumpering.

Når drug- og new-age-kulturen dyrker promiskuitet er det med udgangspunkt i alt det ovenstående. CIA finansierede, promoverede, organiserede, transporterede og distribuerede det.

Når trotskisterne dyrker korruption, så … hov stop, hvem er de? Det er såmænd ingen andre end de neo-cons, der overtog den amerikanske regering med et usynligt statskup efter mordet på JFK. Med hvilke midler? Bla ved, at den ofte højt besungne JFK selv var en dybt korrumperet og promiskuøs person, en ‘womanizer’ og kokain-narkoman. Richard Nixon var på trods af sit dårlige rygte på afgørende måder en langt mere moralsk integreret person end JFK, men man havde lært lektien i the Deep State, og da Nixon rokkede med ørerne, blev han ‘gamet’. Vi kender det som Watergate.

Trotskismen repræsenteres i dag af mulat-dukken med de mange navne: Sortero / Obama. Korruption er teleprompter-dukkens mellemnavn.
The War of the Worlds

Red Alert Flux VI – World At The Cutting Edge Of The Abyss

by ‘ChaosNavigator’

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


“As long as one person lives in darkness then it seems to be a responsibility to tell other people.”
– Bill Hicks

‘Look out over a cityscape and you will likely see a mass of humanity distracted, absorbed in the glowing screens of handheld devices, largely unaware of the approaching crossroads of history. If you are a person of a moral nature, your conscience will tell you to warn them; Empower them and give them information that will help them make the right choice and unleash their true potential.’
– from ‘Interstellar: A Positive Message for Humanity at the Crossroads of History’

A few recent additional links:

Nearly Every Member of Congress Votes to Move US Closer to WWIII

New Cold War: Anti-Russia Resolution Full of Propaganda – Condemns Russia for Doing Exactly What the US Does
By Rep. Ron Paul

Top Putin aide: Mossad training ISIS terrorists in Iraq, Syria
A top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday accused Israel and the United States of training the Islamic State in order to undermine Moscow’s interests in the Middle East. In an interview with Iranian state television, Alexander Prokhanov said that Mossad agents were training ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq. “ISIS is a tool at the hands of the United States. They tell the Europeans that if we (the Americans) do not intervene, ISIS will cause you harm,” he told PRESS TV.

Israel Bombs Syria … Again: Hits Ag Centers, WarehousesOn Sunday December 7, Israel reportedly launched airstrikes inside Syria yet again, this time very close to Damascus in the area near Damascus International airport. Israeli airstrikes also took place in the town of Dimas which is located close to the Lebanese border.

Climate Engineering: A Clear And Present Danger By Dane Wigington

Elite Think Tank Admits to Ongoing Climate Engineering Experiments


Skip the intro if you want and go straight to the headlines below!
Probably again one of the most concentrated summary of surreal headlines/links you have ever seen in one post  – some so shocking as to defy belief – a surreal snapshot of the moment as a periodic portal bulletin. Mostly diligently selected intel under the mainstream radar (the real picture).

Again: Never before has the survival of our species been dependent upon your awakening and activism!

Intel crowdsourcing, intuition, analysis, logic, and evidence  – be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative. It’s overwhelming in terms of the nature of changes but knowledge-mapping of under-the-radar events is paramount. Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are just as important to get a feel of the mind-boggling changes.

I am sure this is a far more accurate picture of reality than the censored mainstream treason. Everything is backwards! Your subconscious will to some degree adjust you psychologically to the future, even if you are thrown off-balance, just by reading the headlines.

What’s the alternative to be in the know? Ignorance? Individual vertical spiritual development and non-dual consciousness cannot replace individual horizontal discursive cognition and knowledge of ‘what is’ (it). Both are needed. That’s why spiritual parents who meditate 6 hours a day can still approve of deadly vaccines being injected into their loving kids fx. Both a vertical awakening (transformation and transcendence of negative emotions) + a horizontal knowledge (of ‘what is’ (it) will be necessary.

Don’t give me that Fakebook-induced ADHD lame excuse that there are too many headlines to read – if that’s the case, then you are not able to read 2 pages in a normal BS newspaper, the equivalent of the amount of headlines in this post; a tiny snapshot of the crucial moment (you don’t click on every netflix film link either but you have to go through some titles in order to pick one). This is too important, most headlines are significant (as opposed to most lame mainstream infantile news and lies!). There is a hidden order in what appears to be random and that is basically  censorship, correspondence of truth, self-empowerment and protection, protection of others, through self-education, discovery, revision, and reformation.

When the systems of money, food, logistics, etc. collapse, our learned helplessness and thus second-hand human being-mentality will be exposed for what it is; a decrepit state of mental and physical childishness, totally unprepared in the cocoon of oblivion in the Truman Show bubble, etc. –  just like Iceland was caught by surprise (although it could have been prepared).

What we learned in history is highly selective if not dead wrong on many points, the same goes for science, ideologies, socialization, etc. –  the intellectual degeneration is huge, etc.

We are not vigilant and foresighted since we have been told what to think, what to feel, what to do (even if that means to be to told that we can think, feel and act as we see fit) – and accordingly we are screwed when TSHF.

I can’t help but noticing how many Americans (especially in California [as always]) are being at the mental preparedness frontier, instigated by the increasingly grim realities of being downgraded and dumped .

I always read comments to articles to see what’s going on on the ground. I see many intelligent and sensitive people, angry people, foresighted people, truth seekers, etc. waking up and seeing through the mainstream media web of lies and disinformation campaigns that we have been exposed to for so long. But the Internet has made an unequivocal massive difference.

For one, it tells the story of awakening through necessity, of a vigilance and knowledge of what really has been happening while the media and the sheeple mentality are pretty much caught up in the baby snot of unreality-pamperedness, not to mention treason against humanity –  and very few are growing up in the mental adulthood of knowledge, preparedness, mentally, emotionally and physically. But it’s changing also.

At the expense of truth, the people must of course feel ‘good’ in blissful ignorance. One would do well to think about who is benefiting from this ignorance and who is harmed! Such blissful ignorance would be equal to = I-pod, I-pad, pop, playstation, Paris Hilton, porn, drugs, booze, American Idol, Dancing with The Stars, etc. In other words; egocentrism, narcissism, mindless hedonism, ignorance, apathy, brutalisation and callousness, etc. We now seem to be in a situation where many people are unaware that we are already living in a tyranny, much of the suppression is immanent and internalized – the suppression is not recognized as suppression.

Normalcy Bias is a significant reason to ‘Titanic-violinism’ and why people are cognitively handicapped in hopeless ‘Hopium’-optimism (or apathy): This new (old) important concept should be added to your vocabulary and understanding of the world and people; Normalcy bias!:

Wikipedia: “The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation…..”

AND since many countries in Europe are severely unrepresentative (un)realities of the greater world in general, partially because of the lamestream media treason, there are severe handicaps cognitively – we are the toddlers in a kindergarten in the global Truman-show all the more severely!

But cracks in the Truman-show bubble are beginning to widen big time in USA, UK and other places in Europe (even if some Americans are more degenerate and ignorant than ever, the proportion of awakened can-do people in the US   –  relative to Europe, Scandinavia and many other places –  is huge).

As I have written many times: Gloomy reflections and forecasts don’t seem to reach the majority, less so have an impact, are drowned in the information overload, sense bombardment,  indifference, ignorance, confusion, hedonism, narcissism, defeatism, egotism, normalcy bias, densensitization, etc. (which is the reason why even such radical bulletin boards as this might be ignored) ,and are far worse than depicted by most mainstream media or ignored/suppressed by most mainstream corporate media and hence; most of us won’t act before we are forced to by immediate circumstances in the event of breakdown scenarios.

Result: The unprepared will be in dire straits and only the minority groups with foresight, awareness, pro-active visions are – as minimum prerequisites – prompted to act now before it becomes necessity. And few have…..

And the Internet Reformation itself is providing a new revolutionary narrative in the midst of confusion – if you’ve got some skills. But we have much more power than we think. We just need to wake up!

Man, what a crazy mega-mother die-hard roller coaster ride this is going to be…

Something worth living and dying for – instead of being living dead and nothing more
                Perpetually dying to the past –  ecstatic in eternal now
                Will a future paradigm come now at last? Is there time to tell us how?” 

            –  anonymous 

– Be brave and wise

Insanity: House of Representatives passes resolution against Russia
Provides De Facto “Green Light” to Obama to “Declare War on Russia”

America is on a “Hot War Footing”: House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
America is on a war footing.  While, a World War Three Scenario has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than ten years, military action against Russia is now contemplated at an “operational level”. Similarly, both the Senate and the House have introduced enabling legislation which provides legitimacy to the conduct of a war against Russia. We are not dealing with a “Cold War”. None of the safeguards of the Cold War era prevail. Global security is at stake. This historic vote –which potentially could affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people Worldwide – has received virtually no media coverage. A total media blackout prevails. The mainstream media had been instructed not to cover the Congressional decision. Nobody dared to raise its dramatic implications.  its impacts on “global security”.  ”World War III is not front page news.” And without mainstream news concerning US-NATO war preparations, the broader public remains unaware of the importance of the Congressional decision. In Annex to this article is the google news feed for H. Rep. 758  (7pm ET prior to the publication of this article). We suggest that readers check the news feed on online search engines as well as print media. Spread the word. Reverse the tide of war. Break the mainstream media blackout.

Vladimir Putin: America is a Threat to Russia and the World. “True Sovereignty for Russia” is Essential. Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
By President Vladimir Putin

Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia
By Ron Paul
Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.

Facts don’t matter, Washington using propaganda – Paul Craig Roberts

 And interesting different angle on the Russia/USA conflict:

The Battle for the New Grand Narrative, Crazy News, Spooky Stuff
‘If US and Russia had a secret alliance, has Russia suddenly gone rogue, while Putin has become the new hero (in the eyes of the freedom/patriot movements in US and elsewhere)? Or is Russia playing the new/old dialectics as Brandon Smith claims? Or is the lie different at every compartmentalized level? Russia is either playing along (the thesis put forth by some researchers)  or authentically being an independent country or rogue rebel elite group going against the the real realpolitik causations of Neo-cons, Bilderberg, TLC, CFR, etc.(the thesis put forth by most truth/justice/freedom movements)’

“Anyone who shirks the labors, sacrifices, and dangers that his people must undergo is a coward. But no less a coward and traitor is the man who betrays the principles of thought to material interests, who, for example, is willing to let the holders of power decide how much is two times two. To sacrifice intellectual integrity, love of truth, the laws and methods of thought to any other interest, even that of the fatherland, is treason. When in the battle of interests and slogans the truth, like the individual, is in danger of being devalued, disfigured, and trampled under foot, our one duty is to resist and to save the truth — or rather, the striving for truth — for that is our highest article of faith.”

– Hermann Hesse

19 Signs That You Live In A Country That Has Gone Completely Insane

Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Obama: War Criminal, Tyrant, Torturer, Racist, Corporate Tool, World-Class Thug
His record speaks for itself. Ideologically over-the-top. Lawless. Reckless. Ruthless by any standard. Reflecting the worst of rogue leadership.
Mocking democratic values. Breaching rule of law principles. Riding roughshod over responsible governance. Serving monied interests exclusively. They never had it so good. Responsible for protracted Main Street Depression conditions. Letting popular needs go begging when most needed. A reliable corporate tool and then some. Pro-war. Pro-business. Pro-privilege. Pro-super wealth. Anti-populist.

Finally some American media print the truth about Washington’s and NATO’s involvement in Ukraine!
(too-little too-late?)

The Biggest Scandal in America Is Its Controlled Press

But there is a price for telling the truth. Professional journalists committed to truth in media are invariably penalized by their corporate employers. They are pressured into accepting media disinformation as routine, as part of the job. They are encouraged to skim the surface or to convey half truths. This system rewards mediocrity. Lying brings fame, funding and career advancement. Those who refuse to abide by the standards of the mainstream media are fired, blacklisted and their prospects extinguished. Journalists who have the courage to say the truth find themselves marginalized and excluded, and therefore often driven into poverty. Indeed, a considerable number of journalists who contribute to Global Research find themselves in this predicament’
– Global Research

U.S. govt. to black out all news sites on the web – trial run tested in California – huge upcoming event?

Online news sites to be blacked out during next major catastrophic event?

US-Russia nuclear war will end human civilization: Analyst

Political analyst Edward Lozansky says a nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia will end the human civilization.
Lozansky, president of World Russia Forum, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday while commenting on a recent statement by Republican Senator John McCain about Russia.

West behind falling ruble, oil prices – Russian spy chief

Ukraine’s Finance Minister: “Made in the USA”: Kiev Government Giving Away Citizenships so “Foreigners Can Run the Country”

VIDEO: Fight Breaks Out In Parliament When Ukraine Learns It Has Quietly Become The Newest US State 

Here’s Why Western Media Hide the Truth About Ukraine

The Holy Grail of Transparent BS about Russia

Putin Says West Tries To Coverup State Coup In Ukraine

Ukraine’s Nuke Plants are a Huge War Risk No One Has Mentioned Yet

‘Near Perfect’ Indicator That Precedes Almost Every Stock Market Correction Is Flashing A Warning Signal

MAX IGAN “Reclaiming the Earth – steps towards a collective awakening”
The lecture covers a wide range of topics, from education, health, transhumanism, the destruction of the Amazonian rainforests to Max Igan’s recent trip to the Gaza strip

“I think we’re on the knife’s edge where we’re going to undergo cataclysmic institutional failure. We have it all over the world. Look at some of the countries that are in a state of perpetual starvation and revolution; there’s just no present institutional structure capable of dealing with societal complexity and diversity with anything other than more centralization of power and increasing violence and force. So we’ll have one of two possible scenarios. The first would be that we’ll have a massive series of institutional failures, social anarchy, and enormous societal and biological carnage—far more than we now experience—and then maybe out of that will emerge these new concepts. But I think if we do experience massive institutional failure, the first thing that will emerge, before we see the new forms, is almost total centralization of power and control, which will result in a widespread loss of liberty and freedom. That will last for a while, but it ultimately will not work, much like the Soviet Union. And when that collapses, then we’re in for a second period of social carnage that will be unbelievable.”
– interview-excerpt, 2002, Dee Hock, visionary philosopher and the inventor of the VISA credit card, the founder and former CEO of Visa International (fantastic interview)

“Their Sky Has Changed!” Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth’s “WOBBLE”
The elders maintain the Sun doesn’t rise were it used too

The Dome – Future of The Free
–   Freedom(e)
An all year food garden, a dome home, or both


Foldable Solar-Powered Geodesic DOM(E) Home Can be Erected Anywhere

Free Doom Survival Guide for download and print-out
This site exists to create and share a compact guide to survival in a world which has been all but destroyed by natural or unnatural disasters. In other words, when TSHTF.  This is not to debate what scenario that may be, but you are here so you probably have your own ideas. Various themes floating around include:     Climate Shift, World War III, Asteroid Strike, Polar Shift – magnetic or physical – gradual or sudden, Total Economic Collapse, Galactic Tsunami (whatever that is), ‘Kill shot’ Solar Flare, Outbreak of some horrible CIA-created disease (ie – zombies), Broad EMP attack, NWO Takeover, and much more.

Free Book: ‘Beyond Collapse: Surviving and Rebuilding Civilization From Scratch’
Beyond Collapse is an extensive guide, covering everything from why we should prepare, how a collapse may happen, what civilization may look like in its aftermath, and what steps you can take to not only prepare ahead of time, but how you’ll survive and thrive during the reconstruction and rebuilding that follow. Sure, you can stock up food, and guns and thousands of dollars worth of other supplies – but if that’s your entire plan, then you’re going to be in serious trouble, especially if we’re talking about a paradigm shift spanning years or decades. This book is much more than the basics. Get it in PDF Format (FREE) (442 Pages; 7.25 Megabytes)

The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World
‘I think we’re at a point where there’s no longer a way to dig ourselves out of the mess that’s been created by decades of criminal politicians. While most remain willfully ignorant of what’s really going on, the reality of the situation is this country is heading towards not only an economic collapse, but a collapse of society as well.

In your survival plans, have you forgotten spiritual preparedness?

Meet The World’s Biggest Organized Crime Syndicate – Banks
The answer, courtesy of a new report by the Boston Consulting Group, which shows the transfer of some $178 billion in litigation costs into the pockets of government apparatchiks in the past 6 years, is clear. Banks.

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Associated Press: CIA Working With Al Nusra Al Qaeda in Syria!
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about an very important admission that just came from the Associated Press that highlights how the CIA works with Al Qaeda to topple the regime in Syria.

The Obama Admin Uses Psych Tests To Select Psychopaths Out of The Loose Pile of Syrian Rebels And Then Trains Them To Be Part Of ISIS

World on a string: Breakthrough fiberoptic cable 2,500X faster than fastest internet
Such insane internet speeds are now a reality, with researchers rolling out a 255 terabits per second fiberoptic network which could transport the entire Internet on a single cable.

5 Inventions That Herald an ”Outernet” Revolution

One-way Ticket to Mars (RT Documentary)
The Mars One mission is a one-way ticket to the Red Planet. It’s scheduled for 2023, when the first group of 4 men and women will land on Mars. There, they’re expected to collect data, plant oxygen-producing vegetation and prepare the planet for human colonization. Despite the obvious dangers of this enterprise, over 200,000 people from around the world have applied.


NASA test-launches Orion spaceship set to take humans to Mars (not the same mission as described in the preceding link)

Update: Orion spacecraft splashes down after historic double-orbit mission

Documentary – Engines of Domination: Political Power and the Human Emergency
Political power, armed central authority with states and war. Is this all just a part of human nature? Is it the inevitable conclusion for modern human communities? Or is this nothing more than a deliberate construct of violent suppression created by relatively few in order to control the many? If so, could it more properly be called an aberration?

Stephen Hawking: Artificial Intelligence could spell end of human race

The Cambridge professor, who relies on a form of artificial intelligence to communicate, said if technology could match human capabilities “it would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.”

Time cloak used to hide messages in laser light
A “time cloak” that conceals events rather than objects can hide secret messages through a trick of light, making information invisible to all but the intended recipient.

<img alt="Made with optical collusion, the cloak is a stitch in time (Image: Science Photo Library/Getty)” src=”; height=”320″ title=”Made with optical collusion, the cloak is a stitch in time (Image: Science Photo Library/Getty)” width=”261″ />

Flying robots to start serving in restaurants by end-2015

New Technology Can Read Your Face and Your Mind

How WiFi and Other EMFs Cause Biological Harm
Yet another credible voice is now sounding the alarm about the pervasive dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – Professor Martin Pall, PhD – professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Science at Washington State University, Pullman. His lecture can be viewed below, as well as a summary of his findings amid a flood of other scientific research.

Scientists Discover An Invisible Shield Surrounding Earth, Baffled At How It Formed
Scientists have discovered something truly remarkable above the Earth’s atmosphere. An invisible shield is located approximately 7,200 miles above Earth that scientists are likening to “force fields on Star Trek.”

Milky Way’s cosmic ‘fingerprint’ revealed: Stunning images showcase hypnotic shapes making up our galaxy’s magnetic field
Astronomers have revealed hypnotic images of swirls, loops and arches that trace the remarkable structure of our Milky Way’s magnetic field.
In what could rival works by Van Gogh, Esa claims that these remarkable images are some of the first to reveal the shape of the our galaxy magnetic barrier.

Study conducted inside the Bosnian Pyramid. Assessing Ravne Tunnel Orbs As Indicators of Inter-Dimensional Portals > Top 1% read paper on
‘This paper explores the significance of documented orb flows of the Ravne Tunnels, Visoko Bosnia, focusing on the theory that the orbs may be energy messages from ‘the other side’, consciously announcing a recently aligned universe.’

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Copyright Law as a Tool for State Censorship of the Internet

Video Proof that Bitcoin Today is like the Internet in 1995 – Revolutionary

“This internet money system which involves neither banks nor government will do to finance what email did to the postal service and what the internet did to publishing.’

Bitcoin is the Most Disruptive Technology of Our Age

Detekt: A New Malware Detection Tool That Can Expose Illegitimate State Surveillance

Over 90% of Breast Cancer Cells Destroyed by Chamomile, Thyme Oil: Study

Avoid The Chemical Chaos in Your Brain: Six Hours of Increased Memory By Adding This to Breakfast

10 Superfoods You Can Add to Your Coffee

The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science

The Vaccine Coverup: 30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Cover Up Vaccine Hazards “To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids”

Another Failed Pandemic and the Vaccine-Industrial Complex

‘Every time there is a pandemic, whether its the flu or Ebola. Companies like Glaxo, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck & Co, Novartis AG and Pfizer Inc do everything in their power to convince you that you are the pandemic and that the shot is the remedy.’

Vaccines Spiked With Sterilization Hormone HCG

Note to China and Russia: did you import Depopulation Corn?

China and the New World Order
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Chemtrails, Climate Engineering & Cover-Up with Dane Wigington interviewed by Sean Stone
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Chemtrails: Synthetic Alien Biology and Climate Change War on Mankind?
“I state clearly again that the pathogenic forms under investigation are repeatedly showing up in the general population, regardless of whether certain “skin anomalies” [Morgellons] are present or not.” ” the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.” – Cliff Carnicom

Morgellons Alien Photos Lesions

Coming To Grips With Conspiracies And Maintaining Mental Health

Rap News Takes on The New World Order

New Google patent suggests automatically sending your videos and photos to law enforcement

Google Wants To Replace Passwords With Fingerprints And Eyeballs Google Glass is due to receive an update in 2015, and if a Google patent submitted last month is any indication, it could include a new feature to let wearers use their fingerprints, or scans of their eyes, instead of passwords on websites.

Drudge Report, WND goes down, no reason given as theories flood Internet

What Will It Take to Get You to Swallow GMO and Nanotech Foods?

Corporate Greed and Disregard for Food Safety and Biodiversity: Food Sovereignty Should Not be Handed Over to the GMO Biotech Conglomerates

Cannabis-Based Batteries Could Change the Way We Store Energy Forever

UVB Radiation Is Off The Charts, Metering Proves This Fact

Don’t Replace Facebook, Disrupt It
Facebook is a problem. It is undoubtedly being used by special interests to manipulate and monitor entire populations both within the United States and well beyond. It represents a tool that in no way serves the people actually using it, and instead allows special interests to use the users. It is a dream global panopticon for the abusive dictators that run Western society and presume dominion over what they call an “international order.”

World’s largest solar farm is up and running in California

What frightened the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea? Electromagnetic Russian Weapon?
The State Department acknowledged that the crew of the destroyer USS Donald Cook has been gravely demoralized ever since their vessel was flown over in the Black Sea by a Russian Sukhoi-24 (Su-24) fighter jet which carried neither bombs nor missiles but only an electronic warfare device.
17 States Take Obama to Court: You Are Trampling the Constitution

Private Charity For the Poor is Being Outlawed All Over the US

French homeless forced to wear ‘yellow triangles

French homeless forced to wear 'yellow triangles'

Orchestrated Race Riots To Take Our Eyes Off The Ball – Morris

Zionism And ISIS: Opposing Forces Or Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

ISIS Israel

Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection
This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it at any cost.

Secret Western Terrorism – Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
‘Operation Gladio B’–the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program–covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes.Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.

We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook – New Shocking Documentary Censored on Internet

‘We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook’ is like no other Sandy Hook documentary.

The Powerful Music Video that Hackers Redirected Craigslist Users To
The video exposes the New World Order, police state, human microchip agenda and more. Watch the full music video below:

Why Anarchist Lysander Spooner is Relevant Today

By James Corbett

Alarm bells toll for human civilization as world’s 12th largest mega-city to run out of water in just 60 days

RT – Amazon’s Prison Factory

Germany’s New Pre-Crime System Directly Modeled After ‘Minority Report’

Amazing 5,000-year-old skeletons laid on bed of flowers found in Sahara – proving desert was once green and lush–proving-desert-green-lush.html

Scientist Confesses: Global Warming is a $22 Billion Scam

RT VS CNN – RT host accuses CNN of spreading State Department propaganda, gets censored by CNN
A discussion between CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and RT’s Anissa Naouai degraded into a tense back and forth on Friday, resulting in Naouai’s criticisms of CNN and its coverage of international affairs being cut from the finalized interview that was broadcast. See the uncensored footage:!-!GJMDEK!-!zrzor45!-!PLFHISQH-LKML-HEGF-MPQI-GMOFEMFOGIHO!-!72y1nq/cia_cnn.jpg

The Beautiful Death of CNN – The Death of Mainstream Media
Little did I know that most of it was actually totally staged. The most hilarious of their faked, bluescreen reports.But, back then, there was no internet and there was no way for people to expose these things.  They had total control of the public’s perceptions.Today, however, thanks to the internet, nearly everybody realizes that media like CNN is almost complete propaganda and often faked.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Admits Working for the CIA – Operation Mockingbird Asset Exposed!

The Most Amazing Music You Ever Saw – Cymatics
Awesome video of musician using experiment to show you what music looks like. All of the science experiments in the video are real

Music Industry Exposed Part 1 – Misuse and Abuse of Esoteric Symbols

Time Travel And Political Control Of The Human Population

Alfred Webre, Secret Teleportation And Time Travel Technology Used To Govern The Planet?

Aliens On The Moon The Truth Exposed 2014 New SyFy Documentary?
Astronauts and other experts will be in the film to comment, I think this is one show worth checking out. SyFy has made the claim never-before-seen photos from NASA will be shown in this documentary, revealing installations, factories, saucers, hangers and huge satellite dishes on the moon.

Woman Claiming To Be Former NASA Employee Says She Saw Humans Walking On Mars In 1979

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation = Prison For Profit
Bill Gates and his family invest 2.2 million a year in PRISON FOR PROFIT which fundamentally contradicts the Bill Gates Foundation mission to ‘ensure that all people – especially those with the fewest resources – have access to those opportunities they need to succeed in school and life.’

Documentary – Can we survive death ?
What is the nature of our consciousness ? “Beyond Our Sight” is an independant documentary that talks about near-death experiences, human consciousness,  and the possibility of communication with other dimensions.

Fukushima Updates

How to Develop the Four Primary Skills of All Meditation

Red Alert Flux VI – World At The Cutting Edge Of The Abyss

The Vineyard of the Saker

h1 { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }h1.western { font-family: “Liberation Serif”,serif; }h1.cjk { font-family: “Droid Sans Fallback”; font-size: 24pt; }h1.ctl { font-family: “FreeSans”; font-size: 24pt; }p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }by morton_h, the blogger

I have chosen today to bring an article without any other commentary that this brief introduction. It is written by Joseph P. Farrell and is based on another article in the online magazin Vineyard of the Saker*:
.. which again is based on a speech given by Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, a most competent politician known to be very moderate and diplomatic.

His recent statement nevertheless implies, that the threat on Russia by Western forces, especially the US, no longer can be seen to be of ‘moderate’ character.
The importance of the article will be explained by his statements as well as the comments by Joseph Farrell.

* Saker: A very large grey falcon whos habitat stretches from Eastern Europa to Manchuria.


In an important article over at Vineyard of the Saker, Russian foreign policy expert and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s recent speech in Moscow on geopolitics, American democracy, and economic sanctions, are using words that we have ourselves warned will be the long term consequences of the current Western – i.e., American – policy in the Ukraine.

Absolutelycrucial statement by Foreign Minister Lavrov

There are so many things to ponder in this article, but I want to draw your attention to what “the Saker” himself outlines at the beginning, in his own commentary:

“I have bolded out what I consider to be the most important statements made by Lavrov that day. I would just like to add the following:

“1) Lavrov is considered very much a “moderate” and his language has always been strictly diplomatic. So when you read Lavrov, just imagine what folks in other Russian ministries are thinking.

2) Lavrov makes no secret of his view of the USA and of his plans for the future of our planet. When you read his words, try to imagine what a US Neocon feels and thinks and you will immediately see why the US elites both hate and fear Russia.

“3) Finally, Lavrov openly admits that Russia and China have forged an long-term strategic alliance (proving all the nay-sayers who predicted that China would backtstab Russian wrong). This is, I would argue, the single most important strategic development in the past decade.

“4) Finally, notice the clear contempt which Lavrov has for a pseudo-Christian “West” which dares not speak in defense of persecuted Christians, denies its own roots, and does not even respect its own traditions.

Friends, what we are witnessing before our eyes is not some petty statement about the Ukraine or sanctions, it is the admission by Lavrov of a fundamental “clash of civilizations”, but not between some wholly imaginary “Christian West” and Islam, but between Christian Russia and the post-Christian West.

“Russia did not want this conflict. Russia did everything in her power to prevent it. But the West left Russia no choice and Russia now openly declares her willingness to fight and prevail.”

So before we proceed, a few thoughts of my own. As most regular readers here know, I have been trying to point out that Mr. Putin’s Russia, for all its problems, is nota throwback to some sort of “Neo-Stalinism” or attempt to “reconstruct the Soviet empire,” but for the secular-minded elites of the West, who do not have or own any culture of their own(not even their own Western culture – indeed, to paraphrase a wise man, they’re in it, but not of it), they can only perceive it to be so. Nor, really, is Mr. Putin’s Russia a throwback to the autocracy. That said, however, Russia isengaged on a grand experiment: how to reconcile genuinely democratic institutions, respect for the rule of law, while recognizing the huge cultural influence that Eastern Orthodoxy has had on the formation of Russian culture and institutions. There is, really, no precedent for this in Russian history, and certainly not in western history. The West, for example, tends to think of “Europe” as if the whole geographical area was subject to the same cultural influences. In short, the West tends to midread its own historical influence into that of Orthodox-influenced Eastern Europe, and as such, suffers from profound myopia. One example which I have repeatedly pointed out in my blogs and books is that the idea of the corporate person, so fundamental in western jurisprudence, grew out of uniquely western Christian theological views; those views were not shared in the Orthodox East.

So the view from Russia is that of a “clash of civilizations”(note Mr. Lavrov’s use of Samuel Huntington’s term, and indeed, the title of Mr. Huntington’s book of the same name) is under way, and the West’s concern is not so much Islam, but a culture and country that is decidedly opposedto entering a “post-Christian” period, which, from Mr. Lavrov’s point of view, really is but a euphemism for the complete collapse of the idea of the rule of law both domestically and internationally. Warming up to this point, Mr. Lavrov stated:

“Naturally, I will start with Ukraine. Long before the country was plunged into the crisis, there was a feeling in the air that Russia’s relations with the EU and with the West were about to reach their moment of truth. It was clear that we could no longer continue to put issues in our relations on the back burner and that a choice had to be made between a genuine partnership or, as the saying goes, “breaking pots.” It goes without saying that Russia opted for the former alternative, while unfortunately our Western partners settled for the latter, whether consciously or not. In fact, they went all out in Ukraine and supported extremists, thereby giving up their own principles of democratic regime change. What came out of it was an attempt to play chicken with Russia, to see who blinks first. As bullies say, they wanted to Russia to “chicken out” (I can’t find a better word for it), to force us to swallow the humiliation of Russians and native speakers of Russian in Ukraine.

“Honourable Leslie Gelb, whom you know all too well, wrote that Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU had nothing to do with inviting Ukraine to join the EU and was aimed in the short term at preventing it from joining the Customs Union. This is what an impartial and unbiased person said. When they deliberately decided to go down the path of escalation in Ukraine, they forgot many things, and had a clear understanding of how such moves would be viewed in Russia. They forgot the advice of, say, Otto von Bismarck, who had said that disparaging the millions-strong great Russian people would be the biggest political mistake.

“President Vladimir Putin said the other day that no one in history has yet managed to subjugate Russia to its influence. This is not an assessment, but a statement of fact. Yet such an attempt has been made to quench the thirst for expanding the geopolitical space under Western control, out of a mercantile fear to lose the spoils of what they across the Atlantic had persuaded themselves was the victory in the Cold War.”

Then comes the first notification of the West’s (i.e., America’s) hypocrisy:

Talks about Russia’s isolation do not merit serious discussion. I need hardly dwell on this before this audience. Of course, one can damage our economy, and damage is being done, but only by doing harm to those who are taking corresponding measures and, equally important, destroying the system of international economic relations, the principles on which it is based. Formerly, when sanctions were applied (I worked at the Russian mission to the UN at the time) our Western partners, when discussing the DPRK, Iran or other states, said that it was necessary to formulate the restrictions in such a way as to keep within humanitarian limits and not to cause damage to the social sphere and the economy, and to selectively target only the elite. Today everything is the other way around: Western leaders are publicly declaring that the sanctions should destroy the economy and trigger popular protests. So, as regards the conceptual approach to the use of coercive measures the West unequivocally demonstrates that it does not merely seek to change Russian policy (which in itself is illusory), but it seeks to change the regime — and practically nobody denies this.”

In this atmosphere, Mr. Lavrov charges Washington of poisoning the atmosphere of international relations globallywith a culture of fear:

“However, so far, US administrative resources still work only in the NATO framework, and then with substantial reservations, and its writ does not reach beyond the North Atlantic Alliance. One proof of this is the results of US attempts to make the world community follow its line in connection with the anti-Russian sanctions and principles. I have spoken about it more than once and we have ample proof of the fact that American ambassadors and envoys across the world seek meetings at the highest level to argue that the corresponding countries are obliged to punish Russia together with them or else face the consequences. This is done with regard to all countries, including our closest allies (this speaks volumes about the kind of analysts Washington has). An overwhelming majority of the states with which we have a continuing dialogue without any restrictions and isolation, as you see, value Russia’s independent role in the international arena. Not because they like it when somebody challenges the Americans, but because they realise that the world order will not be stable if nobody is allowed to speak his mind (although privately the overwhelming majority do express their opinion, but they do not want to do so publicly for fear of Washington’s reprisals)”

Or to put it “country simple,”Washington, with its constant rhetoric of “exclusiveness” and being “the indispensable nation”, is really laying claim to a kind of national status for a culture of narcissism, psychopathy, and a kind of “entitlement” typical to the psychopath: “the rules apply, but not to me, because I’m special.”

So against this context, Lavrov points out the obviousness of the world reaction to the claim to International Narcissism and Psychopathy being advanced by Washington:

“In attempting to establish their pre-eminence at a time when new economic, financial and political power centres are emerging, the Americans provoke counteraction in keeping with Newton’s third law and contribute to the emergence of structures, mechanisms, and movements that seek alternatives to the American recipes for solving the pressing problems. I am not referring to anti-Americanism, still less about forming coalitions spearheaded against the United States, but only about the natural wish of a growing number of countries to secure their vital interests and do it the way they think right, and not what they are told “from across the pond.” Nobody is going to play anti-US games just to spite the United States. We face attempts and facts of extra-territorial use of US legislation, the kidnapping of our citizens in spite of existing treaties with Washington whereby these issues are to be resolved through law enforcement and judicial bodies.”

And thus we come to (merely one of) Mr. Lavrov’s conclusions, and note carefully how this is addressed in particular to one American satrapy:

“We have been treated as “subhumans.”For over a decade, Russia has been trying to establish partnership ties with NATO through CSTO. These efforts were not just about putting NATO and CSTO “in the same league.” As a matter of fact, CSTO is focused on catching drug dealers and illegal migrants around the Afghan border, and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation is the backbone of the international security forces, which, among other things, were tasked with fighting the terrorist threat and eliminating its financing schemes, which involve drug trafficking. We tried everything: we pleaded and then demanded real-time contact, so that once NATO detects a caravan transporting drugs and is unable to stop it, it alerts us across the border, so that this caravan could be intercepted by CSTO forces. They simply refused to talk to us. In private conversations, our NATO well-wishers (and I actually mean this in the positive way) told us that the alliance can’t view CSTO as an equal partner for ideological reasons. Until recently, we saw the same condescending and arrogant attitude with respect to the Eurasian economic integration. And that despite the fact that countries intending to join the EAEU have much more in common in terms of their economies, history and culture than many EU members. This union is not about creating barriers with anyone. We always stress how open this union is expected to be. I strongly believe that it will make a significant contribution to building a bridge between Europe and Asia Pacific.

“I can’t fail to mention Russia’s comprehensive partnership with China. Important bilateral decisions have been taken, paving the way to an energy alliance between Russia and China. But there’s more to it. We can now even talk about the emerging technology alliance between the two countries. Russia’s tandem with Beijing is a crucial factor for ensuring international stability and at least some balance in international affairs, as well as ensuring the rule of international law. We will make full use of our relations with India and Vietnam, Russia’s strategic partners, as well as the ASEAN countries. We are also open to expanding cooperation with Japan, if our Japanese neighbours can look at their national interests and stop looking back at some overseas power”

Washington has thrown down the gauntlet, and intends to have a unipolar world in which it can do whatever its narcissistic, psychopathic, entitled self wants; and Russia has said no.The whole phenomenon of the BRICSA bloc, Mr. Lavrov suggests in his speech, is but the formal announcement of a very firm “No.” And increasingly, and quietly, they are being joined by some skeptical powers in Europe. Russia’s message here isn’t just political, or economic, or even geopolitical, at least, not in the sense that these terms are understood in the West. Russia’s message is a culturalone: the West is sick, and it is sick because of its post-Christian, mechanistic, materialist cosmology and rampant secularism. Russia, we would do well to remember, tried all that in its most extreme form: Marxism (another western import, let us remember), and it didn’t work.

It is, in the final analysis, as “the Saker” himself suggests, a clash of civilizations. Russia can offer Tolstoy, Chekov, Dostoyevski, Rachmaninoff… Amerika can offer McCivilization: the Kardashians, Pussy Riot and drones.

The Vineyard of the Saker