Je suis – et je ne suis pas!

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 by morton_h, the blogger
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Je suis:
The Kobani, which was abandoned by the hypocrite US State and had had to fight for its survival with YPJ Syrian-Kurdistan resistance groups. None of these would I dare to meet on a dark street, if I was one of the fools who had traveled from Europe to JihadiStan to take part in a quick-fix neo crusade winning fast and easy fame (read: fask and easy money)
Ask just whether you gain respect among islamophile hirelings if you are beaten up by a group of YPJ-dedicated Kurdish chicks with Kalashnikovs? – Their worst nightmare ever!
Je suis …

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]

Syrian refugee Mohammad Hassan
Je suis:
The Iraq that was smashed by CIA-state, head of the snake, accused of weapons of mass destruction, that they no longer had, that they once had and been CIA State to kille Kurds and Iranians, and that then in their absence was a pretext to create a new Balkan = a rural area with no head and tail.

The same Iraq was declared the Sunni-Shia battle zone, though Sunni and Shia not before had hated and fought against each other.

The same Iraq was robbed of its historical treasures, as American special forces plundered the National Museum, they had promised to protect. 10,000 priceless artefacts disappeared without a trace.

In the same Iraq disappeared billions of $, which was allocated for rebuilding and ‘democratization’ of the country.

In the same Iraq the police and military were trained to be inept, so an attack by a NATO and CIA-funded terrorist army of mercenaries (ISIL) later could devastate at will and without meeting qualified resistance.

In the same Iraq right now thousands of inhabitants are dying of cancer in areas where US and NATO played with smart bombs pumped with depleted uranium.
 Je suis …
Je suis:

The Libya that once was North Africa’s most prosperous and well-functioning state with the highest standard of living in all Arabic-speaking countries.

The Libya, which had a production of the world’s cleanest oil.

The Libya that developed the magnificent Man Made Project with waterways from the Libyan desert to the coast.

The Libya, whose currency was backed by formidable gold reserves – unlike the bankrupt Western nation, whose currencies are backed by poisonous papers and ficticious promises now falling apart.

The Libya, whose leader allowed himself to confront terrorist state Saudi Arabia, when they allowed the United States to attack a member of the Arab League (Iraq), whose leader was creating an African dinar based on Libyan gold reserves, whose leader would give its amazing water project its neighbors, whose leader was gathering Africa via the African National Congress, and whose leader did not lick the boots of the UK, USA, France, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Libya that 900,000 people have been forced to flee, which no Western media have had the courage to describe. Could it be, that the same media is only interested in Libya, while they were busy sending NATO propaganda against the country’s president?

Je suis …
Je suis:
The Syria, where 15 religious communities have been able to live in peaceful coexistence and mutual respect for millennia.

The Syria, whose capital city was one of the world’s most beautiful until the uglyness materialized.

The Syria, whose legitimate democratic opposition was the coup of satanic forces outside, and now ravaged by hordes of decapitators, cannibals, rapists, pyromancers, and a selection of the Empire prefer boys in uniform funded-trained-hired by Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA, England, Turkey CIA and NATO.

Je suis …
Je suis:
The Greece that was corrupted by a corrupt upper class consisting of 10 families back in the happy days of the Greek Junta (1967-74). The upper class retired to his cloak and international network of scumbags, the same network that corrupted the post-fascist upper class elite in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay … and the EU. The 10 families who returned and invited Goldman Sachs in the large self-service board. Is it not funny that once again they use the ‘junta’ within the EU?

But Greece has now made a bold jerk that has made the EU junta a bit nervous. Who will follow the initiative? – scary perspectivs for the junta-minded.

Je suis …
Je suis:
The post-communist, post-KGB, post-USA’s-wet-dream-of-a-unilateral-world Russia, which is now being attacked by the entire compilation of Western propaganda, financial terror campaign, vilification, demonization, (self-destructive!) sanctions policy, trade war, proxy wars of NATO terrorist cells, oil-warfare, opium war against the Russian population with dope from Afghanistan.

The post-communist Russia has set itself on its hind legs, the bear has awakened from his sleep in the cave, the old national soul has once again mobilized. New alliances are on the way, the bear and the dragon have regular meetings where they do more that just talk. BRICS is moving like Shanghai Organization Corporation. The new alternative world bank and a new financial clearing institution for money transaction as a substitute for the West corrupt monopoly is under formation. A number of countries in peripheral world look to Russia as a possible battering ram relative to the bloodsucker empire in the west. An alternative to the US-mafia organization IMF from the happy Bretton-Woods days are in the pipeline. ASEA have meetings where they move in relation to the G20, where the only outcome was formal egalizing of the reverse bankrobbery, they did in Cyprus.

Fringe world has had enough and is on the move while watching the Russia that Western peoples are told is still like Stalin’s Soviet. American weapon industry adore the thought of the new cold-warm war. I the former Soviet people knew that their media were one big joke of lies – in contrast to western populations today who believe that their media are telling them the truth!

That is how stupid we have become! 
Je suis … et tu? 

Je suis:
The Gaza where civilians, men-women-children, young-old, people without hospitals, schools and proper defense being touted as terrorists by the Zionist terrorist state and bombed while a monster army with 300 nuclear warheads, with 30,000 members of Mossad Worldwide, with unlimited financial resources from the global Jewish financial mafia of self-proclaimed ‘poor victims’ of evil neighbors.

I am disgusted !!

Gaza is David, Zionist terrrorist State, racist-appartheit State is Goliath. And we are a bunch of morons? 
Je suis … Tu es?

Je suis:
The Ukraine, which is financially, culturally, politically and militarily attacked by an obnoxious smattering of American neo-cons, EU-cons, NATO-cons and CIA-cons and their army of NeoNazi-cons.

The Ukraine, that never was a country before Ludendorff and Ribbentropp created it in the first World War, but just a part of either Russia or Poland.

The Ukraine which eastern province ALWAYS were Russian, and whose capital was the birth of Kiev Rus, the first Russia.

The Ukraine, that the US-hangout, Krushtjev, allowed secession to Russia because he was Ukrainian.

The Ukraine, which was Europe’s granary is now slated to be Monsanto’s approach to a GM attack on Russia, which is in the process of banning GMOs totally, because it will not ‘poison its population’. 
Je suis …
Je suis:
The Iceland who refused to submit to the IMF, the ECB, the WTO, the BIS – the global financial institutions that were formed in parallel to the two world wars to ensure that the world’s nations would subject themselves to the mandatory indebtedness, that the Empire demanded of them.

The Iceland whose women refused to be buttfucked by British financial fraudsters and allowed to hold bank managers responsible for their corruption attitude.

The Iceland, whose entire population a group of financial terrorists from the City of London had placed on a list of terrorists, as the Icelanders made obstacles to the assault. As a rule called terrorist states and terrorist organizations always name their opponents for terrorists. In takes one to Claim you know one. In a strange way comforting, since we thereby always will know the real terrorists by their lingo.
Je suis …

Je suis: 
The Malaysia who had guts to withstand attacks from the Global System of Central Banks Financial attack and subsequently had the courage to organize an international tribunal for crimes against humanity, where in absentia (what else when it comes to cowardly criminals) these leaders of states were sentenced for their crimes.

The Malaysia which subsequently saw three commercial airliners hijacked or shot down as punishment by the minions of the very same criminals and their rogue. 
Je suis … 

Je suis:
The Europe that was hijacked by the owners of the 80 largest and richest companies on the continent with a design that was exclusively in their interest and for their benefit and not the European countries’ populations – called the EU – and who sold this project with the tearful pretext that it would ensure peace in Europe after two world wars, that the same group of industrialists themselves had initiated.

Can it even be more ironic?

The Europe whose peoples have been forced by their at any time ruling elites oligarchies and imperial architects to slaughter each other on purpose, a slaughter that was always presented as just and noble and very, very necessary.

The Europe, where half of its inhabitants were slain for murky ideals for 30-year-wars and where a similar number later were exterminated in two world wars. All to satisfy a psychopathic, inbred aristocracy with sick ambitions. 
Je suis …
Je suis:
The America that was once a proud and enterprising pioneer country of people who fled the poverty and despair to a place where you could talk about freedom and hope, while they lived out the fine words with simple actions.

The America where they owned a weapon not to shoot the head of their fellow countrymen, but to protect themselves against assaults from the federal government, whose ownership of the nation neverwas legitimate.

The America that for a while and in happy times were free of the British bankers vampiric and parasitic activity until those in 1913 finally took hold on the national economy and was able to suck all the blood out of the nation and send it in endless undeclared and illegal wars towards almost all countries in the world. Is there anyone left?

The America that has one of the finest constitutions in the world, which today has been infringed and treated like a whore in a side street.
Je suis … 

Je ne suis pas Charlie fucking Hebdo!


Je suis:

In Danish

Det Kobani, som blev ladt i stikken af hyklerstaten USA og har måttet kæmpe for sin overlevelse med YPJ, der forsvarer Syrisk-Kurdistan med mandlige og kvindelige modstandsgrupper. Ingen af disse ville jeg turde møde på en mørk gade, hvis jeg var en af de tåber, der var rejst fra Europa i den tyrker-tro – ordet har fået en ny mening i NATOstan – at de kunne deltage i et quick-fix neo-korstog og vinde hurtig og nem berømmelse. 
Spørg lige, om man får respekt blandt islamofile lejesvende, hvis man får bank af en stak dedikerede kurder-tøser med Kalashnikovs? – deres værste mareridt nogensinde!
Je suis …

Je suis:
Det Irak, der blev smadret af CIA-staten, slangens hoved, beskyldt for masseødelæggelsesvåben, som de ikke længere havde, som de engang havde haft og fået at CIA-staten til at smadre kurdere og iranere, og som herefter i deres fravær blev et påskud for at skabe et nyt Balkan = et landområde uden hoved og hale.
Det samme Irak blev udråbt til sunni-shia kampzone, selvom sunni og shia aldrig før havde hadet og bekriget hinanden. 
Det samme Irak blev bestjålet sine historiske skatte, da amerikanske specialtropper plyndrede det nationalmuseum, de havde lovet at beskytte. 10.000 uvurderlige kunstgenstande forsvandt sporløst.

I det samme Irak forsvandt de milliarder af $, som var bevilget til genopbygning ‘demokratisering’ af landet.

I det samme Irak blev politi og militær uddannet til at være uduelige, så et angreb fra en NATO- og CIA-finansieret terrorhær af lejetropper (ISIL) senere kunne hærge løs efter forgodtbefindende.

I det samme Irak dør lige nu tusindvis af indbyggere af kræft i de områder, hvor USA og NATO legede med smarte bomber pumpet med afberiget uran.
Je suis …

Je suis:

Det Libyen, der engang var Nordafrikas mest velstående og velfungerende stat med den højeste levestandard i et arabisk-talende land.

Det Libyen, der havde en olieproduktion med verdens reneste olie.

Det Libyen, der udviklede det storslåede Man Made Project med vandveje fra den libyske ørken til kysten.

Det Libyen, hvis valuta var bakket op af formidable guldreser, ver – i modsætning til det bankerotte Vesten, hvis valutaer er bakket op af fis i en hornlygte.
Det libyen, hvis leder tillod sig at konfrontere terrorstaten Saudiarabien, da de tillod USA at angribe et medlem af den arabiske liga (Irak), hvis leder var ved at skabe en afrikansk dinar baseret på libyske guldreserver, hvis leder ville forære sit fantastiske vandprojekt til sine nabolande, hvis leder var ved at samle Afrika via den den Afrikanske Nationalkongres, og hvis leder ikke slikkede pik på England, USA, Frankrig, Israel og Saudiarabien. Og det skal man ifølge ovennævnte slyngelstater.

Det Libyen, som 900.000 mennesker har været nødt til at flygte fra, hvilket ingen vestlige medier har haft mod til at beskrive. Kunne det skyldes, at de samme medier kun interesserede sig for Libyen, mens de selv havde travlt med at udsende NATO-propaganda mod landets præsident?
Je suis …

Je suis:
Det Syrien, hvor 15 trossamfund har kunnet leve i fredelig sameksistens og gensidig respekt i årtusinder.
Det Syrien, hvis hovestad var en af verdens smukkeste, indtil grimhedens skændsel indfandt sig.
Det Syrien, hvis legitime demokratiske opposition blev kuppet af sataniske kræfter udefra, og som nu hærges af horder af halshuggere, kanibaler, voldtægtsforbrydere og et skønsomt udvalg af Imperiets trækkerdrenge i uniform finansieret-trænet-hyret af Saudiarabien, Israel, USA, England, Tyrkiet, CIA og NATO.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Grækenland, der blev udsuget af en korrupt overklasse bestående af ca. 10 familier dengang i de glade juntadage (1967-74). Overklassen trak sig tilbage til sine skalkeskjul og sit internationale netværk. Det samme netværk, som forbinder den post-fascistiske overklasse-elite i Grækenland, Spanien, Portugal, Italien, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay … og EU. De 10 familier, der vendte tilbage og inviterede Goldman Sachs indenfor til det store tag-selv-bord. Er det ikke sjovt, at man igen taler om en ‘junta’ i EU-regi?
Men det Grækenland har nu foretaget et modigt ryk, som har fået EU-juntaen til at ryste på hånden.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det post-kommunistiske, post-KGB, post-USA‘s våde drøm om en unilateral verden = Rusland, som nu bliver angrebet af hele udtrækket af Vest-Propaganda, finansiel terror, smædekampagne, dæmonisering, (selvdestruktiv!) sanktionspolitik, proxy-krige af NATO- terrorceller, olie-krigsførelse, opiumskrig mod den russiske befolkning med dope fra Afghanistan. 
Det post-kommunistiske Rusland har sat sig på bagbenene, bjørnen er vågnet fra sin søvn i hulen, folkesjælen har endnu engang mobiliseret sig. Nye alliancer er på vej, bjørnen og dragen holder møder. BRICS er i bevægelse ligesom Shanghai Organisation Corporation. Den nye alternative verdensbank og en ny finansiel clearing-institution til transaktion som erstatning for vesten korrupte monopol er under dannelse. En række lande i udkantsverden ser til Rusland som en mulig murbrækker i forhold til blodsuger-imperiet i vest. Et alternativ til US-mafia-organisationen IMF fra de glade Bretton-Woods-dage er på trapperne. ASEA holder møder, hvor de rykker i forhold til G20.
Udkants-verden har fået nok og rykker, mens de ser til det Rusland, som vestens befolkninger får at vide stadig er som Stalins Sovjet. Det Sovjet, hvis befolkning vidste, at deres medier var fulde af løgn – i modsætning til vestens befolkninger i dag, der tror, at deres medier fortæller dem sandheden.
Så dumme er vi blevet!
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Gaza, hvor civile, mænd-kvinder-børn, unge-gamle, folk uden hospitaler, skoler og egentlig forsvar bliver udråbt som terrorister af den zionistiske terrorstat og sønderbombet, mens en kæmpehær med 300 nukleare sprænghoveder, med 30.000 medlemmer af Mossad Worldwide, med ubegrænsede finansielle midler fra den globale jødiske finansmafia selv-udråbt som stakkels ofre.
Jeg væmmes !!
Gaza er David, zionist-terrrorist-staten, racist-appartheit-staten er Goliath. Og vi er en stak fjolser?
Je suis … Tu es?
Je suis:
Det Ukraine, der for nylig blev finansielt, kulturelt, politisk og militært angrebet af et klamt sammenrend af amerikanske neo-cons, EU-cons, NATO-cons og CIA-cons.
Det Ukraine, der aldrig var et land, før Ludendorff og Ribbentropp skabte det i 1. Verdenskrig, men blot en del af enten Rusland og Polen.
Det Ukraine, hvis østprovins ALTID har været russisk, og hvis kerne (Kiev) fra begyndelsen var en del af Ruslands fødsel.
Det Ukraine, som USA-hangout, Krushtjev, tillod løsrivelse sig Rusland, fordi han var ukrainer. 
Det Ukraine, som var Europas kornkammer, og som nu er udset til at være Monsantos indfaldsvinkel til et GMO-angreb på det Rusland, der er i færd med at forbyde GMO, fordi det ‘forgifter befolkningen’.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Island, der nægte at underkaste sig IMF, ECB, WTO, BIS – de globale finansinstitutioner, der blev dannet sideløbende med de to verdenskrige for at sikre, at verdens nationer underkastede sig den obligatoriske gældsætning, som Imperiet krævede af sine undersåtter.
Det Island, hvis kvinder nægtede at lade sig røvkneppe af britiske finans-svindlere og tillod sig at holde bankdirektør ansvarlige for deres korruptions-attitude.
Det Island, hvis befolkning en gruppe finans-terrorister fra the City of London fik placeret på en liste over terrorister, da de satte hindringer i vejen for deres overgreb. Som grundregel kalder terrorstater og terrororganisationer altid deres opponenter for terrorister. I takes one to claim you know one.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Malaysia, der havde guts til at modstå angreb fra det globale centralbanksystems finansangreb og som senere havde mod til at afholde et internationalt tribunal om forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, hvor de in absentia (hvad ellers, når det drejer sig om kujonagtige forbrydere) dømte statsledere for disse forbrydelser.
Det Malaysia, som herefter oplevede at få tre passagerfly hijacket eller skudt ned som straf af håndlangerne til de selvsamme forbrydere og deres slyngelstater.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Europa, der blev kuppet af ejerne af de 80 største og rigeste firmaer på kontinentet ved en konstruktion, der udelukkende var i deres interesse og til deres fordel og aldrig de europæiske landes befolkninger – kaldet EU – og som solgte projektet under det tårepersende påskud at ville sikre fred i Europa efter de to verdenskrige, som den samme gruppe industrialister selv havde iværksat.
Kan det overhovedet blive mere ironisk?
Det Europa, hvis folkeslag har været tvunget af dets til enhver tid siddende oligarkier og imperie-arkitekter til at slagte løs på hinanden ud fra formål, der altid blev præsenteret som ædle og noble og meget, meget nødvendige.
Det Europas, hvor halvdelen af dets indbyggere blev slået ihjel for skumle idealer i 30-års-krigene, og hvor et lignende antal senere døde under to verdenskrige. Alt sammen for at tilfredsstille et psykopatisk, indavlet aristokratis forfejlede ambitioner.
Je suis …
Je suis:
Det Amerika, der engang var et stolt og foretagsomt pionerland af folk, der flygtede fra fattigdom og håbløshed til et sted, hvor man kunne tale om frihed og håb, mens de udlevede de fine ord med simpel handling.
Det Amerika, hvor man ejede et våben ikke for at skyde hovedet af sine fellow countrymen, men for at beskytte sig mod overgreb fra den føderale regering, hvis ejerskab over nationen aldrig var legitim.
Det Amerika, der for en stund og i lykkelige perioder var fri for de britiske bankfolks vampyriske og parasitiske virksomhed, indtil disse i 1913 og til i dag bed sig fast for at suge alt blod ud af nationen og sende den i endeløse uerklærede og illegale krige mod efterhånden samtlige lande i verde.
Det Amerika, der har en af de fineste forfatninger i verden, som i dag er blevet tilsidesat og behandlet som en luder i en sidegade.
Je suis …
Je ne suis pas Charlie fucking Hebdo!
Je suis – et je ne suis pas!

New Age versus Spirituel Activism

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by morton_h, the blogger
New Age. We heard and learned the word 40 years ago.

How much does New Age differ from Old Age? New Age worldview is basically a clone of Christianity and serves as its ‘hearse for the apostates’. Christianity was always control tool as much as true faith, and the super-users of these tools seem pretty much satisfied with the result.

There are three kinds of New Age modified Christianity.

A direct translation, an aggravation / overhauling on the inside and a turning upside-down.
In the following, I will use Mark Passio’s 10 New Age Deceptions – the Ten Commandments for the New Age’er.

Directly translated:

Everything is good, because everything happens by the will of God
Here Islam sings the hymn too. New Agers just replace God with the fluffy concept of Oneness. When everything is equally good, indifference prevails. When everything is indifferent, nothing is different and nothing has value. Nihilism slipped in through the back door. 

You must turn the other cheek
This is unmodified Christianity. It is a verbatim copy of the Roman perversion of the Messianic movement, which certainly did not turn the other cheek – and therefore the rebellious hordes should learn it. And while they were doing it, the rest of the Roman Empire as well should learn it too. This teaching of rebellious and potentially rebellious crowds are what we today call Christianity. The current New Age philosophy is an extension of this philosophy.

This leads directly to
Accept everything, do not resist
It was called
Pax Romanorum and ‘Peace on earth among people who have God’s good pleasure’(Christmas Gospel). Those who did not have God’s good pleasure went to Hell, especially in Christianity’s first millennium. You may ask yourself, whether God is with a capital W og a small w?

It is one thing to be a true pacifist by refusing to perform military service for an aggressive, despotic state apparatus. It is a highly activist action, and in some communities it will have severe consequences for the passifistic activist. But it is something else to to witness assaults and injustice without saying NO! This kind of false pacifisme is found in New Age.

One can never really know
Solipsism is genuinely Catholic. It is equivalent to the Great Mystery or ‘The ways of the Lord are inscrutable’. It should however be said that in all the three Abrahamic religions can confidently ask the priest, pastor, imam and rabbi, for theyhappen to know what they say can not be known. The New Age’er asks his/her oracle for advice by a channeling of an alien from the fifth dimension and the Pleiades. The common denominator between rabbis, oracles, prophets and channeler and media are: non-verifiable. Believe it or not. When God’s intermediaries presents itself, you are not supposed to question. 

You should be afraid of chaos
It is the Christian piety and fear of the devil. One wonders again about whether there has been a mixture or confusion going on? If God is such a hell of a good guy, why must we constantly quiver at the thought? Was it perhaps Prince John, who slipped in while King Lionheart was on holiday with his horse? One can really distill the tender to:
Thou Shallt Fear – period! Whether it is death, chaos, al Qaeda, Vladimir Putin, global warming, financial crisis, your neighbor or reptiles in flying kitchen tools is completely irrelevant. There is fear in you cup – suck it up!

The aggravation:
Ignore the negative, go into the light
This is a New Age worsening of Christianitys
‘.. and deliver us from evil’‘Depart, Satan!’. New Age’ere afraid of the dark. It is spiritually incorrect to deal with spiritual dirt. I have met several of these – excuse me – especially women in white angle gowns, always with a crystal pendant necklace and distant look having one orgiastic experience after another in guided meditation sessions. They almost battle to outdo each other in picturesque descriptions of their total out-of-body experience 5 minutes ago, while their side-woman bakes at an even more spectacular version. It is a kind of holy spirit harem where the concubines elbows his way to first place in the spiritual sultan’s attention. And I know what I’m talking about, because I’ve had my New Age period.

Do they actually have these experiences, or are they merely types, for whom imagination is uncontrollable? They do have an erotic experience, though. Dare we say spiritual masturbation? It is a kind of updated neo-pietism. See the picture of the female Spanish saint, Theresa of Avilla for you (google it if necessary). Does she have sex, or is she in devotion? A form of sado-masochistic disorder-eroticism. Rejoice, thou Bride of Christ. 

Never get angry. Anger is a forbidden feeling
It is an extension of the concept of forgiveness and
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Forgiveness is the opposite of revenge. The Romans were shit scared of revenge, for revenge was an integral part of both Germanic and the Judean tribes outlook and basically: all the peoples they had subjugated. For neo-Romans, the Christians, it was paganism in a nutshell. Have you committed misdeeds, you put your ass smack in height and has exposed itself for revenge. Forgiveness was hogwash in the Old World. The romans saw the fall of the Empire coming and had very much need of forgiveness for their destruction and plundering of cultures. A so aggressive approach as the Roman was only possible for a certain period, for it was enormously costly. Just ask neo-Romans aka the Americans about what it costs to maintain a giant army, a corrupt state apparatus, a totally branched listen-and-subvert set and a feet of clay mythology through a 24/7/365 campaign apparatus.

For New Age anger is sinful feeling. They practice darkness denial. The warrior is not welcome in their universe. Could it be, that they compensate for the rulers of the world being so very much into dark occultism? Thou Shallt Not See what is going on in the dark.

It leads directly to: 
The truth does not need to be defended
It is also a deterioration of a Christian thought. Christians were at least willing to stand up for their beliefs, even with their lives. New Age’ers just do a jellyfish. I had a meeting with one of New Age gurus, Johan Oldenkamp and one of his female ‘students’ and admirers – there was harem again – where I reactionary and spontaneously was called a fanatic, then later to be addressed to ‘a warrior’ (warrior). But it was only after the guru had to admit that anger was not an illegitimate feeling but an impetus for action. The guru came in a dilemma and was very ‘human’ – today this word strangely enough is a synonym for ‘flawed’, probably due to the Christian
‘we are all sinners’ – since he had started his three-day seminar with proclaiming that he was nota guru and he was opposed to New Age. And then sits one of his female admirers and says Fukushima leak is irrelevant for Nature heals it again. OK, also the Americans when they can no longer eat fish caught in the Pacific Ocean, and where their authorities now completely omits to record and publish measurements on radioactive content in foods. Tell that to the people in remote world where the Americans and NATO have used smart bombs with depleted uranium and where women now give birth to ‘funny’ children while dying of cancer. Just tell them that ‘mind is over matter’. Tell that to all the victims of Chernobyl … ‘Well, there are only 63 who have died ..’ the woman replied. NO, you un-educated moron! 2000 Russian reports have been done on the consequences and an American newspaper last year quoted a translated summary: 1 million dead since the accident!

New Age contains a horrid, good portion cowardice and stupidity
To be fair, Johan Oldenkamp in principle recants guru status. He tried, but he failed. It was in this case as most other student needs a guru, the archetype ‘Big Daddy’ that struck through. See me Daddy, hear me Daddy, love me Daddy!

Turning upside down:
Suffering should be avoided, we must feel good all the time

According to Christianity you suffer. You are sinful, guilty, and you should fear. Next, you must confess your guilt and your sins so that you can be saved from you sins. This whole life is a valley of tears, but in life after death you either smoke the bowels of Hell or go to Heaven if you have piety. The more you have suffered, the greater the chance for a place in the first class compartment on the heavenly train.

In New Age worldview be suffering avoided at all costs. This is done by denying all suffering, darkness, abuse, enslavement, mutilation and death and just ‘go into the light’. Think positively, avoid negative thoughts. Avoid attachment (attachment), a simplified representation of a Buddhist concept.
If there is anything that makes you disgusted look the other way. If you see suffering, it is because of bad karma, meaning: it’s their own fault and certainly not due to abusive powers creating a whole lot of un-necessary suffering.

The Law of Attraction in diluted form
The Law of Attraction has become the new big New Age concept, especially after the movie ‘The Secret’. You create your own reality, you get what you give meaning you get all you want as long as you wish it well enough. Think only positive, and the universe will besmile you with good fortune.
There is a deeper core of truth hidden in the concept, but in New Age version, it easily turns into self delusion.
It is only in the worst kind of Catholic medieval theology, this makes sense. Blessings can not be earned through good deeds as a form of investment. You should act out of goodness, if you are a person of conscience, but you should do it with no claim to profits. So: ‘Dear God, if I will help 15 old ladies across the street and donate all my money to the Church, so you have to promise that I will not go to Hell?’It does not play that way. And, by the way God responds: ‘You are in Hell!’

I should be fair to say that many of the favorite topics of New Age can be particularly interesting. I grind of course all with the same brush and stereotypes the lot. Oversimplification promotes understanding. It just seems as if they have forgotten to bring the bag of salt, as they can sprinkle on their excesses. They simply lack humor. And humor is means self-criticism.

Weaponized anthropology 
C. G. Jung said, Christianity had failed to renew its myth. Was he quite right in his assertion?

I would say that Jung was right. But New Age was in a way a kind of mythological renewal. Or rather: it looked alike. It was a patchwork of everything exotic and unconventional for a westerner. It poured old and strange traditions into the same pot, a little bit of that and a little bit of a lot. Some could go deep into the exotic and end up as experts yogis, buddhists, organic farming, which could be very interesting. But for most who ran along it was just flirtation, a surface, a series of attitudes.

In retrospect, we know that there was something quite different under the radar. The phenomenon was studied. The New Age movement was exposed to weaponized anthropology, as with all mass movements. When masses move there will be wolves and shepherds in the neighbourhood. New Age arose out of a time with intense activity from the American secret services to detach a real activist movement against the US war in Vietnam. CIA infiltrated all of the protest movement and pumped drugs into the social space. It was ironically the same drugs, which were the main reason for US starting a war in the Golden Triangle, that now flooded the domestic market. The Anglo-Saxon two-headed Impere had a centuries-old practice of poisoning entire nations with opium. First of all the Empire states, that is their wealthy elite, made an humugous fortune – and still do with the CIA and NATO presence in Afghanistan – and secondly drugs are weapons of mass destruction that only destroy the software / the human beings and not the hardware / the material ressources. The weapon can be used to frame and paralyze nations out there and own your people back there.

At the same time arrived the synthetic designer drugs. Who invented LSD? Again we see the CIA fingerprints. In their infamous – and never finished – great mind-fucker project, MK-Ultra, they studied diligently how both soldiers and civilians responded. Soon the entire music industry and its consumers swam with LSD and heroin. CIA handlers poured it out at Grateful Dead concerts. Legendary musicians died either form an overdose (Joplin, Morrison, Hendrix + a few hundred others) or were taken out because they had discovered what was happening and began to comment on it (Lennon, Marley). Drug users and addicts do not have a long life.

We saw quite clearly the result in the ’70s of a PSYOP (psychological operation). In the beginning there was a real anti-war movement with a lot of substance, and there was a genuine anger against the government’s misdeeds. After the infiltration and the anthropological attack vaporized movement, and its members began to misbehave with psychedelia: drugs, music, porn, Buddhist Hinduist-flirtations, narcissism … Those who did not gave up, because you can not talk politics with people on the acid and dope. Or people stoned on Krishna and Buddha. Or who had resigned from the society, as it was called, and cultivated eco beetroots and played shaman drum while they made crystal healing and free sex in the collective. Gone was the anti-war movement and al indignation against the Empire went up in funny hats and coloured spectacles. Hippie culture was one of the 20th century’s most effective CIA operations and no one discovered the underlying operation before it was too late. 

Spiritual activism
It is far from obvious that spirituality and false passifism / New Age is the same. Spirituality is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this sword in hand on the right person can be liberating. In the hands of a person without the manual for the sword is opium or stesolid. I’d be reluctant to use the term ‘opium of the people’, since communism was the most violent peoples opium itself in the 20th century. It sold itself as liberating but in reality was massively enslaving.

Two figures from the Indian spiritual tradition on the other hand, Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi, was both spiritual political activists. Satyagraha is truth seeking, non violent civil disobedience, it is not being passive. Passiveness is obedience. It is totally wrong to call Gandhi for a passifist, he was a non-violent activist. Gandhi’s life and philosophy is fairly well known in the West, Aurobindo less.

The activist in his old days
Aurobindo was deeply involved in the Indian nationalist movement under the imperial yoke. Today our updated British post-empire aka the Anglo-Saxon double empire is very fond of the word terrorism, and we should make ourselves clear that both of these deeply spiritual men undoubtedly would be called terrorists. As a basic rule the terrorist state always names its opponents as terrorists. But both practiced political and social resistance without terror. Perhaps this is why they and the Indian nationalist movement came out victorious against the mighty Empire. Both had understood the enormous force that can be mobilized with a grounded spirituality that was understood by people.

Aurobindo writes in 1903 a pamphlet called Bhavani Mandirdesigned to guide in the revolutionary struggle. It is quite a different revolutionary tone, we find here than in contemporary communist lingo in the West:

‘Is it love, enthusiasm, Bhakthi that is wanting? These are ingrained in the Indian nature, but in the absence of Shakthi we cannot concentrate, we cannot direct…Bhakthi is the leaping flame, Shakthi is the fuel. If the fuel is scanty, how long can the flame endure?…Many of us, utterly overcome by Tamas, the dark and heavy demon of inertia, are saying nowadays that it is impossible, that India is decayed, bloodless and lifeless, too weak ever to recover. It is a foolish and idle saying. No man or nation need perish unless he deliberately chooses extinction… For what is a nation?…It is not a piece of earth, nor a figure of speech, nor a fiction of the mind. It is a mighty Shakthi composed of all the millions of units that make up the nation.’

A little glossary:Tamasis one of the three gunas, the universal life forces: Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. They are parallels to the Taoist Yin, Yang and Tao – with a twist. Tamas is darkness, inertia, inactivity and materialism, the introvert / astringent. Rajas is energy, action, change and movement, the extrovert / expanding. Sattva / Dao is balance, harmony, joy and intelligence.
is a parallel to the Daoist primordial chi. It is the universe’s fundamental energy and dynamic force.
is devotion.

Aurobindo gives his country men and the nationalist movement a kick in the ass with terminology that is rooted in the Vedic understanding of the world. The essence we can find in the Bhagavad Gita, where the archer Arjuna is in a dilemma while he sees the two armies drawn up. In his dialogue with Krishna, he learns to understand why he should not refrain from playing a role in this struggle.

When the British came to India, they were especially excited about the Indian caste system. They saw a direct parallel to feudalism and the British class system, and it became part of their administration of the Imperial Crown Jewel, India. The nationalists stroke of genius was to go deeper than the caste system, which over time had degenerated. In the distant past, it has given full meaning, but in 20th century India, it was just a repressive apparatus.

Aurobindo writes in a letter to his wife about his three forms of ‘madness’. The first is to give it back to the universe, you you do not need. The other is his desire to speak directly with God, which he knows is possible, but only with complete dedication. That he did in the second part of his life after his time as a political activist.

The third madness is the concept of India as the great mother:

My third madness is with regard to Mother India. I look upon India as my Mother, I am devoted to her, I worship her. If somebody mounts on the chest of his mother and to drink her blood, what does her son do? Does he sit down for meals and settle down with a calm and a quiet mind to enjoy life with his wife and children? Or does he run to the succour of his suffering mother?’

He chose the latter. And was thrown in jail for it.
Aurobindo engagement with the militantmovement
This is usually a stupid move of the Empire, for it simply creates a martyrdom and gives the oppressed momentum. It was, therefore, that the British colonial chose to fight back through the Indian police, who were trained by them. In this way they sought to avoid ‘we-they’ confrontation. But it failed. That is also why the Empire our time uses terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIL to do their dirty work, as was the practice in the Empire’s early days to take advantage of ‘privateers’, pirates for plunder and murder, so the crown was not defiled and had to explain her crimes. Today’s Empire do not want ‘boots on the ground’, as they have to explain the flow of body bags to their own people, AND why it was even necessary to attack and destroy other nations.

New Age versus spirituel aktivisme

New Age. Den nye tidsalder. Vi lærte ordet for 40 år siden. 

Hvor meget adskiller egentlig New Age fra Old Age? New Age-verdensbilledet er stort set en klon af kristendommen og fungerer som dets ‘ligvogn for frafaldne’. Kristendommen var altid lige som meget kontrolredskab som den rette tro, og superbrugerne af disse redskaber, det nye som det gamle, virker stort set tilfredse med resultatet.

Der er tre slags New Age-versioner af kristendommen
En direkte oversættelse, en forværring / en overhaling indenom og en bagvending.
I det følgende tager jeg udgangspunkt i Mark Passio’s 10 New Age-bedrag (deceptions). Altså de Ti Bud for New Age’eren.

Direkte oversat:

  • Alt er lige godt, for alt sker efter Guds vilje
    Her synger Islam med på salmen. Newagerne erstatter bare Gud med Oneness. Når alt er lige godt, hersker ligegyldigheden. Når alt er ligegyldigt, er intet gyldigt. Nihilismen har sneget sig ind ad bagdøren.

  • Du skal vende den anden kind til
    Det er umodificeret kristendom. Det er en ordret kopi af den romerske bagvending af den messianske bevægelse, der bestemt ikke vendte den anden kind til – og netop derfor skulle de oprørske horder lære det. Og mens man var i gang, kunne resten af Romerriget ligeså godt lære det. Denne belæring af oprørske og potentielt oprørske menneskemængder er, hvad vi i dag kalder for kristendom. I gængs New Age-filosofi glider den rent videre.

  • Det fører direkte videre til:
    Accepter alting, gør aldrig modstand
    Det hed Pax Romanorum og Fred på jorden blandt mennesker, der har guds velbehag (Juleeangeliet). De, der ikke havde guds velbehag, røg som bekendt ad helvede til, især i kristendommens første årtusind. Det er også her, man kunne begynde at spørge sig selv, om gud mon skal staves med lille eller med Stort.
    En ting er at være ægte pacifist ved at nægte at gøre militærtjeneste for et aggressivt, despotisk statsapparat. Det er en særdeles aktivistisk handling, og i visse samfund får det alvorlige konsekvenser for den passifistiske aktivist. Noget andet er stiltiende at være vidne til overgreb uden at sige højlydt NEJ! Det er denne falske pacifisme, som findes i New Age.

  • Man kan aldrig rigtig vide
    Solipsismen er ærkekatolsk. Her hedder det bare Mysteriet eller ‘Herrens veje er uransagelige’. Det skal dog lige siges, at man i alle de tre abrahamiske religioner trygt kan spørge pateren, præsten, imamen og rabbien, for de ved dét, de siger ikke kan vides. New Age’eren spørger sit orakel til råds, der ved det hele fra en kanalisering af et rumvæsen fra 5. dimension og Plejaderne. Fællesnævneren mellem rabbinere, orakler, profeter og og kanaliserende medier er: ikke-verificerbart. Tro det eller ej. Når Guds mellemhandlere byder sig til, er du på Herrens Mark.

  • Du skal være bange for kaos
    Det er det kristne Gudfrygtighed og frygten for Djævelen. Man spekulerer igen over, hvorvidt der er sket en sammenblanding eller forveksling her? Hvis Gud er så fandens god, hvorfor skal vi så konstant bævre ved tanken? Var det måske prins John, der smuttede ind, mens kong Løvehjerte var på ferie med hest? Man kan egentlig destillere budet til: Du skal frygte, Basta! Om det så er døden, kaos, al Qaeda, Vladimir Putin, global opvarmning, finanskrisen, din nabo eller reptiler i flyvende køkkenudstyr er fuldstændig underordnet.

Overhaling indenom:

  • Ignorer det negative, gå ind i lyset
    Her er New Age en forværring af kristendommens ‘.. og fri os fra det onde’ – ‘vig bort, Satan!’. New Age’ere er nærmest mørkerædde. Det er spirituelt ukorrekt at beskæftige sig med spirituelt snavs. Jeg har mødt adskillige af disse – undskyld mig – især kvinder, der går i hvide bomuldsgevandter, altid med et krystal-halssmykke og fjernt blik, som får den ene orgiastiske oplevelse efter den anden i guidede meditations-seancer. De kæmper nærmest for at overgå hinanden i maleriske beskrivelser af deres totale ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse for 5 minutter siden, mens side-kvinden småsurt bager på en endnu vildere version, når det er hendes tur. Det er en slags helligåndens harem, hvor konkubinerne albuer sig frem til førstepladsen hos den åndelige sultans bevågenhed. Og jeg ved, hvad jeg taler om, for jeg har haft min New Age-periode.

    Har de reelt disse oplevelser, eller er de blot typer, for hvem fantasien er ukontrollerbar? De har i hvert fald en erotisk oplevelse. Tør vi sige spirituel onani? Det er en form for opdateret neo-pietisme. Se billedet af den kvindelige spanske helgen, Theresa af Avilla for jer (google det om nødvendigt). Har hun sex, eller er hun salvelsesfuld? En form for sado-masochistisk lidelses-erotik. Fryd dig, du Kristi brud.

  • Du må aldrig blive vred. Vrede er en forbudt følelse
    Det ligger i forlængelse af tilgivelsesbegrebet og ‘Du skal elske din næste som dig selv’. Tilgivelse er det modsatte af hævn. Romerne var hunderædde for hævn, for hævn var en integral del af både germanske og de judæiske stammers livssyn eller for at generalisere: alle de folkeslag, de havde underkuet. For neo-romerne, de kristne, var det hedenskab i en nøddeskal. Har man begået udåd, lægger man sin røv i klaskehøjde og har blottet sig for hævn. Tilgivelse var noget pladder i den gamle verden. Romerne forudså tilbageslaget i rigets forfald og havde vældig meget brug for tilgivelse. En så aggressiv fremfærd som den romerske var kun mulig i en vis periode, for den var enormt ressourcekrævende. Spørg blot neo-romerne aka amerikanerne om, hvad det koster at opretholde en gigant-hær, et korrupt statsapparat, et total-forgrenet lytte-og-subversions-apparat og en mytologi på lerfødder via et 24/7/365 kampagne-apparat.
    For New Age’erne er vrede en syndig følelse. De praktiserer mørke-fornægtelse. Krigeren er ikke velkommen i deres univers.

  • Det fører direkte til:
    Sandheden behøver ikke at blive forsvaret
    Det er ligeledes en forringelse af kristendommen. Kristne var i det mindste villige til at gå i brechen for deres tro, også med livet som indsats. New Age’erne gopler bare helt ud. Jeg havde et møde med en af New Age guruerne, Johan Oldenkamp og en af hans kvindelige ‘elever’ og beundrere – der var haremet igen – hvor jeg reaktionært og spontant bliver kaldt en fanatiker, for så senere at blive rettet til ‘en kriger’ (warrior). Men det var først efter at guruen måtte indrømme, at vrede ikke var en illegitim følelse med et afsæt for handling. Guruen kom i et dilemma og blev meget ‘menneskelig’ – i dag er ordet sjovt nok blevet til et synomym for ‘fejlbehæftet’ – da han havde startet sit 3-dages-seminar med at proklamere, at han ikke var en guru og at New Age var ham imod. Og så sidder en af hans kvindelige beundrere og siger, Fukushima-lækken er uden betydning, for naturen helbreder det igen. OK, sig også det til amerikanerne, når de ikke længere kan spise fisk fanget i Stillehavet, og hvor deres myndigheder nu helt udelader at registrere og publicere målinger om radioaktivt indhold i fødevarer. Sig det til befolkningerne i udkantsverden, hvor amerikanerne og NATO har brugt smart bombs med afberiget uran, og hvor kvinderne nu føder sjove børn og selv dør af cancer. Sig det til samtlige ofre for Tjernobyl …‘Jamen der er kun 63, der er døde ..’ svarede konen. NEJ! der er lavet 2000 russiske rapporter om følgerne, hvor en amerikansk avis citerede et oversat sammendrag: 1 million døde siden ulykken!
    New Age indeholder en fæl, god portion fejhed og dumhed
    Det skal retfærdigvis siges, at Johan Oldenkamp i princippet fraskrev sig guru-status. Han prøvede, men det lykkedes ham ikke. Det var i denne sag som de fleste andre elevens behov for en guru, arketypen ‘Big Daddy’, der slog igennem. Se mig Far, hør mig Far, elsk mig Far!


  • Lidelse skal undgås, vi skal føle os godt tilpas hele tidenIfølge kristendommen lider du. Du er syndig, skyldig, og du skal frygte. Dernæst skal du bekende din skyld og dine synder, så du kan blive frelst fra disse. Hele dette liv er en tårernes dal, og i det næste liv efter døden ryger du enten lukt i Helvede eller kommer i Himlen, hvis du har være from. Jo mere du har lidt, jo større chance for en plads på 1. klasse i toget.
    I New Age-verdensbilledet skal lidelse for enhver pris undgås. Det gøres ved at benægte lidelse, mørke, misbrug, underkuelse, død og lemlæstelse og ‘gå ind i lyset’. Tænk positivt, undgå negative tanker. Undgå tilknytning (attachment), en forsimpling af et buddhistisk koncept.
    Hvis der er noget, der får dig til at væmmes, se den anden vej. Hvis du ser lidelse, så skyldes den dårlig karma. Den skyldes i hvert fald ikke din mangel på medfølelse.

  • Tiltrækningens lov i udvandet form
    Law of Attraction er blevet det nye store New Age-begreb, især efter filmen ‘The Secret’. Du skaber selv din virkelighed, du får, hvad du giver, du opnår, hvad du ønsker, blot du ønsker det godt nok. Tænk kun positivt, og universet og forsynet vil tilsmile dig med gode gaver.
    Der er en dyb kerne af sandhed gemt i konceptet, men i New Age-versionen bliver det meget nemt til en gang selvbedrag.
    Det er kun i den værste form for katolsk middelalder-teologi, at dette giver mening. Man kan ikke gøre sig fortjent via gode gerninger som en form for investering. Man handler ud fra godhed, hvis man er et menneske med samvittighed, men man gør det uden krav på fortjeneste. Altså:
    ‘Kære Gud, hvis jeg nu hjælper 15 gamle damer over gaden og forærer alle mine penge til Kirken, så må du love, at jeg ikke kommer i Helvede?’ Den spiller ikke.
Det skal dog igen retfærdigvis siges, at mange af deres favorit-emner er særdeles interessante. Jeg skærer selvfølgelig alle over én kam her og stereotypéer dem. Forsimpling fremmer forståelsen. Det virker bare, som om de har glemt den dér pose salt, som de kan strø ud på deres udskejelser. De mangler simpelthen humor. Og humor er selvdistance og selvkritik. 

Det antropologiske våben 
C.G. Jung sagde: Kristendommen har forsømt at forny sin myte. Han havde ret, men havde han helt ret i sin påstand?

Jeg vil sige, at Jung havde ret. Men New Age var på sin vis en form for mytologisk fornyelse. Eller rettere: det lignede. Det var et patchwork af alt, der var eksotisk og utraditionelt for en vesterlænding. Man rørte uddrag gamle og fremmede traditioner ned i samme gryde, en lille smule af det og en lille smule af en masse andet. Enkelte kunne gå dybt ned i det eksotiske og ende op som eksperter yoga, buddhisme, økologisk landbrug, hvilket kunne være særdeles interessant. Men det meste forblev en flirt, en overflade, en serie attituder.

Set i bakspejlet ved vi, at der foregik noget ganske andet under radaren. Fænomenet blev studeret. New Age-bevægelsen blev udsat for weaponized anthropology, som man gjorde med alle massebevægelser. Når menneskemasser rykker på sig, holder ulve og fårehyrder til i nærheden. New Age udsprang af en tid med heftig aktivitet fra det amerikanske efterretningsvæsens side for at afmontere en egentlig aktivistisk bevægelse mod USA’s krig i Vietnam. CIA infiltrerede hele protestbevægelsen og pumpede drugs ud i det sociale rum. Det var ironisk nok de samme drugs, som var hovedårsagen til, at USA absolut måtte starte en krig i Den Gyldne Trekant og som nu oversvømmede det hjemlige marked. Det angelsaksiske to-hovedede Imperium havde en århundreder gammel praksis med at forgifte hele nationer med opium. For det første tjente de kassen – og det gør CIA og NATO stadigvæk i Afghanistan – og for det andet er drugs et masseødelæggelsesvåben, der kun ødelægger softwaren / mennesket og ikke hardwaren. Våbnet kan bruges til at ramme og lamme nationers befolkning derude og egen befolkning derinde.

Samtidig ankom de syntetiske designerdrugs. Hvem udviklede LSD? Igen ser vi CIA fingeraftryk. I deres berygtede – og aldrig afsluttede – store mind-fucker-projekt MK-Ultra, studerede man flittigt, hvordan både soldater og civile reagerede. Hvad kunne man ikke få folk til at gøre? Hele musikindustrien svømmede snart med LSD og heroin. CIA-handlere delte det ud ved Grateful Dead-koncerter. Legendariske musikere døde på stribe enten af en overdosis (Joplin, Morrisson, Hendrix + et par hundrede andre), eller fordi enkelte af dem havde opdaget, hvad der foregik og begyndte at udtale sig om det (Lennon, Marley). Bevægelsen masseproducerede narkomaner, og narkomaner har ikke et langt liv.

Vi så ganske tydeligt resultatet i 70’erne af en PSYOP (psykologisk operation). I starten var der en reel anti-krigs-bevægelse hvor der blev talt substans, og hvor der var reel vrede mod regeringens ugerninger. Efter infiltrationen og det antropologiske angreb fordampede bevægelsen, og dens medlemmer begyndte af skeje ud med psychedelia: stoffer, musik, porno, buddhist-hinduist-flirten, narcissisme … Dem der ikke skejede ud opgav ævret, for man kan ikke tale politik med folk, der er på syre og dope. Eller som stener med Krishna og Buddha. Eller som har meldt sig ud af samfundet, som det hed, og dyrkede økogullerødder og spillede på shamantromme mens de lavede krystalhealing og fri sex i kollektivet. Væk var anti-krigs-bevægelsen og al indignation mod Imperiet gik op i hat og briller. Hippiekulturen var en af det 20 århundredes mest effektive CIA-operationer og ingen opdagede operationen, før det var for sent. 

Spirituel aktivisme 
Det er langt fra en selvfølge, at spiritualitet og falsk passifisme / New Age er det samme. Spiritualitet er et tveægget sværd. På den ene side kan sværdet i hånden på den rette være frigørende. I hånden på den forkerte eller personen uden manual til sværdet er det opium eller stesolid. Jeg vægrer mig ved at bruge udtrykket ‘opium for folket’, da kommunismen var det heftigste folke-opium i det 20. århundrede, der solgte sig selv som frigørende men i realiteten var massivt slavebindende.

To skikkelser fra den indiske spirituelle tradition derimod, Sri Aurobindo og Mahatma Gandhi, var begge spirituelle politiske aktivister. Gandhis liv og filosofi er ret kendt i vesten, Aurobindos i mindre grad.

Aurobindo var dybt involveret i den indiske nationalistbevægelse under det britiske imperiale åg. I tider, vor det opdaterede britiske post-imperium aka det angelsaksiske dobbeltimperium slynger om sig med ordet terrorisme, bør vi gøre os klart, at begge disse dybt spirituelle mænd uden tvivl ville blive kaldt for terrorister. Som grundregel kalder terrorstaten altid sine modstandere for terrorister. Men begge praktiserede politisk-social modstand uden terror. Måske netop derfor vandt de og den indiske nationalistbevægelse over det overmægtige Imperium. Begge havde forstået den enorme kraft, der kan mobiliseres med et grundfæstet spirituelt afsæt.

Aurobindo skriver i 1903 en pamflet kaldet Bhavani Mandir beregnet på at træne i revolutionær kamp. Det er en ganske anden tone, vi finder her, en de samtidige kommunistiske i vesten: 

‘Er der kærlighed, entusiasme, Bhakthi, der er brug for? Disse er integreret i den indiske folkesjæl (nature), men i fraværet af Shakthi kan vi ikke koncentrere, vi har ingen retning … Bhakthi er den springende flamme, Shakthi er brændstoffet. Hvis der er mangel på brændstof, hvor længe kan flammen da brænde? Mange af os, der er overmandet af Tamas, den mørke og tunge inertiens dæmon, siger i dag, at det er umuligt, at Indien er forfaldet, blodfattig og livløs, for svag til at komme sig. Det er tåbelig og unyttig tale. Intet menneske og ingen nation behøve at forgå, medmindre han selv vælger at lade sig udrydde. For hvad er en nation?…Det er ikke et stykke jord, det er ikke en tale-floskel ejheller en fiktion i sindet. Det er en mægtig Shakthi sammensat af millioner af enheder, der skaber en nation.’ 

Lidt ordforklaring: 

Tamaser den ene af de tre gunaer, de universelle livskræfter: Tamas, Rajas og Sattva. De er paralleller til det daoistiske Yin, Yang og Dao – with a twist. Tamas er mørke, inerti, inaktivitet og materialisme, det indadvendte/sammentrækkende. Rajas er energi, handling, forandring og bevægelse, det udadvendte/udvidende. Sattva/Dao er balance, harmoni, glæde og intelligens. 
Shakthier en parallel til det daoistiske chi (primordial chi). Det er universets grundlæggende energi og dynamiske kraft. 
Bhakthier hengivelse.

Aurobindo giver sine landsmænd og den nationalistiske bevægelse et spark i røven med terminologi, som er rodfæstet i den vediske verdensforståelse. Essensen findes i Bhagavad Gita, hvor bueskytten Arjuna befinder sig i et dilemma mens han ser de to hære opstillet. I sin dialog med Krishna lærer han at forstå, hvorfor han ikke skal afstå fra at spille en rolle i denne kamp.

Da briterne kom til Indien, var de især begejstrede for det indiske kastevæsen. Her så de en direkte parallel til feudalismen og det britiske klassesamfund, og det blev en del af deres administration af Imperiets Kronjuvel. Nationalisternes genistreg bestod i at stikke spaden dybere ned end det kastevæsen, der over tid var degenereret. I en fjern fortid har det givet fuld mening, men i det 20. århundredes Indien var det blot et undertrykkende apparat.

Aurobindo skriver i et brev til sin kone om sine tre former for ‘galskab’. Den første består i at give det tilbage til universet, man ikke har brug for. Den anden er hans ønske om at tale direkte med Gud, hvilken han ved kan lade sig gøre, men kun med fuldstændig dedikation. Det brugte han den anden del af sit liv til efter sin tid som politisk aktivist.

Den tredje galskab er begrebet om Indien som den store moder: 

‘Jeg betragter Indien som min moder. Jeg er hende hengiven (devoted). Jeg tilbeder hende. Hvis nogen sætter sig på hendes bryst og drikker af hendes blod, hvad gør hendes søn da? Vælger han i ro og mag at indtage et måltid, sætter han sig ned med stille sind for at nyde livet med sin kone og børn? Eller iler han for at hjælpe sin lidende moder?’

Han valgte at ile. Og blev smidt i fængsel for det.
Aurobindos involvement with the militant movement
Det kommer der som regel ikke noget godt ud af for Imperiet, for det skaber blot et martyrium og giver de undertrykte vind i sejlene. Det var derfor, at den britiske kolonimagt valgte at slå igen via det indiske politi, der var trænet af dem. På denne måde søgte de at undgå ‘vi og dem’ konfrontationen. Det lykkedes ikke. Det er også derfor vor tids Imperium benytter sig af terrorgrupper som al Qaeda og ISIL til at lave deres beskidte arbejde, ligesom det var praksis i Imperiets tidlige dage at benytte sig af ‘privateers’, pirater til at plyndre og myrde, så kronen ikke blev besudlet og blev nødt til at forklare sine ugerninger. Nutidens Imperium ønsker ikke ‘boots on the ground’, for så skal de forklare strømmen af body-bags overfor deres egen befolkning – OG hvorfor det overhovedet var nødvendigt at overfalde og ødelægge andre nationer.

New Age versus Spirituel Activism

Flux Beyond Chaos VIII

Part 8
by ChaosNavigator

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

“We live in a time that a science fiction book would refer to as ‘that time when everything had already changed, only people were too scared, too ignorant or too arrogant to understand and they pretended and acted as if everything was still normal and it wasn’t.”
–   Libbe HaLevy

“Coming events cast their shadows before.”
– Thomas Campbell 

Probably again (again again) one of the most concentrated summary of surreal headlines/links you have ever seen in one post on the internet – some so shocking as to defy beliefa surreal snapshot of the moment as a periodic portal bulletin. Mostly diligently selected intel under the mainstream radar (the real picture).

NB! Skip the intro if you want and go straight to the headlines below!

Intel crowdsourcing, intuition, analysis, logic, and evidence  – be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative. It’s overwhelming in terms of the nature of changes but knowledge-mapping of under-the-radar events is paramount.

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are just as important to get a feel of the mind-boggling beyond-insanity changes. 

There is a hidden order in what appears to be random links and that is basically correspondence of truth, breaking the trance, self-empowerment and protection, cutting edge developments, self-education, discovery, health, and reformation

Again: Never before has the survival of our species been dependent upon your awakening and activism! It’s all happening NOW: Revision, reformation, revolution, renaissance – in the midst of breakdowns and breakthroughs.

It only takes a few moments to share an article, but the person on the other end who reads it might have his life changed forever
– Investment Watch

But all this is demanding, so let us remain in blissful ignorance. Life is short, ‘what can I do?’’

The alternative is to remain in darkness in ignorant bliss as a human being who lived and died, ignorant and unfree in the 21st Century, at the mercy of forces one didn’t comprehend because of cognitive dissonance and perception management, what, who, where, why, etc..

One of the only premises preventing people from waking up is disbelief based on an erroneous belief that governments and mainstream media wouldn’t lie and deceive to such a murderous extent as they have. 

Such disbelief becomes the inadvertent ally of evil (for a lack of a better word).

You better wake up!

NEVER forget: Governments ADMIT the use of false flag state-sponsored terror operations to manipulate populations and subvert countries

The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in MOST high-profile US terror plots’ 

New York Times: Most Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT

Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid

We don’t know the future but if things keep heading the way the Western elites want, then logic dictates that these 4 scenarios will converge in the same short period of time (the 5th on top of all this might be a another false flag as the crucial catalyst) particularly when the petro-dollar reserve currency starts to topple fast – they need war as another smoke screen and muddy waters (Russia as scapegoat) at the breaking point of no return:

Prognosis for the forseeable future –  4  scenarios will converge simultaneously:   
* Wars and Invasions expand suddenly (Middle East, Ukraine, Asia, etc.)   

* Internet Breakdowns/Killswitch – multiple servers/websites being taken out (already happened and is ongoing) – internet restrictions in effect, dissidents censored, etc. 

* Economic Breakdown scenarios, Bond Crash, Stock Market Crash, etc. 

* Draconian State measures take effect, Martial Law, individual freedom restricted, much more surveillance and (further) loss of Civil Liberty Rights  

And the counter scenario following:  

* Huge global resistance and protests against the war and the biggest demonstrations for peace the world has ever seen 

* Innnovation and bypassing of internet-restrictions, Deep Web, Darknet, rerouting, protests, etc.

* Innovation of local currencies, Bitcoin, barter, self-suffiiciency, solar, city farming, biodomes, decentralization, free energy, etc. 

* Civil disobedience and courage, millions of NGO’s, activists, underground,  protests, breakdown and exposure of governments, etc.

Dee Hock: (Dee Hock is a visionary philosopher and the inventor of the VISA credit card, the founder and former CEO of Visa International):
“I think we’re on the knife’s edge where we’re going to undergo cataclysmic institutional failure. We have it all over the world. Look at some of the countries that are in a state of perpetual starvation and revolution; there’s just no present institutional structure capable of dealing with societal complexity and diversity with anything other than more centralization of power and increasing violence and force. So we’ll have one of two possible scenarios. The first would be
that we’ll have a massive series of institutional failures, social anarchy, and enormous societal and biological carnage  —far more than we now experience — and then maybe out of that will emerge these new concepts. But I think if we do experience massive institutional failure, the first thing that will emerge, before we see the new forms, is almost total centralization of power and control, which will result in a widespread loss of liberty and freedom
[2015?]. That will last for a while,but it ultimately will not work, much like the Soviet Union. And when that collapses, then we’re in for a second period of social carnage that will be

                – Dee Hock, interview-excerpt, 2002

If you cannot speak, you cannot think.
If you cannot think, you cannot figure things out.
If you cannot figure things out, you will never see that you are a slave.
If you cannot see that you are a slave, you can never rebel.
If you cannot rebel, you will never be free.
If you cannot be free, you can never fulfill your purpose on earth to be your highest and best self.

A Cosmic Apology
“I know how hard it is to stay strong, healthy and happy in a world gone mad. I felt compelled to make this video to encourage you.” – Geoff Byrd, Radio Mysterium. (Fantastic!)

Moscow, US End Nuclear Security Alliance

Noam Chomsky: Are We on the Verge of Total Self-Destruction?

Der Spiegel: Mikhail Gorbachev Warns of Major (Nuclear) War In Europe

Top Russian, American and Polish Leaders Warn that Continued Fighting In Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War

The Most-Censored News Story of 2014 Was ____(What?)_____

Must-Read: The Road To War With Russia
The really bizarre part of this story is that I cannot yet find any credible analysis or commentary explaining exactly what the US’s compelling interests are in Ukraine, nor what the end goal might be. It’s all something of a mystery, compounded substantially by the fact that Russia can be a very powerful ally or enemy to have.  Why not choose ally? Why choose enemy? Clock is Now 3 minutes to Midnight
The board that runs the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) has
decided to move the minute hand on its symbolic Doomsday Clock 2 minutes
closer to disaster.*IcVTwDckjezVAasiTQ6KEQ.jpeg


How the CIA made Google

Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet—part 1

Why Google made the NSA
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet—part 2*JRq5gmWc840-PiwEBtKAAA.jpeg

“The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation.” –Baruch Spinoza

Jim Rockford Warned Us About Google And Facebook Back In 1978

Google’s Eric Schmidt CEO: Internet Brain Chip Will Soon Replace Internet External Devices

While transhumanists will see this as an exciting leap forward for the world wide web, others will be understandably alarmed at the concept of a giant transnational corporation with cosy NSA connections having microchips embedded inside its customers’ brains.

Top Google executive predicts end of the internet

Smartphones will begin categorizing users’ mental health; gun seizures will follow

14 People Hold the Secret Keys that Control the Internet
Why is this ritual so important? And what does it mean for the rest of us? In one sense the ICANN databases are like a live rosetta stone that directs all the top level website traffic. If someone could manage to break into the database they could wreak havoc by maliciously re-directing websites. With as much reliance as we have on the modern web this could throw the world into chaos and cause untold financial damage worldwide.


Samsung TVs Recording ‘Personal’ Conversations

Edward Snowden shuns iPhones due to secret software that can be remotely activated to spy on people, says lawyer
The iPhone has secret spyware that lets governments watch users without their knowledge, according to Edward Snowden’s lawyer.

Mind Control: The Attempt To Program Life

The science is spotty, to say the least, but the effort is enormous, and the direction is clear.  If you stacked up all the social sciences, and biology and physics and chemistry, as well as psychology and psychiatry…and even if you went out to the fringes of academia, where the so-called dissidents live…you would encounter scenarios about life as programming.

DARPA’s Autonomous Microdrones Designed to Patrol Inside Houses
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.” According to Singer, “The miniaturization of drones is where it really gets interesting. You can use these things anywhere, put them anyplace, and the target will never even know they’re being watched.” – See more at:
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.” According to Singer, “The miniaturization of drones is where it really gets interesting. You can use these things anywhere, put them anyplace, and the target will never even know they’re being watched.”
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.” According to Singer, “The miniaturization of drones is where it really gets interesting. You can use these things anywhere, put them anyplace, and the target will never even know they’re being watched.” – See more at:
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.” According to Singer, “The miniaturization of drones is where it really gets interesting. You can use these things anywhere, put them anyplace, and the target will never even know they’re being watched.” – See more at:

Harvard Professor: Government Mosquito Drones Will Extract Your DNA
“Privacy is dead,” academic tells Davos elite.

Tyranny Grows in America as FBI Insists No Warrant Needed to Snoop on Private Citizens’ Cell Phone Calls

“D” Weapons Use Appliances to Spy on Homes, Internet as Cyber Battleground: “World War III is a Guerrilla Information War”
Though it has remained officially unsaid, the powers that be have all-but-officially designated the American people as their enemy in a foggy battleground that has become global, nebulous, highly technological and extremely paranoid.Homeland Security and FBI protocol have set the stage for profiling Americans as potential threats, while the rising police state have often cracked down with a heavy hand and perhaps a SWAT raid. The War on Terror, global jihad, cyber attacks and a new Cold War have all contributed the necessary pretexts for an atmosphere of control and preemptive suspicion that seemingly justifies total surveillance of the population.

Press Rebellion in the UK – British Media Launches Protest Against Spying, as GCHQ Places Investigative Journalism in Same Category as Terrorism

The EU is planning to give Europe’s police intelligence agency, Europol, new powers to become a European internet watchdog and censor, according to a secret policy document. The measures also include controls to have internet content removed as a key part of a Europe-wide response to terrorism after the Paris attacks two weeks ago.

EU wants internet firms to hand over encryption keys
A top EU official wants internet and telecommunication companies to hand over encryption keys to police and spy agencies as part of a wider crackdown on terrorism. The EU’s counter-terrorism co-ordinator Gilles de Kerchove, in a document leaked by London-based civil liberties group Statewatch, says the European Commission should come up with rules that require the firms to help national governments snoop on possible suspects.

A 600,000 Cubic Foot Blimp May Be Spying on You
The blimps known as Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor Systems (JLENS) — are the largest ever sent aloft. At 80 yards long with a total volume of around 600,000 cubic feet, they’re the size of three Goodyear blimps. They will float at 10,000 feet, about one-third as high as an airliner. They’re also expensive. The two prototype airships have cost almost $3 billion so far. Officially, the blimps will deploy a sophisticated radar system that can spot and track aircraft, missiles, ships or even ground vehicles in a circular area, ranging from New York to North Carolina and from halfway to Bermuda to the Ohio Valley. They are meant to replace the Air Force radar planes currently used for this purpose.

“American Sniper”: Hollywood’s Racist Propaganda Promoting Military Aggression Spawns Death Threats Against Arabs, Muslims
Atrocity porn: Clint Eastwood’s latest movie glorifies military aggression.

Abby Martin Breaking The Set: ‘American Sniper Murderer’
Russia is not engaged in “aggressive actions” in Ukraine.

Think Putin and Russia are ‘the bad guys’? Think again

Virtually everything out of the President’s mouth was a lie, the State of the Union is in shambles

State of the Union – Obama’s Baseless Accusations against Moscow: “Russian Troops in Ukraine”In his State of the Union address, Obama accused Russia of “aggression” in Ukraine.Earlier he said it’s “provable” that “Russian combat forces and tanks” moved into Ukraine. “(W)ith Russian weapons and Russian tanks.” “(T)hese are the facts. They are provable. They’re not subject to dispute.” No proof whatever was presented. Not earlier. Not now. Now exists.

Obama Has Sentenced Whistleblowers to 25 Times the Jail Time of All Prior U.S. Presidents COMBINED And Obama Is Arguably More Hostile Towards The Press Than Any President In History The Obama administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined. This administration has also obtained much longer jail sentences against whistleblowers than previous presidents.

Breaking Down The Mockingbird Media’s Game Radio host and 21WIRE writer, Patrick Henningsen, joins host Peter Lavelle and guests to breakdown the state of the mainstream media in the 21st century

Snowden documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse – inject all sorts of  false material onto the internet using social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. Very probable that Operation Mockingbird never ended

Shock Revelation: Generals conclude Obama BACKED al-Qaida

Shock Revelation:
Arms to al-Qaida: U.S. Generals ADMIT Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria
On Wednesday, a senior American military spokesman provided a new explanation for Baghdadi’s ability to escape attack: He never existed.     Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor
Vindicated: Gladio B, Paris Terror & ISIS Fakery Admitted
Former FBI employee and Whistle blower, Sibel Edmunds (described by the ACLU as the most gagged woman in US history) explains the Geo-politics behind the obvious State sponsored terrorism that was the Paris Shooting. On top of all this, the new boogeyman of rebranded Al Qaeda known as ISIS has been openly admitted today to be a scam from high level CIA and General Kevin Bergner.  Readers may recall my February 2013 article where I cited Bruce Riedel lecturing the Brookings Institute on false flags, as apparently the corporate head audience had never heard of this idea.  This demonstrates Riedel is not a nobody, but a veteran of the deep state who openly discusses false flags and the  staged nature of ISIS.  The 2007 New York Times article “The Leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq was Fictional, U.S. Military Says,” states, via Zero Hedge

Charlie Hedbo: More False Flag Terror Coming – Pretext for Police State, Internet Restrictions, Martial Law and War
One of the best compilations about the Charlie Hebdo attack anomalies and the context of false flag state terrorism that you can find on internet.

‘Hidden Agenda Within Intelligence Community Allowed Paris Attacks’ for a Police State With Grand Spy Powers

Interpol: allowing citizens to carry guns in public is most effective way to prevent terror attacks

Britain faces ‘very high level of risk’ from Isil terrorists, Foreign Secretary says
Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, says there is a “certainty” that plots that jihadists are plotting to carry out terror attacks

€425m anti-terror plan: France to hire thousands of extra police, spies & investigators
Govt. censorship

Absolute proof that ISIS films in front of green screen

Truth Revealed: McCain’s ‘Moderate Rebels’ in Syria ARE ISIS

Dutch opposition says has documents proving Turkey sent arms to Syrian jihadists

Western Politicians and Media Rush To Issue Tributes To King That Led The World In Beheadings, Beheaded More People Than ISIS, Whipped Bloggers For Criticism & Banned Women From Driving – Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Dead

American politicians and mainstream media are falling all over themselves praising the late Saudi King Abdullah.
‘You sucked our Dictatorship to the Big O – now here’s your gold medal’

Group finds that punishments in U.S. ally Saudi Arabia nearly identical to those prescribed by U.S. enemy ISIS

The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia: Kingdom plans to build 600-mile barrier from Jordan to Kuwait in response to the threat of an invasion by ISIS

Facebook Censorship: What They’re Not Telling You
Facebook’s censorship tools are not just about ‘fake news stories’. Facebook’s new ‘flagging’ feature will allow agenda-driven political agitators, governments and corporations to control the narrative and all but silence dissent.

New Facebook feature flags fake news (get the masses to censor each other along with professional censors posing as the masses)

Facebook: Death Threat Against Activists “Doesn’t Violate Community Standards

”The Facebook page ‘Execute Chemtrail Activists and Geoengineering Fearmongers on Sight’ calls for the murder of activists planning a Jan. 26 geoenginneering protest at the Weather Channel headquarters in Atlanta, Ga., but Facebook said the threat “doesn’t violate” its community guidelines.

Facebook Attempt to Silence Opposition: Facebook to Filter News it Deems Questionable
Why is his a big deal? Becuase 90% of the news that’s consumed online comes through facebook or Google. They control thought online. In what I believe to be the latest attempt to silence alternative media – the media who actually takes the time to do their job, instead of regurgitating the same old government propaganda – Facebook has started a program to filter out what they claim are fake news stories. While that may sound like a worthwhile cause, how they determine what constitutes a fake news story is pretty sketchy to say the least.Facebook is implementing a new feature that will allow users to flag stories that they believe are false. The problem with this strategy is it’s really nothing more than a way for those who oppose free speech to silence their critics. Keep in mind that most of the people receiving these so-called fake news stories in their news feeds, are people who trust those souces and have choose to follow those facebook pages.

Facebook Censorship

Israel To Arrest Anyone For Posting Content Deemed ‘Anti-Israel’ On Facebook (Video)

Israel’s very own history of eugenics
‘This hour-long documentary, the Ringworm Children, raises so many disturbing questions about Israel and its relationship with the US that one hardly knows where to begin.

Netanyahu Got Kicked in the Balls by the Mossad
The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has broken ranks with Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu Got Kicked in the Balls by the Mossad

Mossad reportedly at odds with Netanyahu over imposing Congressional sanctions on Iran
Israel Bombs Syria, Kills Top Iranian General and Top Hezbollah Commander

Elon Musk unveils new plan for global satellite internet, while Google invests a billion in SpaceX

Bill Gates Pushes Cashless Society
Scheme would allow government to confiscate money at will

This Is The Beginning Of The End For The Euro

Former US Treasury Official: “the average person will be destroyed” in coming financial catastrophe
Roberts went on to say that central banks have been using Quantitative Easing (printing money out of thin air) to buy stocks and bonds at 100 cents on the dollar, when in fact, many of those stocks and bonds are only worth a penny; the banks will collapse from this activity because the assets “have no real value.” When the banks collapse, they will take everyone out with them because the FDIC Insurance Program is broke and the government just changed the banking rules to allow banks to “bail-in” by SEIZING DEPOSITORS’ ACCOUNTS to cover the banks losses!
Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction
Today the man who 52 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc just issued a second terrifying prediction.  This King World News interview takes a trip down the rabbit hole of desperate central banks, massive losses and total global collapse.

Why Printing Money will end badly for the US
You are witness to possibly the greatest economic slight of hand ever perpetuated on a people

Mapping The World’s Greatest Risks (According To Davos)

10 Reasons Why You Need an Offshore Bank Account

Zero Hedge: Saxo Bank Warns “This Is The Endgame For Central Banks”

The Story of Your Enslavement – Liberating Deprogramming!
Will Gold Be Part Of A New International Monetary System?



A Larger Global Currency Shift is Underway.

And it may be happening much more quickly than anyone has realized.

1% of World Population to own 1/2 Wealth of the World by 2016

When This Ends, Everybody Gets Hurt (And The End Is Uncomfortably Close)
Central banks around the globe have taken us all into unchartered territory, where the possible paths boil down to a binary outcome: either it all works out or it doesn’t.
Foreign Borrowers Get $9 Trillion US Dollars while residence of the USA get squat ! BIS news release is HUGE !

Dr. Doom Marc Faber Explains How To ‘Short’ Central Banks When Public Confidence Collapses: “It’s The Only Way”
One day in the near future the people are finally going to realize that it’s all a sham and when they do the public will likely lose confidence in the ability of central banks and governments to effectively manage the economy. On that day all hell will break loose and very few investments will survive the fallout.
In his latest GBD Report, Faber again advises those with the means to do it, to leave urban areas and seek safety in rural, country areas, preferably farms, and to be prepared to defend that land in the event the worst happens:

Cassandra Syndrome
1) The condition of speaking the truth and having no one believe you.
2) The condition of being able to predict the future, be it the outcome of a particular event, or the reactions of others to the same event, and having no one believe your prophecy until it transpires.

The Dome – Future of The Free –   Freedom(e)
An all year food garden, a dome home, or both


Foldable Solar-Powered Geodesic DOM(E) Home Can be Erected Anywhere

Free Doom Survival Guide for download and print-out
This site exists to create and share a compact guide to survival in a world which has been all but destroyed by natural or unnatural disasters. In other words, when TSHTF.  This is not to debate what scenario that may be, but you are here so you probably have your own ideas. Various themes floating around include:     Climate Shift, World War III, Asteroid Strike, Polar Shift – magnetic or physical – gradual or sudden, Total Economic Collapse, Galactic Tsunami (whatever that is), ‘Kill shot’ Solar Flare, Outbreak of some horrible CIA-created disease (ie – zombies), Broad EMP attack, NWO Takeover, and much more.

Free Book: ‘Beyond Collapse: Surviving and Rebuilding Civilization From Scratch’
Beyond Collapse is an extensive guide, covering everything from why we should prepare, how a collapse may happen, what civilization may look like in its aftermath, and what steps you can take to not only prepare ahead of time, but how you’ll survive and thrive during the reconstruction and rebuilding that follow. Sure, you can stock up food, and guns and thousands of dollars worth of other supplies – but if that’s your entire plan, then you’re going to be in serious trouble, especially if we’re talking about a paradigm shift spanning years or decades. This book is much more than the basics. Get it in PDF Format (FREE) (442 Pages; 7.25 Megabytes)

The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide: Self-Reliance Strategies for a Dangerous World
‘I think we’re at a point where there’s no longer a way to dig ourselves out of the mess that’s been created by decades of criminal politicians. While most remain willfully ignorant of what’s really going on, the reality of the situation is this country is heading towards not only an economic collapse, but a collapse of society as well.

In your survival plans, have you forgotten spiritual preparedness?

We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions
Catastrophe occurs when too many people refuse to accept that around us always are two universes at work. There is the cold, hard reality that underlies everything. And on the surface is a veil of deceit and compromise. The more humanity compromises vital truths in order to enjoy the comfort of illusions, the more mind-shattering it will be when those illusions fall away. These two worlds can coexist only for short periods of time, and they will always and eventually collide. There is no other possible outcome.

The Silence and the Storm
Yes, we can dance to the rhythm of the Universe and herald in the new dawn of consciousness, but we need to be awake and aware and not in denial or deliberately naive

Why the Dalai Lama is wrong to think meditation will eliminate violence
As we’ve seen, cultivating presence through meditation or yoga is not by itself an adequate way to address the complex global challenges we face. The “raising of consciousness,” as it’s popularly phrased in today’s yoga and meditation communities, doesn’t raise political consciousness. It doesn’t make people more aware of what is violent and what is not, nor does it make them resist violence. An increase in presence in the world does not increase justice…..How would meditation or the experience of awakening change the politics of these various groups? The Black Panther Party, radical feminists, the tea party, the KKK, Goldman Sachs bankers or anti-abortion activists. Would it somehow make them all the same?

Ignorant Unfreedom – Contented Slaves   Meditation will not make primary psychpathy, Bilderberg, CFR, TLC, Skull and Bones, False flags, vanish into thin air. This would imply that meditators, morphic resonance, or directed positive intention could somehow transform other human beings, and especially psychopaths in power, into noble persons, nullifying their free will in the process, exalting their low emotional state to a sudden empathic level – which is wishful irrational thinking. Not going to happen with psychopaths, sorry. And many spiritually inclined people are not even aware of the destructive influence of these stealth organizations in the first place.

‘Cognitive Boddhisatvic Bypass Syndrome’  
“Just as there is a set of metaphysical commitments that undergird the modern mindfulness movement, there are also ethical and political commitments. The problem is that, in America at least, these commitments so resemble those of mainstream consumer culture that they go largely unnoticed. Rather than enjoining practitioners to renounce mainstream American culture, mindfulness is seen as a way to better cope with it.” But the problem goes much deeper; thus I would reformulate the sentence (my emphasis): ‘“Just as there is a set of metaphysical commitments that undergird the modern mindfulness movement, there are also ethical and political commitments. The problem is that, in Western countries, these commitments so resemble those of mainstream consumer culture that the prison, deep politics, directed history, false flags, ethics and discernment, inverted totalitarianism, Ignorant Unfreedom, perception management and governmentality, go largely unnoticed. Rather than enjoining practitioners to detect and renounce the prison, mindfulness is seen as a way to better cope with it.’

Psychopath vs. Empath: the War Between Truth and Deception
“If you would be a real seeker after truth,” wrote Rene Descartes, “it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” And so I did exactly that. I decided to undeceive myself, using a ruthless self-interrogation process and a humor of the most high to reveal the truth hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of mass deception. What I learned rocked my world, as it has many others. But my liberation was my salvation. The pain that came from knowledge was exceptionally more rewarding than the bliss that came from ignorance.

The Business of Sickness, And Why We Must Protest Until It’s Stopped

Sickness is a great business, and the pharmaceutical industry knows this very well. They would have you to believe they are in the health business, but they are not. They are in the business of sickness. And, judging from a business perspective, it is brilliant, but at the same time, corrupt. They are not isolated in the business of sickness; many other associates are involved: the medical system, drug companies with their research departments, and government to supervise and create the sort of treadmill the populous run on: symptomatic treatment, while avoiding cures and prosecuting those who would dare try. As a society, we are led to believe that everything is not so bad, and we rationalize this theory by comparing ourselves to those who are worse off. It is an outright lie. We are standing on a precipice of no return, and the outcome will affect everyone on the planet. Things just could not be worse

Big Pharma’s Diabolical Plan to Destroy the Vitamin-Herbal Supplement Industry
With the richest 1% owning more than the rest of us 99%-ers combined on this planet starting next year, it’s fair and accurate to say we earthlings are living in economic slavery and feudal bondage. With no exaggeration, our world has been hijacked and stolen by a handful of psychopathic rulers bent on destroying us. My last article was how they were killing us with their Big Pharma drugs, keeping us sick, toxically and literally squeezing the life out of us with compromised, weakening immune systems, and dying slow profitable deaths for Big Pharma

Deceased Filmmaker’s Documentary Finally Released – Gray State: The Rise

“Gray State” Film Family Killed, Labeled ”Murder-Suicide” – Dead for Weeks

My Liberty Movement Suicide Security Pledge

I woke up this morning to the very disturbing and saddening news that a Liberty Movement colleague, David Crowley, had been found dead in his Minnesota home along with his wife and 5-year-old daughter. Mainstream media outlets, without any apparent evidence or backing from local police and coroner reports, have immediately injected the notion of “murder-suicide”, suggesting that Crowley was somehow unstable, and that he had murdered his own family and then took his own life. MSM articles showcase Crowley in tactical attire and holding firearms (most of which were props for his upcoming film Gray State, which depicts the collapse of America and the rise of a totalitarian society very close to what we are actually facing today). Ostensibly these photos, along with the fact that Crowley owned “many guns”, are being used to convince the public that the murder-suicide theory is plausible. The police, on the other hand, are treating the deaths as “suspicious”.


“If You Question Authority, You Are Mentally Ill”, Report Finds
– Only the Sheeple Are Sane

Ron Paul: “Reality Is Now Setting In For America… It Was All Based On Lies & Ignorance”
We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize and resist this development, freedom and prosperity for all Americans will continue to deteriorate. All liberties in America today are under siege. Reality is now setting in for America and for that matter for most of the world. We should not be discouraged. Enlightenment is not nearly as difficult to achieve as it was before the breakthrough with Internet communications occurred.


How the UN is confiscating American homes and controlling all food and energy –
Obama Criminalizes Independence, Agenda 21

INSANITY: RT equated to ISIS for ‘daring to advocate a point of view’

Challenges for America: ISIS, Boko Haram and… Russia Today?!

Head of US state media put RT on same challenge list as ISIS

RT cleared over coverage of MH17 crash reporting after complaints

American broadcasters see RT as major challenge, want to try to compete

The Guardian Finally Starts to Report the Truth about Ukraine’s War

No honor among thieves: Oleg Tsarev predicts Poroshenko’s overthrow in February

Another European Holocaust looms as Kiev mulls concentration camps to ‘filter sub-humans out of Ukraine’
“Long live the White Races, and down with the Semite-led subhumans and interracial contacts”. If you don’t like or agree with these sentiments, then you are obviously not a citizen of any European Union country, or any NATO country, or of the United States of America

Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport 

German double agent stole list with 3,500 spy identities – report

Investigators have found a list reportedly compiled by a BND agent accused of working for the US, containing the names and aliases of 3,500 German intelligences employees, Bild newspaper reports

Flashback 2009: Drug Money Saved Banks in Global Crisis
Cryptogon Via Guardian
Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations’ drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer. Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations’ drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer.

Zombie Cookie: The unkillable tracking cookie
An online ad company called Turn is using tracking cookies that come back to life after Verizon users have deleted them. Turn’s services are used by everyone from Google to Facebook.

U.S. to Award Iran $11.9 Billion Through End of Nuke Talks
Another $490 million released on Tuesday under deal

DARPA’s Atlas Robot gets a huge upgrade, prepares to ‘cut the cord’

The US Military Is Building Gangs of Autonomous Flying War Robots

Will Virtual Reality Become Bigger Than The Bible?

VR technology could be trigger event for transhumanism
New Research Shows How Virtual Reality Shuts Down the Brain

Early conclusions are troubling. It appears that not only can our moral behavior be affected, but parts of our brain that register spatial awareness and movement actually shut down when entering even the most realistic virtual environment.

Robots Begin Learning New Skills From YouTube Videos

Congress alarmed by US plans to use Russian Satellite system

600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

Sanskrit shocker! Claims of 7,000 tear old inter-planetary planes shake up Indian Science Congress

Anyone suffering from poor health needs to do these three things

10 of the Healthiest Foods in the World

5 Things That Happen if You Quit Sugar for Life

Fast food meal remains unchanged after two years sitting on counter; bugs and fungi avoid toxic, junk food

Vaccine insert sheet admits to causing seizures

Afraid of the Disneyland measles outbreak? Don’t be fooled by Mickey Mouse science – READ THIS FIRST!

GMO-Free Russia? Government Approves Bill that Would Ban GMO Cultivation, Breeding and Imports

Brazil, Mega-city of 20 million, to run out of water in one MONTH

NASA’s ‘Largest Picture Ever’ Taken – A Must See Watch the video for amazing imagery


New Experiment Will Answer Some Mind-Bending Questions On Whether We Live In a Hologram
The Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is completing a unique experiment called the Holometer which has recently started collecting data to answer some mind-bending questions about our universe–including whether we live in a hologram.


Australian scientists make world first discovery after capturing alien radio signals tearing through space in real time

Object over California ejects a white glowing object that travels fast in the opposite direction. MUST SEE!

NASA Cuts Live Video As UFO Appears To Rise Over Earth’s Horizon As Seen From Space Station — Again (again and again and again)

Scientists invent teleporter that works using 3-D printer

Scientists invent teleporter that works using 3-D printer
New system destructively scans objects transmits them through encrypted communications across any distance and rebuilds it the other side
Genetic programming for the Brave New Utopia
One scientist says we might lose half of all species getting where we “want to go,” genetically speaking, and the other says the process will inevitably be guided by wealth and the free market, thus creating two distinct classes of humans, the higher of which has far superior abilities—and they’ll run things. Aren’t you thrilled? If your children make it through, they may turn out to be half-biological, half-technological.

Post-Apocalyptic Warnings and Prophecies

Man discovers passage to Egypt’s Great Pyramid — under his house

The incredible images revealing a glowing blue sea in Hong Kong

Space scientist fears return of ‘mini ice age’ (global anthropogenic warming is hoax)

Psychedelic Movement Manufactured? Manufacturing the Deadhead: A product of social engineering – Jan Irvin

Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Usable Electricity

Average life expectancy heading for 100

Previously unthinkable longevity milestone looms with average child born within next generation expected to live more than a century

Do Jews Want to Go ‘Home’?
Netanyahu was asked by Hollande  not to go to Paris. He went  anyway and was placed in the second row behind the President of Mali. He maneuvered himself into the front row, deliberately attempting to displace the Mali President. Then he goes uninvited to the Paris Synagogue and tells the Jews of Paris that they should all emigrate to Israel . At the end of his speech exhorting French Jews to leave their homeland for Israel, his “people” start chanting, only to be over sung by the Marseillaise.The speech was followed by singing of the French national anthem. The first video does not include this … The zionists obviously do not want you to see this.

Is this the tape CNN had ready for Doomsday?
A former CNN intern has posted footage he claims will be played by US news channel CNN at the end of the world

Reuters / Stefano Rellandini
Anonymous hackers release video to target global paedophile menace
The Anonymous hacktivist collective releases a video targeting the clean-up of dark web, as experts warn child porn explosion is overwhelming government

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet Jeffrey Epstein

Anonymous asks activists to help fight pedophiles in ‘Operation DeathEaters
Hacktivist group Anonymous is inviting people to join their ongoing mission against pedophiles dubbed #OpDeathEaters. The group’s plan is to compile incriminating evidence against international pedophile rings and bring perpetrators to justice.

‘Sex slave’ lawyers to serve papers on Prince Andrew at Washington embassy after claiming he refused to accept letter asking to testify on oath
On Verge of Victory, Europe’s Ascendant Left Declares ‘Subservience is Over’

Joining together ahead of Greek elections, leaders of Syriza and Podemos signal their unified fight against austerity will extend beyond national borders

Secret TPP Negotiations—And Public Protests—To Be Held in New York City

Conspiracy Theory
Truth Websites in Danger by Governments (Because Awakened People are Dangerous to Psychopathic and Fabricated Lies)

Confronted with permanent shutdown due to divisive material, conspiracy theory websites are bracing for eventual censorship by CISPA for subversive content.
Comment; Exactly as predicted (the war mongers must keep the citizens useful idiots and slaves in line from knowing the truth.. oh, forgot; they keep themselves in line…well. most of them, But a huge change will happen. You can’t fool some of the people all the time!)

Secret WTO Trade Deal Threatens Internet Freedom, New Leak Reveals

Global governments are secretly negotiating a little-known mega trade deal that poses a threat to internet freedoms…“There is extreme industry influence in this closed-door trade negotiation process,” St. Louis explained. “On the U.S. side there are more than 500 corporate advisers who have access to these texts while the public and many elected officials are locked out.

How Google, Microsoft and Alexa are colluding to bury the truth

Ten months ago, the Rebel Website’s editor “Rebel of Oz” published an article exposing the manipulations performed by leading website ranking firm Alexa for the purpose of reducing the search engine ranking of dissident websites.

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett at TED Talks
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

The Internet Reformation – The Revealer of Truth and Lies
It’s a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press
of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now
most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of
information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are
showing the Major Mass Media’s narratives and stories to be largely
false.. The Internet is now producing incredibly astute researchers that
are sharing facts gained through their individual efforts, but the group
sharing is producing a whole new Internet related Worldwide sport of
“crack the criminal conspiracy”.

Internet 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

But there is a reason why such a large ‘industry’ has developed on the web with people writing articles that don’t say what the mass media say. That reason for is, obviously, first and foremost that not everybody believes whatever they are told. The problem is equally obvious: not nearly enough people are being reached to make a true difference, and to question the official narratives.
There are many people in the blogosphere who are many times smarter than the people who write for the mass media, and that’s a very simple and hardly disputable fact that needs to be recognized.

US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet 

The Future of the Internet: Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale – The full video can be found here. Lawrence Lessig claims that the US government has prepared a type of Patriot Act that is in place should a major security event occur, a 9-11 type event. And just like the Patriot Act contains all sorts of new restrictions there is the fear that this I-Patriot Act will have many restrictions and laws that will limit the way the Internet is used:

The very label [‘conspiracy] serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one ever acts in secret. Let us bring some perspective and common sense to this issue. The United States comprises large organizations – corporations, bureaucracies, “interest groups,” and the like – which are conspiratorial by nature. That is, they are hierarchical, their important decisions are made in secret by a few key decision-makers, and they are not above lying about their activities. Such is the nature of organizational behavior. “Conspiracy,” in this key sense, is a way of life around the globe.

      – Richard Dolan

Post Scriptum:
The Internet Reformation is real, it sends ripples through the ocean of consciousness, and constitutes great change through communication and subsequent action. What’s the alternative to tell the truth about lies and manipulations which determine the lives of billions? Silence? Snowden documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse – inject all sorts of  false material onto the internet using social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. Plausible that Operation Mockingbird never ended.

Protesting, blogging, demonstrations, the birth of freedom/justice/truth-movements themselves are the results of being vigilant about these developments through the Internet Reformation, and one of the reasons they want to restrict the internet and are called ‘conspiracy theorists’! They are not! They are vigilant and aware of what’s going on about de facto degeneration and conspiracy facts and have been vindicated constantly big time with their diagnosis – both the internet and such diagnosis is a threat against the tyranny/corporotocracy/oligarchy,/plutocracy/power elite, because it constitutes a very broad consensus among the vigilant and aware underbelly among the common core across the entire political spectrum. 

“As study after study and report after report has shown, the death of the old media has accelerated in recent years, with more and more people abandoning newspapers and now even television as their main source of news. Instead, the public is increasingly turning toward online sources for their news and information, something that is necessarily worrying for the war machine itself, a system that can only truly flourish when the propaganda arm is held held under monopolistic control.”
-Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War 

Bombshell – Former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham and Top Politicians leading the way for 9/11 Truth:

Politicians push to declassify censored 9/11 reports – New York Post
The drive to declassify the 28 censored pages of the congressional 9/11 report detailing the Saudi Arabian government’s possible role in the terror attacks has become a full-blown movement, complete with letter-writing campaigns, lawsuits and legislation.
The Walls Are Crumbling Down Around the “Official 9/11 Story” – Why? An absolutely monumental shift is in process that most have not recognized yet. The truth, or at least some truth, is about to be shown to the American masses about 9/11. I say American masses because everywhere I’ve gone in the world outside of the US, with few exceptions, almost everyone knows that the US government conspiracy theory on 9/11 is for people with tinfoil hats that are either completely zombified or are under mass hypnosis. Most of the rest of the world looks on the US like “The Truman Show” and can’t believe how many people in the show don’t realize it’s not real.

 Are People Who Hate Conspiracy Theories Crazy?
Government propagandists want you to hate “conspiracy theories.” But according to a growing body of evidence, you’d have to be crazy to obey. Two American professors, Lance DeHaven-Smith and James Tracy, have pointed out that the CIA has weaponized the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” to conceal government misdeeds. CIA document 1035-960, revealed by the New York Times in 1976, is the smoking gun.

Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.’
Newstudies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy,hostile

The road ahead and out of this mess is to ‘deprogram’ oneself from the formative ‘education damage’ through observations, logic and self-studies, which many academicshave done already. But since this provokes anxiety on the part of the prisoners in Plato’s Cave, the reaction is most often disbelief, ridicule, anxiety, aggression and irrational criticism– a criticism which can turn out to be fatal in favor of Stockholmsyndrom and the executioners ongoing scientific, economical, political, and media monopolization. 

Flux Beyond Chaos VIII

Chivalry – Truth and Nothingness

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by morton_h, the blogger

We live in times where universal human values and concepts able to describe them are vanishing. Often they seem lost or sochanged in their core, that they are no longer adequate. In some casesvalues and concepts are so exposed to scorn, censorship, condemnation or attacked by political correctness, that they barely survive. Other times they are transformed into newspeak.

Using the concept of truth  today is almost considered a mortal sin. How dare you use that word? You can say say that, you megalomaniac! The truth does not exist! 

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]  

Contemporary speech is nihilistic. When we all have our private relative version of reality, then all conversation will cease, and so will any coherence ordepth. Something rulesin a hidden layer, and everyone’s consciousness has become an atom. Paradoxically, everyone’s homemade construction of reality is amazingly similar to everyone else’s. Very few have formed a world view based on actual thinking and proper knowledge. So in a way, people are right when they claim that you can not talk about truth. They aretalking about themselves, for they have abandoned any ambition for obtaining truth and have bought a prefabricated pseudo-truth in the nearest supermarket selling that stuff. We live on copy-paste-island.

When the ancients spoke the truth, so they meant a completedmindset. Truth is logically consistent. You can not achieve this consistency, if you have not completed yourgrammar (what-who-where-when), which iswhat is left out in the media presentation of events, the 2D reality of no purpose and no meaning which is: no thruth.

But the ancient, and actually our grand parentshad something more than just logical consistancy in mind. They sought a correlation between the objective and the subjective, the outer and inner reality, where they had found aplace in life and knew the purpose of place and life. I hear backgroundvoices saying: Well, in the good old days it was much easier, because the world was not so complicated. I will say to that: It is both right and wrong, and we maymiss an important point. In the ‘good’ old days community supported coherence. Today society’spriority is thedecrease of coherence.

When nihilist award hisfatwah against the use of the concept of truth, it is because the word is a challenge to the mindset ofnothingness. When inability to accept universal values in accordance with aninner truth/coherence andtranslate thisinto actions in the exterior, such an undertaking must become aprohibited area, as others may not therefore profess. Truth is deeply disturbing to a nihilistic world view. The nihilistic crusade is a warfare against everything that disturbs meaninglessness.

The Knight’s Codex
There is no chivalry in thecrusade of nihilism. There were lots of knights, but less chivalry in the real crusadesthat unfolded in medieval Europe and Middle East in the great Clash of Civilizations, predatingwhat we are witnessing today. Chivalry, the concept of chivalry, is far older than the Crusades. Just like thebogus neo-crusades of our timea hijacking of virtues tookplace in the middele ages. It was shouted outin recruiting campaigns: You are all sinners, but by making your Mounted skills available to the slaughter of infidels in Palestine, you can atone for all your sins at once.

The Crusades were the return of a much older phenomenon originating in pre-antiqueBabylon: the combination of Usura banking and demon cult personified by medieval most influential grouping: Templar Order. This order, this cult never worshipped The Christ but a demon called Baphometh. They had so many fighting men / knights, bankers, ships and accumulated hardcore values that they represented a supranational and unparalleled power factor. The ordercame after the Crusades under pressure and resurrected/morhedas the Jesuit Order, who again morphed on withan array of tentacles in a global control system: the Illuminated, the Revolutionaries, Masonic Lodges, the Zionists. We find them today in central banking interwoven with the descendants of the Venetians now called the Atlantic Globalists. They became, as Paul Gottfried call them:‘the priesthood of the management class’.

The concept of chivalry was hi-jacket bycrusade philosophy. Honorary concepts were politizised. Virtues wereideologized and pathologized. Today we know just a blunted or romanticized version of it. 


Canwe still find the concepts of chivalry and if so, where? I have found it in the Crusader’sinfidel enemy: Islam. Or rather in the spiritual movement older than Islam, that invented a survival form insideIslamic culture domination: Sufism. The Sufi concept Futuwwaor heroic generosityis both a spiritual concept and the moralityof a knight. Chivalry is TheWay of the Sufi. For the dervish it means generosity extended to self-sacrifice; to give yourlife for a friend’s sake.

The philosophy comes from a book called The Book of Sufi Chivalry Kitab al-Futuwwa, an important text of al-Sulamifrom the 10th century. It is a guide to the heroism of generosity, compassion, love, friendship, hospitality and right action based on these virtues asa means of spiritual development.

The knight is hard on himself and kind to others. The knight complieswith a strict moral codexwithout insisting that others should adopt this disciplined lifestyle. If you want to assume this lifestyle, then you should do it, but do forGod’s sake – and for othersand your own sake – not boast of it and make others feel small by not assume the same strict self-discipline and set of opinions. Instead, let the people be inspired when they see the consequences and gains thereby. Thus one of the great Islamic theologians and Sufi philosophers al-Ghazali(Abū Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, 1058-1111).

Spiritual chivalry is incompatible with the rule of tyranny. Chivalry shakes supremacy to its foundations. Chivalry and tyranny are diametrically opposed. Tyranny is a negation of chivalry. What is good becomes evil in tyrannical negation / government. What’s good for the tyrant is evil for the people.Goodand evilare also universal value-concepts that we should be careful though not afraid to use, because through their inclusiveness and universality they can be corrupted and by the redefinition of tyranny come to mean just the opposite. If tyranny aspersonified evil, The Evil, the Devil, Satan – we understand that the old created an image to be able ot talk about it –would hide most effectively, it would just be in the form of The Good. Hence the the saying: the road to Hell is paved with good intentions’. It is seductive. Without a well-developed moral compass and an equally mature discernment, there is immediate confusion.

We live in times of maximum confusion, where many people have no moral compass and thus willing to be persuaded to think and do things, that they in a balanced, healthy human environment would neverhave thought of. We live in times without honor. People put no pride in thinking and acting in certain ways. They have taught themselves – with help from a hidden hand – to live in a state of dissonance and contradiction. The concept of duty has largely disappeared. Instead, we are talking about right, desire and freedom of choice – even when freedom of choice does not exist. The concept of responsibilityhas becometyranny language synonymous with stooping subservience and blind obedience to authority. Responsibility is then to do what you are being toldand then re-spond, when asked: Have you paid taxes in duetime, you have done your school work for tomorrow? Young computer gamers play Call of Duty, where they as virtual Black-Ops-US-Military-Clones areshooting down all who disobey the Empire. TV, media, Hollywood and the game industry have all submitted bids for the killing of moral and ethical duty.

When truth is the missing component of the good, the bad, the honor, the duty and theresponsibility is missing the most important, without which all other concepts disintegrate. We become ships and boats without compass.
Define truth

Is not it difficult? Not at all. But it willbe difficult, if truth doesnot already live in ourworld of experience. I can not feel it, ergo it does not exist. Or:It has not been on TV recently, ergo it does not exist.

Truth is brain with heart control. It isclarity of thought protected by alife-supporting element. The balance of masculineand feminequalities of life, where one set implies the other. Note: we are not talking about men’sand women’s qualities.

Therefore, it is not really difficult to assess whether there is truth in the outer phenomena or in human relations. It will be difficult if you leave to others to evaluate and disseminate their assessment, which you then without discernment copy-paste and spitout of your own mouth. It is in general difficult, if a meeting does not take place. In front of the television display, there never was a meeting. Not-Meeting apparently issystematized. TV audence never meetsthe politicians, the politicians never meetthe TV audence(the citizen / the voter), journalists never meet terrorists, terrorist or politician nevermeet victims of terror. Some politicians meet regularly with terrorists, but that’s another story (eg: Senator McCain without scruples meets with the worst scumbags in the world and promise them lots of money and weapons). Pharmaceutical manufacturersnever meetmedicine wrecks, stock brokers never meet the the brokenor the homeless, drone pilot meetings never descendants of the dead in the village, architectsnever meet the residents of neo-slums, food-and chemistry manufacturersnever meet those who becamesick and exhibits plenitudesof symptoms of chemical poisoning. 

Removing the Meeting will remove the responsibility- and causality chain. Consider the other hand an event. Ask if it is life-enhancing. Rate the longer-term effects. Do not initially ask those who should be responsible. Just ask for what you see and what other with eyes in theirheads seen. Then return to those who should have been responsible. Do not expect answers, and never accept answers that make no sense. Keep on asking, even if answersdo not match.

You maysee, on the contrary, people who thrive and people who have a real impact on their lives. Then there will be truth. You are seeing genuine sustainability(a currently loaded words also perverted with newspeak-ability), and congratulations! Knowing that the opposite of truth is a lie, which is never sustainable and self-propelled, but must be maintained every day 24/7/365.

What an enormous waste of resources are not included in the maintenance of a lie? I hardly dare think of it.

But actually, if you have learned to ask: Does this support Human Life and Natural Life?You will eventually find truth. It’s that simple! But mind you, simplicity is also under attack these days …

The Nothingness
In Michael Ende’s
The Never Ending Story –the author is actually a philosopher who writes children’s books – the concept of Nothingnessof is the negating principle that destroys The World. The principle is the principle known in physics as Entropy(thermo dynamics), theexploding thenself destroyingUniverse, BigBang-physics, Darwinism and its ideological companion: Eugenics, the oil industrialparadigm, usura banking and eternal indebtedness In Ende’s story it is a sort of mythologicalentropic force that destroys imagination, creativity and fantasy.

The Never Ending Story has a Jungian, psychoanalyticalangle to it. The authors case study is the protagonist of the story, the boy Balthazar Bux, caught in an identity crisis caused by a parent-child complex. He seeks refuge in his imagination, which lasts for a while due to its fabulous richness. But hisamazing counter-reality at some point hasto re-unite andbe accountable to the ‘real’ reality. The story is a psychological-spiritual road movie.

Ende’s genius is that entropy, the destruction of the world called Nothingness, has a higher purpose. Both the reality and escape into fantasy was prodigal – or necessary. Un-reality necessitated the flight to the imagination, which enabled theNothingness, which provoked thereturn to reality and the brokenWorld. Thus the full circle. It is a Jungian-mythical healing model. Balthazarsquest is theKnight’s quest, the quest of truth, thesynchronization project of inner and outer reality. The quest starts in dissonanceand ends in consonance. The Knights quest is not supposed to be a tragedy, but a comedy. Or rather: the Knights quest is an open quest. What’s it going to be: a tragedy or a comedy? Only if the Knight choses his need before his wants, he will fulfill his quest.

No one has described the Knights quest better than Joseph Campbell in his classic: The Hero with a Thousand Faces’. The Knight is the Hero, the Hero is the Knight. The story is immortal because it is archetypal. We all must go that way if wedo not betray ourfate. Fate is a variety of creation, you will need to recognize why you created. You may not know that, if you are not familiar with old Norse language. Skæbneand Skabning mean Destityand Creature/Creation. You are created with a destiny, with purpose. Fulfill it and thrive, deny it and suffer.

Ridley Scott puts the concept of the Knight at play in his monumental movie Kingdom of Heaven. As Balthazar Bux in an adult version he puts his come-to-be-Knight-protagonistinto a state of mess torn up with roots from hisown land. The peculiarity and beauty of the film is its illumination of the Knight in the era of the Crusades. The opponents, he meets, turn out to be of the highest integrity. Islam maintains the concepts of honor and chivalry, while Christianity has long perverted them. Or rather: Christianity’sinner enemies committed treason against theideals of Christianity and in the First Crusade Christianitybecame morallyand factually the loser of the battle. The Knight, the young blacksmith from the SouthernFrance, in the story does not deviate from hispath and thecodices of Knighthood, even when the dream of Jerusalem becomes Nothingness. 

Subsequently and returned to his home town he chooses never to return. When the call comes – the start of the second crusade – he stands by his life as a blacksmith. He atoned himself and won his queen, thus he fulfilled his quest. If you have not seen the movie, this willnot be aspoiler.

When Ridley Scott is best, he is in powers ofincorporating the archetypal heroic narrative of human history. He succeeded in his early masterpiece Blade Runner. Hesucceeded in strange way in Alien 1. They almost succeeded in Gladiator. And hesucceeds completely in the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, which unfortunately has become a somehowoverlooked film.

Ridderlighed – sandhed og intethed

At bruge begrebet Sandhed regnes i dag for en dødssynd. Hvor vover man at bruge det ord? Det kan du ikke bruge, du lider af storhedsvanvid! Sandheden findes jo ikke!

Vor tids tale er nihilistisk. Når alle kun har deres egen relative version af virkeligheden, så ophører al samtale, sammenhæng, dybde. Noget hersker i et skjult lag, og alles bevidsthed er blevet til atomer. Paradoksalt nok er alles hjemmelavede konstruktion forbløffende ens, for meget få har dannet et verdensbillede baseret på egentlig tænkning og egentlig viden. Så på en måde har folk ret, når de påstår, at man ikke kan tale om sandhed. men de taler om dem selv, for de har opgivet enhver sandhed med både stort og lille S og købt en præfabrikeret pseudo-sandhed i nærmeste bevidstheds-supermarked.

Når de gamle talte om Sandhed, så mente de et fuldført tankesæt. Sandhed er logisk konsistent. Man kan ikke opnå denne konsistens, hvis man ikke har fuldført sin grammatik (hvad-hvem-hvor-hvornår), altså alt det, der er udeladt i mediernes præsentation af begivenheder, 2D-virkeligheden uden mål og mening.

Men de gamle mente også noget mere end logisk overensstemmelse. De efterstræbte en overensstemmelse mellem det objektive og den subjektive, den ydre og den indre virkelighed, hvor man havde fundet sin placering i livet og kendte det formål, der aldrig kan gives af andre. Jeg hører straks stemmer i baggrunden, der siger: Jamen i de gode gamle dage var det også meget nemmere, for verden var ikke så kompliceret. Jeg vil sige: Det er både rigtigt og forkert, og vi misser en vigtig pointe. I de ‘gode’ gamle dage understøttede samfundet overensstemmelse. I dag førsøger samfundet at ødelægge overensstemmelse.

Når nihilisten udsteder sin fatwah mod brug af begrebet sandhed, er det, fordi ordet anfægter vedkommende i sin værdiløshed. Når man ikke evner at fatte universelle værdier i overensstemmelse med en indre sandhed omsat til handlinger i det ydre, bliver et sådan forehavende til forbudt område, som andre derfor ikke må bekende sig til. Sandhed er dybt forstyrrende for et nihilistisk verdensbillede. Det nihilistiske korstog er en krigsførelse mod alt, der forstyrrer meningsløsheden.

Ridderens kodeks
Der er ingen ridderlighed i nihilistens korstog. Der var masser af riddere, men mindre ridderlighed i de egentlige korstog, der udspandt sig i middelalderens Europa og Mellemøsten i det store Clash of Civilisations, der prædaterede, hvad vi er vidne til i dag. Chivalry, konceptet om ridderlighed, er langt ældre end korstogene. Nøjagtig som i vor tids forløjede neo-korstog fandt der dengang en kapring af dyder (hijacking of virtues) sted. Det hed sig i hvervekampagnerne: I er alle syndere, men ved at stille jeres beredne færdigheder til rådighed for nedslagtningen af vantro i Palæstina, kan I sone alle jeres synder i ét hug – eller rettere: for hvert hug, der skiller en vantros hoved fra dennes krop.

Korstogene var genkomsten af et langt ældre fænomen med oprindelse i præantikkens Babylon: kombinationen af Usura-bankvæsen og dæmonkult personificeret af middelalderens mest indflydelsesrige gruppering: Tempelridderordenen. De havde så mange våbenføre mænd/riddere, bankfolk, skibe og ophobede hardcore-værdier, at de udgjorde en overstatslig magtfaktor uden sidestykke. De morfede efter korstogene under pres og genopstod som jesuitterordenen, der morfede videre som en vifte af fangarme i et globalt kontrolsystem: de illuminerede, de revolutionære, frimurerlogerne, zionisterne. Vi finder dem i dag i centralbankvæsenet sammenvævet med efterkommerne af venetianerne, hos de ‘atlantiske globalister’ og hos dem, som Paul Gottfried kalder for ‘præsteskabet i management-klassen’.

Begrebet ridderlighed blev hi-jacket af korstogs-filosofien. Æresbegreber blev politiceret. Dyder blev ideologiseret og patologiseret. I dag kender vi kun en afstumpet eller romantiseret udgave af det.

Findes der stadig begreber for ridderlighed og i så fald: hvor? Jeg har fundet det hos korstogenes vantro fjendebillede: Islam. Eller rettere i den spirituelle bevægelse, der er ældre end Islam, men som måtte opfinde en overlevelsesform indenfor islamisk kulturdominans: Sufismen. Det sufistiske begreb Futuwwa eller ‘heroisk generøsitet’er både et spirituelt begreb og et moralsæt for en ridder. Ridderlighed er sufiens vej. For dervishen betyder det generøsitet udvidet til selv-opofrelse; at give sit liv for en vens skyld.

Filosofien stammer fra en bog kaldet The Book of Sufi Chivalry – Kitab al-Futuwwa, der er en vigtigt tekst af al-Sulami fra det 10. århundrede. Det er en guide til heroisme hvor generøsitet, medfølelse, kærlighed, venskab, gæstfrihed og ret handling udfra disse dyder er et middel til spirituel udvikling.

Ridderen er hård ved sig selv og venlig overfor andre. Ridderen overholder et strengt moralsk kodeks uden at insistere på, at andre skal adoptere denne disciplinerede livsstil. Hvis du ønsker at påtage dig denne livsstil, så skal du gøre det, men lad for Guds skyld – og for menneskers og egen skyld – være med at prale af det og få andre til at føle sig små ved ikke at påtage sig samme strenge selvdisciplin og meningssæt. Lad i stedet folk blive inspireret, hvis de ser konsekvenser og gevinster derved. Således en af de helt store islamiske teologer og sufi-filosoffer al-Ghazali (Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī, 1058–1111).

Spirituel ridderlighed er uforenlig med tyranni. Ridderlighed ryster overherredømme i sin grundvold. Ridderlighed og tyranni er diametralt modsatte. Tyranni er en negering af ridderlighed. Hvad der er godt bliver til ondt i tyrannisk negering/regering. Hvad der er godt for tyrannen, er ondskab for folket.

Godt og ondt er ligeledes universelle værdi-begreber, som vi bør være forsigtige med, for de kan via deres rummelighed og universalitet korrumperes og omdefineres af tyranniet til at mene just det modsatte. Hvis tyranniet, den personificerede ondskab, den Onde, Djævelen, Satan – vi forstår, at de gamle skabte et billede for at kunne tale om det – skal gemme sig mest effektivt, skal det netop være i form af det Gode. Deraf ‘Vejen til helvede er brolagt med gode viljer’. Den er forførerisk. Uden et veludviklet moralsk kompas og en ligeså veludviklet skelneevne, opstår der omgående forvirring.

Vi lever i tider med maksimal forvirring, hvor de mange mennesker er uden moralsk kompas og dermed villige til at lade sig overtale til at mene og gøre ting, som de i et balanceret, sundt menneskeligt miljø ville have forsvoret. Vi lever i tider uden ære. Mennesker sætter ikke en ære i at tænke og handle på bestemte måder. De har lært sig selv – med hjælp fra anden hånd – at leve i en tilstand af dissonans og uoverensstemmelse. Begrebet pligt er stort set forsvundet. I stedet taler vi om ret, lyst og valgfrihed – selv når friheden til valg ikke findes. Begrebet ansvar er i tyranniets sprogbrug synonymt med duknakket følgagtighed og blind autoritetstro. Ansvar er herefter at gøre, hvad der bliver sagt og så ‘svare an’, når du bliver spurgt: Har du betalt skat til tiden, har du lavet regnestykker til i morgen? Unge computer-gamere spiller ‘Call of Duty’ (Pligtens Kald), hvor de som virtuelle Black-Ops-US-Military-Clones render rundt og nakker alle, der er ulydige mod Imperiet. Fjernsyn, medier, Hollywood og spil-industri har alle budt ind med aflivning af moral og etisk pligt.

Når sandhed mangler som komponent i det gode, det onde, æren, pligten og ansvaret, mangler det vigtigste, uden hvilket andre begreber går i opløsning.

Definér sandhed
Er det ikke svært? Overhovedet ikke. Men det kan være svært, hvis det ikke allerede bor i ens erfaringverden. Jeg kan ikke mærke det, ergo findes det ikke. Eller: Det har ikke været i fjernsynet for nylig, ergo findes det ikke.

Sandhed er hjerne med hjertestyring. Det er klarhed i tanken beskyttet af det livsfremmende element. Det er balance i maskuline og femine livskvaliteter, hvor det ene sæt forudsætter det andet.

Derfor er det egentlig ikke svært at vurdere, om der findes sandhed i ydre fænomener. Det bliver svært, hvis du overlader til andre at vurdere og videreformidle deres vurdering, som du så copy-paster og lukker ud af din egne mund. Det bliver i det hele taget svært, hvis der ikke finder et møde sted. Foran fjernsynsskærmen finder der aldrig et møde sted. Ikke-mødet er sat i system. Fjernsynskiggeren møder aldrig politikeren, politikeren møder aldrig fjernsynskiggeren (synonym for borger/vælger), hverken journalisten, terroristen eller politikeren møder ofrene for terror. Visse politikere mødes jævnligt med terrorister, men det er en anden historie (fx: senator McCain mødes uden at blinke med de værste scumbags i verden og lover dem masser af penge og våben). Medicinalfabrikanten møder aldrig medicinvraget, børsmægleren møder aldrig den konkursramte eller den hjemløse, dronepiloten møder aldrig efterkommerne af de døde i landsbyen, arkitekten møder aldrig beboerne i neo-slummen, landmanden og kemifabrikanten møder aldrig dem, der blev syge og udviser plejader af symtomer på kemisk forgiftning.

Når man fjerner mødet, skærer man årsags- og ansvarskæden over. Betragt derimod en hændelse. Spørg, om den er livsfremmende. Vurder effekten på længere sigt. Lad være med at i første omgang at spørge dem, der burde være ansvarlige. Bare spørg til det, du ser og det, andre med øjne i hovedet har set. Vend derefter tilbage til de, der burde have været ansvarlige. Forvent ikke svar, og godtag aldrig svar der ikke giver mening. Bliv ved med at spørge, selvom de ikke svarer.

Ser du derimod mennesker, der trives og mennesker, der har reel indflydelse på deres liv, findes der sandhed. Du er vidne til ægte bæredygtighed (et for tiden belastet ord), og tillykke med det! Vel vidende, at det modsatte af sandhed er løgn, som aldrig er bæredygtig og selvkørende, men skal opretholdes hver dag 24/7/365.

Hvilket umådeligt ressourcespild indgår der ikke i opretholdelsen af løgn? Jeg tør næsten ikke tænke på det.

I Michael Ende’s Den Uendelige Historie bruger filosoffen, der skriver børnebøger, begrebet ‘intetheden’ for det negerende princip, der destruerer verden. Princippet er entropien (termodynamikken), det eksploderende, selvdestruktive Univers, BigBang-fysikken, darwinismen og dens ideologiske følgesvend: eugenikken, olieindustriens paradigme, Usura-bankvæsenet og den evige forgældelse. I Ende’s historie er det en slags mytologiseret entropisk kraft, der ødelægger ‘Fantasien’.

Ende har en jungiansk, psykoanalystisk vinkel på begrebet. Hans case-study er hovedpersonen i fortællingen, drengen Balthazar Bux, fanget i en identitetskrise, der har med forældre-barn-komplekset at gøre. Han søger tilflugt i sin fantasi, der varer for en stund grundet sin fantastiske rigdom. Men den fantastiske mod-virkelighed er på et tidspunkt nødt til at vende tilbage og stå til ansvar i den forløjede såkaldt ‘virkelige’ virkelighed.

Ende’s genistreg er, at entropien, ødelæggelsen af verden kaldet ‘intetheden’, har et højere formål. Både virkeligheden og flugten ind i fantasien var forlorne – eller nødvendige. (U)virkeligheden nødvendiggjorde flugten til Fantasien, som aktiverede Intetheden, som fremprovokerede en tilbagevenden til virkeligheden og verden. Ringen sluttes på denne måde. Det er en jungiansk-mytisk healing-model. Balthazars quest er en ridders færd. Ridderens færd er en søgen af sandhed – et synkroniserings-projekt af indre og ydre virkelighed. Færden starter i dissonanans og ender i konsonans.

Ingen har beskrevet ridderens færd bedre end Joseph Campbell i sin klassiker: ‘Hero with a Thousand Faces’. Ridderen er helten, helten er ridderen. Historien er udødelig, fordi det er arketypisk. Alle må gå den vej, hvis de ikke vil forråde deres skæbne. Skæbne er en afart af ‘skabning’, du bliver nødt til erkende, hvorfor du er skabt.

Ridley Scott sætter ridderbegrebet på spil i sin monumentale film Kingdom of Heaven. Som Balthazar Bux i en voksen udgave sætter ridderen ud i en tilstand af rod, der er revet op af egen jord. Det særlige og fine ved filmen er dens belysning af ridderen i korstogets æra. De opponenter, han møder viser sig at være af højeste integritet. Islam opretholder æresbegreberne og ridderligheden, mens kristendommen for længst har perverteret dem. Eller rettere: kristensdommens indre fjender begik forrædderi mod egne idealer og blev i det første korstog både den moralske og faktuelle taber. Ridderen, den unge smed fra Sydfrankrig, afstår i fortællingen ikke fra sin vej og sit kodeks med holder ud, også da drømmen om Jerusalem bliver til Intethed. Efterfølgende og hjemvendt vælger han aldrig mere at vende tilbage. Da kaldet kommer – starten på det 2. korstog – står han ved sit liv som smed. Han har sonet sig selv og vundet sin dronning. Hvis du ikke har set filmen, er dette ikke en spoiler.

Når Ridley Scott er bedst, magter han at indbygge den arketypiske, heroiske fortælling i den menneskelige historie. Det lykkedes for ham i sit tidlige mesterværk Blade Runner. Det lykkedes på sær måde i Alien 1. De lykkedes næsten for ham i Gladiator. Og det lykkes fuldstændig i ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, der desværre er blevet en lidt overset film.
Chivalry – Truth and Nothingness

More False Flag Terror Coming – Pretext for Police State, Internet Restrictions, Martial Law and War

by ChaosNavigator 


Main article is here; one of the best compilations about the Charlie Hebdo attack anomalies and the context of false flag state terrorism that you can find on internet. In addition, some other important news about Russia, war, internet restrictions, and finally some future perspectives Charlie Screwed by False Flag – Don’t Be A Useful Idiot Before WW3 Breaks Out

Weekly updates below

Warning to all potential ‘useful idiots’:

NEVER forget: Governments ADMIT the use of false flag state-sponsored terror operations to manipulate populations and subvert countries 

 The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in MOST high-profile US terror plots’ – 2014

New York Times: Most Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT USA

Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
In the real world, statistics from a 2004 National Safety Council report, the National Center for Health Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and 2003 mortality data from the Center for Disease Control show: You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack. You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack. You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist..

Weekly updates:

26 january 2015 – Veterans Today
Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
22 january 2015 – The Telegraph

Europol ‘to be given new internet watchdog powers’
The EU is planning to give Europe’s police intelligence agency, Europol, new powers to become a European internet watchdog and censor, according to a secret policy document. The measures also include controls to have internet content removed as a key part of a Europe-wide response to terrorism after the Paris attacks two weeks ago.

22 january 2015 – EU Observer 
EU wants internet firms to hand over encryption keys
A top EU official wants internet and telecommunication companies to hand over encryption keys to police and spy agencies as part of a wider crackdown on terrorism. The EU’s counter-terrorism co-ordinator Gilles de Kerchove, in a document leaked by London-based civil liberties group Statewatch, says the European Commission should come up with rules that require the firms to help national governments snoop on possible suspects. 

22 january 2015 – Jay’s Analysis
Vindicated: Gladio B, Paris Terror & ISIS Fakery Admitted
On top of all this, the new boogeyman of rebranded Al Qaeda known as ISIS has been openly admitted today to be a scam from high level CIA and General Kevin Bergner.  Readers may recall my February 2013 article where I cited Bruce Riedel lecturing the Brookings Institute on false flags, as apparently the corporate head audience had never heard of this idea.  This demonstrates Riedel is not a nobody, but a veteran of the deep state who openly discusses false flags and the staged nature of ISIS.  The 2007 New York Times article “The Leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq was Fictional, U.S. Military Says,” states, via Zero Hedge

20 january 2015 – Wayne Madsen via SOTT

Charlie Hebdo’s Zionist agenda and its anti-Gentile alliesIn the wake of the terrorist attack against the French satirical newspaper «Charlie Hebdo», it has become apparent that the magazine’s editorial chiefs killed in the attack on its headquarters in Paris and groups such as FEMEN and Pussy Riot are all connected in a campaign to disparage Islam and Christianity.

19 january 2015 – Henry Makow
France’s First False Flag: The Dreyfus Affair

The Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906) traumatized and transformed France much like Charlie Hebdo is doing today. Edmund de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying. This aroused anti-Semitism so Jews would go to Israel, as is happening today. Later,  when the real spy, Esterhazy, a secret Rothschild agent, confessed, Jews were vindicated and Patriotic France disgraced.

19 january 2015  Goon Squad
Charlie Hebdo Attack: The Kouachi brothers died from CPS—Chronic Patsy Syndrome

18 january 2015 – 21st Century Wire
FULL THROTTLE: Anti-Terror Raids ‘Rolled Out’ After Paris Attacks Expose Western Fraud

18 january 2015 Global Research – by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
State Sponsored Terrorism: Who Was Behind the Charlie Hebdo Paris Attacks?

18 january 2015 – Refreshing News
Obama and Cameron’s ‘solutions’ for cybersecurity will make the internet worse

18 january 2015 – InvestmentWatch
Police State: Domestic Troops in the Streets of France, UK, Belgium and Ukraine

As many as 300 military will be stationed at locations like the U.S. and Israeli embassies in Brussels and NATO and European Union institutions, Reuters reports.

18 january 2015 – The Daily Mail
PETER HITCHENS: Don’t like the PC mob? Well now that makes YOU a terror threat

We are on the verge of founding Britain’s first Thought Police. Using the excuse of terrorism – whose main victim is considered thought – Theresa May’s Home Office is making a law which attacks free expression in this country as it has never been attacked before.  We already have some dangerous laws on the books. The Civil Contingencies Act can be used to turn Britain into a dictatorship overnight, if politicians can find an excuse to activate it.  But the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, now slipping quietly and quickly through Parliament, is in a way even worse. It tells us what opinions we should have, or should not have.

18 january 2015 – Washingtonsblog
Islamic State Has Tripled Its Territory In Syria Since U.S. Started Airstrikes (Just as US wanted it in the first place)

17 january 2015 – by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe

There are three videos. The first one repeatedly shows Coulibaly with tied hands containing no weapons shot down and killed when he could easily have been captured. It is as if the order was to make sure that there is no live suspect whose story might have to be explained away… The “mainstream” print and TV media parrot the official line and raise no unsettling questions. The independent Internet media is where real information is reported.

17 january 2015 NoDisinfo
Paris Terror Attacks were a Government Orchestrated Hoax, Says Local Paris Correspondent

 17 january 2015 – RT
NSA develops cyber weapons, ‘attacker mindset’ for domination in digital war – Snowden leaks
Mass surveillance by the NSA was apparently just the beginning. The agency is now preparing for future wars in cyberspace, in which control over the internet and rival networks will be the key to victory, documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal.
17 january 2015 RT
Charlie Hebdo fallout: Belgium deploys troops, UK raises terror alert to ‘severe’ –
Europe is in a state of high alert

17 january 2015 Global Research
“Je Suis CIA” 

Since 9/11, the imperial playbook has consisted of time-tested tactic: the false flag operation. Carry out or facilitate a spectacular atrocity. Blame it on the enemy of choice. Issue a lie-infested official narrative, and have the corporate media repeat the lie. Rile up militant crowds, stoke the hatred, wage war with the public stamp of approval.

17 january 2015 – The Daily Mail
Anti-terror chief tells police not to go out on the streets alone amid rising fears of a plot to murder an officer – as Met deploy hundreds more armed officers

Armed and ready: The equipment carried by some armed officers in London, here outside Horse Guards

17 january 2015 – InvestmentWatch

17 january 2015 – Zero Hedge
The Truth “Behind” The Charlie Hebdo Solidarity Photo-Op
French TV has exposed the reality of the ‘photo-op’ seen-around-the-world: the ‘dignitaries’ were not in fact “at” the Paris rallies but had the photo taken on an empty guarded side street.

17 january 2015
Charlie Hebdo: The hidden agenda (video)

17 january 2015 Global Research – By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Ruin Is Our Future
Neoconservatives arrayed in their Washington offices are congratulating themselves on their success in using the Charlie Hebdo affair to reunite Europe with Washington’s foreign policy.

17 january 2015 – WashingtonsBlog
Stunning Terrorism Statistics that Nobody Wants You to Know

16 january 2015 – The Guardian

Lavabit founder condemns David Cameron’s ‘insane’ plan to ban encryption
British prime minister David Cameron’s calls to stop tech firms from protecting their users’ information with encryption technology are “insane”, according to the man who once ran NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s secure email account.  Ladar Levison, founder of the encrypted email service Lavabit, made his comments as Cameron lobbied Barack Obama to press US technology companies to give law enforcement greater access to encrypted communications, following the deadly attack on the Paris office of the magazine Charlie Hebdo.

16 january 2015 Komsomolskaya Pravda via SOTT
Jean-Marie Le Pen to Russian newspaper: ‘Charlie Hebdo attack has the hallmarks of being a secret service operation’

16 january 2015 RT
Over 20 terror suspects arrested in massive ops across Belgium, France and Germany

16 january 2015 RT
‘Death to blasphemers’: Muslims protest new Charlie Hebdo cartoons across the globe

16 january 2015 Global Research
The Charlie Hebdo Paris Terrorist Attacks and the “Clash of Civilizations”
To the US, French and other Western powers who are anxious to justify their imperial policies of regime change in the Muslim world, the mindless Paris attacks must feel like manna from heaven, crocodile tears for the victims of the assault notwithstanding. The attacks are expediently utilized to justify not only the imperialist aggressions abroad but also escalate the police/security/intelligence 

16 January 2015 – Washingtons Blog
Authoritarians Use Paris Terror Attack As Excuse for Power Grab

January 16 2015 – Activist Post
Paris Shooting = Problem. Reaction. Solution.
David Icke covers how events like the Paris shooting are staged and used for a larger purpose that we see unfolding around us. Whether the event was complete theater or an actual terrorist murder spree is of no importance to the success of advancing the agenda.

16 january 2015 Global Research
The Escalating War on Islam. The Phony War On Terror

16 january 2015 Global Research
Paris Charlie: The “Shock Doctrine” par Excellence
On 12 January the French Parliament approved with almost unanimity – with one abstention only – the budget for France’s continuous and enlarged involvement in the new war on Iraq, a new war engagement led by Washington and supported by its vassals, UK, Canada, Australia and France. Aircraft carriers and troops were immediately mobilized, not even losing a day. Doesn’t that conspicuously smell of an earlier preparation, just waiting for that crucial and appropriate event, prompting parliamentary approval?  

January 16 2015
FBI Spoil Their Own Capitol Terror Plot to Sow Fear: “There Was Never A Danger to the Public”

January 15 Zero Hedge
What Will You Do When Government Tyranny And Terrorism Work Hand In Hand?
It is clear by the language being used by the political elite that the “global summit” called in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks is about far more than radical Islamic terrorism.
We do not need more government. We do not need more surveillance, more police militarization or more troops on the streets. What we need is to take back responsibility for own defense.

January 15 2015 Activist Post
A PATRIOT Act For Europe?

January 15 2015 RT
EU anti-terror alert: 2 suspects killed, 1 captured in Belgium raid

January 15 2015 Activist Post
FBI Thwarts Terror Plot on Capitol (That They Planned)

The FBI is at it again. Creating fake terror plots to justify their existence. And this plot hits on all the themes one would expect from a good fake terror plot.

January 15 2015 Global Research

Yes, the New Charlie Hebdo Cover is Offensive
Those who want to claim we are in the midst of a clash of civilisations have an easy time perpetuating their narrative. Just look at the very different responses to the new Charlie Hebdo cover.

January 15 2015 Global Research – By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Charlie Hebdo: Mystery Surrounding Death of French Policemen
Officially three police officers were killed  and were honored by president While the video footage aired on network TV has since been removed, the French authorities as well as the media have stuck to their fake story: Merhabet was shot to the head in the street close to Charlie Hebdo’s office .

January 15
2015 Sputnik News
Three Reported Killed and One Injured in Belgian Police Anti-Terror Raid

January 14 2015 – YouTube
The Rothschilds Own Charlie Hebdo?

January 14, 2015 The Mirror UK
Paris terror attacks: Did the French know about the planned atrocities in advance?
Secret service agents moved in to capture suspected Paris terror fixer Hayat Boumeddiene – 48 hours BEFORE the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

January 14, 2015 Activist Post

15 Signs The Charlie Hebdo Attack Was A False Flag

January 14, 2015 – Global Research, By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Characteristics of a False Flag Operation?
The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.

SOTT Comment: We can only agree with Paul Craig Roberts’ sentiments above. The public needs to start looking at history more objectively and realize that the world is rife with false flag operations used to control public opinion. It’s standard operating procedure, yet most people will deny it, simply because they do not want to believe their beloved leaders are capable of such action. It’s time to get over that illusion, and start looking at the world as it is. No one is going to save you, it’s up to you to liberate yourselves. 

14 january 2015 SOTT
Paris terror attacks: SOP for Western Intel agencies

January 14, 2015 Activist Post
Calls for an EU Superstate Intelligence Agency Follow Hebdo Attack…
As Planned

13 jan 2015 Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars
Economist: World Leaders Will Exploit Charlie Hebdo to Eliminate Encryption – ‘They will use this to strip us of all rights’.

Economist Martin Armstrong warns that the twin attacks in France will be used by world leaders to push for restrictions on Internet privacy and the total elimination of encrypted communications.  Armstrong, who correctly predicted the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, writes that, “They are using this latest event precisely as they used 911 to strip us of all rights.”

12 january 2015 RT
New online video shows Charlie Hebdo attackers shooting at police

13 january, 2015 Zero Hedge
Turkish President’s Stunning Outburst: The French Are Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mossad Blamed 

12 january 2015 Sgt Report
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo — A SGT Report micro-doc

13 january 2015 – Red Ice Creations
Man Who Filmed Terrorists Shooting Paris Cop Says He Regrets Sharing Video – Really? Wonder Why

12 january, 2015 21st Century Wire

‘JE SUIS HYPOCRITE’: Enemies of Press Freedom Hijack ‘Charlie’ in Paris

January 13, 2015 Washington Post
CNN won’t republish Charlie Hebdo cartoons, will republish al-Qaeda propaganda

Via Jim Stone – Did you miss this anomaly?
Don’t say it”s a ‘coincidence’ cause that is not an explanation! Please use the simplest logic that a 5-year old child is capable of: The second line wasn’t there from the start but appears in just 20 seconds!? From the video clip that was aired live on the international France 24 TV station:

                                  Take a look in front of the car. There is a marker line there. Some have said this is just a fluid leak but it is obviously not, because in the next frames we see the continuity error - another line magically appears on the road at a 90 degree angle. Fluid leaks will not do that, they are obviously painted lines being used as cue marks for where to put the car, and this terror scene was done in multiple takes. 

Take a look in front of the car. There is a marker line there. Some
have said this is just a fluid leak but it is obviously not, because in
the next frames we see the continuity error – another line magically
appears on the road at a 90 degree angle. Fluid leaks will not do that (and besides; it is in front of the right wheel, not parallel with the engine)
and not in they are obviously painted lines being used as cue marks for where
to put the car, and this terror scene was done in multiple takes. No 90 degree perpendicular line was there before they get out, check for yourself: 

In general, the sum of all anomalies in the Hedbo affair, the irregularities are too many , even if this single ‘fluid’-anomaly can be debunked. But of course there must be some “other explanation” to all the damning anomalies. What? Your cognitive dissonance? 

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

11 jan, 2015 Yahoo News
Internet Censorhip and Border Monitoring “Needed to Thwart Further Attacks” says French Minister

Red Ice Comment: Terrorism hits home. The establishment in Europe is jumping on the opportunity to make life more difficult for Europeans, as we are the ones who will be treated like terrorists. We have in the line up: More internet censorship, more surveillance at home and more funding for wars abroad that will lead to further intervention policies and attacks. Why not instead stop the failed multicultural experiment that has enabled such attacks to take place in the first place and then also back out of the middle east and stop funding terrorists groups in Syria and other countries. No instead the focus will turn inward, why? Because sadly, Europe have dropped their guards and let known terrorists back into the continent (Divide and Conquer)  Below is the story from AFP:

Comment on the Red Ice comment: It’s not the multicultural experiment that’s the cause per se but false flag state-fabricated and sponsored terrorperception management, mainstream media manipulation, and the lowered guard is deliberate, not ‘failed’ but a success in the eyes of the elites (with the help of useful idiots and ignorance) – all as pretext for pre-planned internet restrictions, criminalizing dissenters, ‘legitimizing’ more centralization of power and control, martial law and suspension of civil liberty rights, before the final economic collapse and wars expand = (New World) Order out of chaos. Predicted long time ago. Create the problems – let the unwitting brainwashed public respond as you wished for in the first place – and present the pre-planned ‘solution’. Exactly like Oklohoma, 9/11, 7/7, the Charlie Hedbo false flag, etc. was designed to do! One step at a time they will strip the naive masses of their freedom and usher in the draconian full-fledged new world order unless the majority of blissful ignorants and useful idiots wake up! 

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

January 12, 2015 Euronews
France boosts its domestic security by deploying 10,000 troops on the streets 
Smarting at criticism from some quarters that their security services dropped the ball over the Charlie Hebdo attacks, and failed to prevent them despite knowing about the authors beforehand, the French are stepping up security. Some 10,000 troops are being deployed to train stations, shopping centres, and areas of high pedestrian density.

January 12, 2015 The Independent UK
Paris march: TV wide shots reveal a different perspective on world leaders at largest demonstration in France’s history
Critics suggest images show dignitaries ‘didn’t lead march’ after all, but many still speak positively about display of global unity

View image on Twitter

January 11, 2015 The Express UK
SAS troops are now patrolling the streets of Britain as Al Qaeda warns ‘you’re next’ 

The elite Special Forces have joined counter-terror police and 1,900 Army personnel in the biggest security operation since the 2012 London Olympics. The news comes as Al Qaeda warned that France was only its third preferred target after Britain and the US.

January 11, 2015 RT
Paris massacre possible prelude to wave of Europe-wide attacks – media citing NSA    
The deadly events that unfolded in France over the last week may be the first in a wave of attacks to strike Europe, a German daily reports, citing NSA intercepts of communications between Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) leaders

12 jan 2015 RT
Up to 6 terror-cell members may be at large after Paris attacks – police

12 jan 2015 RT
Web of terrorism: Charlie Hebdo gunman’s mentor had links to UK and Abu Hamza

12 jan 2015 Activist Post
ISIS Just So Happens to Hack CENTCOM While Obama Is Announcing New Cyber Security Legislation? Could it really get any more convenient than this? 

11 Jan 2015 
Ain’t that the truth! 3 Million Brainwashed zombies and hypocrites

11 Jan 2015 Mondoweiss
The Moral hysteria and blindness of Je suis charlie

MUST WATCH Dieudonné and muslims vs French Jews on Muhammad Cartoons

January 12 Jan 2015 Press TV
Netanyahu under scathing fire over uninvited visit to Paris for rally
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has opened the floodgates of criticism by going uninvited to the rally in Paris held in protest at recent killings in the French capital.  Israeli media reported on Monday that France had asked the Israeli premier to stay away from the weekend solidarity march, but Netanyahu ignored the request.
“It was embarrassing, not to say disgraceful, to see Israel’s prime minister yesterday trying to push his way onto a bus that he was not supposed to board, making his way determinedly from the second row (where he was placed) to the row of leaders walking in front (which he took over), behaving in a mourning parade as in an election rally,” wrote the rightwing Maariv newspaper.

January 12 2015 Press TV
Hollande asked Netanyahu not to join Paris rally: Reports


Der Spiegel: Mikhail Gorbachev Warns of Major (Nuclear) War In Europe

Top Russian, American and Polish Leaders Warn that Continued Fighting In Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War

Must-read: The Road To War With Russia
The really bizarre part of this story is that I cannot yet find any credible analysis or commentary explaining exactly what the US’s compelling interests are in Ukraine, nor what the end goal might be. It’s all something of a mystery, compounded substantially by the fact that Russia can be a very powerful ally or enemy to have.  Why not choose ally? Why choose enemy?

The Guardian Finally Starts to Report the Truth about Ukraine’s War

We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions
Catastrophe occurs when too many people refuse to accept that around us always are two universes at work. There is the cold, hard reality that underlies everything. And on the surface is a veil of deceit and compromise. The more humanity compromises vital truths in order to enjoy the comfort of illusions, the more mind-shattering it will be when those illusions fall away. These two worlds can coexist only for short periods of time, and they will always and eventually collide. There is no other possible outcome.

Ron Paul: “Reality Is Now Setting In For America… It Was All Based On Lies & Ignorance”
We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize and resist this development, freedom and prosperity for all Americans will continue to deteriorate. All liberties in America today are under siege. Reality is now setting in for America and for that matter for most of the world. We should not be discouraged. Enlightenment is not nearly as difficult to achieve as it was before the breakthrough with Internet communications occurred.

By X22Report Central Banker propagandists push the idea that we’re in “recovery”.  Apparently retails stores closing, mortgage declines, record auto loan defaults and labor non-participation rate are all signs of recovery. Something’s brewing, prepare yourself wisely. Italy’s jobless rate is at all time highs and getting worse. Corporate media and government are convincing everyone that it is ok that Greece leave the EU. Greek’s are starting to make a run on the banks. Unemployment dropped to 5.6% with more people unemployed. Baltic Dry Index drops again, showing manufacturing is imploding. Obama pushes new agenda, free 2 year community college. US boosting military capacity in Europe. The false flag terrorist brothers have been killed. The Islamic State is taking credit for the attacks. Al-Qaeda/Islamic State is now threatening UK, Germany and the US with mass casualties. Be prepared for more false flag events.

Written in 2008-2012:

We don’t know the future but if things keep heading the way the Western elites want, then logic dictates that these 4 scenarios will converge in the same short period of time (the 5th on top of all this might be a another false flag as the crucial catalyst) particularly when the petro-dollar reserve currency starts to topple fast – they need war as another smoke screen and muddy waters at the breaking point of no return:

Prognosis for the forseeable future –  4  scenarios will converge simultaneously:   

* Wars and Invasions expand suddenly (Middle East, Ukraine, Asia, etc.)   

* Internet Breakdowns/Killswitch – multiple servers/websites being taken out (already happened and is ongoing) – internet restrictions in effect, dissidents censored, etc. 

* Economic Breakdown scenarios, Bond Crash, Stock Market Crash, etc. 

* Draconian State measures take effect, Martial Law, individual freedom restricted, much more surveillance and (further) loss of Civil Liberty Rights  

And the counter scenario following:  

* Huge global resistance and protests against the war and the biggest demonstrations for peace the world has ever seen 

* Innnovation and bypassing of internet-restrictions, Deep Web, Darknet, rerouting, protests, etc.

* Innovation of local currencies, Bitcoin, barter, self-suffiiciency, solar, city farming, biodomes, decentralization, free energy, 3D printers, etc. 

* Civil disobedience and courage, millions of NGO’s, activists, underground,  protests, breakdown and exposure of governments, etc.

Dee Hock: (Dee Hock is a visionary philosopher and the inventor of the VISA credit card, the founder and former CEO of Visa International):
“I think we’re on the knife’s edge where we’re going to undergo cataclysmic institutional failure. We have it all over the world. Look at some of the countries that are in a state of perpetual starvation and revolution; there’s just no present institutional structure capable of dealing with societal complexity and diversity with anything other than more centralization of power and increasing violence and force. So we’ll have one of two possible scenarios. The first would be
that we’ll have a massive series of institutional failures, social anarchy, and enormous societal and biological carnage
  —far more than we now experience — and then maybe out of that will emerge these new concepts. But I think if we do experience massive institutional failure, the first thing that will emerge, before we see the new forms, is almost total centralization of power and control, which will result in a widespread loss of liberty and freedom
[2015?]. That will last for a while,but it ultimately will not work, much like the Soviet Union. And when that collapses, then we’re in for a second period of social carnage that will be

                – Dee Hock, interview-excerpt, 2002
More False Flag Terror Coming – Pretext for Police State, Internet Restrictions, Martial Law and War

Charlie and The Grand Bordello

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by morton_h, the blogger
This is not a blog about pedophile rings involving billionaires, Harward professors, catholic priests, British entertainment, British politicians or Prince Andrew. It is about a kind of prostitution, that does not necessarilly involve kinky subjects, but feeds on the same mechanisms of human abuse.

Nor is it an obscene parody of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, although certain chocolate barons can be smelled baking cookies backstage.

Who are the pimps and who are the prostitutes?

But it does have to do with the rule of political pimps, the Pornocracy of the World today.

Today’s news:

  • French satirical magazine publishes a stack of not very talented drawings in the style of the equally primitive doodlings published in Danish newspaper, Jyllandsposten, in 2005.
  • Massacre in Paris. Three men killed twelve civilians, nine were the employees and cartoonists at the magazine + two policemen. Some say a total of 20 dead.
  • The action is professionally done by people who then are immediately connected with a Muslim terrorist and linked with ISIS – which is likely to be corrected to al Qaeda, as they are probably trained in Yemen – which you can not read / hear in the media. Whether you call it one or the other, is a matter of taste and faily irrelevant. A common term would be: CIA-NATO-assets. 
  • A video recording shows a policeman on the street being shot with an AK47, but a closer look shows, that the bullitt does not hit the man but the pavement, there is no blood at all, and the man moves hereafter. Questions are raised, whether the whole scenario or parts of it is staged or totally false like the Boston Bombings and the Sandy Hook school shootings, where no deads have been documented. 
  • An ID card is ‘forgotten’ in the car together with molotows and jihaddist flags. Professionals do not do that. Shoutings of ‘Allah hu Akbar’. Jihaddists terrorists don’t do that in the middle of a terror act. 

And quite a few other anomalies. You will find lots of plausible interpretations of all the details and circumstances on the net. Instead of going into all that, let’s broaden the picture and track some patterns on the global stage.
In the Western media all deeper context is unwanted and de-facto forbidden! 

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]

We see yet another repetition all the usual centrifugal spin in the media, babbling politicians, journalistic halfbrains without the ability to interpret geopolitics together with sensation events, lack of history, detached sound bites, text-bites, info-bites from a demented disinfo culture, childishness, surface, quarter-truths in perfect harmony with vertical lies, propaganda, media fabrications, lack of substance, 2D reality. Add a whole bunch of hypocrazy and fake empathy. We can be sure of one thing: when all the media in the West is running one particular story in one particular gear, these are parts of a particular well organized and centrally coordinated mental manipulation.

Your brain is subjected to a frontal (lobe) attack, so take your helmet on!

Note here, that the concept of intelligencerather be pronounced shaping, editing or executing when intelligence for these entities is merely a preliminary stage and a tool for coercions, political assassinations, terrorist attacks, coups, manipulations, mind control, financial hitman actions against governments or people, wars, interventions. It’s a hybrid of banking, mafia and geopolitics with a bad edge.

Note also that in the same hour they start to yell up on freedom of expression, censorship is introduced somewhere else in the building. 

Muslim terrorism?
Media shouting about Muslim terrorism because Muslim / Arab names are being mentioned. But is this, what’s going on?

Back in the 70s we saw a series of geopolitical terrorism. The murder of Aldo Moro, the Bologna bombing. We know it as Operation Gladio. We also know that it was a NATO operation and therefore also a Pentagon operation. We know also, it later became the standard for deep-politics or militarized geopolitics, and that today is a regular part of the program to rule the world through terror.

The purpose of these Gladio operations was to maintain the blocks, then West East, today … West East – nothing new here. Together with a constant level of fear. When the Soviet machine had done its dirty work to destroy Germany – meaning not only Nazism but Germany as a country and as a people, Communism had to be stopped before it flooded the rest of Europe. This was Stalins original plan before the German launched a preventive attack on them. Therefore, certain stay-behindcells were formed, that were later utilized to murder people in spectacular ways – civilians, like random passersby, women, children, nuns and old aunts were good material, so there could be mobilized popular reaction against the Evil Empire of the East. A label which was not entirely wrong as we know, but populations of the West had meanwhile forgotten how their own leaders had – excuse the lingo here – sucked cock on Josef Stalin, because he joined the Allies in their destruction of Germany and its people.

The site for a Gladio 1 operation
Aldo Moro was murdered because he would bring the Communists in coalition with the Christian Democrats. Need we say that the Pentagon and NATO also means the CIA? What could Aldo Moro’s project have meant? It could potentially have meant a lot to the world. Some had hoped for a de-stalinisation of Communism, but that is probably a naive thought when a sick seed as a rule can not become a healthy tree. Communism was all wrong from the beginning, and it went exactly as conceived. 

The point is, that the Italian and European Communists would have to be kept from power by demonization. The terror attacks were to be smeared onto the left wing groups. In the early ’90s, the original Gladio network was officially admitted by the corrupt, mafia ex-president Paolo Andreotti. When you search on Gladio and Andreotti also seach for P2 Lodge, the Italian deep-state club. Gladio was the implementing agency for the CIA-infiltrated think tank of Italian magnates, politicians and other people interested in the strong-arm of their country.

Geopolitical terrorism has continued unabated since, and they did not just go for train stations. They thought big, and they still do. A recent example is the destruction of Libya. It was conducted by a coalition of France, USA, England + various hang-outs including small-stupid-Denmark + a small group of other cocksucker-states like the Netherlands and Norway – with Israel and Saudi Arabia as backstage pimps and pushers. 

This is the big geopolitical brothel!

But what happened in Norway? They said: Now we stop with Libya! We do not like it anymore.
And what happened then with Norway then? They got a freaking Breivik, now that will teach the naughty children how to behave! 

Sarkozy and the Black Adder

In France in 2012 there was a predecessor to the recent terrorist event. Since Sarkozy re-elected, we saw a person named Mohammed Merah attack a Jewish school and get a lot of attention to it. He drove around on a scooter and shot away at people. He managed to do three attacks. The material about him was suppressed by the police – which Sarkozy government controlled at that time (or the other way around or somone controlled both, which ever way you like it). But according to ‘the manual’ he was shot before he could reveal anything about his principals.
The philosophical Black Adder
You may find the French adder in the picture-collage above?
Sarkozy ‘philosophical’ adviser is called – and is still is to today as Sarkozy goes for a comeback: Bernard Henri-Levy, his Black Adder, his Grima Wormtongue, the Zionist spin doctor, hi-society playboy and so-called philosopher who whispered in the ears with his ophioglossum that France should take the lead in destroying Libya. And so they did. The suggestion had arrived from the Israeli pimp-and-pusher backstage area, because Gaddafi was a major thorn in the eye for Middle East dictatorships as well as for Western oligarcy. Saudi Arabia ordered the dirty action and paid for it with their oil-trillions – and Libya’s gold reserves to take for free afterwards. They payed themselves with the West being silent about Saudi slaughtering of oppositions in the Gulf states, Bahrain for example. We must also remember to call the former president by his full name: Nicolas Sarkozy Wisner. His stepfather with the same surname was a CIA agent. And who could benefit from the recent terrorist act? Indeed Sarkozy, who lines up on the side to come back as president.

Mohammed Merah was shot before he could talk. May we guess that the same will happen with the fugitives Kouachi Brothers, that have been linked to the recent terrorist attacks. Some claim, that it already happened, but such claim are always covered with mist and can not be verified. Also remember that Gaddafi was murdered before he could speak. And be assured, that this guy would know and speak all sorts of compromizing stuff about his enimies. The same with Saddam Hussein. The same with bin Laden (all of them). Whether it is hi-level patsies or low-level patsies or whether, as with Gaddafi, they refuse to be a patsy (a pet boy – as former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, say-no-more), they were murdered. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Martin Luther King was assassinated. JFK was assassinated. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Benazir Bhutto … and especially, quite particular: the patsies who murdered them, so they could not tell who ordered the assassinations. We see loads of murders / fake suicides and ‘disappearances’ after the Olof Palme murder, after the Estonia sinking, after 9/11, after the Oklahoma bombing, after the 7/7 bombings* in London. We have also seen shredding of material of evidence like with the Bengazi-event, where Hillary Clinton was rather, shall we say, instrumental i the killing of an ambassador (who was not really an ambassador) in and embassy (that was a CIA facility). 

There is a long, proud tradition for political assassination. Twenty important state leaders were assassinated as a prelude to the first World War to ensure that the war was possible. All were they either potential opponents of the war or opponents of the British Empire. Breivik they didn’t have to assassinate, because he is in lifelong custody and will never speak to anyone, and because he was more the Manchurian Candidate MK-Ultra type, that was totally mindcontrolled. Convenient insanity based on trauma. When you learn about his mother, you know that this guy was really fucked.

Convicted as deserved.
But who were never convicted?
Merah was an agent of the French intelligence service / coercion service / exectution service, and the whole affair smells of patsy-dirty-work. He was hired by Interior Minister Claude Guéant and Bernard Squarciny, head of DFT, later DCRI, the French equivalents to the FBI and CIA. They were his handlers, a patsy always has handlers. He was a French counterpart to Lee Harvey Oswald. He had nothing to do with the planning of the murders, and he was killed before he could tell about who had given the orders for him to follow. This is a classic script for an intelligence operation and subsequent cover-up. One can really wonder that these patsies never read books. They could easily read about what’s going to happen to them shortly after they have carried out their killings. They can not be the brightest intellects. Which means that they have been selected because they never read books but simply do what is being told. We are talking about people who’s motives are stronger than their doubts: the smell of money or the sense of I’m a bad motherfucker agent playing with the real important bad boys! They are broken people, who’s self esteem depends on this feeling of importance. Probably adrenalin junkies. Fanatics are most wellcome also. Before WW1 the Empire hired Anarchist fanatics. After WW2 they hired fascist fanatics. Now they hire Muslim fanatics. Moreover a bunch of actors, that never would get a role in a proper feature film.

And lo-and-behold: right after Paris the police in Belgium supposedly shot two ‘suspected jihaddists’. You don’t know whether to cry or to laugh. Belgium is the headquater of terrorism in the World, since it is headquarter of NATO!
NATO – historien om en terrrororganisation
a long blogpost in Danish about 50 years of NATO terrorism.
Also see:

The hollow speech 
An outcry is now raised about freedom of expression. Can it be more political correct? For example, Sony Pictures now claims to speak freely about a murder on the North Korean president with a thinly veiled call for someone to actually do it. Why Sony? Because the company is close pasted up by the American paramilitary organization or think-spin-tank, the Rand Corporation. They are both seated in Santa Monica, California, and Amy Pascal has been on the board of Rand, now she is director of Sony Pictures. Her father worked in Rand’s finance department throughout his life. When they did this inflamed movie, The Interview (a lousy movie, some say), they contacted af guy called Bruce Bennett from Rand Corp, whose specialty happened to be the overthrow of the North Korean regime. And his scenario it can only be done by ‘removing’ their supreme leader.

With such an organization poluting the minds of movie audiences, and with the mega-hype that has been around the movie, it’s a serious matter. You cheer and yell that now have the truth prevailed and freedom of expression as well, while in reality being sold a secret intelligence operation. Especially liberals with brain full of potato mash can not get enough of all the kind, as long as it appears to be politically correct.

The ‘progressive’ magazine
Charlie Hebdo, the French magazine, a tradition dating back to Voltaire, and which sets itself up as freedom, truth and free, critical speach. The magazine has its roots in the 60s and was part of an anti-de Gaulle setup. This legendary president was a particular headache for the British and the Americans, because he refused as a nationalist to obey them, as they expected. Whether they had fingers with the creation of the magazine at that time is unknown but very conceivable and a standard way to do it.

The phenomenon of the Muhammed Cartoons was no coincidence. This thought was conceived and introduced at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Rotach at Munich in the summer of 2005. Present were a Danish newspaper editor and a prime minister of Denmark. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, that had lied to the Danish population together with Bush and Blair about WMD in Iraq, and for that and other ‘services’ to the global Establishment was rewarded with the post as general secretary of NATO. Shortly after we see the provocation being put in the water with loud singing of the anthem ‘O, Holy freedom of expression’. The purpose of the provocation was to recruit Europe in the war, that Dick Cheney and the neo-con gang had planned against Iran. Now you can see how hostile Muslims go against the West, so now we are at war again! Anything new this time?

Political satire can be fun. Voltaire could also be quite entertaining. Even satire including Muslims should be possible. And Jews – but try to do that in France, and you will see pathetic outcries and zionist terrorism immediately. The same in other countries to some extend. First of all you will see the standard offer role put forward. You will see whining, whimping, weaseling and warnings. Warnings with embedded threats. You will constantly hear the word anti-semite. The latter, of course, will have to be translated to anti-zionist, since it is the zionists who are the real anti-semites, since they hate all semitic speaking people exept themselves (301.000.000 Arabic speaking people). Add to this all the non-Arabic speaking muslims. Add to that all black jews expelled from Israel and people with black skin generally. Add to that the rest of the non-jewish population of the world called goyim. You end up with the undisputedly most racist people on Planet Earth calling other people racists!

The zionist lobby has been influential in France. This Charlie-thing is something else than what we see on the surface. Mentioning Voltaire, there do exist a group called Voltaire Network led by Thierry Maison. He knows France very well and says, that doing a stunt like this in a country with a large Muslim minority can only be done for creating serious trouble. There are lots of immigrants from Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, and especially the Algerians or their families have experienced very unpleasant things under French colonial rule. It can be seen only, says Maison, as an attempt to start a civil war in France. And as you may be aware of, civil wars are never initiated by civilians nor do they benefit civilians. Someone has pissed in the anthill.

NATO disciplining
This is where the geopolitical implications enter the area. There is an ongoing disciplining of the NATO alliance. We saw it when Norway announced, that they would not bomb Libya any longer, and moreover mentioned that they would recognize a Palestinian state – then they got Breivik, who along with a bewitnessed but never identified and centainly never arrested other man (his handler?) shot away at social democrat’s / government leader’s children at their political holiday camp. The message is dramatically obvious you would think. The media carefully avoided to do any obvious connections.

But what has France done wrong in relation to NATO? It really should not be difficult for a gifted journalistic commentator to come up with. But either it is a dry season for such ‘gifts’ in the West, or journalists are shit scared of losing their jobs or their heads – figuratively or literally. The murder of Michael Hastings has shown that certain powers do not go out of the way of executing journalists, just as they currently are busy murdering bankers, who have come close to some of the ‘black’ bank transactions link closely with the CIA and their post-WW2 shadow banking system. You know the huge black hole in the World Economy that money seem to be sucked into in order for every country in the World to be i debt.

President Hollande, who is normally a puppet of US domination policy and gladly puts French soldiers eg the US Africom Operation, said recently in an interview that it was time to stop these excruciating sanctions against Russia. Lately, he has been unpopular in France by not carrying out socialist policies, so he might have decided to try something like that. Or has he just been reminded by people in his administrative apparatus that France actually has a tradition of being independent, and that they can say NO and have done so with authoritative punch down through history. Recently he had a meeting with Vladimir Putin at Charles de Gaulle Airport, a kind of fly-by-meeting, where we of course do not know what they were talking about. But a week later he comes out speaking his opinion. And what does he get in return? He gets a Charlie freaking Hebdo!Meaning: This is what we release on your country if you fail to abide by the NATO-discipline! Another parallel to the Norway-Stoltenberg-Breivik complex is that Hollande recently happened to mention recognition of a Palestinian state. Ring a bell? Terrorism is a useful instrument in turning mass opinion in a short time.

Now would a civilized state like Israel perform terrorism? How can anyone but the brainwashed dinosaur media and their most braindead readers doubt that? You need not study the forming of the State of Israel, the Zionist settlers, the behaviour towards their neighbours, their view on other people on the planet and their Holocaust in Gaza right now to see, that terror was in the very core of Israelian policy from the beginning til now. 

A whole series of terrorism events bear heavy fingerprints of Israeli Mossad. Israel’s terrorbombing and false flag on USS Liberty during the 6-days War. Japan starting to critizise Israel and then: Fukushima! Israeli security company responsible for the Fukushima plant – as also the London Subways, as WTC. Israeli terror attack on Iranian nuclear facility with Stuxnet virus. Israeli terror attacks in Egypt (the Lavon affair), where the Israeli agents even were caught with bomb, that didn’t blow off. Israeli terror in Argentina when Kristina Fernandes oppose Zionist bankers from Wall Street. Israeli terror against Syria – they let a dirty bomb go off outside Damascus! And Malaysia deeply insulted Israel by holding an independant tribunal i Kuala Lumpur convicting among others Israeli presidents as war criminals committing crimes against humanity! And what happened? Three airplanes from Air Malaysia fell out of the sky!

But Russia! Here one might claim, that EU and NATO is not the same, and that it was the EU which imposed trade sanctions against Russia, not NATO. But it will be just as mistaken as to claim that the Pentagon and the US government and thus American foreign policy are different sizes. Trade war and hot war are always a direct extension of each other. They ARE the same, though the ammunition is different. You can also turn it around and say that the EU has become a belligerent power, and that NATO leads foreign policy, whatever way you want. In a World where Everything is Upside Down, it makes it’s own perverted kind of sense.

Did he really say that?
The latest developement, jan 11th – Hollande makes an interesting statement on television:

Those who have committed these actions, these terrorists, these illuminati, have nothing to do with Islam. (‘Ceuc qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illumines, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien a voir avec la religion Muslim’)

‘Illumines’ is the French word for the Italian word ‘Illuminati’. This is hardly a coincidence, and probably the first time in a very long time, that a leader of a state uses that word. I believe, that the Founding Fathers of America knew it also. It is referring directly to the Jacobite subversive fanatics that were behind the French revolution. From Bavaria and England they had deep ties to the equally subversive Jesuits with their goal as the corruption and destruction of all nations and all governments. And how do they tie into later Zionism? Every Jesuit general of this militant cult, that’s what it is, have been a socalled Crypto-Jew, descendants of Jews that were converted to Christianity in Spain at the time of the Jew and wannabe Knights Templar, Loyola. You will be very surprised to learn, how many of the (worst!) men and women in power have been raised by Jesuits. As the Jesuit, Cardinal Richelieu said: ‘Give me the child at seven, and he is mine the rest of his life’.

The Jesuit cult is a Death Cult with its roots all the way back to Babylonian demonism, what we would call satanism today. And now we have a Jesuit pope with a dirty record from the Dirty War in Argentina. What dirty contributions does he have for the World yet? Note also, that one of the only countries, from where the Jesuits have been expelled is: Russia. Due to the Orthodox Church that knew, what these sleek servants – or rather infiltrators of the Vatican stood for.

The term Illuminati, that has become sort of a hollow clichée and much abused among concpiracy freaks, then does apply to these groups, that also count the Freemason groups from the Grand Orleans lodge, that was part of Britisk King Edward VII’s network organized the arise of the First World War.
For in-depth see: Webster Griffin Tarpley

So we are never far from a Jewish fingerprint in any case. Remember, that a Jewish market was attacked in Paris. In Belgium a Jewish museum was attacked some years ago just before an election – strange how these event coincide with political events, where voters and opinions can be moved. Like the Merah incident. 

And what happened right after Paris? The psychopath, Netanyahu, showed up uninvited and forced his way to the front row among hypocratic European politicians posing in front of the cameras. His rhetorical claim is now, that France is an insecure place for Jews and that they should all migrate to Israel, making Aliya in Hebrew term. And how hypocritical isn’t that, knowing how Israeli Jews, mostly Azkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe, have treated the Sephardic Jews? Most french Jews have a background from Northern Africa.

So why would Israel campaign to push mass emigration to Israel? Because they have a population problem. Israelis don’t make enough children. Therefore there will not be enough young men and women to serve for the huge army, the country needs to bully their neighbours and to maintain the zionist-appartheit military state. And they don’t have enough skilled craftsmen to fix their electricity and plumbings, aso. The new Sephardic emigrants may soon find out, that it is easier to start a pizza-shop than to make a career in elite-jobs in Israel. Apartheit is also internal among Jews, and they have always been second hand citizens.
 Years ago we saw a huge mass emigration of Jews from Russia and the Baltic, about 1 million. They were used to push the borders of Israel even further. And ‘used’ is the right word, because mr. Netanyahu don’t give a shit about these people except for their usability to zionist policy. This Azkhanazi guy truly hates the Separdic Jews. Decades ago experiments were made with 100.000 Sephardic children in Israel to test their reactions to high doses of radiation! They were called the Ringworm Children, and they later, no surprise, developed cancer. Looking back in history, Jews have been mistreated the most by other Jews (the Big Jews versus the Small Jews). Eugenics has never been foreign to Jews, but as many other features with these people it was smeared onto the Nazis. We know for sure, that the Azkhenazi-Jewish Rockefeller-foundation financed eugenic experiments and policies from the early 20th century and on.

Some years ago there used to be about 500.000 Jews in France. Since then 100.000 have chosen to move either to USA or Israel. So how convenient is not a series of terror attacks on Jews (performed by people hired by Jews?). How convenient is not mass emigration from The Middle East and North Africa to France – an the whole of Europe – to create tensions and conflicts? Howe convenient is not th double purpose of Aliya-busting and destruction of European culture at the same time. We cannot underestimate the deep hatred Azkhenazi-Jews have for the countries that caused them so much trouble. Or the countries they caused so much trouble, depending on how you look at it (eg. the era of Jewish Bolsjevism).

Greece moves on
Several agendas seem to cross-over – back to the NATO-track. If Norway faltered in the nefarious alliance against Libya, followed the Netherlands, Denmark and all the others? Cannot have that. If France falters in the equally nefarious alliance against Russia, follow who? Cannot have that. Germany is in deep doubt with extensive trade relations with Russia. Several Eastern European countries are uncomfortable with it, but they just came into the EU and still have the advantage of it – as long as it lasts. Southern European countries have less and less reason to be loyal to the Union, for they have been robbed by the European Central Bank and the IMF.

Greece, for example, is on the way to an election in which they are almost on their way out. Almost, since this is just a newspaper-headline-misunderstanding. The Syriza party and Alexis Tsipras have actually not said that they will opt out of the EU, but give the EU severe resistance from the inside. The main application of the party is anti-austerity – austerity understood as masochistic self-chosen poverty because of indebtedness – an indebtedness, which is mostly criminal. The Greeks have messed up in the previous decade, but the real crime is not their messing up, but the IMF, the ECB and Goldman Sachs severely exploiting the situation. They were meant to and seduced to mess up. The withdrawal from the EU or the Euro-zone was a demagogic opinion of Angela Merkel, who twisted the message in that direction. It was more like a hidden threat that Greece be announced, if they decided to vote for the ‘wrong’ party. Germany and Deutsche Bank earn a lot of euro on the Greek indebtment.

Just to clarify: the Greeks screwed up. They let themselves be enchanted by the Greek oligarchs, the approximately 10 families that control Greece. It was the same families who inserted the fascist junta in the 60s-70s, who decades later let Goldman Sachs in to destroy the country’s economy. Tsipras has promised – just as Putin did to the Russian oligarchs – to be tough in the clinch. No more free lunch, no more free broadcast licenses to the rich, anti-tax policy, no more gift rain to banks, a fight in the EU in the form of confrontation with austerity ghouls, Cameron and Merkel and demands for – at least – half of the grotesque usury debt, that was forced upon them.

When I paid the bill at a Greek restaurant recently, I casually asked the waiter about what happened with Greece after the upcoming election? First of all he was surprised that someone bothered to take an interest in his native country’s and people’s fate. He said he sincerely hoped that the election went to Syriza that there were 10 families who ruled the country, the EU could go to hell, and – with a twinkle in his eye – that people over 40 years should be denied the right to vote, and that there were some politicians and journalists who should be dumped in the harbor, although it probably would be counted for as pollution of the Mediterranean.

I commented – also with a twinkle in his eye – that he was a hard-hard man. I didn’t disaggre, I only would modify the means a bit. He asked why there were no more people who thought like me? I knew exactly why he said that. He simply had met the pampered, uninformed Danes uttering: ‘It is the lazy, corrupt Greek’s own sake, and now they are into deserved trouble’. Charming. This is the Dane, who has seen so much television that his brain has become a 1920 x 1080 pixel full HD flat screen with remote control.

Danish TV brain
The French-Russian Connection
France recently sold two large Mistral warships to Russia, a kind of modern plane carrier warships, super-hi-tech of course. But the embargo against Russia has put the deal to a halt and the ships never came out of the yard. Not good for the French national budget, which is already not feeling well. Actually disastrous for the entire French shipbuilding industry. But in his interview Hollande says that Putin has assured him that he did not want to annex Ukraine and added, that sanctions should be lifted, if progress was made, that is. Unfortunately, we know that the Americans will do everything to prevent progress and escalate the conflict. Furthermore he quoted Putin for saying that Russia wants to have influence, so that Ukraine does not fall into the hands of NATO.

Those who have a historical memory in addition to a few years will know, how NATO has consistently broken all the promises that were given by the lifting of the Iron Curtain and has expanded its war territory with one, the second and the third country ever since. This while the Warshaw Pact has long since been abandoned. Why is the purpose of NATO then? Does anyone believe, that NATO is any longer what it calls itself: a defense alliance? Do we need to say that the fall of the Iron Curtain and formaltermination the Cold War only meant further boost to America’s megalomania, since they could now thought itself to be a uni-lateral power in a mono-polar power world.

So the US has now turned terrorist weapon against France – is the claim substantiated in the above. The media fail miserably – need we say of course? – to see the connections. In this as in all other cases of terrorism and political assassination we are served the story of the lonely madman who on his own bleeding hand and out of the thin blue one day happens to go crazy because he had a bad childhood, had been seduced by some evil mullahs, or due to an upset stomach. Or it is rotated so now we surely hate all Muslims and people with brown skin, who in turn surely must hate all people with white skin. After which we the next moment surely must love all Muslims and people with brown skin, not being touted as racists. After which … Confused? You also will be in the next episode of S.O.A.P.

Americans know that they can anytime have a peaceful deal with the Russians. They just need to recognize that – and we can without blinking add, of course – there is a legitimate Russian sphere of influence in neighboring countries that are so close to Moscow / Kremlin, and that Russia is within its rights to protect itself, because Russia of course, can not live with actively hostile neighbors in the clutches of Aggression Pact, NATO. Even the old war mongerer, Henry Kissinger, tried to tell that to his country’s administration.

An interesting twist in the tail is that the new NATO General Secretary is the same Stoltenberg, who hesitated in Libya War and who’s country, Norway, got a Breivik. We may even speculate to what extent he was aware of or even accomplices in Breivik affair. Or just ignorant on a higher level? An affair, which also landed in the media with the stereotype of the lonely madman with no connection to anything or anyone. As Ole Dammegaard, Danish-Swedish journalist (the man who solved the Olof Palme murder in 900 pages: Coup d’Etat In Slowmotion), author and tireless researcher describes in his comparative analysis of political assassinations and acts of terrorism: this is simply the template for these events. It’s the same pattern, the same backstage actor, the same media spin, the same yield for same people, always-always. Never change a tactics when it works.

The Paris Attacks do fall in line with the main trend of politically motivated assassinations and terror events going back decades and centuries. You may want to check out this article by Ole Dammegaard on Veterans Today
called Unexpected links in the murders of JFK, John Lennon and Olof Palme. It is by the way very interesting, that especially among US war veterans you will find a growing awareness of the huge deception and abuse, that they themselves have been victims of.

Jan. 15th – five days in writing – there will be talks in Kazakhstan, where Putin will meet with NATO-IMF puppett Poroshenko, neo-fascist from the coup in Ukraine, where also Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande have announced their arrival. Hollande says, as mentioned, that the condition for his participation is the opportunity to make progress. Hollande has therefore on the one hand been told by Putin that it is actually possible to progress. While at the same time he got a Charlie, that tells him, that this kind of progress he may well forget about in a hurry.

Is that smoke coming out of your brain, Mr. Pornoshenko?

In Hollande hinterland, worm tongue Bernard Henri-Levy – say the name Levy and you may know both the personality and the Agenda – now demands that France again and on its own intervene in Libya. Now again! But Hollande would not do this as would the Sarkozy government. This must be properly understood. If Hollande wanted it, he would certainly not hesitate to do it. In his reign, France has intervened in Ivory Coast, Mali and in a number of the countries that form the Sahel / Sahara / Maghreb belt in North and West Africa. It is the old French colonial sphere and has now become French neo-colonial sphere. Libya under the Gaddafi guaranteed a great stability in the region, and therefore Gaddafi was removed with France as a major player, whereby the stability was destroyed. Imperialism can only thrive in a acidophilous of instability and chaos, and this indeed has arrived in Libya! It was almost convenient for Hollande that his political opponent did that piece of dirty work before him. This is how block-policy-post-democracy works. The other block is supposedto do the dirty work, that your block cannot have on its hands, but could not be without.

It is generally an idea among observers that the French have certain resources in the telescope in West Africa. Uranium, for example. Again comes to Africa to experience a wave of colonial raids, which they get nothing out of – except poverty, disease, neo-tribal wars. We know it, it has been going on for 150 years.

Prison education
The terror act in Paris has some similarities with the equally strange act that took place in Australia at the end of December 2014. One of Kouachi brothers in France was a member of ‘La Filière Iraqienne’, the Iraqi network. In 2003-05 he was one of those who had wanted to go to Damascus to fight the Americans. Later he went to prison. In Sydney, there was a jailed person who was out on leave during which he begins to shoot on people. Then arrives fluffy opinions from Australian politicians that ‘Now we must look to find out why this wife killer was out on leave’.Which they of course never will by asking the police, that would have known all about, what this dangerous person was capable of.

There are certain patterns that recur. People who have been in prison, have always received some form of ‘education’. It can be informal, so just to be trained as a criminal by other more hardened criminals. But it can also be highly organized. Guantanamo prisoners is an example. Several of these have apparently received instructions and have been recruited by their tormentors. When they are released, they will be lethal killing machines or terrorist leaders. And more important: they are terror-zombies fully controlled by their educators / principals. The alleged leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is one such. This practice is apparently not foreigh to the French. Merah as an example, and what about the Kouashi brothers?

If they are, what commentators expect, they are Westerners – here native Frenchmen who witnesses heard speaking perfect French – they were socalled radicalized, they have spent time in NATO’s training camps in the Middle East, supposedly Yemen, they have done service in Iraq / Libya / Syria – or where there was need for them and money in the pocket – finally to be returned to their own country to practice domestic terror. And if they have been fighting in Syria, they may have used weapons that France has provided, which only makes it more grotesque! These radicalized types are really our day’s mercenaries performing the dirty work that governments do not want to be held accountable for. In other words: from the beginning they were created for a dual purpose: to fight against the Empire’s enemies abroad and intimidate the Empire’s own people domestically.

By now, more than 600 terrorists have returned from their ‘educational training’ in Iraq an Syria to their European countries. How many of these will be ready to perform like in Paris? We also know, that more than 100 did not return lately, because they were executed by ISIL. Were they found to be improper for future services, or did they find out, for what cause and for whom they actually had served? We want sociopathic killers, not romantics.

If you are confused, it’s probably not much consolation that you are not alone. But that’s how it is, when you are not satisfied with 2D-reality on flat screens.
But right now:
Do not confuse intelligence operations with freedom of expression!
Like the types in the picture here, posing for CNN in Marseille:

Je-suis? Has this something to do with Jesus?
I certainly looks like religion to me.

Je Suis Langley
No Anglo-American war of conquest, no Charlie Hebdo massacre.
No CIA, no Militant Islam, no Al-Qaeda, no ISIS, no Charlie Hebdo massacre.
No 9/11, no “war on terrorism”, no ISIS deception, no Charlie Hebdo massacre.
No war against Russia, no Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Je Suis Charlie? No!

To the naïve ones who believe the lies and march on the streets carrying the signs, you are the victims, the gullible, the dupes, the pawns.

Tu es CIA.

Tu es NATO.fra ‘Je suis CIA’ fra

Strange the way – by the way – that all these banners and signs were ready and mass produced and spread faster than almost possible. Strange the way, that the magazine had raised its printed output to a quite unusual million copies. 
Someone knew something.

The cover- and clean-up
And as expected, a case like this rolls on. After a crime comes the cover-up. Certain people will have to be removed from the scene, if they make any wrong moves. Now a police chief in Limoges investigating the case has ‘committed suicide’.

It’s like there is a manual for writing pulp clichee criminal novels that prescribes certain ingrediences. ‘Being suicided’ is certainly one of them, and we would have been disappointed if it was missing. 

A parallel example:
The deaths of police officers, one of them being the chief officer, Hemant Karkare, during and right after the Mumbai terror attacks in november 2008. The massacre included 150 people, 20 foreigners, 14 police officers on 7 locations in Mumbai. The timing of the event was in a period of anti-American sentiments in both India and Pakistan, and the group that performed the attacks were closely linked to the US-sponsored and -trained al Qaeda network. Their methods had close resemblance with those of the NATO-affiliated Chechen terror groups, a part of NATO Operation Gladio 2.

The purpose of the the attack was the usual British devide-and-conquer going back to the days, where Britain lost its ‘Crown Juvel’, India as prime colony and in a, one might say, childish-destructive response orchestrated the division into India and Pakistan, where Muslims were being used as instruments for the creation of regional conflict. As they are today.

The police chief officer in Mumbai had to die in order to cover-up the informations he had. 
We may expect, that the police chief officer in Limoges was dealt with in the same manner. 

A good portion of the above information will be found here:
Webster Griffin Tarpley: Behind the Charlie Hebdo Massacre

* ‘Sevens’ story, linket up with the 7/7-bombningerne, Tony Blair’s 9/11, is a remarkable in-depth story about the attrocities, that now are common in British society and its peculiar kind of corrupt lawlesness. Her story contains so many angles and perspectives apart from the 7/7-association, that it is impossible to fathom in a short version.
I urge you to go and check out, what this woman has to say. Appart from being one of the most couragious individuals, she has penetrated deep into the scumbaggery of British establishment and thus has become extremely dangerous to the scumbags.


Finally instead of linking up to a dirty video with dirty men doing dirty work for dirty powers, yet again confirming that both Western and Muslim culture are severely under attack by perverting forces, I would rather remind us about the profound beauty of these cultures being destroyed.
Go and clear you mind and listen to the ensemble ‘Faran’:
Deserts are for silence and beauty, not for mass murders

Det geopolitiske bordel

Dagens nyheder:

  • Fransk satirisk magasin publicerer en stak halvdårlige tegninger i stil med de lige så dårlige doodlerier publiceret i Jyllandsposten i 2005. 
  • Massakre i Paris. Tre mænd myrder 12 på gaden, deriblandt tegnerne på bladet og to politifolk. Nogle siger i alt 20 døde. 
  • Aktionen er professionelt udført af folk, der straks forbindes med muslimsk terror og sat i forbindelse med ISIS – hvilket sandsynligvis skal korrigeres til al Qaeda, da de snarere er trænet i Yemen – hvilket man ikke kan læse/høre i medierne.
    Om man kalder det, det ene eller det andet, er en smagssag. En fællesbetegnelse er: CIA-NATO-hyldevare.
I Vestens medier er al dybere sammenhæng uønsket og i realiteten forbudt!
Vi ser igen hele det sædvanlige centrifugale spin i medierne, politikere der ævler, journalistiske halvhjerner uden evne til at samlæse geopolitik med sensationelle events, historieløshed, løsrevne sound-bites, text-bites, info-bites fra en dement disinfo-kultur, barnagtigheder, overflade, kvarte sandheder i skøn forening med lodrette løgne, propaganda, mediefabrikationer, mangel på substans, 2D-virkelighed. Man kan være sikker på én ting: når samtlige medier i Vesten kører i selvsving over en bestemt historie i et bestemt gear, er der tale om velorganiseret og centralt koordineret mental manipulering. 

Din hjerne er udsat for et frontallap-angreb, så tag din hjelm på! 

Bemærk her, at begrebet efterretning snarere skal udtales afretning, tilretning eller henretning,da efterretninger for disse væsener blot er en indledende fase og et redskab til omstyrtelser, politiske mord, terroraktioner, statskup, manipulationer, tankekontrol, finansielle hitman-aktioner mod regeringer, krige, interventioner. Altså en kombination af bank-, mafia- og geo-politik.
Bemærk i øvrigt at i samme stund, der hyles op om ytringsfrihed, indføres der censur.
Muslimsk terror?
Men altså: én mand er pågrebet i Paris, to andre eftersøges. Der tales om muslimsk terrorhandling, fordi der udsiges muslimske / arabiske navne. Hvad foregår der?
Tilbage i 70’erne ser vi en kæde af geopolitisk terrorisme (udtrykket stammer fra Webster Griffin Tarpley, amerikansk professor, historiker, forfatter). Mordet på Aldo Moro, Bologna-bombardementet. Vi kender det som Operation Gladio. Vi ved også, at det var en NATO-operation og derfor også en Pentagon-operation. Vi ved endvidere, det sidenhen blev standarden for deep-politics eller militariseret geopolitik, og at det i dag er en fast del af programmet for at regere verden ved hjælp af terror.
For at få den brede historie, se:
Nato – historien om en terrororganisation
Formålet med disse Gladio-operationer var at opretholde blokkene, dengang Vest Øst, i dag … Vest Øst – intet nyt her. Da Sovjetmaskinen havde gjort sit beskidte arbejde med at smadre Tyskland, skulle den stoppes, så den ikke oversvømmede resten af Europa. Derfor disse ‘stay-behind’-celler, der senere blev brugt til at myrde mennesker på spektakulær vis – civile, gerne tilfældige forbipasserende, kvinder, børn, nonner og gamle tanter var godt stof, så der kunne mobiliseres folkelig reaktion mod Ondskabens Imperium mod øst. Hvilket ikke var helt forkert, men Vestens befolkninger havde i mellemtiden glemt, hvordan deres egne statsledere havde – undskyld udtrykket – suttet pikpå Josef Stalin, fordi han smadrede Tyskland og massemyrdede tyskere sammen med dem.
Gerningsstedet for en Gladio-operation

Aldo Moro blev myrdet, fordi han ville bringe kommunisterne i koalition med de kristne demokrater. Behøver vi at sige, at Pentagon og NATO også betyder CIA? Hvad kunne Aldo Moro’s projekt have betydet? Det kunne faktisk have betydet meget for Verden. Måske endda en af-stalinificering af kommunismen, men det er nok en naiv tanke, da et sygt frø som grundregel aldrig kan blive til et sundt træ. I starten af 90’erne blev det oprindelige Gladio-netværk officielt indrømmet af den korrupte, mafiøse ex-præsident Paolo Andreotti. Når du søger på Gladio, Andreotti så skriv også P2-logen, den italienske deep-state-klub. Gladio var det udførende organ for denne CIA-infiltrerede tænke-loge af italienske rigmænd, politikere og andre folk med interesse i at vride armen om på deres land.

Geopolitisk terrorisme har fortsat ufortrødent siden, og man nøjedes ikke med togstationer. Man tænkte stort. Et nyligt eksempel er sønderbombningen af Libyen. Det blev udført af en koalition bestående af Frankrig, USA, England + diverse hang-outs inklusive lille-dumme-Danmark + en mindre gruppe af andre pikslikker-stater som Holland og Norge – med Israel og Saudiarabien som alfonserne i baglokalet. 

Dette er det store geopolitiske bordel og dets kunder
Men hvad skete der med Norge? De sagde: nu stopper vi! Vi kan ikke li’ det her.
Og hvad skete der derefter med Norge? De fik en Breivik, og så ku’ de sateme lære det!!
Sarkozy og hans Slangetunge
I Frankrig i 2012 var der en forgænger til den seneste terror-event. Da Sarkozy skulle genvælges, så vi en person ved navn Mohammed Merah angribe en jødisk skole og få en masse opmærksomhed på det. Han kørte rundt på en scooter og skød løs på folk. Han nåede at udføre tre angreb. Materialet om ham blev undertrykt af politiet – som Sarkozy-regeringen havde kontrol over på det tidspunkt. Helt efter bogen blev han skudt, før han kunne røbe noget om sine opdragsgivere.
Den filosofiske hofsnog

Sarkozys ‘filosofiske’ rådgiver hed – og hedder stadig i dag, hvor Sarkozy prøver et come-back: Bernard Henri-Levy – hans Grima Wormtongue, den zionistiske spindoktor, hi-society-playboy og såkaldte filosof, der hviskede ham i ørerne, at Frankrig skulle gå i front med at ødelægge Libyen. Det gjorde man så. Ordren var ankommet fra det israelske baglokale, fordi Gadaffi var en stor torn i øjet på Mellemøst-diktaturerne såvel som stormagterne. Saudiarabien bestilte den beskidte aktion og betalte for den med deres olie-trilliarder. Vi skal også huske at kalde ved hans fulde navn Nicolas Sarkozy Wisner. Hans stedfar med samme efternavn var CIA-agent. Og hvem kunne drage nytte af seneste terrorhandling? Bla Sarkozy, der liner op på sidelinien for at komme tilbage som præsident.

Mohammed Merah blev skudt, før han snakkede. Skal vi gætte på, at det samme vil ske med de eftersøgte Kouachi-brødre, som er linket til det seneste terrorangreb. Husk også, at Gadaffi blev myrdet, før han kunne tale. Det samme med Saddam Hussein. Det samme med bin Laden. Uanset om det er hi-level-patsies eller low-level-patsies eller om de, som Gadaffi, nægtede at være en patsy (en kæledreng – som Anders Fogh, say-no-more) blev de myrdet. Mahatma Gandhi blev myrdet. Martin Luther King blev myrdet. JFK blev myrdet. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Benazir Bhutto … OG især, ganske især: de patsies, der myrdede dem, så de ikke kunne fortælle, hvem der bestilte deres beskidte arbejde [‘pat-zi: prostituerede i det Geopolitiske Bordel, der udfører deres særlige form for blow-jobs for kunderne]. Vi ser bunkevis af mord og ‘forsvindinger’ efter Palmemordet, efter Estonia-sænkningen, efter 9/11, efter Oklahoma-bomningen, efter … Skulle vi lave komplette lister, ville det fylde sider og atter sider. Der blev myrdet 20 vigtige statsledere som optakt til 1. Verdenskrig for at sikre, at krigen blev mulig, fordi de enten var potentielle modstandere af krigen eller modstandere af det Britiske Imperium. Breivik behøvede de ikke at myrde, for han er i livslang forvaring og kommer aldrig til at udtale sig til nogen. 

Dømt som fortjent.
Men hvem blev ikke dømt som fortjent?

Merah var agent for den franske efterretningsvæsen / afretningsvæsen / henretningsvæsen, for hele affæren lugter af patsy-dirty-work. Han var hyret af indenrigsminister Claude Guéant og Bernard Squarciny, chef for DFT, senere DCRI, det franske efterretningsvæsen, de franske sidestykker til FBI og CIA. De var hans handlere. Han var altså en ny fransk pendant til Lee Harvey Oswald. Han havde intet at gøre med planlægningen af mordene, og han blev aflivet, før han kunne fortælle om, hvem der havde givet ordren, som han udførte. Dette er et klassisk script for en efterretningsoperation og efterfølgende cover-up. Man kan egentlig undre sig over, at disse patsies aldrig læser bøger. Så kunne de læse om, hvad der kommer til at ske med dem kort tid efter, at de har udført deres lejemord. De kan altså ikke være de skarpeste knive i skuffen. Men det betyder blot, at de er udvalgt, fordi de aldrig læser bøger men blot gør, hvad er bliver sagt.

Den hule ytringsfrihed

Der råbes op om ytringsfrihed i øjeblikket. Fx. havde SONY Pictures lov til at ytre sig frit om et mord på den nordkoreanske præsident med en slet skjult opfordring til at nogen rent faktisk gjorde det. Hvorfor SONY? Fordi firmaet er tæt klistret op af den amerikanske paramilitære organisation eller tænke-spin-tank, the Rand Corporation. De ligger begge i Santa Monica, Californien, og Amy Pascal har siddet i bestyrelsen af Rand, nu er hun direktør for SONY Pictures. Hendes far var ansat i Rand’s økonomiafdeling hele sit liv. Da de lavede den her betændte film, The Interview, havde man fat i en person ved navn Bruce Bennett fra Rand, hvis speciale tilfældigvis var omstyrtelse af det nordkoreanske regime, og i hans scenarie kan det kun gøres ved at ‘fjerne’ deres øverste leder.

Når en agenda fra en sådan organisation vælter ud i hovedet på filmpublikum, oven i købet med det mega-hype, der har været omkring filmen, så er det en alvorlig sag. Man jubler og råber op om, at nu har sandheden sejret og ytringsfriheden ligeså, mens man i virkeligheden sælger en hemmelig efterretnings-operation. Især de venstreorienterede med hjernen fuld af kartoffelmos kan ikke få nok af alt den slags, så længe det fremstår som politisk korrekt.
Så er der Charlie Hebdo, det franske magasin, hvis tradition går tilbage til fx Voltaire, og som sætter sig selv op som frihedens, sandhedens og den frie, kritiske tales organ. Magasinet har sine rødder i 60’erne og var en del af et anti-de Gaule-apparat. Denne legendariske præsident var en særlig hovedpine for briterne og amerikanerne, for han nægtede som nationalist at føje dem, som de forventede. Hvorvidt de havde fingrene med i oprettelsen af magasinet dengang er uvist men meget tænkeligt.
Fænomenet Muhammed-tegninger var heller ingen tilfældighed. Denne tanke blev udkastet og introduceret ved Bilderberger-gruppens møde i Rotach ved München i sommeren 2005. Tilstede var en dansk avisredaktør og en statsminister. Kort efter ser vi provokationen blive sat i vandet under højlydt afsyngning af hymnen ‘O, hellige ytringsfrihed’. Formålet med provokationen var at rekruttere Europa i den krig, som Dick Cheney og neo-con slænget havde planlagt mod Iran. Her kan I se, hvor fjendtlige muslimerne er mod den vestlige verden, så nu må vi i krig igen!
Politisk satire kan være morsomt. Det kunne Voltaire også være. Dette er blot noget andet, end hvad vi ser på overfladen. Der findes dog en gruppe kaldet Voltaire-netværket ledet af Thierry Maison. Han kender Frankrig særdeles godt og udtaler, at når man laver et stunt som dette i et land med en så stor muslimsk minoritet, så er det for at skabe seriøs ballade. Der masser af indvandrere fra Marokko, Tunesien og især Algeriet, og især de sidste eller deres familier har oplevet særdeles ubehagelige ting under det franske kolonistyre. Det kan næsten kun opfattes, ifølge Maison, som et forsøg på at starte en borgerkrig i Frankrig.
Her kommer så de geopolitiske implikationer ind i feltet. Der foregår hele tiden en disciplinering af NATO-alliancen. Vi så det, da Norge sagde, at de ikke ville bombe Libyen længere, og at de ville anerkende en palæstinensisk stat – så fik de Breivik, der sammen med en bevidnet men aldrig identificeret anden mand (hans ‘handler’?) skød løs på socialdemokraternes / regeringsledernes børn på ferielejr. Budskabet er voldsomt tydeligt, skulle man mene. Medierne talte selvfølgelig fuldstændig udenom.
Men hvad har Frankrig gjort forkert i forhold til NATO? Det burde egentlig heller ikke være svært for en begavet journalistisk kommentator at komme op med. Men enten står det småt til med begavelserne i Vesten, eller også er de hunderædde for at miste hovedet – i overført betydning eller rent bogstaveligt. Mordet på Michael Hastings har vist, at man ikke går af vejen for at henrette journalister, lige som man for tiden har travlt med at myrde løs på bankfolk, der er kommet for tæt på visse af de de ‘sorte’ banktransaktioner, der er linket tæt op med CIA og deres post-WW2 shadow banking system.
Præsident Hollande, der normalt er en nikkedukke overfor amerikansk dominanspolitik og gladelig stiller franske soldater til rådighed for eksempelvis den amerikanske AfriCom-operation, udtalte for nylig i et interview, at det nu var på tide at stoppe disse ulidelige sanktioner mod Rusland. På det seneste har han været upopulær i Frankrig ved ikke at føre socialistisk politik, så han har måske har besluttet sig til at prøve noget i den stil. Eller også er han bare blevet påmindet af sit administrationsapparat, at Frankrig rent faktisk har en tradition for at være uafhængig, og at man kan sige NEJ. For nylig havde han en møde med Vladimir Putin i Charles de Gaule Airport, et slags fly-by-møde, hvor vi selvfølgelig ikke ved, hvad der blev talt om. Men en uge efter kommer han ud med sin udtalelse. Og hvad får han så i hovedet: han får en Charlie Hebdo! Altså: Dette er, hvad vi lukker løs i dit land, hvis du ikke indordner dig under NATO-disciplinen! Endnu en parallel til Norge-Stoltenberg-Breivik er, at de kom for skade at nævne anerkendelse af en palæstinensisk stat.
Her kunne man måske sige hov-stop! EU og NATO er ikke det samme, og det var EU, der indførte handelssanktioner mod Rusland og ikke NATO. Men det vil være lige så stor en misforståelse som at påstå, at Pentagon og den amerikanske regering og dermed amerikansk udenrigspolitik er vidt forskellige størrelser. Handelskrig og varm krig ligger altid i direkte forlængelse af hinanden. De ER det samme, selvom ammunitionen er forskellig. Vi kan også vende det om og sige, at EU er blevet en krigsførende magt, og at NATO fører udenrigspolitik.
Grækenland rykker på sig
Hvis Norge vaklede i den forbryderiske alliance mod Libyen, fulgte Holland, Danmark og alle de andre så med? Hvis Frankrig vakler i den ligeså forbryderiske alliance mod Rusland, hvem følger så efter? Tyskland er i dyb tvivl. Adskillige østeuropæiske lande har det skidt med det, men er lige kommet ind i EU og har stadig fordel af det – så længe det varer. De sydeuropæiske lande har mindre og mindre grund til at være loyale mod EU, for de er blevet udplyndret af den europæiske centralbank og IMF. Grækenland fx er på vej til et valg, hvor de nærmest er på vej ud – hvilket er lidt en avis-overskrift-misforståelse, da Syriza-partiet og Alexis Tsipras ikke har sagt, at de vil melde sig ud af EU, men give EU modstand indefra. Deres hovedprogram er anti-hestekur, hestekur set som sado-masochistisk påtvunget-selvvalgt fattigdom på grund af forgældelse – en forgældelse, der i forvejen er kriminel. Grækerne har dummet sig i det foregående årti, men den egentlige forbrydelse er ikke deres dumhed, den består i, at IMF, ECB og Goldman Sachs groft har udnyttet situationen. ‘Udmeldelsen’ af EU eller Euro-zonen var en demagogisk udtalelse fra Angela Merkel, der fik budskabet drejet i den retning. Det var en skjult trussel om, at Grækenland ‘blev udmeldt’, hvis de skulle finde på at stemme på det ‘forkerte’ parti.
Lige for at uddybe: grækerne dummede sig. De lod sig besnære af de græske oligarker, de ca. 10 familier, der styrer Grækenland. Det var de samme familier, der indsatte en fascistisk junta i 60’erne-70’erne,som årtier senere lukkede Goldman Sachs ind, så de kunne ødelægge landets økonomi. Tsipras har lovet – på samme måde som Putin gjorde i forhold til de russiske oligarker – at være hård i filten. Ikke mere tag-selv bord, ikke flere gratis broadcast-licenser til de rige, anti-beskatningspolitik, ikke mere gaveregn til bankerne, kamp til stregen i EU i form af konfrontation med hestekurs-fyrsterne Cameron og Merkel og forlangende om – som minimum – halvering af den groteske ågerkarle-gæld, man har fået smidt i hovedet.
Da jeg betalte regningen på en græsk restaurant for nylig, spurgte jeg henkastet tjeneren om, hvad det skete med Grækenland efter det kommende valg? Han blev for det første stjerneglad over, at nogen gad at interessere sig for hans fødelands og folks skæbne. Han sagde, at han inderligt håbede på, at valget gik til Syriza, at der var 10 familier, der styrede landet, at EU kunne gå ad helvede til, og – med et glimt i øjet – at folk over 40 år skulle nægtes stemmeret, og at der var en del politikere og journalister der burde dumpes i havnen, selvom det nok ville bliver regnet for forurening af Middelhavet.
Jeg kommenterede – også med et glimt i øjet – at han nok var en hård mand. Han spurgte, hvorfor der ikke var flere der tænkte ligesom mig? Well, jeg er ganske klar over, hvorfor han sagde det. Han har simpelthen mødt den forkælede, uinformerede dansker, der fyrer den af med: ‘Det er de dovne, korrupte grækeres egen skyld, og nu sidder de i fedtefadet’. Danskeren, der har set så meget fjernsyn, at hans hjerne er blevet til en 1920 x 1080 pixler fuld HD fladskærm med remote control.

The French-Russian Connection
Frankrig solgte for nylig to store krigsskibe til Rusland, en slags moderne hangar-krigsskibe, super-hi-tech selvfølgelig. Men de påtvungne sanktioner satte handlen i stå, og de kom aldrig ud af værftet. Ikke godt for det franske nationalbudget, der i forvejen ikke har det godt. Faktisk katastrofalt for hele den franske skibsindustri. Men i sit interview udtaler Hollande, at Putin har forsikret ham om, at han ikke ønsker at annektere Ukraine, og at sanktionerne bør løftes, hvis der sker fremskridt. Desværre ved vi så, at amerikanerne vil gøre alt for at forhindre fremskridt og optrappe konflikten. Endvidere citeres Putin for at sige, at Rusland ønsker at have indflydelse, så Ukraine ikke falder i hænderne på NATO. 
De, der har en historisk hukommelse udover et par år, vil vide, at NATO konsekvent har brudt alle de løfter, der blev givet ved jerntæppets fald og har udvidet sit krigsterritorium med det ene, det andet og det tredje land sidenhen. Det gjorde de, mens Warshawa-pagten for længst var nedlagt. Hvorfor blev NATO ikke blev nedlagt ved samme lejlighed? Behøver vi her at sige, at murens fald og den kolde krigs formelle ophør blot betød yderligere boost til USA’s storhedsvanvid, for nu kunne de være en uni-lateral stormagt i en mono-pol magtverden.
Nu har USA så vendt terrorvåbnet mod Frankrig – er den påstand, som bliver underbygget i det ovenstående. Medierne fejler totalt i at se sammenhængene. I denne som i alle andre terrorsager og politiske likvideringer bliver det til fortællingen om den ensomme galning, der på helt egen hånd og ud af den blå luft en tilfældig dag finder på at gå amok, fordi han havde en dårlig barndom, var blevet besnakket af nogle onde mullaher, eller led af dårlig mave. Eller det bliver drejet til at nu skal vi for alvor til at hade samtlige muslimer og folk med brun hud, som på deres side skal til at hade samtlige folk med hvid hud. Hvorefter vi i næste øjeblik på korrekt vis skal elske samtlige muslimer og folk med brun hud, for ikke at blive udråbt som racister. Er der nogen, der er forvirrede? Så er det nok derfor.
Amerikanerne ved godt, at de til enhver tid kan få en fredelig deal med russerne. De skal blot anerkende, at der – og vi kan uden at blinke tilføje selvfølgelig – er en legitim russisk indflydelsessfære i nabolande, der er så tæt på Moskva/Kreml, og at de er i deres fulde ret til at beskytte sig selv, fordi Rusland selvfølgeligikke kan leve med aktivt fjendtlige nabostater i kløerne på angrebspagten NATO.
En interessant krølle på halen er, at den nye NATO-generalsekretær er den samme Stoltenberg, der tøvede i Libyenkrigen, og hvis land fik en Breivik. Det kan få os til at spørge, i hvilken grad han selv var vidende og medvirkende i Breivik-affæren – der også blevet landet i medierne som stereotypen den ensomme galning uden forbindelse til noget og nogen som helst. Som Ole Dammegaard, journalist og forfatter og utrættelig researcher beskriver i sine sammenlignende analyser af politiske mord og terrorhandlinger: dette er simpelthen ‘the template’, skabelonen for disse events. Det er det samme mønster, de samme mennesker, det samme mediespin, det samme udbytte efterfølgende, altid-altid. Man forandrer aldrig en taktik, når den virker.
D. 15 januar – om fem dage i skrivende stund – skal der være samtaler i Kazakhstan, hvor Putin skal mødes med NATO-IMF dukken Poroshenko, neo-fascisten fra statskuppet i Ukraine, hvor også Angela Merkel og Francois Hollande har meldt deres ankomst. Hollande siger, at betingelsen for hans deltagelse er muligheden for at gøre fremskridt. Hollande har altså på den ene side  fået at vide af Putin, at der rent faktisk er mulighed for fremskridt. Samtidig med, at han har fået en Charlie, der fortæller ham, at den slags fremskridt kan han godt glemme alt om i en fart.

Er det røg, der kommer ud af ørerne på Mr. Pornoshenko?
Eller er det aben i baggrunden, der har smidt bokserhandskerne og fyret et kanonslag?
I Hollandes bagland forlanger slangetungen Bernard Henri-Levy – sig navnet Levy og du kender både typen og agendaen – at Frankrig igen og på egen hånd skal intervenere i Libyen. Nu igen! Men det ønsker Hollande ikke. Det ønskede man dengang i Sarkozy-regeringen. Dette skal forstås ret. Hvis Hollande ønskede det, ville han bestemt ikke tøve med at gøre det. I hans regeringstid har Frankrig interveneret i Elfenbenskysten, i Mali og i en række af de lande, der danner Sahel/Sahara/Maghreb-bæltet i Nord- og Vestafrika. Det er gammelt fransk kolonisfære og er nu blevet fransk neo-kolonisfære. Libyen garanterede under Gadaffi en stor stabilitet i området, og derfor blev han fjernet med Frankrig som hovedaktør, hvorved denne stabilitet blev smadret. Imperialisme kan kun trives på en surbund af ustabilitet og kaos, og det må man sige, har indfundet sig i Libyen. Det var nærmest bekvemt for Hollande, at hans politiske modstander gjorde dét stykke beskidte arbejde før ham.
Det er generelt en ide blandt observatører om, at franskmændene har bestemte ressourcer i kikkerten i Vestafrika. Uran fx. igen kommer Afrika til at opleve en bølge af koloniale plyndringstogter, som de selv intet får ud af, bortset fra fattigdom, sygdom, neo-stammekrige. Vi kender det, det har stået på i 150 år.
Terrorhandligen i Paris har visse ligheder med den ligeså besynderlige aktion, der foregik i Australien for et par uger i slutningen af december 2014. Den ene af Kouachi-brødrene i Frankrig var medlem af ‘La Filière Iraqienne’, det irakiske netværk. I 2003-05 var han en af dem, der havde ønsket at tage til Damaskus for at bekæmpe amerikanerne. Senere kom han i fængsel. I Sydney var der også tale om en fængslet person, der var ude på orlov, hvorunder han begynder at skyde løs. Her kommer der bøvede udtalelser fra australske politikere om, at ‘nu må vi se at finde ud af, hvorfor denne hustrumorder var ude på orlov’.
Der er visse mønstre, der går igen. Folk, der har været i fængsel, har altid modtaget en eller anden form for ‘uddannelse’. Den kan være uformel, så de blot bliver udlært som kriminel af andre kriminelle. Men den kan også være særdeles organiseret. Guantanamo-fanger er et eksempel. Flere af disse har tilsyneladende modtaget instrukser og er blevet rekrutteret af deres bødler. Når de bliver sluppet ud, er det livsfarlige dræbermaskiner eller terror-ledere. De er terror-zombies fuldt kontrolleret af deres opdragere / opdragsgivere. Den formodede leder af ISIS er en sådan. Franskmændene står åbenbart ikke tilbage for den slags, Merah var et eksempel, hvad med Kouashi-brødrene?
Hvis de er, hvad kommentatorer regner med, så er de vesterlændinge – her indfødte franskmænd, der af vidner blev hørt tale perfekt fransk – radikaliseret, sendt til NATO’s træningslejre i Mellemøsten, efter udført tjeneste i Irak/Libyen/ Syrien – eller hvor der var brug for dem og penge i lortet – vendte hjem for at udøve domestikal terror. Og hvis de har kæmpet i Syrien, så er det groteske, at de har skudt med våben, som Frankrig har forsynet dem med! Disse radikaliserede typer, som egentlig ikke er andet end vor tids lejesoldater til udførelse af beskidt arbejde, som regeringer ikke ønsker at stå til ansvar for, har altså fra starten et dobbelt formål: at bekæmpe Imperiets fjender udenlands og intimidere Imperiets egen befolkninger indenlands.
Hvis du er forvirret, så er det sikkert kun en ringe trøst, at du ikke er alene. Sådan er det, når du ikke er tilfreds med 2D-virkelighed på fladskærme.
Og for hermed at afrunde en lang og ufuldendt historie. Lad være med at forveksle efterretnings-operationer med ytringsfrihed, ligesom typerne på billedet her, der poserer for CNN:

Har det noget med Jesus at gøre?
Nå OK, men så har det i hvert fald noget med religion at gøre …
Charlie and The Grand Bordello

Charlie Screwed by False Flag – Don’t Be A Useful Idiot Before WW3 Breaks Out

 By ChaosNavigator

 NB! This important piece is updated ongoingly here

One of the best compilations about the Charlie Hebdo attack and the context of false flag state terrorism that you can find in one single post on internet. In addition, some other important news about Russia, war, internet restrictions, and finally some future perspectives.

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

Warning to all potential ‘useful idiots’:

NEVER forget: Governments ADMIT the use of false flag state-sponsored terror operations to manipulate populations and subvert countries

And this shocking revelation:  The Guardian: ‘Government agents ‘directly involved’ in MOST high-profile US terror plots’ – 2014  And this: New York Times: Most Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

‘The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own Government, I can not be Silent
Martin Luther King Jr.

Charlie Hebdo Shootings – Censored Video Evidence that sheds doubt on the official story
The following clip was played on France 24. You’ll notice in the middle that a section is edited out.  Let’s look at the clip that was edited out. This officer was NOT killed by a gunshot to the head. My first thought here was “ok, they missed”. Just one problem. Every single mainstream media outlet is claiming that he was finished off with a shot to the head, and that’s blatantly false.

Police Commissioner Involved in Charlie Hebdo Investigation “Commits Suicide”. Total News Blackout
The French media decided or was instructed not to cover the incident. Not news worthy? The Western media including all major news services (AP, AFP, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, etc)  have not covered the issue.

According to Charlie Hebdo Journalist, one of the attackers had BLUE EYES:

Charlie Hebdo: France’s 9/11
The Charlie Hebdo attacks check almost every point in the false-flag handbook: early conflicting reports (2 shooters, 3 shooters), convenient evidence (ID in the getaway car), patsies with prior run-ins with police and counterintelligence (making them perfect CIs or victims of entrapment), convenient deaths (dead men tell no tales, leaving the government all too willing to fill in the blanks with their own version of events), contradictions (professional behavior vs. bungled last stand; third suspect with a perfect alibi), and of course, affiliation with known intelligence fronts. . Either way – convenient blow-back or malevolent false flag – the result is the same, and equally helpful to Israel and the U.S.’s agenda around the world. This has been the goal of NATO’s Operation Gladio for generations: strategy of tension. And if Sibel Edmonds is right (and it sure looks like she is), the whole Islamic terror scare is simply Gladio Plan B. And some ‘big names’ in the terror circuit are directly implicated.

French dropped surveillance of terrorist brothers six months before Charlie Hebdo attack.
This is a very distict pattern, very similar to the Tsarnaev case. Intelligence agencies monitor these individuals for months, and even years shepherding them up to the time of the terrorist act. Previous  individuals have been intelligence assets or known informants.

Who ordered the attack against Charlie Hebdo?

by Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network 10 January 2015
While many French react to the attack against Charlie Hebdo denouncing Islam and demonstrating in the streets, Thierry Meyssan points out that the jihadist interpretation is impossible. While it would be tempting for him to see it as an Al Qaeda or Daesh operation, he envisages another, much more dangerous hypothesis.

Opps – Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest
CBS News would report in their article, “Qaeda-Linked Imam Dined at Pentagon after 9/11,” that:  Anwar al-Awlaki – the radical spiritual leader linked to several 9/11 attackers, the Fort Hood shooting, and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of an airliner – was a guest at the Pentagon in the months after 9/11, a Pentagon official confirmed to CBS News.
The list of “coincidences” and “accidents” is so far impressive and include the following:

‘White Widow’ 2.0? Paris gunman’s girlfriend crossed into Syria according to reports

How convenient! Paris hostage taker Coulibaly jihad video emerges
A video of Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered a policewoman and killed four hostages in a Parisian kosher supermarket, has emerged online. He swears his allegiance to the Islamic State in the clip and attempts to justify the wave of terror attacks.

Freedom of speech? International Business Times asks if Mossad was behind Paris attacks, then unpublishes and apologizes

 SOTT Comment: Comment: Not only is the International Business Times not allowed to ask if Mossad was involved, it is also not allowed to report that ‘conspiracy theorists’ ask if Mossad was involved.

Government Prepares Internet Speech Crackdown Following Paris Attacks – Western governments to coordinate attack on free speech
The Paris attack will be used to impose new and more draconian legislation over free speech and the right to communicate without interference by the state

Comment: Of course, see the section with articles about the internet below!

 With this latest shooting spree the West was reminded that “Muslims = terrorists.” Many were caught up in the wave of identifying Charlie Hebdo’s bigoted caricature of Muslims with their “freedom of speech”. This wave of propaganda, ranging from mainstream media to the #IamCharlie Twitter campaign that spread it, effectively stamped the public mind with the Zionist caricature of Muslims which has been used to fuel the “War on Terror” from the beginning. As long as good people remain silent these murderous lies will continue unchallenged

MUST-see slow motion video without mainstream viewer discretion censorship: NO Blood, NO recoil, NO body movement:

Firearms expert Mark S. Mann: Shooting of the police officer is staged.
Charlie Hebdo massacre. The image from the moment before the “head shot” was distributed and used by the mockingbird mainstream media worldwide the day after the massacre. And now the full video showing the shooting of the officer is being scrubbed from You Tube and edited elsewhere. We wonder, why?

Comment:Basic physics: velocity/mass, target density & width of projectile’s passage…if the weapon was an AK-47 (w/ ~ 7.62x39mm/123gr projectile)..and considering the distance from muzzle to target, being less than 1 meter or thereabouts..projectile velocity would maybe fall somewhere between +1900-2100fps if it were an AK-74 (+/- 60gr or so 5.45 x 39mm)..velocity approaches +2800fps or more…in either case, per a hardened steel-core bullet, the jacket & lead filler around the core..would have likely maintained sufficient energy, while fragmenting/ punch thru roughly 12-13 inches thickness(tops)..of the victim w/ a class-3 vest.Researching the Soviet/Afghan conflict long ago, per the wounds received by the Afghans, courtesy of Russian AK-74s..revealed that the steel-core rounds tumbled almost immediately, upon impact! Thus, they perceived the Russians were using “exploding ammunition” (so ghastly were the wounds! Just something to think about.

“Pascali: There is no doubt, of course, we are in the middle of a terrorist operation. A real terrorist operation has two aspects. First the actual act with people killed. But second, and most important, the capability of terrorizing the targeted population. A terrorist action is a tactic, a military tactic one can call it, that targeted a must larger group than the immediate victims. The real target — beyond the men and women who were  cynically slaughtered, often under the eyes of the camera – is the population. To terrorize the population and to blackmail the leadership of a country. The message for the government is: You are not able to defend your people, we have taken over; now you have to accept our conditions! A terrorist act that does not reach – and affect — the vast public does not accomplish its purpose. The purpose is to terrorize everybody, to terrorize us. One should be well aware of this, keep one’s head cool and understand what’s really going on and who is doing what to whom.”
The Terror Attacks in France. The Broader Geopolitical Implications

Terrorism in France: Another False Flag?

No Blood? Reporter at Paris Shooting Aftermath Says “You Can See the Blood on the Ground Which Has Been Put There”

Paris Attack Associated With US 9/11 Cover-Up: Former Intelligence Chairman

Former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham said that the US government’s cover-up of Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are associated with the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

West’s sickening moral hijack of Paris massacre

False Flags, Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Paris attack designed to shore up France’s vassal status: Roberts
A former White House official says the terrorist attack that killed 12 people on Wednesday in Paris was a false flag operation “designed to shore up France’s vassal status to Washington.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, made the remarks in an article published on Thursday.

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin

Planted ID card exposes Paris false flag
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says the terrorists who attacked Charlie Hebdo would never have been caught had they not made one fatal mistake: They conveniently left an ID card in their abandoned getaway car.

Paris Shooting Suspects Under French Security and Intelligence Radar for Years

Police State France 
France is under siege. Civil liberties suspended. Police state authority rules.
                          Click for larger image

“We are going to see a great number of articles in the future from so-called experts and public officials. They will warn about more violence, more kidnappings, and more terrorists. Mass media, the armed forces, and intelligence agencies will saturate our lives with fascist scare tactics and ‘predictions’ that have already been planned to come true.”
‘Conspiracy theorist’ Mae Brussell, 1974 (sourced)

Must-see analysis: Paris Double Siege Ends in Death of Suspects, New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge

INFORMANT? Paris Terror Suspect Met With French President Sarkozy in 2009

Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Operation Gladio signatures


‘The Orwellian propaganda is stunning here. According to AP, “The State Department’s warning says attacks against Americans are becoming increasingly prevalent…”, even though no US citizens have actually been targeted (wouldn’t that be the definition of ‘prevalent’?).

The US declaration came on the heels of Britain’s MI5 Director, Andrew Parker, who yesterday warned that Al Qaeda militants in Syria are plotting attacks to inflict mass casualties in the West, possibly against transport systems or “iconic targets” (tourist destinations), and claimed that a strike on the United Kingdom was “highly likely”, stating that, “A group of core al Qaeda terrorists in Syria is planning mass casualty attacks against the West”. This is not the first time such a sweeping announcement has been made. In fact, between the US and Britain, records will show that such statements are released at regular intervals, approximately 18 months apart.’
– David Icke

The Attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the “Kosher Grocery Store”: Israel’s Mossad “to the Rescue”?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Charlie Hebdo – It Was Mossad and Its Friends




Der Spiegel: Mikhail Gorbachev Warns of Major (Nuclear) War In Europe

Top Russian, American and Polish Leaders Warn that Continued Fighting In Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War

The Guardian Finally Starts to Report the Truth about Ukraine’s War

Must-read: The Road To War With Russia
The really bizarre part of this story is that I cannot yet find any credible analysis or commentary explaining exactly what the US’s compelling interests are in Ukraine, nor what the end goal might be. It’s all something of a mystery, compounded substantially by the fact that Russia can be a very powerful ally or enemy to have.  Why not choose ally? Why choose enemy?

We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions
Catastrophe occurs when too many people refuse to accept that around us always are two universes at work. There is the cold, hard reality that underlies everything. And on the surface is a veil of deceit and compromise. The more humanity compromises vital truths in order to enjoy the comfort of illusions, the more mind-shattering it will be when those illusions fall away. These two worlds can coexist only for short periods of time, and they will always and eventually collide. There is no other possible outcome.

Ron Paul: “Reality Is Now Setting In For America… It Was All Based On Lies & Ignorance”
We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize and resist this development, freedom and prosperity for all Americans will continue to deteriorate. All liberties in America today are under siege. Reality is now setting in for America and for that matter for most of the world. We should not be discouraged. Enlightenment is not nearly as difficult to achieve as it was before the breakthrough with Internet communications occurred.

By X22Report Central Banker propagandists push the idea that we’re in “recovery”.  Apparently retails stores closing, mortgage declines, record auto loan defaults and labor non-participation rate are all signs of recovery. Something’s brewing, prepare yourself wisely. Italy’s jobless rate is at all time highs and getting worse. Corporate media and government are convincing everyone that it is ok that Greece leave the EU. Greek’s are starting to make a run on the banks. Unemployment dropped to 5.6% with more people unemployed. Baltic Dry Index drops again, showing manufacturing is imploding. Obama pushes new agenda, free 2 year community college. US boosting military capacity in Europe. The false flag terrorist brothers have been killed. The Islamic State is taking credit for the attacks. Al-Qaeda/Islamic State is now threatening UK, Germany and the US with mass casualties. Be prepared for more false flag events.

Internet is a Danger to Governments:
Conspiracy Theory Truth Websites in Danger by Governments (Because Awakened People are Dangerous to Psychopathic and Fabricated Lies)
Confronted with permanent shutdown due to divisive material, conspiracy theory websites are bracing for eventual censorship by CISPA for subversive content.

Comment; Exactly as predicted (the war mongers must keep the citizens useful idiots and slaves in line from knowing the truth.. oh, forgot; they keep themselves in line…well. most of them, But a huge change will happen. You can’t fool some of the people all the time!)

Secret WTO Trade Deal Threatens Internet Freedom, New Leak Reveals

Global governments are secretly negotiating a little-known mega trade deal that poses a threat to internet freedoms…“There is extreme industry influence in this closed-door trade negotiation process,” St. Louis explained. “On the U.S. side there are more than 500 corporate advisers who have access to these texts while the public and many elected officials are locked out.

How Google, Microsoft and Alexa are colluding to bury the truth
Ten months ago, the Rebel Website’s editor “Rebel of Oz” published an article exposing the manipulations performed by leading website ranking firm Alexa for the purpose of reducing the search engine ranking of dissident websites.

Looking back – did you miss this?:

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett at TED Talks
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

The Internet Reformation – The Revealer of Truth and Lies
It’s a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press
of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now
most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of
information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are
showing the Major Mass Media’s narratives and stories to be largely
false.. The Internet is now producing incredibly astute researchers that
are sharing facts gained through their individual efforts, but the group
sharing is producing a whole new Internet related Worldwide sport of
“crack the criminal conspiracy”.

Internet 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

But there is a reason why such a large ‘industry’ has developed on the web with people writing articles that don’t say what the mass media say. That reason for is, obviously, first and foremost that not everybody believes whatever they are told. The problem is equally obvious: not nearly enough people are being reached to make a true difference, and to question the official narratives.
There are many people in the blogosphere who are many times smarter than the people who write for the mass media, and that’s a very simple and hardly disputable fact that needs to be recognized.

US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet 
The Future of the Internet: Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale – The full video can be found here. Lawrence Lessig claims that the US government has prepared a type of Patriot Act that is in place should a major security event occur, a 9-11 type event. And just like the Patriot Act contains all sorts of new restrictions there is the fear that this I-Patriot Act will have many restrictions and laws that will limit the way the Internet is used:

The Internet Reformation is real, it sends ripples through the ocean of consciousness, and constitutes great change through communication and subsequent action. What’s the alternative to tell the truth about lies and manipulations which determine the lives of billions? Silence? Snowden documents western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse – inject all sorts of  false material onto the internet using social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. Plausible that Operation Mockingbird never ended.

Protesting, blogging, demonstrations, the birth of freedom/justice/truth-movements themselves are the results of being vigilant about these developments through the Internet Reformation, and one of the reasons they want to restrict the internet and are called ‘conspiracy theorists’! They are not! They are vigilant and aware of what’s going on about de facto degeneration and conspiracy facts and have been vindicated constantly big time with their diagnosis – both the internet and such diagnosis is a threat against the tyranny/corporotocracy/oligarchy,/plutocracy/power elite, because it constitutes a very broad consensus among the vigilant and aware underbelly among the common core across the entire political spectrum. 

“As study after study and report after report has shown, the death of the old media has accelerated in recent years, with more and more people abandoning newspapers and now even television as their main source of news. Instead, the public is increasingly turning toward online sources for their news and information, something that is necessarily worrying for the war machine itself, a system that can only truly flourish when the propaganda arm is held held under monopolistic control.”
-Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War 

 The UK’s Internet Filters Block Almost 1 in 5 Websites 

The Burning of The Great Alexandria Digital Library 2.0 Continues: Government Censorship Via ‘The Right To Be Forgotten’ Ruling


Bombshell – Former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham and Top Politicians leading the way for 9/11 Truth: Politicians push to declassify censored 9/11 reports – New York Post
The drive to declassify the 28 censored pages of the congressional 9/11 report detailing the Saudi Arabian government’s possible role in the terror attacks has become a full-blown movement, complete with letter-writing campaigns, lawsuits and legislation.

The Walls Are Crumbling Down Around the “Official 9/11 Story” – Why?
An absolutely monumental shift is in process that most have not recognized yet. The truth, or at least some truth, is about to be shown to the American masses about 9/11. I say American masses because everywhere I’ve gone in the world outside of the US, with few exceptions, almost everyone knows that the US government conspiracy theory on 9/11 is for people with tinfoil hats that are either completely zombified or are under mass hypnosis. Most of the rest of the world looks on the US like “The Truman Show” and can’t believe how many people in the show don’t realize it’s not real.

Are People Who Hate Conspiracy Theories Crazy?

Government propagandists want you to hate “conspiracy theories.” But according to a growing body of evidence, you’d have to be crazy to obey.

Two American professors, Lance DeHaven-Smith and James Tracy, have pointed out that the CIA has weaponized the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” to conceal government misdeeds. CIA document 1035-960, revealed by the New York Times in 1976, is the smoking gun.

Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.’
Newstudies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy,hostile

The road ahead and out of this mess is to ‘deprogram’ oneself from the formative ‘education damage’ through observations, logic and self-studies, which many academicshave done already. But since this provokes anxiety on the part of the prisoners in Plato’s Cave, the reaction is most often disbelief, ridicule, anxiety, aggression and irrational criticism– a criticism which can turn out to be fatal in favor of Stockholmsyndrom and the executioners ongoing scientific, economical, political, and media monopolization.

Be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative!

But all this is demanding, so let us remain in blissful ignorance. Life is short, ‘what can I do?’’

The alternative is to remain in darkness in ignorant bliss as a human being who lived and died, ignorant and unfree in the 21st Century, at the mercy of forces one didn’t comprehend because of cognitive dissonance and perception management, what, who, where, why, etc..

One of the only premises preventing people from waking up is disbelief based on an erroneous belief that governments and mainstream media wouldn’t lie and deceive to such a murderous extent as they have.

Such disbelief becomes the inadvertent ally of evil (for a lack of a better word).

You better wake up!

If you cannot speak, you cannot think.
If you cannot think, you cannot figure things out.
If you cannot figure things out, you will never see that you are a slave.
If you cannot see that you are a slave, you can never rebel.
If you cannot rebel, you will never be free.
If you cannot be free, you can never fulfill your purpose on earth to be your highest and best self.

10 things the media won’t be talking about after the Paris terror attack

Written in 2008-2012:

We don’t know the future but if things keep heading the way the Western elites want, then logic dictates that these 4 scenarios will converge in the same short period of time (the 5th on top of all this might be a another false flag as the crucial catalyst) particularly when the petro-dollar reserve currency starts to topple fast – they need war as another smoke screen and muddy waters (Russia as scapegoat) at the breaking point of no return:

Prognosis for the forseeable future –  4  scenarios will converge simultaneously:   

* Wars and Invasions expand suddenly (Middle East, Ukraine, Asia, etc.)   

* Internet Breakdowns/Killswitch – multiple servers/websites being taken out (already happened and is ongoing) – internet restrictions in effect, dissidents censored, etc. 

* Economic Breakdown scenarios, Bond Crash, Stock Market Crash, etc. 

* Draconian State measures take effect, Martial Law, individual freedom restricted, much more surveillance and (further) loss of Civil Liberty Rights  

And the counter scenario following:  

* Huge global resistance and protests against the war and the biggest demonstrations for peace the world has ever seen 

* Innnovation and bypassing of internet-restrictions, Deep Web, Darknet, rerouting, protests, etc.

* Innovation of local currencies, Bitcoin, barter, self-suffiiciency, solar, city farming, biodomes, decentralization, free energy, etc. 

* Civil disobedience and courage, millions of NGO’s, activists, underground,  protests, breakdown and exposure of governments, etc.

Dee Hock: (Dee Hock is a visionary philosopher and the inventor of the VISA credit card, the founder and former CEO of Visa International):
“I think we’re on the knife’s edge where we’re going to undergo cataclysmic institutional failure. We have it all over the world. Look at some of the countries that are in a state of perpetual starvation and revolution; there’s just no present institutional structure capable of dealing with societal complexity and diversity with anything other than more centralization of power and increasing violence and force. So we’ll have one of two possible scenarios. The first would be
that we’ll have a massive series of institutional failures, social anarchy, and enormous societal and biological carnage
  —far more than we now experience — and then maybe out of that will emerge these new concepts. But I think if we do experience massive institutional failure, the first thing that will emerge, before we see the new forms, is almost total centralization of power and control, which will result in a widespread loss of liberty and freedom
[2015?]. That will last for a while,but it ultimately will not work, much like the Soviet Union. And when that collapses, then we’re in for a second period of social carnage that will be

                – Dee Hock, interview-excerpt, 2002
Charlie Screwed by False Flag – Don’t Be A Useful Idiot Before WW3 Breaks Out

Sandheden om Løgnen – Krigene & Kollektivt Stockholm-syndrom

af ChaosNavigator


”Statsmænd vil opfinde billige løgne, beskylde og bebrejde den nation som angribes, og mennesker vil stille sig tilfreds med disse samvittighedsdulmende falskheder. De vil omhyggeligt studere disse og nægte at undersøge ethvert modbevis; således vil de overbevise sig selv om at krigen er retfærdig, og takke Gud for den fortjente søvn man nyder, efter dette forløb af grotesk selvbedrag”

          – Mark Twain

 “Enhver som pjækker fra arbejdet, ofrene, og de farer som hans folk må undergå er en kujon. Men ikke mindre er kujonen og forræderen, som forrår tankens principper til materielle interesser, som f.eks er villig til at lade magthaverne beslutte, hvor meget 2 gange 2 er. At ofre intellektuel integritet, kærlighed til sandheden, til nogen anden interesse, selv faderlandet, er forræderi. Når individet og sandheden – i slaget om interesser og slogans – er i fare for at blive deformeret, devalueret, og trampet under fode, er det vores pligt at modstå og redde sandheden; eller snarere stræben efter sandhed – for det vores højeste trosbekendelse”

– Herman Hesse

Kig engang på denne uhyre interessante tidslinje, der med indrømmelser og autorative dokumenter viser, hvilke intentioner og midler USA hele tiden har haft i sinde:  destablisering Syrien indefra ved rekruttering, træning, og finansiering af terrorister, og således bruge den efterfølgende krise som påskud for intervention i Syrien  (General Wesley Clark og Seymour Herhs’ udsagn er også indeholdt i den) – skrevet af den eminente analytiker, Tony Cartalucci:

US Planned Syrian Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007 – September 4, 2013, Land Destroyer Report

Og fra december 2014 – Something Strange About ISIS | New Eastern Outlook :

 Fra en nylig konference (Terrorism and Religious Extremism):

“I Damaskus, blev det pointeret – af flere højtstående amerikanske ex-milltærfolk – at USA trænede mindst 3000 ISIS ledere i lejre i Jordan. Oberst Jim Hanke fra US Army Special Forces talte om dette. Evidensen for dette var fotografier fra militia ledere af døde ISIS-krigere PLUS deres identitetspapirer. En gruppe af 74 dræbte i kamp nær Kobani inkluderede Saudi-Arabere, Yemenitter, NordAfrikanere, 15 Ukrainere og 8 Tjetjenere.

 Hvad der var overraskende, var manglen på nysgerrighed, hvordan disse krigere overhovedet var kommet ind i Syrien i første omgang. Jeg havde rejst gennem Libanon, blev samlet op af sikkerhed i lufthavnen og på vej til Damaskus, stoppet mange gange på militære checkpoints og udsat for 4 timers baggrundstjek på afsides grænseovergange. Selv inde i Syrien tog det timer at få adgang på trods af, at jeg bar et brev fra justitsministeriet.

Kort sagt,  jihadister kan ikke bare gå gennem Libanon. Dette efterlader kun to muligheder; de rejser gennem Tyrkiet, noget som er indlysende, eller de modtager transit gennem Israel. En overfladisk undersøgelse af geografi i regionen efterlader kun to andre fjerntliggende muligheder. Den ene er, at de formår at krydse det Røde Hav som Moses eller de er fløjet ind på en måde, hvor de magisk passerer gennem lufthavnens sikkerhedskontrol, som er overvåget af Interpol, Amerikas Department of Homeland Security og NATO finansierede sikkerhedsstyrker.

Det antages, at enhver islamisk mand, der rejser alene eller sammen med andre, i transit mod Irak eller Syrien, er en terrorist. Jeg var bestemt udspurgt flere gange. Man kunne kun antage, at CIA måske havde brugt fly, som de bruger til at transportere narkotika eller torturofre, havde været “omdirigeret” med henblik på at bringe terrorister ind i Syrien og Irak. Der er helt sikkert rapporter af umarkerede fly, som flyver ind og ud af Mosul trods af, at amerikanske kampfly og opsnapningsfly opretholder, hvad de hævder er et “kvælertag” på luftrummet i regionen.

Syriske embedsmænd udtrykker deres egne mistanker om ISIS. Selvom det ikke er offentligt talt om, er de af den opfattelse, at amerikanske og israelske rådgivere rådgiver ISIS. Baseret på en analyse af ISIS taktiske evner og deres tilsyneladende adgang til sikker kommunikation – let blokeret af USA, hvis de ønskede det – er disse overbevisninger er ikke uden fundament. Kort sagt, ikke alle kan betjene komplekse amerikansk-byggede mobile kanoner eller pansrede køretøjer. ISIS synes ikke at have noget problem med dette eller vanskeligheder ved at erhverve Stinger-missiler til at nedskyde fly også.

Det hævdes, at disse missiler flyttes fra Libyen gennem Sinai og på en magisk måde hopper over Israel. Mærkeligt at ingen (af disse våben) syntes at finde deres vej ind i Gaza som det fremgår af sidste sommers israelske luftangreb

Et centralt område i, hvad der synes at være et stiltiende samarbejde mellem “islamisk stat” og NATO, nemlig Tyrkiet, ses i plyndringen af Syrien. Som med Libanon, fastholder Tyrkiet velforsvarede grænser. Men der er mere end tilstrækkeligt bevis for, at når som helst, at ISIS flytter til et område af Syrien eller endda Irak, er tyrkerne er ikke langt bagefter. Ligesom græshopper, er strømme af tunge lastbiler, ingeniører, udstyr, modtaget af ISIS, stjæler alt af værdi og flytter det forbi grænsen ind i Tyrkiet, en grænse, som flygtninge tilbringer dagevis  at vente med at passere. Men hundrede tunge lastbiler, der transporterer en syrisk bil samlefabrik er i stand til at forhandle med den tyrkiske grænse uden en eneste anfægtelse.
På samme måde har hele banker, kontanter, computer systemer, hvælvinger, alle gjort turen til Tyrkiet, efterfulgt af endeløse antikviteter, der finder vej ind i auktionshuse i London, New York og Paris. Medmindre ISIS er inficeret med en altruistisk kærlighed til alle tyrkisk ting, er det rimeligt at antage, at de er i det sammen, og deler byttet. Som ISIS er en navngivet “terror organisation” af både USA og EU, er enhver person eller organisation, der er involveret enten direkte eller indirekte, uanset gennem hvor mange hænder i handel, er de skyldige i “materiel støtte til terrorisme.” For en stat , som Tyrkiet, udgør sådanne krænkelser nødvendiggørelse af sanktioner. For en person, det være sig en London kunsthandler eller tysk værktøjsmaskine-fabrikant mægler, bør den typiske straf involvere udlevering, tortur og gulag fængsel.

I stedet profiterer amerikanske og europæiske krigs-profitmagere åbentlyst i handel med ISIS, uden frygt for sanktioner eller at det almægtige Office of Foreign Asset Control bliver involveret. Dette ‘fix’ er naturligvis arrangeret –  plyndrede byer, plyndrede museer, plyndrede banker, alt skal deles, så længe politikerne får deres del af kagen.

At sige, at der er noget mærkeligt ved ISIS er måske den største underdrivelse. Kan vi kalde dem “den ikke så Islamiske stat?«. Hvad de synes at have, er venner, mennesker, der giver dem efterretninger, hjælp, satellitfotos, mennesker der træner dem til at betjene komplekse amerikanske våben, mennesker, der hyrder deres personale rundt som diplomater. Hvad de også har, er samarbejdspartnere, partnere, der klart er hævet over loven. Hvem har den slags indflydelse?”

Og fra den excellente analytiker, Tony Cartalucci: 

December 17, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – It was reported recently that Germany’s broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what turned out to be hundreds of trucks a day carrying billions of dollars in supplies,  flowing into Syria and directly into the hands of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS). ..DW’s report does not implicate merely Turkey in aiding and abetting ISIS, but exposes the fact that ISIS’ supply lines lead from within NATO itself – in other words, ISIS is a creation, perpetuation, and agent of NATO…...Contrary to Western propaganda, Al Qaeda was intentionally organized and directed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel to engage in a regional confrontation aimed at Iran and its powerful arc of influence. Exposed by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 2007 article,  The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?

-ISIS’ Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory 

ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley says that the ISIL terrorist group is a completely fabricated enemy created and funded by the United States.

Talløse analyser, anomalier, observationer, rapporter, filmmateriale, vidneudsagn, m.m. indikerer alt I alt følgende; USA og Vesten tilpasser efterretninger til de mål man allerede har sat sig for at nå, opildner, skaber, og støtter en falsk opposition (‘oprørere’ I form af Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, støtte til ISIS fra Saudi-Arabien, Tyrkiet, efterretningsorganer fra vesten, m.fl.), der begår uhyrlige angreb på befolkninger – og Vesten påberåber sig R2P (responsibility to protect) for at retfærdiggøre yderlige vestlige angrebshandlinger, som man allerede har planlagt fra starten.

Klassisk hegeliansk dialektik = man skaber selv problemet, sprøjter det ud i medierne, får en reaktion fra offentligheden, og implementerer den ‘løsning’ man planlagte på forhånd. Godtroende og naive danskere, der mener sig “informerede”, er prima fæ som hopper direkte på limpinden, alt imens sådanne operationer, hvor man beskylder fjenden for det beskidte arbejde man selv har udført under falsk falg, er talløse og har foregået i umindelige tider.

Hvis pro-krigspolitikere og såkaldte journalister I DK er uvidende om, hvad som virkeligt foregår I spillet mellem USA og Syrien – at Al-Qaeda og Al Nusra og ISIS er vestligt-støttede, at de bliver brugt som rambuk af NATO, som udenlandske proxy-krigere, etc. – er de inkompetente, inhabile, naïve, godtroende, og følgagtige nyttige idioter. 

Hvis de til gengæld er informerede, og handler på trods af sandhedsprincipper, er de degenererede, afstumpede, følgagtige og kyniske som ind I helvede – der er simpelthen tale om radikalt brud på internationale love og konventioner. 

Hvadenten det er det ene eller det andet: I begge tilfælde er der tale om en så stor grad af uforsvarlighed, at statsmagten ikke forvaltes I hht. til dens egne mest basale og lovbundne principper, folkerepræsentation, internationale love, etc. 

Og I så fald har FE (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste) muligvis også et forklaringsproblem; hvis FE ikke kender til sandheden om Syrien og Irak,  har de enten 1) et kompetenceproblem – eller I modsat fald; hvis de kender til sandheden, uden at underrette regeringen, er de 2) købt og solgt eller 3) sandfærdige, men bundet på hænder og fødder af tavshedspligt (medmindre en ny Frank Grevil springer ud på almenvellets vegne), og så har regeringen, rigsrevisionen og folketingets kontroludvalg, et forklaringsproblem. I ALLE tilfælde er der tale om et gigantisk forklaringsproblem – der er ingen vej udenom!

Hvis du ikke har dine fortolkninger på plads og kender til sandheden, vil du nemt blive offer for flere manipulationer.

Mainstream salonfæhige kritiske intellektuelle VS politisk ukorrekte dissidenter, lever altså i parallel-verdener, hvor forskellige narrativer mht. mange historiske afgørende begivenheder ikke begge kan være sande. Enten havde Irak masseødelæggelsesvåben eller ej, enten var Syriens regime ansvarlig for det kemiske angreb eller ej, enten støttede USA, Europa og Mellemøstlige lande Al-Qaeda terrorister aktivt i Syrien eller ej, etc… 

Når dokumentationen findes i et omfang, der dementerer pensum-skadede akademikeres og journalisters tilfældighedsteori og usande kausaliteter, er afvisning eller uvidenhed lig med nyttig idioti, Stockholmsyndrom, Komiske Ali, eller det der er værre.

Journalister, opinionsdannere, politikere og intellektuelle, som pure afviser vestlige false flags, m.m., og argumenterer imod det,  bliver de facto medvirkende til historieforfalskning, negligering af evidens, og bliver – bevidst eller ej – medvirkende til hvidvaskning af usande kausaliteter og falsk alibi for politisk højkriminelle og morderiske forbrydelser af en art, der kun kan betegnes, ultimativt, som forræderi mod sandhedsprincipper, historien, og hele nationers befolkninger.

‘Massemedierne, den 4. statsmagt, er den eneste af vore institutioner, der fungerer uden noget form for effektiv demokratisk kontrol [i teorien, ikke i praksis], idet enhver form for uafhængig kritik vendt mod den, ethvert forsøg på at skifte den ud, aldrig når en større offentlighed, ganske enkelt fordi en sådan kritik ikke har nogen chance for at blive udsendt i stor målestok.’

– Paul Virilio, “Krigen, byen og det politiske”, 1994

Men internettet har ændret dette, og forståelsen af dette, er beskåret de mennesker, som er årvågne vel at mærke, og som skriver og er bevidste om substans, som er interessede i andre end sig selv, og som er med til at afsløre usandhed, bringe løsninger, etc.

Spørg ikonet Richard Stallman f.eks. (man kan næppe finde en mere kvalificeret mand end ham), eller Julian Assange om Facebook, Google, Yahoo, som er spionværktøj for CIA. Eller spørg excellente ex-CIA dissidenter såsom Ray McGovern, Robert David Steele, m.fl. om historikken af statsterror, som du ikke kan læse i Berlingske eller Politiken. 

Det er også internet-renæssancen/den 5te statsmagt selv, der har afsløret, at Facebook bliver brugt som superbt dataminerings- og overvågnings-værktøj for CIA, NSA, at massemedierne udelader eller manipulerer, m.m. Enhver årvågen person in the know ved dette! 

Richard Stallman on Facebook (RT) 

Det er internet-renæssancen, som har været afgørende for eksponeringen af de højkriminelle fraktioner i det millitær-industrielle komplex – som ustraffet var medvirkende til krigen mod Irak, Afghanistan, Libyen, og nu Syrien, talløse covert operations og statslige false flag operationer, m.m.m.

Løgnen kan kun opretholdes, så længe staten kan skærme folk fra de politiske, økonomiske og/eller militære konsekvenser af løgnen. Det bliver således af afgørende betydning for staten at anvende alle sine beføjelser til at undertrykke uenighed. Sandheden er den dødelige fjende af løgnen og derfor er sandheden statens største fjende.”

– Nazi-Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels

Det er internet-renæssancen, der har gennembrudt – og stadig gennembryder  – den ‘Goebbelske firewall’ – og heri består den største trussel mod krigsherrerne, eliten, etc:

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett at TED Talks
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

The Internet Reformation – The Revealer of Truth and Lies
It’s a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press
of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now
most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of
information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are
showing the Major Mass Media’s narratives and stories to be largely
false.. The Internet is now producing incredibly astute researchers that
are sharing facts gained through their individual efforts, but the group
sharing is producing a whole new Internet related Worldwide sport of
“crack the criminal conspiracy”.

Internet 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

But there is a reason why such a large ‘industry’ has developed on the web with people writing articles that don’t say what the mass media say. That reason for is, obviously, first and foremost that not everybody believes whatever they are told. The problem is equally obvious: not nearly enough people are being reached to make a true difference, and to question the official narratives.
There are many people in the blogosphere who are many times smarter than the people who write for the mass media, and that’s a very simple and hardly disputable fact that needs to be recognized.

US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet 
The Future of the Internet: Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale – The full video can be found here. Lawrence Lessig claims that the US government has prepared a type of Patriot Act that is in place should a major security event occur, a 9-11 type event. And just like the Patriot Act contains all sorts of new restrictions there is the fear that this I-Patriot Act will have many restrictions and laws that will limit the way the Internet is used: 

Vi er inde i en fase, hvor hedonistiske uvidende naive DK-lemminger i The Truman Show bliver overvåget og datamineret via Google, Gmail, Youtube, Yahoo, deres fotos på Facebook bliver lagret i biometriske databaser, etc. – og alt imens de er optaget af Vild Med Dans(k), Svanekøkken, Ipod, Ipad, pat, porno, alko-koma-soma, lykkepiller,  etc. i konteksten af hedonisme, dekadence, og narcissisme, etc., er millioner af mennesker flygtet fra  Syrien på baggrund af en løgn og falsk flag terrorisme, noget som med meget stor sandsynlighed vil ende med en storkrig. Diplomatiet er spil for galleriet, da dette har været planlagt i lang tid.

Og lemmingernes hedonisme, narcissisme, uvidenhed, godtroenhed, naivitet, apati – og ikke mindst vantro overfor påstandene fremført i denne og andre artikler  – tjener krigsherrerne og eliten godt. 

Og hvordan ved vi alt dette? Gennem kontrasten af hvad massemedier dækker/ikke dækker VS den dokumentation vi får at vide via internettet selv. Nogle danskere har udtalt, at de kun læser danske aviser, for at studere løgnene og manipulationerne. Det er det som er betydningen af internettets magt, når det er bedst, og at det gennembryder den ‘Goebbelske’ firewall.
Den 4. statsmagt, massemedierne er således kontrolleret på Goebbelsk vis i USA, og i mange andre lande, og er derfor død. 

Her i DK er det måske værre, for pga. autoritetstro overfor staten og medierne, er mange mennesker (mis)informeret af tandløs  impotent journalistik – og er derfor slet ikke kritiske, og de behøver ikke en fårehund, da de i lykkelig uvidenhed stiller sig skeptiske overfor denne artikels indhold f.eks.

Vi behøver ingen fårehund, da vi er vores egen fårehund, og arkitekterne bag statsterror, krigene, overvågningen, Big Pharma, m.m. må grine deres røv i laser, da mange borgere  – pga. den internaliserede fårehund – er  uvidende, og massemedierne er enten løgnagtige, følgagtige, uvidende, eller uddannelses-skadede, grænsende til Stockholm-syndrom eller Komiske Ali, hvis de endnu engang tror på løgnen om krigen f.eks., og har dermed svigtet. 

Den Hvide Rose, måske det største ikon for fanebærere af civil courage og ulydighed i det 20 århundrede:

‘En dag kom jeg forbi mindetavlen for Sophie Scholl i Franz Joseph Strasse, og da så jeg, at hun var fra min årgang, og at hun blev henrettet samme år, som jeg begyndte hos Hitler. I det øjeblik forstod jeg, at det ikke er nogen undskyldning, at man er ung, men at man måske også havde kunnet finde ud af visse ting’….Traudl Junge er selve sindbilledet på størstedelen af det tyske folk under 2. verdenskrig, som nok anede, men ikke havde fuld vished og i hvert fald undlod at opsøge viden, som kunne have foranlediget til stillingtagen og dermed afstandtagen. I stedet valgte den da 22-årige Traudl trods advarsler fra familie og venner at søge jobbet som Hitlers sekretær, valgte at være ung, tøset, yndig, uvidende”

   Sophie Scholl – Den Hvide Rose

I vore dage er “ung, tøset, yndig, uvidende” på mange måder lig med  hygge, øl, lykkepiller, I-pod, I-pad, patter, pop, pik, porno, playstation, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Paradise Hotel, Vild med Dans, konsumer-koma som soma, samtalekøkken, café kusse-latte-mentalitet, plasma-TV, ligegyldighed, und so weiter. Med andre ord; en excessiv egocentrisme, narcissisme, tankeløs hedonisme, uvidenhed, apati, brutalisering af følelseslivet, tab af kritisk tænkning og historiebevidsthed, degeneration af det intellektuelle, forherligelsen af afstumpelsen, pensum-papegøjeri, følgagtighed, autoritetstro og lydighed, uddannelsesskade, m.m.m. 

På bekostning af sandhed skal staten og medierne sørge for, at folk selvfølgelig skal have det ‘hyggeligt og godt’ i lykkelig uvidenhed. Man bør tænke godt og grundigt over, hvem som drager fordel af denne uvidenhed, og hvem som bliver skadet, da det ‘ikke er nogen undskyldning, at man er ung, men at man måske også havde kunnet finde ud af visse ting… at opsøge viden, som kunne have foranlediget til stillingtagen og dermed afstandtagen.’ 

Dette gælder ‘Krigen mod Terror’, Big Brother, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Syrienmassemediernes censur, det gjaldt Irak, Afghanistan, Libyen, frihedsrettigheder,  m.m.m. 

Så længe mange blot er optagede af salon-fæhig, dekadent, hjernedød Café-Kusse-Latte Kultur, i Berlingske- og Politiken-forsider, såsom ‘Tips om hvordan du stadig kan høre lyden fra TV når du spiser chips’ og lign., er der ingen fare for, at borgerne/slaverne vågner op. 

Internet er den nye Gutenberg-reformation….så længe det varer…for dem som er opmærksomme…. 

Jeg er bange for, at danskerne – Hr. og Fru. Hakkebøf, værende ufatteligt naive, uvidende og troskyldige  – først fatter radikaliteten af det, som er foregået historisk meget sent i processen.

Også mange kritiske intellektuelle, endda visionære intellektuelle filosoffer, m.fl. kender ligeså lidt til hvor dybt the rabbit hole går, som almindelige borgere ang. deep politics, falsk flag statsterrorisme, m.m., hvilket betyder, at en specialiseret Habermas, Derrida, eller Bauman, kan have ligeså lidt bevidsthed om disse årsagssammenhænge, som menigmand Jensen. Dette er lykkedes pga. statens hemmeligholdelse, massemediernes manipulation og svigt, udeladelser i pensum, compartmentalization og stratificering af viden, flokdyrsmentalitet, autoritetstro, etc. Mange akademikere, kritisk tænkende og intellektuelle er derfor ligeså uvidende om statslige terror-operationer, som Hr. og Fru. Hakkebøf.

Det har været muligt at skjule mange signifikante nøglebegivender i mange årtier, som f.eks. påpeget i denne eminente artikel: 

Daniel Ellsberg: “Secrets … Can Be Kept Reliably … For Decades … Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders 

Mange konkrete årsagssammenhænge er således ikke sat på landkortet/den kollektive bevidsthed hos mange mainstream kritiske intellektuelle, hvis postulerede årsagssammenhænge  i disse henseender,  enten er overfladiske, delvise, udeladende, eller direkte usande. Vores radar er i mange henseender defekt – vores forståelse og historiebevidsthed delvis eller fejlagtig. Og fornægtelse af viden om dette  implicerer, at disse mainstream kritiske intellektuelle i værste fald forbliver nyttige idioter, gatekeepers, hvilket er vanvittigt. 

Governments from Around the World ADMIT that they Carry Out False Flag Terror  

Oftest vil sandhedsværdien af påstande, som forekommer for u-trolige blive betragtet som lav af mange mennesker. For journalister, ikke nødvendigvis pga. loyalitet overfor en bestemt redaktionel linjes krav om ”vederhæftighed” eller frygten for kollegial stigmatisering. Og generelt ikke fordi ræsonnementerne, der leder mod konklusionerne, nødvendigvis betvivles som ulogiske eller efterprøves (det når sædvanligvis ikke engang så vidt) –  men fordi de simpelthen forekommer for negative, for uvante,  for uoverskuelige, for trættende, for ubekvemme, etc.  Og når man f.eks. ridser indholdet af nærværende artikel op for bekendte, venner, familie, m.fl., bekræftes den (stereo)typiske reaktion i Hobbitland DK: Efter det indledningsvise splitsekund af studsen og vantro kommer reaktionen prompte, og rationaliseringerne affyres pr. refleks: 

”Massemedierne/Økonomerne/Politikerne ved jo nok, hvad de gør, de er jo uddannede informerede mennesker”, ”Det er nok ikke så slemt”, ”De danske aviser har ikke skrevet om det – ergo er det løgn”, ”Dine kilder passer ikke”, ”Det er ude på overdrevet”, “ekstremt”, “umulig”, etc. –  medmindre modtagerens uimodtagelighed, ligegyldighed og metaltræthed over for informationsbombardementet af generelle negative nyheder er sat ind for længst til, at det har nogen interesse (hvor den uformulerede danske følelse oversat ville  være: ”Det er for kedeligt”).

Følgende citat – taget fra den fremragende essayserie om journalistikkens vilkår skrevet af Carsten Jensen i Information –  kan til dels bruges som plausibel forklaring på apatien og vantroen over for den forfærdende kynisme, som tidsånden udviser:

”En ubekvem sandhed kan fratage livet mening, en løgn give det mening. Ingen har lyst til at høre, at de er blevet bedraget, og at de ikke er herrer over deres eget liv. … Sidst af alt ønsker vi at blive konfronteret med kravet om at opgive en livsstil, vi har kæmpet hårdt for at opnå. Livet er forvirrende nok i forvejen, en daglig kamp, som ikke gør os specielt åbne over for ubekvemme sandheder med dramatiske konsekvenser. Der findes som altid en sikker løsning på problemet med de ubekvemme sandheder. Dræb budbringeren. Fyr ham, ignorer ham, undergrav hans troværdighed eller fortæl ham, at han er stor fortæller, men en ringe journalist.”

Citatet er sigende, for det er ingen overdrivelse at pointere, at det også kan overføres som en psykologisk forklaring på mange menneskers  uimodtagelighed overfor påstande om det milltær-industrielle-teknokratiske komplex, massemedierne, og regeringers forbrydelser, på trods af at dokumentation er forelagt.

Et illustrerende citat i denne sammenhæng, kan kaste lys over årsagen til skepsis, samt trygheden ved det familiære: 

“Hvis et menneske præsenteres for et faktum, som går imod dets  instinkter, vil det undersøge det grundigt, og nægte at tro på det medmindre bevisbyrden er overvældende. Hvis det på den anden side præsenteres for noget der tillader en grund til at handle i overensstemmelse med dets instinkter, vil det acceptere det uden det mindste bevis’

       – Bertrand Russell

Russels udsagn er ligeså gyldigt, hvis man erstatter ordet “instinkter” med følgende ord i denne omformulering:

‘Hvis et menneske præsenteres for et faktum, som går imod massemedierne, massemedierne, autoriteten, lægen, regeringen, det ‘almene’ verdensbillede, etc.,  vil det i bedste fald undersøge det grundigt, og medmindre bevisbyrden er overvældende, vil det nægte at tro på det. Hvis det på den anden side præsenteres for noget der er i overensstemmelse med uddannelsen,  massemedierne, autoriteterne,  regeringen, det almene verdensbillede, vil det acceptere det uden den mindste bevisførelse.’

Man kunne fremsætte den påstand, at frygten for ‘Stasi-Nazistaten’ kun hører til i den udannede, uvidende, ‘konspiranoide’, og forskrækkede del af befolkningen – med dertil hørende naive halvskolede røverer – men det er evident, at dette slet ikke er tilfældet, snarere tværtimod, og derfor ligger naiviteten og fordommene snarere hos de uinformerede, de nyttige idioter, de følgagtige og autoritetstro.

Det er en dyd at være skeptisk og rationelt anlagt, men selv i de tilfælde, hvor intelligente mennesker er blevet præsenteret for exceptionelt kompetente og overbevisende analyser, er der mange, som afviser sandheden. Et af verdens største ugentlige nyhedsmagasiner, Newsweek, publicerede i august 2009 en meget signifikant artikel, der på baggrund af sociologiske grundige undersøgelser forklarer, hvorfor mennesker i stor skala vedbliver med at tro på løgn som sandhed, selvom de er blevet præsenteret for bevisbyrde om det modsatte.

Det er altså nødvendigvis ikke manglende intelligens eller rationalitet, som er årsagen til den manglende erkendelse, revision, indrømmelse, etc., men snarere, at den manglende åbenhed overfor nye opdagelser — uanset hvor rationelle og indlysende – udgør den refleksmæssige hindring for det mentale kvantespring, som for langt de fleste er svært at foretage. Dette er historisk attesteret til fulde indenfor alle områder af viden.

Det er ofte attesteret, at den psykologiske barriere i form af kulturel hypnose, vantro, følgagtighed, og identifikation med det vante, udgør skyklapper der hindrer udsynet til nye sandheder. I denne kontekst er det sandsynligvis også den største hindring for de fleste menneskers modtagelighed overfor potentielt høj sandhedsværdi af nærværende artikel, idet konditionering og rigid identifikation med institutionernes og massemediers socialisation, ideologier, m.m. er faktorer som blokerer for ny information, der kunne revidere den hidtidige status quo.

Perceptionsstyring, imitation, vigtige kollektive psykologiske barrierer, comfort zones, flokdyrsmentalitet –  at mennesket, kollektivt og individuelt, er prisgivet konditionering og perception management i en uhyggelig grad, og at det irrationelt imiterer/reproducerer omgivelserne, er attesteret ved Solomon Aschs eksperimenter allerede i 50erne, Stanley Milgram i 60erne, Stanford fængselseksperimentet  i 70’erne, og i nyere tid ikke mindst af Adam Curtis prisbelønnede serie af BBC-dokumentarer,specielt The Century of the Self og The Power of Nightmares,  Scott Nobles serie af dokumentarfilm,  specielt Psywar, og ikke mindst Howard Blooms ypperligst mesterlige artikel ‛Reality is a Shared Hallucination, for blot at nævne nogle få. 

Men at gennemskue begreber, faktorer og årsagssammenhænge, som ikke står i pensum på statskundskab, medicin, fysik, m.m. kræver en proaktiv selvstændig trods, observation og logik, dannelse og selvuddannelse.  Problemet er,  at mange ting som internet renæssancen har afsløret, simpelthen er for voldsomt historie-revisionistiske og provokerende i forhold til det “alment accepterede” verdensbillede, og går derfor imod mange ting som regnes for ‘sikker’ uantastet viden iblandt den mentalitet man (nedsættende eller ej) kan kalde ‛pensumpapegøje-mentaliteten‛ –  hvis uddannelse, dannelse og socialisation er blevet prægede af et anglo-amerikansk eurocentrisk universitetspensums selektive optagelse af det, som formenes at være sikker viden (videnskabeligt, politisk, historisk, økonomisk, etc.). Men som historisk kan vise sig, og ofte har vist sig at være censur, udeladelser, fejl, ‛uddannelsesskade‛, historieforfalskning, perception management, kontrol, indoktrinering, magtinteresser, m.m. 

Vejen frem er at ‘deprogrammere’ sine dannelses- og uddannelsesskader ved observationer, logik og selvstudier, som mange akademikere f.eks. allerede har gjort. Men da dette er angstprovokerende for fangerne i Platons Hule at høre, er reaktionen oftest vantro, latterliggørelse, angst, aggression og irrationel kritik – en kritik der kan vise sig at være fatal i favør for Stockholmsyndrom og bødlernes fortsatte videnskabelige, økonomiske, politiske, og mediemæssige monopolisering. Men alt dette er krævende, så lad os hellere forblive i lykkelig uvidenhed, livet er kort, ‘hvad kan jeg gøre?’ 

Alternativet er at forblive i mørket som et menneske, der levede og døde i det 21. århundrede, men ikke fattede dybere baggrunde pga. kognitiv dissonans, hvad, hvem, hvor, hvorfor, etc. 

Man kan lade hånt om alle disse ovenstående magtfaktioner, men det ironiske er, at de vil påvirke dit liv,(og har påvirket dit liv), din families liv, din socialisation, din uddannelse, dine tanker, etc., hvad enten du ved det eller ej.

Du kan lade hånt om det, være uvidende, men du kan være sikker på, at de magtfaktioner, som du er uvidende om, ikke desto mindre vil påvirke dit liv. Tankevækkende. 

At leve, troende sig ‘fri’, alt imens psyken i generationer er omkalfatret til at acceptere et maskeret, men morderisk slaveri som ‘frihed’, er måske den sorteste eksistens, den ultimative hån mod friheden og livet selv. 

Kyllingerne – en mefistofelisk parallel til mennesker:

Der dræbes 800 millioner slagtekyllinger i Storbritanien hvert år. De er avlet til at vokse særligt hurtigt, og ofte dør de, fordi deres hjerte og lunger ikke kan holde trit med deres krops hurtige vækst.

Nogle har forslået ”The Blind Chicken’-solution. Kyllinger der er blevet blinde pga. uheld har muligvis udviklet sig til en stamme af laboratorie kyllinger, der ikke længere har noget imod at blive stuvet sammen så meget som normale kyllinger.

Man overvejer at bruge blinde høns i fødevareproduktion, som en løsning på problemet med tætpakkede kyllinger i fjerkræ industrien. Det ville være mere humant at gøre høns blinde, end dem der kan se – hævdes det.

Men senest, er der foreslået et nyt system til masseproduktion af kyllinger, hvor dele af fuglenes hjernebark fjernes, så de ikke oplever rædslerne ved deres omgivelser. Det er den “hovedløse kylling ” som løsningsmodel.

Dette ville indebære fjernelse af kyllingernes hjernebark, så at deres sanseperceptioner hæmmes, så at de kan blive producerede under meget tætpakkede forhold uden at opleve den associative stress, der normalt følger med tætpakkede forhold. Hjernestammen vil fortsat være intakt, så at de homeostatiske (ligevægtsbalancerende) funktioner kan fortsætte.

Da de vil være ophængte i høje lodrette strukturer som holder dem på plads, dvs. ubevægelige, vil elektriske chok sørge for muskelvæksten, så at kyllingernes vækst kan fortsætte som ‘normalt’

Grunden til dette forslag er tiltagende efterspørgsel på kød og specielt dette:

for at forbedre kyllingernes velfærd ved at desensitivisere dem overfor den ubehagelige virkelighed af deres eksistens”

[Er det i øvrigt derfor, at DR ikke må sende for mange ‘negative nyheder’ om udlandet til danskerne?]
Og videre:

“After this “desensitisation”, the chickens could then be stacked into huge urban farms with around 1,000 chickens hooked up to each large vertical frames — a little like the network of pods the humans are connected to in The Matrix.

Læs resten her i Wired

Kyllinge-parallellen blegner således ved siden af den virkelige verden, hvor millioner af mennesker går til grunde pga. en psykopatisk elite, men vanviddet er, at godhjertede uddannelsesskadede autoritetstro mennesker beskytter de selvsamme mennesker som dræber dem for magt og profit (Big Pharma, False Flags, omstyrtning af samfund ved false flags, invasioner, krige,etc).

DK-Hobbiter er måske lidt undskyldt, da vi qua vores troskyldighed ikke er skikkede til at forstå det, men således bliver vor vantro og skepsis, noget som tjener eliten godt.

Det er værre end Stockholmsyndrom, for dér ved gidslerne i det mindste, at der er en gidseltager.

Vi er i en situation, hvor de uafvidende ofre (kyllinger) – for krigsherrernes og elitens perception management – har internaliseret elitens verdensbilleder, i vidt omfang – indenfor politik, medicin, økonomi, jura, psykologi, m.m. – skabt af elitære tænketanke, hvis verdensbilleder er designet til at beskytte eliterne, som ofrene/gidslerne ikke tror eksisterer – alt imens gidslerne samtidigt angriber de vågne mennesker som forsøger at befri dem, fordi gidslerne (kyllingerne), pensum papegøjerneofrene, foretrækker at forblive desensitiverede for eksponeringen af den ubehagelige virkelighed. Kyllingerne har ikke en chance, det har vi – alligevel handler de fleste som nyttige farlige idioter, der forsvarer bødlerne, så det er værre end eksemplet med kyllingerne.

Og den episke perverse ironi er: De godtroende ofre og benægtere angriber de mennesker som ønsker at befri ofrene, mens de forsvarer eliten pga. uvidenhed – selvom benægterne bliver angrebet af de samme eliter, de antager for at være ikke-eksisterende.

Det er Psywar perception management overført på Platons Hule i det 21. århundrede, blot langt, langt værre, for at udtrykke det meget mildt.

Mennesker vil blive chokerede, når de opdager, at de er blevet massivt løjede for, og massemedierne vil fremstå som Komiske Ali. Hvad der ikke er på radaren, er det mest magtfulde; sandhed – men falskheden promoveres mens sandheden censureres.

Snart kan eliten, krigsherrerne og massemedierne ikke længere opretholde illusionen, og systemets sande drakoniske natur vil blive eksponeret. Det sker hele tiden lige nu big time, mens der er ‘Vild med Dans(k)’ og grillkylling på Titanics øverste luksusdæk.

Folk må begribe de korrekte landkort (fortolkninger og facts) eller blive prisgivet farlig propaganda i vild forvirring, når  The Truman Show kollapser for alvor.

Snart vil for mange ændringer blive for åbenlyse for, for mange mennesker til, at man kan blive holdt hen i den Goebbelske afskærmning fra virkeligheden.

Et af de stærkeste præmisser, der forhindrer folk fra at vågne op, er den fejlagtige tro på, at regeringer og massemedier ikke ville lyve og bedrage i et så excessivt forræderisk og morderisk omfang som de har gjort.

Men internetrenæsancen tordner fremad!

* Der er delvist copy/pasted fra tidligere artikler.

Sandheden om Løgnen – Krigene & Kollektivt Stockholm-syndrom

Death of Democracy – and a New Year rocket

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by morton_h, the blogger

Democracy, as we believe we know it, has failed. We still talk about it as if it exists. It no longer exists. There is something else. This something resembles that which existed without being that, which was.

There has been a devaluation of democratic thought and democratic institutions, so this thought no longer have the people in mind, and these institutions no longer protect the people.

There has emerged a new speak variation of the concept democracy through a slowly transformation, a global coup d’etat in slow motion, so that the concept no longer means ‘the people governs’, but ‘the governing of people’.

There is a collective mental illness in which people in a state of apathy approves incompetent, ignorant, narrow-minded and in some way corrupt leaders make decisions that are in destructive conflict with people’s fundamental interests.

There has been built up a state of neo-feudalism post-democracy, corpotokrati, oligarchy, plutocracy, bureaucracy, technocracy. This ‘cracy’ presents itself as being demo-cracy, while essential decisions are made at a level that evades democratic control.

Democracy has come to be to a sinister game, a tragedy, a farce, a travesty. It calls itself ‘representative’, but does not say who and what it represents. Either it does not know who and what it represents, or has given up trying to represent anything other than the representatives themselves.

To the extent that democracy still exists, it is in the sense of ‘tyranny of the majority’. But the tyrant, who previously was a visible figure or a visible regime, has now embedded itself in the individual and the group, which then tyrannizes itselves and each other through through various measures of guilt, fear, shame called political correctness.

Picture taken with the camera in Christiansborg basement a few seconds before the camera was zapped.

In the historical dungeons of Danish parliament, Christiansborg, this fellow was filmet by CCTV seconds before the camera was zapped. [picture: morton_h]

[scroll ned for at læse blogposten på dansk]


While this decline has taken place something else is starting to occur. We can not call it democracy as the word is devalued and polluted. This somethingis in the process of realizing what the democratic idea apparently was about, but forgot about over time.

Apparently, the democratic thought / idea was not initially so well forged as it has been claimed. The idea originated in the ancient city-state at the same time as the oligarchy, the control by the capable of the incapable – or simply: dictatorship. Democracy and oligarchy is from the beginning one yard out of the same piece, and together form a bi-polar synthesis. It was very early demo-garchy and oli-cracy. After a vaste time with Empire / Monarchy and feudalism the idea of democracy resurrected, but this could no longer escape a half millennium of cultural habit formation. People had too long been the shepherd’s sheep. Self governance had been forgotten and a sovereign person could only be a nobleman – the term ‘noble’ not referring to human moral quality but to wealth, power and ability to deprive others of the same.

Representative democracy only works fairly decently, if people keep a close eye on what the representatives do with their powers – and then do not hesitate to hold them accountable. This does not happen. There is hesitation, people politily and well educated wait until the next release of powers, and the damage is done. Then a new team of representatives promises to repair the damage done by treating the symptoms, after which a number of side effects = new and worse damage occurs.

The process has over a couple of hundred years created a complex, opaque and dysfunctional society. Democracy is one long chain of regrets, one repetitive swinging back-and-forth between the one and the other state of imbalance. Citizens – also called ‘voters’ – have slowly but surely sunk into a state of apathy, a frustrated giving up. Without understanding what has happened, they have allowed all basic and traditional well-proven values to transform into nihilism = worthlessness.

There are two ways to commit atrocities on the mind: rape and seduction. Oligarchy today is resident in all democratic institutions and brought into being by a mixture of these two assaults. Democarchy / olicracy can not exist without mentally raped or seduced citizens who are caught in a fight for survival or a state of material enjoyment, where they are fairly equipped, fairly entertained and fairly distracted. Only fairly so-and-so, never really fulfilled. Either pain or Valium.

Demogachy is a state of controlled imbalance like when the pharmaceutical industry and its partners mass produce physical and mental imbalance to keep their machine going. Like when banking mass produce economic imbalances, which are all tied up in an eternal debt – to keep their machine going. They call it many things, Psychology of Scarcity, Strategy of Tension, ..

Demogarchy is parasitic on its own citizens and just like with a sick human body it takes the cells to supply the fuel, so the parasite can survive. As cells we have adapted to the imbalance and now crying out loud, if the imbalance is imbalanced. We are the cells that maintain the parasite / the fungal infection / the inflammation.

Cultural healing and attention
Al healing starts with that one begins to listen to your body / human society signals and give it attention. This alert may in some cases be sufficient to initiate a cure.

Within a particular school of healing happens outbreak of disease synonymous with the launch of healing. According to German New Medicine (Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer) a cancer is the stage of the disease where the body’s own cure long since have started. In other words, conventional medicine actually begin to fight cure. This explains the very low degree of cure of cancer, in spite of the staggering amounts applied on scientific research. It should be mentioned that the equally staggering amount earned on the extent of cancer among the people especially in the West seem to a main reason, why this research has never been scant interested in investigating the possibility, that its very basic paragraph could be wrong. It is a disease industry, and the scientific paradigm supports this industry.

Democracy bears a strong similarity to these kinds of industries.

We could talk far more about the healing of human culture. We should not be slow to admit that, having written extensively on the sicknesses of the same overall culture. For it is a sick culture, we try to diagnose. To use a term from medical diagnostics, then there a high degree of co-morbiditycan be observed, meaning not just one disease condition, but many at once, shaping an interwoven and interconnected jumble of diseases. Diseases in the sense of states of imbalance, forced, unnecessary and unnatural conditions. What about the following diagnosis: Cultural multi-auto-immune-deficiency syndrome. Such a ‘diagnosis’ – please understand the analogy – includes the breeding ground for imbalance / disease, which is our own weakened and often total lack of defense against socio-cultural and mental-ideological attacks.

[picture: morton_h]

Let us dwell a little longer in analogies food and health.

  • Humanity, it seems, needs to undergo a cultural cleansing program, a cultural diet and strengthening the cultural immune system.

    It has to be done on both collective and personal level.
    We must clean out the unhealthy ways to think, react and act.

  • We have the choice, it seems, whether we want to invest energy in really thinking of the implications this has for our lives and actions – OR simply reacting like children and hunted animals (with all due respect to children and animals).

    Reactionary behaviour (non-thinking) has profound implications in the wrong direction for future opportunities to live a dignified human life.

    We must teach ourselves to be critical and selective in relation to the information and influences that we absorb into the mental digestive system.

  • We have the choice, it seems, to eat the crap being served – OR come up with a better menu based on quality material and honest information.

    We must build a defense against the mental-polluting agendas and manipulative mind-control systems currently crashing over us.

    We have the choice, it seems, to be a ball helplessly kicked around by booted feet on nameless bodies without face – OR even to take the shoes on and start kicking. It is better to be left back than being a stupid leather ball with mud.
  • We have the choice, it seems, to hear series of odd sentence constructions coming out of our mouths that we never have formulated ourselves, whose origins we have no clue on, and whose main message can be abbreviated to ‘I think it’s okay to destroy my own life and the lives of others” (..did I say that? – yes, that you actually have!) – OR take responsibility for their own opinions by doing some homework before we give our opinion.

It all starts with the attention. Only when we become aware that something is completely wrong, we can move on. I would argue that this is about to happen. I have often argued that Scandinavia is the last place, a change is going to happen as it is targetted to be a laboratory for a new variation of soft totalitarianism based on political correctness, a Culture Marxist incubator. Sweden is currently the most advanced in this bizarre process.

Scandinavians, particularly Danes see themselves as liberal, we have the welfare state, we have social security, we have social-democratism. We also have our own form of misery and new-poverty. It just looks nicer on paper and in the picture, when in turn, is the quite boring and unattractive. We meet it at the social offices, in the suburbs, on the benches in the parks, in front of supermarkets, at train stations. It hides in the fringe Denmark in dilapidated country houses. It is riddled with abuse of children, women and men – and various kinds of dope. One could argue that it is a byproduct of the welfare state, and its interference in everything as a nanny. Impoverishment is not clear as elsewhere in the world, for it is painted over with lots of good will. But it is there, and it goes hand-in-hand with a special Danish form of mental-spiritual impoverishment. It is no coincidence that it is a Dane who has invented flap hat.

The Dane that invented the flap hat. [image: morton_h]

The contrasts are smoothed in this liver paste, grey, flat country. It’s not from here, we should expect the light in the global darkness, for welfare people are really good at exercising self-censorship. It is the couch voter country. If you thought safe on the concept couch voting, you might think twice. What if this type of voting creates citizens, who believe that democracy consists in putting his greasy cross on a piece of paper every four years and then sink into the couch, turn on the television – the main source of disinformation – and stare at how the politician class in the country manages the greasy cross on the paper? Here the couch voter may also see and hear why the politicians class believe, that tax dollars should be used to engage in aggressive acts of war in areas of the world where there is no welfare systems, flap hats and other high cultural products.

Lack of education
Which brings us to another democratic problem: stupidity. Or rather lack of education. Democracy is supposed to mean equal influence to every person. But how can the influence be equal when most people don’t have the faintest idea of why they are voting, who they are voting for, what they can expect of those that are elected in terms of representing them? When people cannot grasp neither the complexity or even worse: the scary simplicity hiding behind artificial complexity – and even worse stil: when their representatives can’t explain the simplicity for them because they themselves are caught up in the spiderweb of not-understood complexity, how can we even begin to talk about equality in influenze? 



When you realize this, it makes you really suspicious of schooling systems and institution AND the product of those. No school that sucks can produce growing up people that will fulfill a democracy. It is probably among the main reasons, why democracy has been killed. Someone did it, but we let it happen! It didn’t just happen by nature or by itself.

Democracy has become a voyeur-democracy. We should not overall demonize politicians as people, for some of them are annoyed indeed, that the people are so apathetic and indifferent. What they do not see is that they take part in a theatre play, where they stand on stage and people sitting in the hall – or fail to appear at the show. They play the role night after night, they feed into it, they even feel for it. But there is a screenwriter who has devised the lines, and there is an instructor who has taught them to recite them. They may think of the show in the now as theirs, but it is never they who own it.

The show is called representative democracy, but the players no longer know who they represent. It is no longer their constituents. If they have time and want to know who they are genuinely represent, they should walk over to the other side of the street, where there is a bank and a local headquarters for a multinational cartel.

This ‘something else’ is under the radar, elsewhere in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It happens across countries and outside the institutions. It is done in groups, movements, networks, and in individuals. Producing transnational networks right now outside Europe and the US. It may remind us of something we already know, but the difference is that they play against the West and its democracies. They know that we in the West have long since developed post-democratic methods, where politician can avoid having to ask the people whether, for example is a good idea:

  • decomposing bomb x-number of countries outside the West, because management has listened to a great power that calls them ‘naughty’
  • that international cartels now can sue a country to make them stand in the way if its governemt should make demands on the environment, payment of taxes, submission of accounts and compliance with national rules
  • to pay out billions taxpayers money to banks that have played illegal derivative casino games with their customer money
  • to change the Information Act so that citizens no longer have access to the basis of politicians’ decisions
  • to the prior state-owned energy company sold in bits to one of the world’s largest financial criminal cartels
  • that it is appropriate for the EU to take control of the country’s regulatory system and dictate tons of new absurd regulations at will
  • screwing further up the taxation and now implementing austerity measures so that the multinational cartels can continually evade paying taxes in the country

Should anyone find it reasonalble to protest over one or more of the above grotesque entirety, they will either get the message that they have two possibilities: put their greasy cross on the paper, next time it is handed out, or go into politics and be corrupted themselves, since they dare complain – it’s called democracy. Or you will meet a wronged flapping of eye lids and a bimbo-face, ‘Oh, you must of course understand that it is for your own sake !?’ It could also be the following variant, which was heard during the sale of Danish DONG Energy (former national Danish company) to the financial mafia cartel Goldman Sachs:‘There is no need to answer the question on such difficult, since people have no insight in those matters anyway’ (excuse me, that’s why you are being asked!).

Goldman sucks too! [billede: Avoe]

  • In Western pseudo-democracies the people are being ‘parked’ while management makes decisions about … not to make decisions but to sign a confidential memo.
  • In the West relate the Media is no longer making an honest living by revealing the bad game in the corridors of power and pursuing an action with tirelessly homework. They are advertising agencies and entertainment factories.
  • In the West most citizens think of the media the infallible institutions. If something has been on television, it is real. Otherwise, it is actually non-existing. In The Soviet everyone knew that Pravda and other state propaganda media was lying to their teeth. Their downtrodden citizens in other words were more enlightened about reality than the West’s citizens today. But we have democracy and so called free press!
  • In the West, almost all written and electronic media are purchased by a very small group of men who anytime can drop a consistent flood of dis-information against certain initiatives outside the West deemed contesting. Should any of these media still call themselves state controlled, it will not make much difference, since the State also is bought, and the very few but very large news agencies supplying all media with newsworthy are all owned by the small group of men.
  • In the West, we suggest that there is freedom of research, but if a researcher were to find to make research results that was not on the order-and-pay list, they may have to look for a job as … taxi driver.
  • In the West talks all the time about ‘free trade’ and ‘free movement’ for those who commit this ‘free’ trade. In effect, this newspeak means freedom for the cartels to set the one set of rules for others and another for themselves. Standard is good, but …
  • In the West we like to sign international conventions to which we then do not have to abide by. Some countries in the West no longer believe, that they have to abide by their own constitutions.
  • In the West a lot is spoken about terror, terrorism and terrorists. Outside the West people in some decades have been wondering, how Western citizens can be so stupid that they have not discovered that a couple of Western governments together a few corrupt regimes in the Middle East finances, organizes, trains and hires terrorists with one hand – then for a while benefiting from the consequences of terror acts – while with the other hand gesturing in assumed wild panic about these horrible types and whines that it must indeed do something, and launch of another ‘humanitarian intervention’. It is also called ‘security policy’.
  • In the West we see, however, prefer to democracies outside the West do not take it with democracy too solemnly. Should these democracies – we will mention Iran in 1953 – find it is their right to make decisions on a fully democratic manner, the West can well consider that it is time to overthrow democracy and insert a despot with operating handle in the back. This is called ‘protecting our interests’.
  • In the West we very much talk about democracy, but as we know, is a difficult thing to ask of the people, technocrats have found ways to circumvent it in order to alleviate the pain of the poor people – and for themselves. It is a pass-by-democracy. On the other hand we are so confident of democracy’s superiority, that we are willing to mass murder people elsewhere in the world for them to introduce it this wonderful concept.
  • In the West you like to watch television. In particular, wars, accidents, scandals, disasters and more wars are much in demand in prime time. In return, television media and its viewers quite quickly lose interest in a country where this ‘democratization’ did not quite go after the alleged intention. There is not much entertainment in the report from the bombed desert area of civil war, shattered economy and infrastructure, unnecessary poverty and a population suffering from the after effects of strategic nuclear weapons and chemical weapons of mass destruction used by US Army and NATO.

All this and much more is read and understood outside the West – they have already had it in smack their face and without soft wrapping! – and, may we add, increasingly among a growing number of people in the West. Something is being matured. The child, the democratized individual, is beginning to understand that mom and dad are not telling the truth about what they’re up to when the kids are in bed (‘Daddy, who was the strange man, you had to visit the other day?’). There is globally growing pains. The democracies have evolved to Aunt States, now interfering in everything, controlling everything, destroying all initiatives and redefining all human values to fit a narrow purpose.

En kommende borger i et demokratisk samfund

To stay for a while in the child-parent-adult analogy, now happens a global rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. In the collective and the individual sphere. There is fractal, scalable, which is in small as in large. The spell is lifting. Sleep medicine is running out – even if it overturns up with new products. There may be an emergence of a growing immunity.

I know. Pessimists and apocalyptics will immediately enumerate them from the large Catalogue de Misère. The list is really, really long, and list items are really, really worrying. And they are for a large part not plucked out of thin air. They will take the binoculars to the eye and say that EVERYTHING goes to Hell and NOTHING suggest otherwise. For miseries are so well known and well-communicated even in mainstream media, that they simply drowns out the ‘other’, the ‘something’ that often fly under the radar. And if with the binoculars for the other eye something can be interpreted in non-destructive direction, so they change gears and start a ‘third narrative’ that everything is planned as a huge dialectical chess game.

In addition, one could just lift their own hat and introduce a ‘fourth narrative’ by asking quite cosmological: What if the third narrative (about the great together drove conspiracy) turns out to be anticipated, so it just is a global event that must form the basis for the global transition from child to adult? Certainly, the global mother and father are worried that their children would grow up as they moved out of the home, and then they got lonely in their old age. Certainly, the global mother and father have a whole arsenal of sanctions and bait in stock, and more will be made every day that passes – both in the categories ‘house arrest’ and ‘free candy Saturday night’.

But I’m just asking: What if this is already contained in the cards that children leave home, so it can hang out with their friends of the bad company from the other side of the street (who also have moved out of home) without asking permission. It’s seen before. Certainly trying the global mother and father will try EVERYTHING they can to keep their breed in an artificial infantilization and immaturity. It also seems likely that it will succeed long way, we only need to study the behavior of so-called adults. Coca-Cola culture is extensive on this globe, for loading yourself with shit is extremely addictive.

So I ask – and it will not be the last time: Is not to discern that the World has had enough of empty calories, empty talk and empty values? And it’s not as if it is moving around down there, over there, out there, in there? Keep an eye on when it moves. Maybe you want to move with it.

[billede, text: morton_h]

Fly him to the moon
Let him stay among the stars
Let him breathe the athmosphere
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, and all that jazz
In other words, blow his ass

Fill his heart with gold
and let him choke forever more
That is all he longs for
All he worships and adores

In other words, this will stop
In other words, blow him up.

Happy trails, mr. Rocket-Feller

Demokratiets død – nu med nytårsraket

Demokratiet, som vi mener at kende det, har fejlet. Vi taler om det, som om det findes. Det findes ikke længere. Der findes noget andet. Dette andet ligner det, der fandtes uden at være det.

Der er sket en devaluering af den demokratiske tanke og de demokratiske institutioner, så denne tanke ikke længere tænker for folkene, og disse institutioner ikke længere beskytter folkene.

Der er opstået en ny-sproglig-gørelse af begrebet demokrati, et langsomt skred, et globalt kup i slow-motion, så begrebet ikke længere betyder ‘folkene styrer’, men ‘styring af folkene’.

Der har indfundet sig en kollektiv mental sygdom, hvor folkene i en tilstand af apati godkender, at inkompetente, uvidende, snævertsynede og korrupte ledere træffer beslutninger, der er i destruktiv modstrid med folkenes grundlæggende interesser.

Der har opbygget sig en tilstand af neo-feudalt post-demokrati, korpokrati, oligarki, plutokrati, bureaukrati, teknokrati. Dette ‘krati’ fremstiller sig selv som værende demo-krati, alt imens essentielle beslutninger træffes på et niveau, der er udenfor demokratisk indflydelse.

Demokratiet er blevet til et teaterstykke, en tragedie, en farce, en parodi. Det kalder sig ‘repræsentativt’, men siger ikke, hvem og hvad det repræsenterer. Enten ved det ikke, hvem og hvad det repræsenterer, eller også har det opgivet at repræsentere andet end repræsentanterne selv.

I det omfang, at demokratiet stadig findes, er det i betydningen ‘flertalstyranni’. Men ‘tyrannen’, der før har været en synlig skikkelse eller et synligt regime, har nu indlejret sig i individet og gruppen, som herefter tyrannerer sig selv og hinanden via politisk korrekthed.

Billede taget med overvågningskamera i Christiansborgs kælder et par sekunder før, kameraet blev zappet.
[billede: morton_h]

Mens dette forfald har fundet sted, er noget andet i gang med at opstå. Vi kan ikke kalde det demokrati, da ordet er devalueret og forurenet. Dette noget er i færd med at realisere det, som den demokratiske tanke tilsyneladendehandlede om.

Tilsyneladende, for den demokratiske tanke/ide var ikke fra starten så helstøbt, som den selv hævdede. Ideen opstod i bystaten på samme tid som oligarkiet, de bedst-egnedes styre over de u-egnede – eller slet og ret: diktatur. Demokrati og oligarki er fra begyndelsen én alen ud af samme stykke, og danner tilsammen en bi-polær syntese. Det var allerede fra starten demo-garki / oli-krati. Efter en rum tid med Imperium / monarki og feudalisme genopstod tanken om demokratiet, men denne kunne ikke længere undslippe halvandet årtusinds kulturel vanedannelse. Mennesker havde alt for længe været hyrdernes får.

Det repræsentative demokrati fungerer kun nogenlunde hæderligt, hvis folk holder nøje øje med de repræsentanter, de afgiver deres beføjelser til – og herefter ikke tøver med at stille dem til ansvar. Det sker ikke. Der tøves, der ventes til næste afgivelse af beføjelser, og skaderne er sket. Herefter forsøger et nyt hold repræsentanter at reparere på skaderne ved at symptombehandle, hvorefter en række bivirkninger = nye og værre skader opstår.

Processen har i et par hundrede år skabt et komplekst, uigennemskueligt og dysfunktionelt samfund. Demokratiet er én lang kæde af fortrydelser, en repetetiv svingen frem-og-tilbage mellem den ene og den anden tilstand af ubalance. Borgerne – også kaldet ‘vælgerne’ – er langsomt men sikkert sunket ned i en tilstand af apati, en frustreret opgiven-ævret. Uden at forstå, hvad der er sket, har de tilladt, at alle værdier har transformeret sig til nihilisme = værdiløshed.

Der er to måder at begå overgreb på: voldtægt og forførelse. At oligarkiet i dag har fast bopæl i alle demokratiske institutioner er bragt i stand ved en blanding af disse to overgreb. Demogarkiet/olikratiet kan ikke eksistere uden mentalt voldtagne eller forførte borgere, der enten er fanget i en kamp for overlevelse eller en tilstand af materiel nydelse, hvor de er tilpas forsynet, tilpas underholdt og tilpas distraheret. Kun tilpas, aldrig fuldbyrdet. Enten smerte eller valium.

Demogarkiet er en tilstand af kontrolleret ubalance, som når medicinalindustrien og dens samarbejdspartnere massefabrikerer fysisk og mental ubalance for at holde sig selv i gang. Som når bankvæsenet massefabrikerer økonomisk ubalance, hvor alle er bundet op i en evig gæld – for at væsenet kan holde sig selv i gang.

Demogarkiet parasitterer på sine egne borgere, og som i en syg menneskekrop kræver dens celler tilførsel af brændsel, så parasitten kan overleve. Vi har tilpasset os ubalancen og skriger højt, hvis ubalancen kommer i ubalance. Vi er blevet til de celler, der vedligeholder parasitten / svampeinfektionen / betændelsestilstanden.

Kulturel helbredelse og opmærksomhed
Al healing starter med, at man begynder at lytte til kroppens / det menneskelige samfunds signaler og giver den opmærksomhed. Denne opmærksomhed kan i visse tilfælde være tilstrækkelig til at starte en helbredelse.

Indenfor en bestemt skole af healing sker udbruddet af sygdom synonymt med igangsættelse af helbredelse. Ifølge Ny Tysk Medicin (dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer) er en kræftsvulst det stadium af sygdommen, hvor helbredelse for længst er startet. Det vil med andre ord sige, at den konventionelle medicin faktisk går i gang med at bekæmpe helbredelse. Det forklarer i så fald en del af den meget lave grad af helbredelse for kræft på trods af de svimlende beløb, der er tilført forskning. Det bør lige nævnes, at de lige så svimlende beløb, der tjenes på omfanget af kræft blandt befolkningerne især i Vesten, forklarer, hvorfor denne forskning aldrig har været synderlig interesseret i at undersøge den mulighed, at selve dens grundpræmis kunne være forkert. Det er en sygdomsindustri.

Vi kunne tale langt mere om helbredelse af menneskelig kultur. Det bør jeg ikke være sen til at indrømme. Det er en syg kultur, vi forsøger at diagnostisere. For at bruge et udtryk fra medicinsk diagnostik, så er der tale om en høj grad af co-morbiditet, altså ikke bare én sygdomstilstand, men mange på én gang, et sammenvævet og indbyrdes forbundet virvar af sygdomme. Med sygdomme menes her tilstande af ubalance, forcerede, unødvendige og unaturlige tilstande. Hvad med følgende diagnose: Kulturel multi-auto-immun-defekt-syndrom. En sådan ‘diagnose’ – forstå venligst analogien – inkluderer selve grobunden for ubalance/sygdom, som er vores eget svækkede og ofte totalt manglende forsvar mod angreb.

[billede: morton_h]
Lad os opholde os lidt længere i analogierne føde og sundhed.

Menneskeheden er nødt til at gennemgå en kulturel udrensningskur, en kulturel kostomlægning og en styrkelse af det kulturelle immunforsvar.
Det er nødt til at foregå på både det kollektive og det personlige plan.

  1. Vi må rense ud i usunde måder at tænke, reagere og handle på.

    Vi har valget, om vi ønsker at investere energi på egentlig tænkning med de konsekvenser, dette har for vores liv og handlinger – ELLER blot at reagere som små børn og jagede dyr (med al respekt for børn og dyr).
    Reaktionsbestemte handlinger har dybe konsekvenser i negativ retning for eftertidens muligheder for at leve et værdigt menneskeliv.

  2. Vi må lære os selv at være kritiske og selektive i forhold til de informationer og påvirkninger, som vi optager i det mentale fordøjelsessystem.

    Vi har valget mellem at æde det lort, der bliver serveret – ELLER komme op med en bedre menu baseret på ordentlige råvarer og hæderlige informationer.

  3. Vi må opbygge et forsvar mod de mental-forurenende agendaer og manipulerende sinds-kontrolsystemer, der for tiden vælter ind over os.

    Vi har valget mellem at være en bold, der viljesløst sparkes rundt af bestøvlede fødder på navnløse kroppe uden ansigt – ELLER selv at tage skoene på og begynde at sparke. Det er bedre at være venstre back end at være en dum læderkugle med mudder på.

    Vi har valget mellem at høre underlige sætningsdannelser komme ud af vore munde, som vi aldrig selv har formuleret, hvis oprindelse, vi ingen anelse har om, og hvis budskab kan forkortes til: ‘Jeg synes, det er i orden at ødelægge mit eget og andres liv’ (har jeg sagt det? – ja, det har du rent faktisk!) – ELLER tage ansvaret for egne udtalelser ved at gøre et stykke hjemmearbejde, før vi udtaler os.

Det hele starter altså med opmærksomhed. Først i det øjeblik, vi bliver klar over, at der er noget, der er rivende galt, kan vi komme videre. Jeg vil påstå, at dette er ved at ske. Jeg har ofte argumenteret for, at Skandinavien bliver det sidste sted, en forandring kommer til at ske, da det er udset til at være et laboratorium for en ny klam form for blød totalitarisme baseret på politisk korrekthed, en kulturmarxistisk rugekasse. Sverige er for tiden længst i denne bizarre proces.

Skandinaverne, især danskerne, ser sig selv som frisindede, vi har velfærdstat, vi har social sikkerhed, vi har social-demokratisme. Vi har også vores egen form for forarmelse og ny-fattigdom. Den ser bare pænere ud på papiret og på billedet, til gengæld er den røvkedelig og ucharmerende. Vi møder den på socialkontorerne, i forstæderne, på bænkene i parkerne, foran supermarkederne, på togstationerne. Den gemmer sig i udkants-Danmark i faldefærdige landejendomme. Den er befængt med misbrug af børn, mænd og kvinder – og stoffer. Man kunne hævde, at den er et biprodukt af velfærdsstaten, hvor staten har blandet sig i alt som en barnepige. Forarmelsen er ikke tydelig som andre steder i verden, for den er sminket med masser af god vilje. Men den er der, og den går hånd-i-hånd med en særlig dansk form for mental-åndelig forarmelse. Det er ikke tilfældigt, at det er en dansker, der har opfundet klaphatten.

En glad dansker – ikke selvportræt! [billede: morton_h]

Kontrasterne er udjævnet i dette leverpostej-grå land. Det er ikke herfra, vi skal forvente lyset i det globale mørke, for velfærdsmenneskene er rigtig gode til at udøve selvcensur. Det er sofavælgernes land. Hvis du troede dig sikker på begrebet, tog du måske fejl. Hvad nu hvis en sofavælger i virkeligheden er en borger, der tror, at demokrati består i at sætte sit fedtede kryds på en lap papir hvert fjerde år og derefter synke ned i sofaen, tænde for fjernsynet – hovedkilden til disinformation – og beglo, hvordan politiker-klassen i landet forvalter det fedtede kryds på papirlappen? Her kan sofavælgeren også se og høre, hvorfor politiker-klassen mener, at skattekroner skal bruges til at deltage i aggressive krigshandlinger i områder af verden, hvor der ikke findes velfærdssystemer, klaphatte og andre højkulturelle produkter.

Men måske sofavælgeren har ret. Er det er ikke netop sådan, at demokratiet har udviklet sig? Det er blevet til et voyeur-demokrati. Vi er med på en kigger. Vi behøver egentlig ikke dæmonisere politikere som mennesker over en kam, for en del af dem ærgrer sig faktisk over, at befolkningen er så apatisk og udeltagende. Hvad de ikke ser er, at de deltager i et skuespil, hvor de står på scenen, og folk sidder i salen – eller udebliver fra forestillingen. De spiller rollen aften efter aften, de lever sig ind i den, de føler måske endda for den. Men der er en manuskriptforfatter, der har udtænkt replikkerne, og der er en instruktør, der har lært dem at fremsige dem. De kan i nuet tænke på forestillingen som deres, men det er ikke dem, der ejer den.

Forestillingen hedder det repræsentative demokrati, men aktørerne ved ikke længere, hvem de repræsenterer. Det er ikke længere deres vælgere. Hvis de skulle få tid og lyst til at vide, hvem de er reeltrepræsenterer, bør de gå over på den anden side af gaden, hvor der ligger en bank og et lokalt hovedkontor for et multinationalt kartel.

Dette ‘noget andet’ sker under radaren, andre steder i Europa og andre steder i verden. Det sker på tværs af landene og udenfor institutionerne. Det sker i grupper, bevægelser, netværk og hos individer. Der dannes store transnationale netværk lige nu udenfor Europa og USA. De minder om noget, vi kender i forvejen, men forskellen er, at de spiller op imod Vestens forfaldne demokratier. De ved, at man i Vesten for længst har udviklet post-demokratiske metoder, hvor man kan undlade at spørge befolkningerne om, hvorvidt det for eksempler er en god ide:

  • at sønderbombe x-antal lande udenfor Vesten, fordi ledelsen har lyttet til en stormagt, der kalder dem for ‘uartige’
  • at internationale karteller nu kan sagsøge et land for at stille dem hindringer i vejen, hvis dens ledelse stiller krav om miljø, betaling af skat, aflevering af regnskaber og overholdelse af landets regler
  • at betale et større milliardbeløb til banker, der har spillet ulovlig derivat-kasino med kundernes penge
  • at offentlighedsloven laves om, så borgerne ikke længere har indsigt i grundlaget for politikernes beslutninger
  • at det før statsejede energiselskab bliver solgt i stumper til et af verdens største finansielle forbryderkarteller
  • at det er i orden, at EU overtager styringen af landets love og kan diktere nye efter forgodtbefindende
  • at der skrues yderligere op for brandbeskatningen og nu foreslås hestekure, så de multinationale fortfarende kan unddrage sig at betale skat i landet
Hvis nogen skulle finde på at protestere over en eller flere af ovenstående groteskheder, så få de enten besked om at de bare kan sætte deres fedtede kryds på papirlappen, hvis de er utilfredse – det kaldes demokrati – eller også bliver det møde en forurettet plirren med øjnene og et bimbo-fjæs: ‘Jamen, du må jo forstå, at det er for din egen skyld!?’ Det kunne også være følgende variant, der blev hørt under salget af DONG Energy til Goldman Sachs: ‘Der er ingen grund til at svare på det spørgsmål, for den slags svære ting har folk ingen indsigt i alligevel’

Goldman sucks! [billede: Avoe]
  • I Vestens pseudo-demokratier bliver befolkningerne parkeret, mens ledelsen træffer beslutninger om … ikke at træffe beslutninger, men at skrive under på et fortroligt notat.
  • I Vesten forholder medierne sig ikke længere som den instans, der afslører det slette spil i magtens korridorer og forfølger en sag med utrætteligt hjemmearbejde. De er reklamebureauer og underholdningsfabrikker.
  • I Vesten tror de fleste borgere på mediernes ufejlbarligheder og fuldtræffeligheder. Hvis noget har været i fjernsynet, så findes det. Ellers findes det rent faktisk ikke. I Sovjet vidste alle, at Pravda og de andre stats-propagandamedier var løgn fra ende til anden. Deres underkuede borgere var med andre ord mere oplyste om virkeligheden end Vestens borgere i dag. Vi har jo demokrati og fri presse!
  • I Vesten er samtlige skrevne og elektroniske medier blevet opkøbt af en ganske lille gruppe mænd, der til enhver tid kan slippe en samstemmende flodbølge af dis-information løs imod tiltag udenfor Vesten, der skønnes anfægtende. Skulle nogle af disse medier stadig finde på at kalde sig statskontrollerede, vil det ikke gøre den store forskel, da staten også er opkøbt, og de ganske få nyhedsbureauer, der forsyner samtlige medier med nyhedsstof alle er ejet af den ganske lille gruppe af mænd.
  • I Vesten påstår vi, at der er fri forskning, men hvis en forsker skulle finde på at fremkomme med forskningsresultater, der ikke stod på bestillingslisten, kan vedkommende godt regne med at se sig om efter et job som … taxachauffør.
  • I Vesten tales der hele tiden om ‘fri handel’ og ‘fri bevægelighed’ for dem, der bedriver denne ‘frie’ handel. I realiteten betyder dette stykke nysprog frihed til karteldannelse.
  • I Vesten kan man godt lide at skrive under på internationale konventioner, som man herefter ikke behøver at rette sig efter. Visse lande i Vesten mener heller ikke længere, at de behøver at rette sig efter deres egen forfatning.
  • I Vesten tales der vældig meget om terror, terrorisme og terrorister. Udenfor Vesten har man i et par årtier undret sig over, at Vestens borgere er så dumme, at de ikke har opdaget, at et par af Vestens regeringer sammen et par korrupte regimer i Mellemøsten finansierer, organiserer, træner og hyrer terroristerne med den ene hånd, hvorefter de for en stund nyder godt af terrorens konsekvenser – mens de med den anden hånd gestikulerer i påtaget vild i panik over disse forfærdelige typer og hyler op om, at det må de så sandelig gøre noget ved, og nu må deres iværksættes en ‘humanitær intervention’. Det kaldes også ‘sikkerhedspolitik’.
  • I Vesten ser man dog helst, at demokratier udenfor Vesten ikke tager det med demokrati alt for højtidligt. Skulle disse demokratier – vi nævner i flæng Iran 1953 – finde på at træffe beslutninger på fuldt demokratisk vis, kan Vesten godt skønne, at det er på tide at omstyrte demokratiet og indsætte en despot med operative håndtag i ryggen. Det kaldes at ‘beskytte vore interesser’
  • I Vesten taler man vældig meget om demokrati, men da det som bekendt er en svær ting at spørge befolkningen, har man fundet måder at omgås det på for at lette besværet for de arme stakler – og for sig selv. Til gengæld er man så overbeviste om demokratiets fortræffelighed, at man er villige til at massemyrde folk andre steder i verden for at de skal indføre det.
  • I Vesten kan man godt lide at se fjernsyn. Især er krig, ulykke, skandaler, katastrofer og mere krig meget efterspurgt i prime time. Til gengæld mister man ret hurtigt interessen for et land, hvor denne ‘demokratisering’ ikke gik helt efter den påståede intention. Der er ikke så meget underholdning i at rapportere fra et sønderbombet ørkenområde med borgerkrig, smadret økonomi og infrastruktur, unødvendig fattigdom og en befolkning, der lider af eftervirkningerne af strategiske atomvåben.

Alt dette og meget mere er læst og forstået udenfor Vesten – de har jo fået den lige i fjæset og uden indpakning! – og efterhånden også blandt et stigende antal mennesker i Vesten. Der er noget, der har modnet sig. Barnet, det demokratiserede individ, er begyndt at forstå, at mor og far ikke fortæller sandheden om, hvad de har gang i, når børnene er lagt i seng (‘far, hvem var den mærkelige mand, du havde besøg af forleden?’). Der er globalt vokseværk. Demokratierne har udviklet sig til tante-stater, hvor staten blander sig i alt, kontrollerer alt, ødelægger alt initiativ og omdefinerer alle menneskelige værdier.

En kommende borger i et demokratisk samfund

For at blive en stund i barn-forældre-voksen analogien, så sker der nu en global overgangsrite fra barn til voksen. Det sker samtidig i den kollektive og den individuelle sfære. Der sker fraktalt, skalerbart, som i det små så i det store. Forhekselsen er ved at lette på sig. Sovemedicinen er ved at slippe op – selvom det vælter op med ny præparater. Der er måske ved at opstå en resistens.

Jeg ved det. Pessimister og apokalyptikere vil straks remse op fra det store misère-katalog. Listen er rigtig lang, og liste-punkterne er særdeles bekymrende. Og de er ikke alle grebet ud af den blå luft. De vil tage den kikkert for øjet og sige, at ALT går ad helvedet til og INTET tyder på andet. For misérerne er så velkendte og så vel-kommunikerede, at de ganske overdøver det ‘andet’, det ‘noget’, der ofte flyver under radaren. Og hvis det med kikkerten for det andet øje kan tydes i ikke-destruktiv retning, så skifter de gear og starter et ‘tredje narrativ’ om, at det hele er planlagt som et kæmpestort dialektisk skakspil.

Hertil kunne man bare løfte deres egen hat og indføre et ‘fjerde narrativ’ ved at spørge helt kosmologisk: Hvad nu, hvis det tredje narrativ (om den store sammenkørte konspiration) viser sig at være forudset, så det blot er en globale event, der skal danne afsæt for den globale overgang fra barn til voksen? Javist har mor og far været bekymret for, at deres børn skulle blive voksne, for så flyttede de jo hjemmefra, og så blev de ensomme på deres gamle dage. Javist har mor og far et helt arsenal af sanktioner og lokkemad på lager, og flere kommer til for hver dag, der går – både i kategorien ‘husarrest’ og ‘fri slik lørdag aften’.

Men jeg spørger bare: Hvad nu hvis det allerede står i kortene, at ungen flytter hjemmefra, så den kan hænge ud med kammeraterne ovre fra den anden side uden at spørge om lov. Det er jo set før. Javist forsøger mor og far ALT, hvad de kan for at fastholde ungen i en kunstig infantilisering og umodenhed. Noget kunne tyde på, at det lykkes langt hen ad vejen, vi behøver blot at studere adfærden hos såkaldt voksne mennesker. Coca-Cola-kulturen er omfattende på denne klode, for omgang med lort er ekstremt vanedannende.

Så jeg spørger – og det bliver ikke sidste gang: Er det ikke til at få øje på, at Verden har fået nok af tomme kalorier, tom snak og tomme værdier? Og er det ikke som om, det er ved at rykke på sig dernede, derude, derovre, derinde? Hold øje med, når det rykker. Måske du har lyst til at rykke med.

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }[billede, text: morton_h]

Fly him to the moon
Let him stay among the stars
Let him breathe the athmosphere
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, and all that jazz
In other words, blow his ass

Fill his heart with gold
and let him choke forever more
That is all he longs for
All he worships and adores

In other words, this will stop
In other words, blow him up.

Happy trails, mr. Rocket-Feller

Death of Democracy – and a New Year rocket

Revolutionary Flux – Cutting Edge VII

 by ‘ChaosNavigator’

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Skip the intro if you want and go straight to the headlines below. Probably again (again) one of the most concentrated summary of surreal headlines/links you have ever seen in one post  – some so shocking as to defy belief – a surreal snapshot of the moment as a periodic portal bulletin. Mostly diligently selected intel under the mainstream radar (the real picture).

Intel crowdsourcing, intuition, analysis, logic, and evidence  – be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative. It’s overwhelming in terms of the nature of changes but knowledge-mapping of under-the-radar events is paramount. Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are just as important to get a feel of the mind-boggling beyond-insanity changes.  There is a hidden order in what appears to be random links and that is basically correspondence of truth, breaking the trance, self-empowerment and protection, cutting edge developments, self-education, discovery, and reformation

It’s all happening: Revision, reformation, revolution, renaissance….in the midst of breakdowns and breakthroughs. In all fields of knowledge there are revisions leading up to a paradigm shift. Cutting edge – be there or be square!

It only takes a few moments to share an article, but the person on the other end who reads it might have his life changed forever
– Investment Watch

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett
at TED Talks
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

The Internet Reformation – The Revealer of Truth and Lies
It’s a known fact that the Worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press
of the World. Everywhere the Internet has become established which is now
most of the World, it has provided instant access to an incredible amount of
information from esteemed authors and researchers, facts that are
showing the Major Mass Media’s narratives and stories to be largely
false.. The Internet is now producing incredibly astute researchers that
are sharing facts gained through their individual efforts, but the group
sharing is producing a whole new Internet related Worldwide sport of
“crack the criminal conspiracy”.

Internet 2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

But there is a reason why such a large ‘industry’ has developed on the web with people writing articles that don’t say what the mass media say. That reason for is, obviously, first and foremost that not everybody believes whatever they are told. The problem is equally obvious: not nearly enough people are being reached to make a true difference, and to question the official narratives.

There are many people in the blogosphere who are many times smarter than the people who write for the mass media, and that’s a very simple and hardly disputable fact that needs to be recognized.

Secret Negotiations For Big Brother To Go Global

At least until now, that is. Thanks to a leaked document jointly published by the Associated Whistleblowing Press and Filtrala, the potential ramifications of the treaty being hashed out behind hermetically sealed doors in Geneva are finally seeping out into the public arena.

Will The Internet Reformation Lead To A Global Political Reformation?

A dark cloud of fear and death hangs over the journalism profession in the West. But that’s not the whole story. Most journalists just flat out don’t care about the common good, freedom, truth, or justice.  And so it is to the Internet – “to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance

US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet
The Future of the Internet: Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale – The full video can be found here. Lawrence Lessig claims that the US government has prepared a type of Patriot Act that is in place should a major security event occur, a 9-11 type event. And just like the Patriot Act contains all sorts of new restrictions there is the fear that this I-Patriot Act will have many restrictions and laws that will limit the way the Internet is used:

Google ‘Forgets’ 228,000 URLs – Many More Coming
It turns out, lots of people want to erase their past from the world’s leading search engine. Ever since a European court began allowing individuals to petition Google to remove links about them, requests have flooded in. Indeed, according to data released this week, the internet giant has received over 200,000 requests from business owners, wanna-be politicians, former criminals and everyday citizens who want previous disgraces or sensitive information to be erased from the Web.

“The Interview” –  False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

The Interview was made with the direct and open involvement of CIA and Rand Corporation operatives for the express purpose of destabilizing North Korea. Star and co-director Seth Rogen has admitted that he worked “directly with people who work in the government as consultants, who I’m convinced are in the CIA”.

Sony hack exploited to distract from Police State, while promoting desperately unfunny ‘The Interview’

World War III – The Calm Before the Storm
by the formidable StormCloudsGathering
In historical terms these are the final seconds of the 11th hour, and the clock is ticking.

NATO in Ukraine Means Asking for War with Russia

Russia at WAR on ALL Fronts! Fighting West in Economic and Political Warfare!

U.S. War Against Russia Is Now Against Hungary Too
Hungary has decided to align itself with Russia against the United States.  The Western Alliance is starting to fray, over the insistence by Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress to go to war against Russia.  This is called a ‘new cold war,’ but it’s actually already a hot war within Ukraine, immediately next door to Russia.

60 Prominent Germans Appeal Against Another War In Europe: “It Is Not About Putin. What Is At Stake Is Europe”
Zero Hedge | “War in Europe Again? Not in Our Names!”

Putin signs new military doctrine that names NATO expansion as greatest threat to Russia

NDCC war room. Computer simulation. Image by Defence Ministy

Russia launches ‘wartime government’ HQ in major military upgrade – Preparations for War?

Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of the entire country in case of war.

‘Noah’s Ark’: Russia to build world first DNA databank of all living things
Russia’s largest-ever scientific grant to collect the DNA of every living and extinct creature for the world’s first database of its kind.

New York Times: Enemy of Truth

Yes to bitcoin! Russian ministry says quasi-money ban may endanger banks, retailers

Gorbachev: Putin saved Russia from disintegration

China’s leader is telling the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for war
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent statements have been alarming
China’s neighbors. What’s behind them?

The Washington Morons Have Managed To Create A Chinese-Russian Alliance

Russia-US relations ‘poisoned’ for decades to come – Medvedev

Mikhail Gorbachev to RT: America wanted to rule the world but lost its way

Insanity: Ukraine ascension to NATO would end Russia-NATO ties – Moscow
If Ukraine were accepted as a NATO member, it would end any relations
between the alliance and Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry warned.

Forget ‘Evil’ Putin – We Are the Bloodthirsty Warmongers
by Peter Hitchens, brother of the late Christopher Hitchens

US Media Propagandizes Against Vladimir Putin, for “Regime Change” in Russia

Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?
The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are
talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media
suggests that they are.

The Ultimate Guide to Mainstream Media: American TV Networks (P1)
Disinfo CIA Presstitutes in American mainstream media exposed by RT

Why You Should Never Watch RT — Ever!
Plurality of views must be prevented in order to stop the war against war

How Canada’s Media Deceives the Public on Ukraine

Putin Decides to Donate 50,000 Tons of Russia’s Coal Daily to Ukraine for Heat

The Bear Squeezes Back: Russian Ruble Rises against the Dollar

Russia’s launches its own SWIFT system response to banking sanctions

Putin’s annual marathon press conference: What he isn’t telling us

Russia, China mock divide and rule
At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glazyev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the US ambassador is in charge.

Ruble Crash: China Pledges to Support Russia

Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West
Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the Russians
are going to unleash what he called the “ultimate black swan” against
the West. Dr. Roberts also discussed how a terrifying series of events
would then bring the Western financial system to it knees as the banking
system completely collapses.

Paul Craig Roberts Stunning 2015 Predictions – At Any Time The West Can Collapse
Eric King:  “Dr. Roberts, what are your predictions for 2015?  Dr. Roberts:  “At any time the Western house of cards could collapse.  It (the financial system) is a house of cards.  There are no economic fundamentals that support stock prices — the Dow Jones.  There are no economic fundamentals that support the strong dollar…. “

Celente – The Terrifying Reality Of Western Aggression Against Russia
Following up on the extraordinary interview with Dr. Roberts, today the man former U.S. Treasury official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes for spoke with King World News about the truly terrifying reality of Western aggression against Russia.  This powerful interview takes a hard look at what a catastrophic situation this is for the world.
Hope Despair - Public Domain

There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming
If you were about to take a final exam, would you have more hope or more
fear if you didn’t understand any of the questions and you had not
prepared for the test at all?  Some people assume that I must be filled
with worry, bitterness and fear because I am constantly dealing with
such deeply disturbing issues. But that is not the case at all .Do you
want to know who is going to respond to the years ahead with fear, panic
and depression? The millions of people that have absolutely no idea what
is coming and have made absolutely no preparations are going to be
absolutely blindsided by the coming economic collapse.

How oil’s become the world’s most potent weapon: Forget nuclear arms.

The U.S. and Saudis are behind an oil price crash

Britain has surpassed France as the world’s 5th largest economy because of prostitutes and illegal drugs

Financial Times:  Russia is a Creditor to the World – Default Risk Non-existent

Russia is solvent and fully able to pay its debts.  The threat of default – sovereign, public, and private – does not exist.

Witness account of Ukraine MH17 takedown confirmed by lie detector – investigators
Russia’s Investigative Committee has confirmed the claims by a Ukrainian,
who said he witnessed the deployment of a Ukrainian warplane armed with
air-to-air missiles on the day the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down.

Shock: Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17
– Vladislav Voloshin: “The Plane Was In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time”

Ukrainians name Donbass deaths ‘event of the year’  – poll
Over 4,000 dead, almost 10,000 injured in E. Ukraine fighting since April – UN

The West’s Ignorance of Ukraine Atrocities is an OUTRAGE!
Gang rapes of minor girls aged 12, 13 and 14 years old” by Ukrainian
thugs. mass graves, numerous cases of civilians pulled out of their cars
and summarily shot, mass graves of people shot with their hands tied in
their back and tortures, tortures and more tortures: systematic
beatings, branding with swastikas, knife wounds, broken bones, heard
trauma, damaged kidneys are all apparently what any detained person
(regardless of the reason for their detention) should expect from the
Junta’s “liberators”.Furthermore, it is now becoming apparent that about
50% of the Novorussian “prisoners of war” which are being exchanged for
Ukrainian POWs under the terms of the recent ceasefire agreement are not
combatants at all but civilians seized for the sole purpose of
exchanging them.

Most Heartbreaking Ukraine Civilian Bombing Video We’ve Seen
After seeing this, no sane person could still believe Kiev is right in attacking East Ukraine.

Understanding the Aggressive US Stance towards Russia

Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives
The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of
geopolitical warfare against Russia. The result could be trillions of dollars

Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA’, Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’

Washington was behind Ukraine Coup d’Etat, In Response to Russia’s Stance on Syria: Stratfor

US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia?

Leaked CIA docs teach operatives how to infiltrate EU

NEO – Engdahl – Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine

Former Airline CEO Claims US Military Shot Down MH370 Near Diego Garcia
A second senior airline industry source has revealed his belief that
there is some sort of conspiracy behind the disappearance of Malaysia
Airlines flight MH370.

The Militarization of Police in America: “Active Shooter Training” Now Massively Federalized
Alongside the militarization of police which provides high powered
weaponry and armored vehicles to state and local law enforcement,
officers are receiving military-style training funded and supervised by
the DOJ.

 US Families Prepare For ‘Modern Day Apocalypse’
Thousands of families are hoarding food and weapons in anticipation of
an impending catastrophe

The Doom Boom: US Families Increasingly Prepared For “Modern Day

Japan’s Answer to Radiation: Massive Natural Indoor Farms
Can earthquakes and tsunamis put the Japanese food producer down? Apparently not. Sanriku Fukko National Park now hosts the world’s largest indoor farm. It was built inside an old, 25,000-square-foot semiconductor factory and uses 100 times less water than an outdoor farm. What’s more, they claim that their produce contains 8 to 10 times more beta-carotene and twice the vitamin C, calcium and magnesium as its outdoor-grown counterparts.


When the grocery store shelves are empty, this amazing Food Rising invention will keep you well fed and nourished

Seven Reasons Why the “Bad Guys” Keep Winning

People are wired to believe our leaders’ big statements, even if they are ridiculous

UK ‘Establishment’: Unmasking psychopathic faces – Pedophilia and murder in VERY high places

Could 2015 be the year of domestic robots and 3D printed food? Futurologist claims technology has reached a ‘tipping point’

Cutting costs: 3D printing is a technology moving further into the mainstream The Micro 3D, pictured, costs $249 (£150), weighs just 2.2lbs (1.2kg) and prints objects up 4.6-inches (116mm) tall. Its designers launched the product on Kickstarter earlier this year

Global Systemic Financial Crisis 2015: Geopolitics, Oil and Currency Markets

By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB)

United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Goes Into Effect Christmas Eve, Gun Advocates In U.S. Worried

US Power Centers Splinter as Chaos Rises
The US is splitting apart: Some 60 years of expanding authoritarianism
has created political and economic facilities that are now beginning to
face off against each other. There are dozens of intel agencies,
hundreds of military specializations, vast bureaucracies at local, state
and federal levels – all supported by a worldwide dollar economy that
virtually forces other nations to hold dollars in order to buy
oil.Increasingly, as the struggle for resources grows more pronounced,
each of these entities will involve themselves in growing “turf wars.”
It is not, of course, just a Western problem. Europe has similar woes
and its fringe parties are becoming more extreme.

Obama Increases Allowable Levels of Radiation in Drinking Water “Dramatically”

7 Things You Must Know to Be a Free-Thinker

15 Toxic Beliefs You Should Give Up to Be Happy

Working toward a warp drive: In his garage lab an inventor bends fabric of space
You might not believe any of this stuff. But suspend your disbelief for
a moment and make space for something incredible.
Let’s start this past summer, when a NASA scientist named Harold “Sonny”
White unveiled an artist’s rendering of a spacecraft capable of shooting
across the galaxy.

Is Human DNA Reprogrammable With Light, Sound, Frequency and Vibration?

DNA Junk

Major Flaws in Mobile Communications
German researchers have discovered security flaws that could let
hackers, spies and criminals listen to private phone calls and intercept
text messages on a potentially massive scale – even when cellular
networks are using the most advanced encryption now available.

Cell phones cause cancer. The research is conclusive

7 Ways To Reduce Electrical Pollution In Your Home or Office

Plastic Products and Bottles Linked to IQ Reductions

Press TV – a Loss for the Good Guys
Iran’s Press TV is still a force to be reckoned with, from a broadcast
standpoint.  They are still blocked from most satellites, from most
service providers and from many entire nations.  Their staff, the
producers and presenters are world class.  The problem is with the Press
TV website.  It has almost “gone dead,” a big win for the controlled
mainstream media.

Rallies staged in over 30 Spanish cities against tough new anti-protest law (PHOTOS)

Summary, November 2014: Fireballs, Extreme Weather, High Strangeness and Earth Changes
The eleventh installment in our monthly series, the following video compiles footage of ‘signs of the times’ from around the world during November 2014 – ‘earth changes’, extreme weather, meteor fireballs, high strangeness and planetary upheaval.

FEMA document admits solar flare could collapse U.S. power grid for years

Government Reports Conclude Most of Us Will Die if the Power Goes Out
The report to the right is the single scariest government document I
have ever read. It details what would happen to America if the lights
went out in a technical language so precise there is no shying away from
its conclusion. It is a rigorous and punctilious vision of the apocalypse.

Researchers develop underwater ”thinking” robots to surveil and engineer the ocean

Scientists from Harvard University conducted an experiment recently which they say proves the theory of mental telepathy.

Beijings airpocalypse- city on the verge of being uninhabitable
 Buildings and spaces are being reconfigured and daily routines modified
 to allow normal life to go on beneath the toxic shroud.
Paper face masks have been common here for a long time, but now the
heavy-duty kind with purifying canister filters – of the sort you might
wear for a day of asbestos removal – are frequently seen on the streets.
On bad days, bike lanes are completely deserted, as people stay at home
or retreat to the conditioned environments of hermetically-sealed malls.
It’s as if the 21-million-strong population of the Chinese capital is
engaged in a mass city-wide rehearsal for life on an inhospitable
planet. Only it’s not a rehearsal: the poisonous atmosphere is already

Despite ban Monsanto & Bayer’s GMO plants contaminate Europe

Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’
Two films expose in no uncertain terms the core issue of our time: how
the financial system has come to dominate the globe by centralizing
wealth and power through Usury, the manipulation of the volume of money,
and centralized control of credit allocation.

9/11 False Flag – American Traitors and Mossad – Where are the Oath Keepers? – Ken O’Keefe

Shameless health authorities keep pushing flu vaccines even after openly admitting they don’t work

Vaccine Vortex: Devouring innocent children, naive parents, gullible physicians

It’s WAR On The Streets Of America
If you are not convinced that this is a war, perhaps you should heed the
words of the NYPD’s union.  The following is an excerpt from an alert
that was just released…”The mayor’s hands are literally dripping with
our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the
first time in a number of years, become a ‘wartime’ police department.
We will act accordingly.”

Mainstream Media Ignores Massive Open Carry Protest
Thousands came together on the front lawn of the capital building, armed
with a myriad of weapons. They broke the law in full view of the police;
some by passing their guns to fellow protesters, while others offered
their firearms for sale.
What’s even more interesting, though not surprising, is the nearly
complete lack of response from the mainstream media.

U.S. Government: Rap Music Means Covert War in Cuba (and around the World)
“The sad truth is that so many female ‘artists’ — almost all of them rabid feminists and sexual exhibitionists — have nothing to sell but vaginas”

Very, Very Bad Things

Intel Cowboys all over the World are getting clued in to how they have
been used… to be later disposed of by the Organized Crime Cabal — and
are now taking action to reverse this

RT Report: Israel Supports Jihadists, ISIS in Syria
The U.S., Israel and other states will support terrorists, even brutal
terrorists who behead children and use women as sex slaves, if it
advances their objectives.

The Problem with Obama’s Cuba Speech

DARPA’s Autonomous Microdrones Designed to Patrol Inside Houses
As drone expert, P.W. Singer said, “At this point, it doesn’t really
matter if you are against the technology, because it’s coming.”

Scientists successfully create artificial sperm and eggs from skin cells

Saving Cities with Urban Gardening and MakerSpaces

Rise of far-right: Thousands rally at anti-Islam protest in Germany
At least 17,500 people took part in a protest against Islamization in
Germany’s eastern city of Dresden, according to police. The Monday rally
comes as the latest round of demonstrations organized by the rising
far-right PEGIDA movement.

Unacceptable Levels: The Chemicals In Our Bodies; How They Got There and What To Do About It

Top 25 Ways to Detox from Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Enviro-Toxins

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
Flickr - Heart - WITCH'S

Mainstream media panics over Dr. Oz teaching disease prevention and nutritional self-care
The pro-pharma, anti-nutrition mainstream media is engaged in an all-out
panic over the success of Dr. Oz in teaching nutrition and disease
prevention to the American public. Not surprisingly, all the usual
suspects — media outlets funded by Big Pharma advertising money — have
unleashed a wave of hit pieces against Dr. Oz, claiming his advice is
“unproven.” This is rather hilarious from the outset, considering the
irrefutable fact that nearly all the most popular drugs don’t work on
most people.

I’m Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

I was deeply saddened by the dozens of people who think having their
rights violated is a wonderful thing.
They simply can’t wrap their heads
around how very wrong this is, what a slippery slope that we are
stepping onto, and how this is an entry into the police state in all its

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

Chemtrails: The Secret War –  SHOCKING Documentary
The Italian website Tanker Enemy have produced an outstanding
documentary entitled: “ Chemtrails: the secret war ”. This film analyses
 and provides scientific evidence pertaining to the chemtrails
phenomenon. Weather manipulation is only one (collateral) aspect of this
phenomenon. What is at stake is a covert military agenda.

“Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented
From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control

Google just unveiled the first functional prototype of its self-driving car

We Need to Talk About the Health Risks of Wearable Technology

Transhumanist Wet Dreams: Scientists inject human brain cells into mice, making them ‘significantly smarter’

$300,000 in gold missing from Ukraine Central Bank after swapped for lead bricks
Cunning fraudsters have conned the Ukraine Central Bank branch in Odessa
into buying $300,000 worth of gold which turned out to be lead daubed
with gold paint

We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Produces False Confessions

New York Times calls for Cheney, Bush officials to be investigated and prosecuted for torture


Federal Court Gives Bush Regime Officials Immunity From Law

“Troubles in ‘the Bush’”,  “Germany [Human Rights Group] Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials”

Jon Stewart: Dick Cheney is a psychopath

China – Ghost Cities
“Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year,
but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns.There are
around 64 million empty apartments in China”, claims analyst Gillem

Mainstream Media being sued over Sandy Hook Fraud for 1 Trillion $
“After exhaustive research, the good news is that overwhelming evidence reveals that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook two years ago. For relief, I have filed lawsuits against the media in US District Court in New Haven for Fraud and Terrorism. Here is an example of our abundant evidence, Exhibit D: The Connecticut State Police dash cams record no evacuation of children from school at critical moments: — Smoking Gun evidence no children died at Sandy Hook.”

The Sandy Hook Hoax: How we know it didn’t happen
The absence of evidence that should be present and the presence of
evidence that should be absent are keys to unraveling Sandy Hook. And
the suppression of the new documentary, “We need to talk about Sandy
Hook”, appears to be backfiring

Must-see: ‘We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook’- Full Video HD

Biopsies “seed” cancer and help it to spread.

Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago! Half of all children will be autistic by 2025, warns senior research scientist at MIT

Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals
Our understanding of what causes cancer has undergone something akin to
a Copernican revolution in the past decade. Biological fatalism has been
the predominant force in medicine over the past half century, where most
conditions including cancer were believed predestined ‘in the genes,’
and therefore impossible to reverse.

500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

More ridiculous ‘Diseases’ big pharma is trying to make you believe you suffer from

The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis

110-Year-Old Man Says These 5 Foods are Essential for Longevity

Top 12 Herbs and Spices to Get You Through the Flu Season

GMOs: the “natural foods” industry is not your friend

Dr. Matthew Buckley – How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains and Health of Everyone

The secret GMO war: double agents, betrayal, greed

A taste of the future: Double amputee controls two bionic arms at the same time

Scientists discover just IMAGINING exercising can make you stronger, tone your muscles, and delay or stop muscle atrophy

MMS ON TRIAL : A Message from Jim Humble – Crucial Moment in History for MMS – Fight For Your Freedom!

Here’s What’s Behind Some Of The Most Common Sexual Anxieties

Free Mind Films Releases Trailer for ‘ShadowRing’, an Expose on the Council on Foreign Relations

Solutions to the Global Conspiracy

Israeli Report admits they are Descendants of Khazars

‘Everything Is In Place And Nobody Can Stop Us Now’ – Dr Day 1969 Lecture

Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900′s
A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900′s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

Lost Ancient American History Documentary – Full
Most Americans have no idea that ancient cities with advanced architectures once dotted the ancient North American landscape. It is estimated that there once existed over 200,000 cities, structures and mounds across the continent.

USA: Discovery Of 9th Century Quranic Manuscripts Predate Columbus Travels By Five Centuries
For centuries it was believed that Christopher Columbus was the first man from the Old continent to cross the Atlantic to the New World, but new evidence from a research team from the University of Rhode Island suggests Muslim seafarers might just be the first people to have settled on the shores of America, a possibility that could rewrite history as we know it. – See more at:

60 Seconds of Crop Circles 2014

9 Lunar Waves (Hologram?)

Comment: A camera artifact would move with the camera/sensor, not to
mention a rolling shutter would always go in the same direction across
the CMOS, this occurs at different angles and from different directions.
If it was a camera artifact it would also occur regularly under the same
circumstances, he can film for dozens of hours without it happening and
all of a sudden it does it. What they have filmed is inexplicable

Lunar Wave (Hologram?) Confirmed By Two Additional Videos!

Revolutionary Flux – Cutting Edge VII